Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




The following Commission members were present for the entire meeting.


Mr. Winfield G. Flanagan,

Chairman December

31, 2018

Mr. Kerry W. Hand, Vice

Chairman December

31, 2017

Mr. Thomas G. O. Forsberg,

Treasurer December 31, 2020

Mr. Chris Badcock December 31, 2016

The following Commission members were absent:

Mr. Carl Rhodes, Jr. December 31, 2019

Staff members present:

Richard C. Howell, A.A.E., Airport Director

Mary Scarbrough, Secretary

Sonya Hollis, Marketing Manager

Melissa Chadwick, Public Safety Chief

Lorrie Brewer, Chief Accountant

Amber Clark, Flightways Manager

Jennifer Wright, Restaurant Manager

Andre? Parker, Public Safety

Eric Trivett, Maintenance Manager

Ed Gibson, Public Safety

Others present:

Marvin Brown, FAA; Brad Wente and Brian Thompson, RS&H; Emily Belobraydic,

CSG Aviation; Steven Hewlett


Mr. Winfield Flanagan welcomed everyone to the January 27, 2016 Commission



Motion by Mr. Kerry Hand to approve the minutes for the November 24, 2015

meeting; seconded by Mr. Thomas Forsberg and unanimously approved by the


Ayes: 5 / No: 0


Mr. Richard Howell stated on November 24, 2015, your Commission approved a

parking agreement with St. Francis Hospital, Inc. for partial use of the Legacy

parking area. The agreement was for one year with a one year renewal option.

Rent payments were $1,750 during the periods the tenant was actually using the

space. To date, the tenant is not utilizing the area. On December 23, 2015,

Airport Administration received a request from the tenant to assign this

agreement to St. Francis Health, LLC a wholly-owned subsidiary of Life Point

Health, Inc. The request was a result of a transfer of St Francis Hospital,

Inc. assets to the LLC effective January 1, 2016. Airport Counsel, Don Morgan

has reviewed and approved the document submitted for the assignment action. No

other terms of the original agreement will change. Staff recommended approval

of the assignment.

Motion by Mr. Thomas Forsberg to adopt the Assignment for the St. Francis

Hospital Agreement was made: seconded by Mr. Kerry Hand and unanimously

approved by the Commission.

Ayes: 4 / No: 0



Mr. Howell reported there is often confusion in the community as to the true

performance of the Airport and the Commission. Bits and pieces of information

are provided in different venues at differing times, but the opportunity for an

overall picture is seldom available. There is no one vehicle that speaks to

the overall performance of the Commission and how it impacts the community and

as a result there is a lack of transparency to our users, supporters and

staff. Having such a document would provide and educational tool as well as

creating a historical document to the activities of the Commission/Airport.

The goals of the annual report are:

? Create an appealing report

? Present operational statistics

? Present financial statistics

? Present goal accomplishments aligned with Commission Strategic Plan

? Create a historical document

If adopted the report would be provided to stakeholders and interested parties

to include but not limited to:

? Mayor

? City Council

? Columbus Chamber of Commerce

? Columbus Convention and Visitors Bureau

? Airport tenants

? Posted on Commission?s Webpage for public dissemination

A draft of the report has been provided to the Commission for review.

Staff recommended acceptance.

Mr. Chris Badcock asked if the information is the same information as the

Commission is currently receiving annually from Robinson, Grimes & Company, P.C.

Mr. Howell stated no this is separate information.

Mr. Badcock inquired as to how this information was gathered prior to providing

it to the Commission?

Mr. Howell said the information was provided by the Airport Director and Staff.

Mr. Forsberg ask if a summary from the annual audit would be included in the

Annual Report, as it will be helpful and is provided in other annual reports


Mr. Howell working with Ms. Lorrie Brewer provided a summary of the annual


Mr. Howell indicated a final version of the report would be distributed to

Airport stakeholders such as the Mayor?s office and City Council as well as

being posted on the Columbus Airport website.

Motion by Mr. Thomas Forsberg to adopt the Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Report for

the Columbus Airport was made: seconded by Mr. Chris Badcock and unanimously

approved by the Commission. Ayes: 4 / No: 0


Mr. Howell stated Airport Administration has been approached by the Thunder in

the Valley (TITV) Air Show organizers regarding the annual contract executed by

and between TITV and the Commission. This year they request a two year

contract instead of the standard annual contract executed in the past.

