Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting

February 12, 2019

Agenda Report

TO: Mayor and Councilors

SUBJECT: FY19 Mid-Year Budget Amendment

PREPARED BY: Finance Department



Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance amending the budgets for the Fiscal Year

2019 by appropriating amounts in each fund for various operational activities.

Background: The Council has adopted the City?s Annual Operating budget and in

special actions has adopted various special purpose budgets. All of these

budgets appropriate funding for planned operations. During the course of the

year, adjustments become necessary to increase or redistribute funding based on

actions of Council, changes in departmental activities and changes in funding


Staff is requesting a budget amendment to appropriate monies needed for various

operational activities. As provided in the charter and state law, only

Council has the authority to change spending levels. Adjustments are included

in this Ordinance to reflect changes needed to complete organizational

objectives. These adjustments are necessary to modify budgets to change to the

legal level of control at the department level as per O.C.G.A. Chapter 36.

Staff is requesting adjustments for operational expenditures like

administrative and operating costs for the following funds. In order to keep

an accurate record of authorized spending levels and positions, this budget

amendment is submitted for Council consideration.

Analysis: The recommended budget adjustments are outlined on the attached

summary table immediately following the memorandum identifying the amount to be

appropriated in each accounting fund. The appropriation will change the total

approved budget of each fund as follows:

General Fund: The adjustment will adjust the total approved revenue

budget of the fund of $150,604,260 by $21,852 to $150,626,112 and will adjust

the total approved expenditure budget of the fund of $151,549,355 by $1,072,401

to $152,621,756.

2009 Other Local Option Sales Tax Fund: The adjustment will not adjust

the total approved revenue budget of the fund of $33,666,667 and will adjust

the total approved expenditure budget of the fund of $34,115,831 by $1,685,085

to $35,800,916.

Stormwater (Sewer) Fund: The adjustment will not adjust the total

approved revenue budget of the fund of $5,832,210 and will adjust the total

approved expenditure budget of the fund of $5,832,210 by $8,743 to $5,840,953.

Paving Fund: The adjustment will not adjust the total approved revenue

budget of the fund of $16,461,875 and will adjust the total approved

expenditure budget of the fund of $16,461,875 by $2,514,668 to $18,976,543.

Integrated Waste Fund: The adjustment will not adjust the total

approved revenue budget of the fund of $13,277,000 and will adjust the total

approved expenditure budget of the fund of $13,277,000 by $413,786 to


CDBG Fund: The adjustment will adjust the total approved revenue budget

of the fund of $2,066,470 by $762,952 to $2,829,422 and will adjust the total

approved expenditure budget of the fund of $2,066,470 by $520,000 to $2,829,422.

Home Program Fund: The adjustment will adjust the total approved

revenue budget of the fund of $754,315 by $913,272 to $1,667,587 and will

adjust the total approved expenditure budget of the fund of $754,315 by

$913,272 to $1,667,587.

County Drug Abuse Treatment Fund: The adjustment will adjust not the

total approved revenue budget of the fund of $68,000 and will adjust the total

approved expenditure budget of the fund of $68,000 by $26,400 to $94,400.

METRO Drug Task Force Fund: The adjustment will adjust not the total

approved revenue budget of the fund of $150,000 and will adjust the total

approved expenditure budget of the fund of $150,000 by $8,040 to $158,040.

Metra Transportation Fund: The adjustment will adjust the total

approved revenue budget of the fund of $9,352,775 by $700,000 to $10,052,775

and will adjust the total approved expenditure budget of the fund of $9,414,073

by $1,214,145 to $10,628,218.

Trade Center Fund: The adjustment will not adjust the total approved

revenue budget of the fund of $3,042,000 and will adjust the total approved

expenditure budget of the fund of $3,088,227 by $245,099 to $3,333,326.

Bull Creek Golf Course Fund: The adjustment will adjust the total

approved revenue budget of the fund of $1,250,200 by $21,000 to $1,271,200 and

will adjust the total approved expenditure budget of the fund of $1,250,200 by

$21,000 to $1,271,200.

Civic Center Fund: The adjustment will adjust the total approved

revenue budget of the fund of $5,373,143 by $103,450 to $5,476,593 and will

adjust the total approved expenditure budget of the fund of $5,373,143 by

$145,541 to $5,518,684.

Recommendation/Action: Approve an Ordinance amending the budgets for the

Fiscal Year 2019 by appropriating amounts in each fund for various operational



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