Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2015 AT 5:30 P.M.

The following Commission members were present for the entire meeting.


Mr. Winfield G. Flanagan,

Chairman December

31, 2018

Mr. Kerry W. Hand, Vice

Chairman December

31, 2017

Mr. Thomas G. O. Forsberg,

Treasurer December 31, 2015

Mr. Carl Rhodes, Jr. December 31, 2019

Staff members present:

Richard C. Howell, A.A.E., Airport Director

W. Donald Morgan, Jr., Legal Counsel

Mary Scarbrough, Secretary

Jennifer Wright, Propeller?s Manager

Leilini Paleafei, Propeller?s

Lorrie Brewer, Chief Accountant

Michele Renfroe, Flightways Columbus, Co-Manager

Melissa Chadwick, Chief of Public Safety

Andre? Parker, Public Safety

Demetrius Henry, Public Safety

Others present:

Chris Badcock, Tom Bryan, Carson Cummings


The meeting was called to order by Mr. Winfield Flanagan at 5:30 PM.

Mr. Flanagan introduced and welcomed Mr. Carl Rhodes, Jr. and Mr. Chris Badcock

to the Columbus Airport Commission Board.

Mr. Howell also, welcomed both Mr. Rhodes, Jr. and Mr. Badcock.


Motion by Mr. Kerry Hand to approve the minutes as amended for the May 28, 2015

as presented; seconded by Mr. Thomas Forsberg and unanimously approved by the

Commission. Ayes: 3 / No: 0



Mr. Howell reported Airport Administration has been working with the Federal

Aviation Administration (FAA) on this year?s Airport Improvement Program (AIP)

entitlement grant. The Atlanta Airports District Office (ADO) has offered

$32,238.00 of the Airport?s annual entitlement funding to support an inventory

obstructions of the approach ends of runway 6/24. Total project cost for the

runway 6/24 inventory will be $35,821.00.

The grant offer must be accepted, executed and returned to the ADO by July 9,


Staff recommends approval of the Fiscal Year 2015 Federal Airport improvement

Program Grant for the Columbus Airport.

Motion by Mr. Thomas Forsberg to approve the Fiscal Year 2015 Federal Airport

Improvement Program Grant for the Columbus Airport: seconded by Mr. Kerry Hand

and unanimously approved by the Commission. Ayes: 3 / No: 0


Mr. Howell stated as part of the Fiscal Year 2016 budget process the Commission

adopted a comprehensive fee schedule. A study by Airport Administration found

the Commission was not being compensated for many basic services that other

airport organizations would collect for. The goals of the schedule was to

establish a fee structure that compensated the Commission for all services and

to provide guidance to staff so as to provide consistency in charging. The fee

schedule will go into effect with the budget on July 1, 2015. We propose

moving the implementation date to August 1, 2015.

In conjunction with the fee schedule, Airport Administration has been

developing a Flightways Rewards Program for our tenants to participate in. The

goals of that program are to provide a medium for our best customers to

continue to receive complimentary services while encouraging our other tenants

to use Flightways Columbus to a greater extent. This program is planned to be

presented at the July 2015 Commission meeting for implementation on August 1,

2015. It is presently being reviewed by the General Aviation Committee.

Airport Administration feels that while it is critical to implement the fee

schedule it is also important that we recognize we have many loyal customers

who consistently purchase goods and services from the Commission. Part of the

Reward Program mission is to do this. To that end, it is recommended that the

fee schedule implementation be delayed until the rewards program can be rolled


Staff recommends approval of the Commission Fee Schedule for the Columbus


Motion by Mr. Thomas Forsberg to approve the Commission Fee Schedule for the

Columbus Airport was made: seconded by Mr. Kerry Hand and unanimously approved

by the Commission. Ayes: 3 / No: 0



Mr. Howell reported in the first week of June 2015, the Federal Aviation

Administration (FAA) Airports District Office (ADO) advised Airport Management

that the FAA is ready to proceed with an AIP grant this year to inventory all

obstructions to runways 6/24. This would be the first step in removing said

obstructions. For the grant to move forward this year, the FAA required an

executed Work Order (WO) for RS&H to do the inventory. The WO was scheduled to

be on this June 25, 2015 agenda for normal review and approval. However, FAA?s

timing did not allow for that process. After consulting with Airport Counsel

Don Morgan and conferring with Commission members, the Airport Director

executed the WO on behalf of the Commission and brings the action to the

Commission for ratification.

For a number of years, the Commission has had discussions with the ADO

regarding off-airport obstruction removal. A clearing project was conducted in

2001 and another was planned for 2010 that was never performed. Through

negotiation, the FAA has agreed to participate in a new AIP project to remove

obstructions off the ends of runways 6/24 over the next three years. We are

also performing the same work on runways 13/31, but due to Federal policy, ADO

will not participate financially in work on that runway.