The TITV 20th anniversary show will be in 2017. In order to ensure an above

average show, the TITV organizers need to book acts a year in advance. To do

so, they need the commitment from the Commission to host the show in 2017.

Airport administration prepared the amended contract which essentially remains

is the contract used every year but adds the second year event. Airport

Counsel reviewed the document and approves it for action.

Staff recommended approval.

Motion by Mr. Thomas Forsberg to adopt the Thunder in the Valley Annual Air

Show Contract was made: seconded by Mr. Kerry Hand and unanimously approved by

the Commission.

Ayes: 4 / No: 0



Mr. Howell stated the Commission is aware that as a result of the annual

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Certification Inspection last year we had

a couple of write ups and remarks that need to be resolved. The FAA inspector

wrote discrepancies on the quality and correctness of marking on both runways

at CSG. Airport Administration put out a competitive Request for Proposal to

paint runway 6/24 and the contract was awarded in November 2015. However, in a

meeting with FAA Airports District Office (ADO) in November 2015, the ADO

advised they would participate in a design/build project to repair the cracks

on the runway, apply a seal coat and repaint the surface. The Commission may

recall this project was planned for FY 2017. The ADO will reimburse the

Commission at the 90%/10% we enjoy from the Airport Improvement Program. We

also anticipate a 5% participation from Georgia DOT leaving 5% from the

Enterprise fund. This Work Order initiates this project for design, bid and

contract management services. The lump sum cost will be $78,826 to complete

all work by April 2016. An April completion is an agreement we made with the

FAA Certification Inspector to close the write up from last year. The FAA/GDOT

will reimburse the Commission with grants to be awarded this year. This

project will also include remarking of runway 13/31.

Staff recommended approval.

Mr. Badcock asked if the total cost of project will be $78,000.00 and if the

remaining balance due will be paid in reserves. Mr. Howell indicated the cost

for the design and management of the project only and would be mostly

reimbursed with grants as already described.

Motion by Mr. Thomas Forsberg to adopt the RS&H Work Order #10 for Runway 6/24

Crack Repair, Seal Coat, and Repainting was made: seconded by Mr. Chris

Badcock and unanimously approved by the Commission. Ayes: 4 / No: 0


Mr. Howell reported the Commission is aware that as a result of the annual

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Certification Inspection last year The

FAA inspector identified a potential discrepancy relating to the Runway 6

Approach End Runway Safety Area (RSA). In a previous work order Airport

Administration tasked RS&H to perform a survey and analysis of the area to

determine if there indeed were issues. The report was submitted in December

and found there were issues with the grading of the RSA. In a meeting with FAA

Airports District Office (ADO) in November 2015, the ADO advised they would

participate in a design/build project to repair this discrepancy in the spring

of 2016. The ADO will reimburse the Commission at the 90%/10% we enjoy from

the Airport Improvement Program. We also anticipate a 5% participation from

Georgia DOT leaving 5% from the Enterprise fund. This Work Order initiates

this project for design, bid and contract management services. The lump sum

cost will be $109,565 to complete all work by late summer.

Staff recommended approval.

Mr. Badcock asked regarding the glide scope, re-service or grade it, or is it

too steep to grade.

Mr. Howell stated yes it is too steep but does not impact the glide slope.

Mr. Badcock asked if it would bounce off the antenna.

Mr. Howell replied he did not know, what would need to be done exactly to

manage this problem, will research and get an answer for the Commission.

Mr. Hand asked if this would be an impact on the Instrument Landing Systems


Mr. Howell said he would look at it in the spring to avoid any interruption

with the ILS.

Mr. Hand asked for an ILS schedule to be provided?

Mr. Brad Wente reported it is anticipated the job will be done to minimize

impacts to the ILS operations.

Motion by Mr. Kerry Hand to adopt the RS&H Work Order #11 for Runway 6 Safety

Area Project was made: seconded by Mr. Thomas Forsberg and unanimously

approved by the Commission. Ayes: 4 / No: 0


The Nominating Committee consisting of Commissioners Thomas Forsberg and Carl

Rhodes, appointed at the November Commission meeting has submitted the

following list of officers to be considered for 2016.

Mr. Kerry W. Hand, Chairman

Mr. Thomas G. O. Forsberg, Vice Chairman

Mr. Winfield G. Flanagan, Secretary

Mr. Carl Rhodes, Jr., Treasurer

Mr. Richard Howell, A.A.E., Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer

Ms. Mary Scarbrough, Assistant Secretary

Ms. Lorrie Brewer, Assistant Treasurer

Staff recommended acceptance.

