Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members





(Requests of Councilor McDaniel)

If you give employees a 4% raise and give it back to the Pension Plan ? How are

you going to save money? (answered)

Would it be a lot simpler to just give the 4% to the pension plan and not give

the employees a raise?

If you give the 4% pay raise and then the same 4% to the Pension Plan ? It?s

going to cost the employees more money because of paying social security and

other taxes.

I don?t see if we just don?t give 4% to the pension plan.

(Requests of Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh)

When we talked earlier about a matching 4% -- is that percentage calculated on

a certain amount of salary or like a 401K like how some employers match the

first 15%.

So what?s the proposal for current and new employees?

What kind of savings are we talking about?

(Requests of Councilor Henderson)

Dual option ? concern about this. From an actuarial standpoint the adverse

selection component ? I just don?t get that.

I thought what was actually coming to the table was the 8% contribution with

the 2% accrual rate. (Answered)

Disparity concerns me with some degree. Concern about any adverse selection.

I would like to see what we can anticipate as far as the disparity percentage.

Most of the folks that come into the workforce educated. I would think they

will select the higher accrual rate.

Quantify information about some adverse selection.

Henderson quantify information on the 2nd tier plan

Randy Robertson:

Numbers that new employee can come in and pay 6% and get a 60% retirement

instead of an 8% with a 60. A new employee can come in and pay 4% how close we

can get to 60.

(Requests of Mayor Tomlinson)

What is the net cost to a new employees of an 8% /60% with a 4% salary increase

and the pre-taxed benefit.

What is the net cost 6%, 8% of pre-taxed benefit?

(Requests of Councilor Thomas)

--I do think we should Stop calling this a pay raise.

current employees, we must give them what they have earned whatever we do in

this venue it must not changed with they have already earned.

employees that are currently not vested ? how will this plan impact them?

If we adopt the plan to change from 5 to 10 years and I contribute and I leave

the city employment before I vest ? only work 8 year. Do you get back what I

put in the retirement plan?

Do I get back just what I put in to it?

If you work less that 10 years- will you receive money back?

GG age 63 with 23 yrs of service ? PS 61 an 29 years of service ? given these

ages, have you seen these impact

Provide the impact on current employees/new employees

Question to Mayor Tomlinson ? what timeline are we looking at.

Requesting at least one more work session with Council to respond to questions

asked today, etc.

Do a comparison on net pay at a 6% rate/8% rate.

(Requests of Councilor Baker)

The impact of forfeiture ? if a something happens with the spouse.

When an employee passes away, what happens to the plan.

457 Plan to supplement as an option. (max. $18,000 per year). Look into this

and make sure that employees understand this plan.

Are they insurable plans ? 457 Plan

(Requests of Mayor Tomlinson)

Information related to what proposed interest rate should be on the return of

any unvested employees so if an employees before they are invested what if any

interest rated should be on top of that.

457 Plan Pension ? look into education for employees.

(Requests of Councilor Woodson)

Interest rate 2% or 5% - for those who leave early ? what would the dollar

amount be.

1% to 4% to General Government employees interest for those who might leave,

provide dollar amount.

Salaries less than $20,000 per year is there a possibility that you can give

the lowest salary.

Part-time employees ? they?re not in our benefits at all.

Mayor -

One of the Councilors made a point - If we have an interest rate ? even if it

was a 1% -- if the pension was to lose money three years in a row we will still

be obligated to pay that employee even if we didn?t earn anything.

Matt Swift ? referred to the CA ? Georgia Law

Large Pension plan was that you had to have an accumulated unfunded actuarial

liability not greater than 25% of the total of its assess.

Next Work Session April 10 provide budget information.

(Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh)

How does the FOP feel about the proposed plan? Randy answered.

How does it compare to other cities plan? Randy Answered.

*** *** ***


Have the staff to provide a breakdown of the employees that have been

identified and how the duties would be shifted around, as far as, the teaching

of the lessons in all of the different areas within the Parks & Recreation

Department. (Request of Councilor Allen)

Have staff to check to make sure that certain employees were not offered

employment at a reduced salary due to them being allowed to receive additional

compensation through coaching. (Request of Councilor Baker) Also, check to

find out if there are employees that are coaching on the city?s time. (Request

of Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh)

*** *** ***


Have the staff check into extending the hours of operation for the

swimming pools. (Request of Councilor Thomas)

*** *** ***


Have the staff to revisit the information we received from Mobile, Alabama

with respect to the innovative ways in which that city was operating their

natatorium. (Request of Councilor Henderson)

*** *** ***


Have staff to check into providing a reduced rate for ice skating during

the summer months when the attendance is low. (Request of Councilor Allen)

*** *** ***


Have staff to make sure that when the Administration addresses the

downtown parking, that the churches in that area are included as a part of that

research. (Request of Councilor McDaniel)

*** *** ***


Have staff to provide a copy of the State and/or Federal Law that allows a

ten year tax break on a condominium unit or property even after the property is

sold off to a citizen. (Request of Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh)



Copies submitted to the following on March 22, 2012

Mayor Tomlinson

City Manager Hugley

City Attorney Fay

Sandra T. Davis

Deputy Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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