Services to be provided by RS&H are:

1. Aerial survey.

2. Obstruction analysis to include integration with previous work from 2001 and


3. Generation of reports and files to support next step of project design in FY


For all services RS&H has proposed a lump sum fee of $ 44,926.00. Of that,

$35,821.00 will be associated with runway 6/24. Funding for this portion will

come from a Federal AIP grant (90%), Georgia DOT contract (5%) and the Airport

Enterprise fund (5%) with the Enterprise fund to be reimbursed later with

Passenger Facility Charge collections. The remaining $9,105.00 for runway

13/31 will be funded by the Enterprise fund to tentatively be reimbursed later

with Passenger Facility Charge collections and 5% from Georgia DOT.

Staff recommends approval to ratify Mr. Howell?s signature on the obstruction

inventory work order with Reynolds, Smith and Hill in moving forward.

Motion by Mr. Kerry Hand to approve the obstruction inventory work order with

Reynolds, Smith and Hill was made: seconded by Mr. Thomas Forsberg and

unanimously approved by the Commission. Ayes: 3 / No: 0


Mr. Howell introduced Ms. Lorrie Brewer, to provide a financial update.


Ms. Lorrie Brewer provided the following information:

The Airport sustained an overall loss of $(10,685) with an adjusted net profit

(without depreciation, amortization, grant or PFC revenues) of $146,771 in May.

Year over year it amounts to an increase in profit over 60% in comparison to

May of last year in which we had an adjusted net profit of $88,174 (see Summary

of Airport Revenues & Expenses).

Propellers Restaurant sales were down by approximately $1K again this month

compared to this month last year; however, Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and other

expenses were held down again this month causing the impact to be far less

significant than last year?s.

Flightways sales decreased a little over $31K compared to May of last year.

Their COGS and expenses were again held down resulting in an increase in net

income over last year. Fuel sales and flowage fees were down compared to last

year; rental fees were up compared to last year this time as well, mainly due

to actual rents being available at the time of closing.

Compared to this month last year, labor and benefits expenses were down

approximately $44K; repairs and maintenance expenses were up about $12K;

utilities and other services expenses again showed little change; insurance

costs were down around $1K and administrative expenses were down by $4K over

last year.

Update on Airport Improvement Project 39:

AIP 39?Construct Airport Perimeter Fencing & Wildlife Hazard Management:

Balance: $1,226,100.00. (No activity.)

Cash flow was positive for the month (see the Cash Flow Summary).

Mr. Kerry Hand inquired for clarification on expenses, if the report provided

included general aviation, tenants, and all expenses in the total expenses?

Ms. Brewer stated yes her report did include all expenses.

Mr. Howell thanked Ms. Brewer for a job well done.


Ms. Jennifer Wright provided the following information.

? Sales were down around $1150.00 compared to 2014. Drink sales were barely

up. Beer sales increased 14%. Vending sales increased 17%. Food sales

decreased by 24%.

? Total expenses decreased 35% compared to 2014. COGS was down 35%.

? Total net income loss for May 2014 was $6,400. May 2015 total net income

loss was $1,800. Jennifer Wright and Propeller?s staff cut the net loss by 71%.

? Propeller?s customer service survey has been completed. In 2014 the

benchmark was set at 91% excellent service based on the server. 2015 customer

service based on speed, friendliness and knowledge increased 4%. Food quality

in 2014 was at 78%. 2015 it has decreased by 6%. Customers? responses covered

quality and variety of food, beverages and menu. In 2014 Propeller?s received

82% excellence on the appearance, atmosphere and cleanliness. 2015 it has

increased by 5%.

? Jennifer Wright and Propeller?s staff will devise a plan to tackle the areas

that were deficient.

Mr. Howell stated regarding the vending machines, Ms. Wright has moved the

vending machines to a more visible area in the airport. the reduction in the

flight schedule contributes TO lower sales in the restaurant and vending

sales. In the purchasing a cold vending machine, this will provide the

customers with more of an option for foods when the restaurant is closed. We

feel this will increase the sales.

Mr. Howell congratulated Ms. Wright for her good work.


Ms. Michele Renfroe provided the following information.

? Fuel gallons pumped year over year comparison:

Fuel item Gallons pumped May 2015 Gallons pumped

May 2014 Change

Auto 212 221 -4%

AVGAS 7,921 10,138 -28%

Diesel 133 144 -8%

Jet A (Express Jet) 9,776 16,842 -72%

Jet A (Retail) 17,404 13,783 26%

Jet A (Contract) 7,370 6,424 15%

Jet A (Gov?t/Mil) 6,054 2,578 134%

Jet A (Justice Flights) 6,777 13,113 -93%

? Justice Flight numbers are still going strong for Flightways Columbus. The

number of aircraft handled in the month of May of 2015 (16) compared to May

2014 (9).