Motion by Mr. Winfield Flanagan Kerry Hand to approve the appointment of the

Columbus Airport Commission Officers for 2016 was made: seconded by Mr. Chris

Badcock and unanimously approved by the Commission. Ayes: 4 / No: 0

Mr. Flanagan stated he had enjoyed his role as chairman for the Columbus

Airport Commission and expressed his appreciation to everyone for their

support, and will continue and support the Commission.


Mr. Howell introduced Ms. Lorrie Brewer in providing a financial update for

the month.


Ms. Lorrie Brewer provided the following financial update.

The Airport made a profit of $35,787 but an adjusted net loss (without

depreciation, amortization, grant or PFC revenues) of $13,786 in December. Year

over year it amounts to decrease of approximately 134% in comparison to

December of last year in which we had an adjusted net profit of $40,069 (see

Summary of Airport Revenues & Expenses).

Flowage fees were down approximately $4K compared to last year. Hangar and

other rents were up by over $15K largely due to hangar rent increases.

Concession fees were down by $2K compared to last year this time. Actual rents

from the majority of the rental car agencies were used at the time of closing

and yet there was still a decrease in concession fees for the month.

Compared to this month last year, labor and benefits expenses were up over $63K

due to the 3rd pay period in December. This accounts for the loss in December

when we would have otherwise made a profit. Repairs and maintenance expenses

were down by approximately $2K; utilities and other services expenses were down

close to $3K; insurance costs were down by over $2K and administrative expenses

were up slightly over last year.

Propellers will present their own report. The Flightways report will be

submitted with the agenda.

Tenants Past Due 60 Days or More: See report with financials.

Update on Airport Improvement Project 39:

AIP 39?Construct Airport Perimeter Fencing & Wildlife Hazard Management:

Grant Balance: $406,271.

Cash flow was negative for the month but only by a small amount (see the Cash

Flow Summary).

Mr. Badcock asked when the remainder of the balance will be paid on the fence


Mr. Howell stated that ten percent will be held and issued at the completion of

the fence project.


Ms. Jennifer Wright provided the following update on Propellers.

? November 2015 Jennifer Wright and staff decreased net loss by $840 versus

November 2014.

? Total expenses for November 2015 decreased by $785.20 in comparison to

November 2014.

? December 2015 total expenses increased $690.45 year over year.

? Expenses were higher due to three pay periods occurring in December 2015 and

final pay out to ex-employee Leilini Paleafei.

? Profit Sales for December 2015 decreased by 4% year over year.

? Jennifer Wright and staff collaborated with the maintenance technicians to

cater for the Christmas Luncheon. It was a pleasant and thankful event. We

appreciate this event.

? Jennifer Wright would like to welcome Juan Torres to Propeller?s as the new

senior cook.


Ms. Amber Clark provided the following update for Flightways Columbus.

? Fuel gallons pumped year over year comparison:

Fuel item

Gallons pumped December 2014

Gallons pumped

December 2015

% Change













Jet A (Express Jet)




Jet A (Retail)




Jet A (Contract)




Jet A (Gov?t/Mil)




Jet A (Justice Flights)




? Justice Flight number of aircrafts handled in the month of December 2015 (14)

compared to December 2014 (12).

? Weather was a large factor for the reduction of revenue during December 2015

vs December 2014. For the entire month of December 2014 CSG reported a total of

4.62 inches of precipitation, with 7 days of notably reduced visibility and

increased winds, compared to December 2015 which had a total of 17.38 inches of

precipitation, with 15 days of notably reduced visibility and increased winds.

? Amber, Michele, and Sonya will be exhibiting at the Schedulers & Dispatchers

conference to market the FBO as well as the Columbus Airport. We will be

gathering vital information from all potential customers regarding their

wants/needs when choosing an FBO/Airport. We will record all feedback on the

reverse of their business cards, allowing us to effectively market to specific

customers, as well as improve our operations as whole.

? Lawson?s Tower will be temporarily closing on Saturdays and Sundays. Two

C130s plan to divert to CSG during these closures to operate their

missions/training. We have two flights scheduled in/out for January.

? The 2016 college basketball season is well under way! Flightways has already

serviced six charter flights for the month of January, with three more

scheduled later in the month and two more scheduled for February.


Mr. Eric Trivett provided the following maintenance update.

