Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item #1

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting

December 3, 2013

Agenda Report # 53

TO: Mayor and Councilors

SUBJECT: Health Insurance ? Active Employees and Pre-65 Retirees

INITIATED BY: Human Resources and Finance Department

Recommendation: Approval is requested of a resolution authorizing rate changes

for Health Insurance for Active employees and Pre-65 Retirees and modifications

to the plan benefits. Approval is also requested to move tobacco users to the

same preferred premium rate as non-tobacco users.

Background: The Columbus Consolidated Government provides a health insurance

program to its employees and retirees. The current program is self insured for

employees and pre-65 retirees and their dependents. The rates are adjusted

annually based on the costs of the plan.

In order to satisfy the 2014 healthcare requirement under the Affordable Care

Act, the CCG must provide a reasonable alternative standard for tobacco users.

The same full reward must be available under a health-contingent wellness

program to individuals who qualify by satisfying a reasonable alternative

standard as provided to individuals who qualify by satisfying the program?s

otherwise applicable standard. In other words, this requirement provides an

opportunity for tobacco users to pay the same health care preferred premium

rates as non-tobacco users. The goal of this new requirement is to ensure

tobacco users are not discriminated against and are treated similarly as

non-tobacco users regarding their healthcare.

Analysis: The shortfall to the Health Insurance Fund is estimated to be $2

million based on the expected costs provided by Northwestern Benefit

Corporation of Georgia, our benefits consultant.

Financial Considerations: The Health Insurance Fund is an Internal Service

Fund and must be balanced each year.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact: The expected impact from the plan modifications

is $1 million. The impact of the premium rate changes is estimated to be $0.6


Legal Considerations: The Columbus Council must authorize any rate changes and

plan modifications to the self-insured Health Insurance program.

Recommendations/Actions: Approve a resolution authorizing the rate changes for

Health Insurance for Active employees and Pre-65 Retirees, and modifications to

the plan benefits. Approve tobacco users? premium rate change to the same as

preferred premium rate for non-tobacco users.


NO. ____

WHEREAS, the Columbus Consolidated Government offers a self-insured

healthcare plan to its active employees and pre-65 retirees; and,

WHEREAS, the cost of the plan is comprised of plan benefits, employer

contributions, and employee/retirees contributions; and,

WHEREAS, the Columbus Consolidated Government evaluates and adjusts, if

needed, plan benefits and contributions annually based on the expected cost of

the plan; and,

WHEREAS, the 2014 healthcare requirement under the Affordable Care Act

requires that the CCG must provide a reasonable alternative standard for

tobacco users and they must be treated similarly as non-tobacco users regarding

their healthcare.

WHEREAS, the Columbus Consolidated Government must authorize

implementation of the recommended changes and options.


That the City Manager and/or his designee are hereby authorized to

implement the following changes to the plan benefits, adjust the employee and

pre-65 retiree premium rates effective April 1, 2014. Tobacco users? premium

rate changes to preferred rate effective January 1, 2014.

Active Employees

HMO Preferred Rate Monthly *Health and Wellness Center Preferred Rate

Monthly POS/PPO Preferred Rate


Employee $92.80 $91.00 $98.87

Employee + Spouse $227.20 $195.00 $234.91

Employee + Child(ren) $211.15 $208.00 $218.38

Family $286.73 $221.00 $297.56

*No Changes to the Health and Wellness Center Plan

Pre-65 Retirees

HMO Preferred Rate Monthly Pre-65 Retirees

Health and Wellness Center Preferred Rate

Monthly Pre-65 Retirees POS/PPO Preferred Rate


Employee $164.54 $129.30 $171.94

Employee + Spouse $310.06 $315.50 $324.02

Employee + Child(ren) $288.24 $338.90 $301.22

Family $455.57 $362.30 $476.09

Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held the

3rd day of December, 2013 and adopted by the affirmative vote of _________

members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting __________.

Councilor Baker voting __________.

Councilor Barnes voting __________.

Councilor Davis voting __________.

Councilor Henderson voting __________.

Councilor Huff voting __________.

Councilor McDaniel voting __________.

Councilor Turner Pugh voting __________.

Councilor Thomas voting __________.

Councilor Woodson voting __________.

_______________________________ _________________________

Tiny B. Washington, Clerk of Council Teresa Pike Tomlinson, Mayor


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