? Darryl and I along with the ARFF station had 66 kids from one school in the

month of April for the Airport Field trips. The ages ranged from 4 to 12 years

of age. Autism adventures also visited FWC, Delta and TSA for their 3rd field

trip with 17 children. Jai and Lai with Propellers catered the event. We had

12 men with the adult Easter seals program who was also on our list of visitors

for the month of May.

We said good bye to two of our Customer Service Representatives. Amanda

Renfroe who had been with the Airport since June 2010 has moved to Dahlonega

Georgia. Kaylyn Alexander who had been with the Airport since February 2013

will say ?I Do? on Sunday and will be moving to Aspen Colorado. Amanda and

Kaylyn were both great assets to the Columbus Airport and were very dedicated

to their jobs. They will be greatly missed by management, employees and

customers of FWC.

Mr. Howell reported there has been a bench mark survey to Flightways Columbus

customers. He has received the results and the reviews have been great, and

they are doing an awesome job at Flightways Columbus. Also, there is a Tenant

survey out in the field and will wrap up in the next few weeks, and it will be

a bench mark survey too. This information will be shared more in depth in the

near future.

Mr. Howell provided the following fiscal year 2015 air service development


Understanding that many in the community are interested in the Commission?s

progress on air service recruitment, and the impending end of the current FY, I

wanted to take a moment recap our efforts for FY 2015.

For our audience, I want to preface my comments with some education.

Discussing air service recruitment is a sensitive topic for the airlines we are

reaching out to. I have experienced air service deals that failed due to

confidential information being released at an inappropriate time. This being

the case, while we don?t publically discuss our air service recruitment

efforts, this doesn?t mean they are not ongoing.

In the fall of 2014, the Commission made application to the Federal Department

of Transportation (DOT) for a Small Community Air Service Development Program

Grant. The program is designed to provide financial assistance to small

communities in order to help them enhance their air service by addressing air

service and airfare issues. The Department provides this assistance in the form

of monetary grants that are disbursed on a reimbursable basis. The Commission

was awarded the largest single grant of $750,000 to develop new routes through

an airline revenue guarantee. The grant was written by our air service

consultant, Sixel Consulting Group (SGC) using information provided by the


In the last twelve months, airport staff in conjunction with SCG, has

participated in sixteen separate meetings with eleven different airlines

including all the major carriers except Southwest. We have not met with

Southwest due to the airline?s business model which at this time is not

conducive to serving the CSG market. The focuses of all these meetings were to

recruit service meeting our air service goals:

1. Connecting service from CSG to Charlotte

2. Connecting service from CSG to a new major airline hub city

3. Direct service to Florida

Along with these formal meetings our consultant Sixel Consulting Group has had

frequent informal meetings with planners from airlines we are interested in.

At this time we are optimistic of a positive outcome to our efforts in the



Mr. Carson Cummings stated both he and Mr. Tom Bryan are involved with a

developer out of Atlanta, The Retail Partners, trying to redevelop the

southeast corner of Armour Road and Manchester Expressway. For some time they

have spoken to the airport authority regarding leasing that corner space. The

stipulation came to signage. The developer needs the current sign removed.

The airport authority came back stating they needed the sign, which Mr.

Cummings agreed he understands their request and need regarding the sign. The

last proposal sent to the airport included a larger type marquee type sign.

The feedback received was the Commission did not want it to look like the

airport, would be part of the development. Today Mr. Cummings received more

feedback from the developer, with an offer for a LED lite sign. This is a nice

piece of property for a national fast food restaurant and maybe another

national developer next to it. The developer is really open to work out an

agreement for satisfaction between the developer and the Commission.

Mr. Hand inquired if Mr. Cummings is speaking about a LED sign with space

available for the airport. What type of sign is up for discussion, how much

space will be for the airport?

Mr. Forsberg asked if the sign will be in the flight path.

Mr. Cummings stated he does not know if the sign could be in the flight path.

There could be a possibility of having two signs. He is interested to know if

there are some other plans that might be beneficial for both parties, and

appreciates the consideration.

Mr. Flanagan stated the Columbus Airport Commission will review this matter and

get back with him with answers.

Mr. Bryan believes there may be some miscommunication concerning this matter.

He has been a part of the airport since 1979. We want to know what can be done

for our and your goals to make this work. You have a space on the corner to

park about eleven cars, which is what we need the space for. If a sign is the

problem, tell us what you want, to make this piece of property be a

multimillion dollar development.

Mr. Howell said the awareness of the sign came later during these

conversations. To his knowledge the Columbus Airport Commission is not in the

position of standing in the way of the development. Today is the first time

the Commission as a whole has had the opportunity to discuss this matter. He

will follow up with the Commission and will be in contact with both Mr.

Cummings and Mr. Bryan.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:02 P. M.


____________________________ _____________________________

Mary Scarbrough, Secretary

Winfield G. Flanagan, Chairman


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