? Cooling Towers

On December 29th a final inspection was conducted on the installation of the

two cooling towers. The inspection concluded with a small punch list which is

scheduled to be completed by the end of January 2016. The towers are up and

running with the exception of the installation of an air separator which had a

4-6 week lead time. This does not interfere with the operation of the towers as

a temporary repair was made until the part arrives. The contractor Holbrook is

handling this as well.

? Transportation Security Administration (TSA) 5-Ton Roof Top package unit

The replacement of the 5-Ton Package unit that serves the TSA baggage

inspection room took place on January 14,2016 and is up and running. No

problems have been noted.

? 20 Ton Water Source Heat (WSH) in the upstairs holding area

The replacement of the 20 ton WSH had a 4-6 week build time and is scheduled to

take place before 01-31-2016

? Roof leaks

There have been several roof leaks reported in the last month or two by tenants

of the t-hangers. We had a problem getting a roofer to come out and check on

these areas and I have asked that everyone please bear with me. Finally on

December 12, 2016 I had Columbus Roofing come out and inspect the areas that

are leaking and submit a bid which has been approved? We are in the process of

scheduling the work now.

? Equipment

In preparing for the upcoming grass cutting season we are assessing our current

equipment used on the airfield, we currently have a 40 year- old Ford tractor

and bat wing. In order to try and keep up this summer we are seeking request

for quotes for a new tractor and batwing.

Work Orders

The maintenance department is working very hard to complete work orders in a

timely manner. For the month of December 2016 there were 24 work orders opened

with 19 closed and 5 still open or 79% closed.

Mr. Badcock stated seems like the Maintenance Department has a lot of work.

Mr. Howell agreed.


Chief Melissa Chadwick provided the following report.

This informative update is presented to you the Columbus Airport Commissioners,

to give you an understanding of the progressions made in the Airport Wildlife

Plan since our last commission meeting.

There was a Wildlife meeting on 12/16/15 this meeting allowed everyone to

come together both Airport employees, Commission members, and General Aviation

tenants, to voice their concerns and take a look at the Wildlife plan overview.

During that meeting we discussed Wildlife reporting and control measures and

laws. We will continue to have these meetings to better educate and inform all

parties, in the steps being taken to eliminate Wildlife concerns here at

Columbus Airport. Over the course of the last month we were able to renew our

Wildlife removal permit through the Georgia Department of Natural Resources

which expires December 31, 2016. On this permit all Public Safety Employees

were added as approved Agents for the removal of Wildlife, along with a few

Maintenance personnel. Public Safety Officers deployed Game cameras, on the

north and south side of the airport perimeter. These cameras are instrumental

in the capturing of not only Game types located within the fenced in area of

the airport, but also the movement times of these animals. So far this month

the cameras have located a large coyote, and a female deer behind Legacy in the

wooded area between the new fence and the old fence. It does not appear to be

on or near the airfield. The proper steps are being taken to remove these

animals from the airport premises.

The bird population appears to have decreased.

Mr. Badcock if Department of Natural Resources had come down?

Chief Chadwick stated yes, Mr. Kevin Kramer, Regional Supervisor of the

Wildlife Resource Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources came

down to provide additional information regarding wildlife.

Mr. Badcock inquired about specific animals such as hawks, deer, the

guidelines, and certain dates concerning harassing or discarding of the


PSO Andre? Parker stated hawks are protected, and cannot even be harassed under


Mr. Kerry Hand had sent a wildlife article to Mr. Howell and asked if it had

been forwarded to all Public Safety Officers?

Mr. Howell confirmed that it had been sent to Chief Chadwick and all Public



Mr. Howell reported December 2015 was a bad weather month. The fence project

is winding down and there are some water crossings to be handled. The Cooling

Tower final pay request has been submitted by the contractor. Delta Airlines

will be moving up to the second floor hold room. Over the last couple months

they also had new carpet installed in front of the counter and a new kiosk


We are now in budget season. The Columbus Airport is searching for a tractor

which will not be a CIP item therefore, we are exploring options such as a

leases, monthly payment plans, and so forth. The removal of all the trees in

the fence project, has brought on a new challenge with more property to be

maintained by the Maintenance Department. Mr. Trivett is doing a good job and

with his new hires in the department altogether they have a total of six

hundred and fifty acres to maintain.


There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:14 AM.


____________________________ _____________________________

Mary Scarbrough, Secretary

Winfield G. Flanagan, Chairman


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