Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




JUNE 1, 2010

The regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called to order

at 5:30 P.M., Tuesday, June 1, 2010, on the Plaza Level of the Government

Center, Columbus, Georgia. Honorable W.J. Wetherington, Mayor, presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other that Mayor Wetherington and Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner

Pugh were Councilors Wayne Anthony, Mike Baker, Jerry ?Pops? Barnes, Glenn

Davis, Berry H. Henderson, Julius H. Hunter Jr., and Evelyn Woodson. City

Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay, Clerk of Council Tiny B.

Washington and Deputy Clerk of Council Sandra Davis were also present.

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ABSENT: Councilor Charles E. McDaniel Jr., was absent, but was excused upon

the adoption of Resolution Number 180-10. Councilor R. Gary Allen was also


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INVOCATION: Led by Reverend Dr. Charles Rodgers, Pastor of Cathedral of Prayer


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PLEDGE: Led by students from the Middle School Poster Contest Winners.

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Ms. Shelly Hall, Director of the Columbus Consolidated Government?s

Victim-Witness Program came forward and gave some brief information regarding

the Victim Witness Program. She said their job is to make sure that all victims

are guaranteed their rights. She said the one time of the year that is very

exciting for her is during National Crime Victims Rights Week when they get to

educate the public and raise awareness of victims? rights and crime, if it does

exists; what you can do about it. She said this year that they held a poster

contest, whereby all the middle schools within the Chattahoochee Judicial

circuit could participate. She said they had over 300 entries and present with

her today are five of the winners who participated in the Poster Essay Contest,

which includes Alex Plazas, Wynnbrook Christian DeCliffia Coleman, Academic

Success, Thomas Boyd, Blackmon Road Middle School, Demetrius Scott, Fort Middle

School, and Toxiana Wilson, Midland Middle School.

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With Mr. John M. Lassen, his wife and grandson standing at the Council

table, Councilor Davis read the proclamation of Mayor Wetherington, proclaiming

June 1, 2010 as ?John M. Lassen Day? for being awarded the Georgia EMT of the


*** *** ***


With Fernando Bauzo and his father, along with Marshal Greg Countryman

standing at the Council table, Councilor Anthony read the proclamation of Mayor

Wetherington, proclaiming June 1, 2010 as ?Fernando Bauzo Day?, in Columbus,


*** *** ***


With Mr. Joe Riddle, Director of the Department of Community Reinvestment

and members of his staff standing at the Council table, Councilor Baker read

the proclamation of Mayor Wetherington, proclaiming the month of June 2010, as

?Homeownership Month?, in Columbus, Georgia.

Mr. Riddle pointed out that there will be three housing summits this

month; with the first one being held on June 3, 2010 from 6:00 ? 8:00 p.m., at

the Columbus Public Library, June 17th on the Plaza Level of the Government

Center 11:30 ? 1:00 p.m., June 22nd, Columbus Public Library from 6:00 ? 8:00

p.m. He said since July 1st, they have been able to provide many of residents

here in the city with the ability to purchase their first home and he is very

proud of that accomplishment.

Councilor Hunter said he really appreciates the work that Mr. Riddle has

done over the years in this city, as he has truly made a difference. He said

the purpose of City government should be to try to improve the quality of life

of the citizenry and said Mr. Riddle and the people that he has worked with

have tried to do that. He said we have been very, very blessed during the years

that he has been here and said that he is going to miss him.

City Manager Hugley said that Mr. Riddle is going to be leaving the City

Government and will be going back to his home state, the State of Arkansas. He

said he has an expertise that people across the country are looking for. He

said he has an opportunity to go back home and spend more time with his

parents, as he will be closer to them. He said he has done an excellent job for

us and the people of our City and a lot of people are much better off and in

homes because of Mr. Riddle and his staff taking it to the people and making

sure that they are aware of the programs and services that they offer.

He said we would bring him back at the appropriate time and thank him for his


Mayor Wetherington also expressed his thanks and appreciation to Mr.

Riddle as well.

*** *** ***


With Attorney Michael Eddings and Mr. Colin Martin standing at the Council

table, Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh read the proclamation of Mayor Wetherington,

proclaiming the week of June 5 ? 12, 2010 as ?NeighborWorks Columbus Week?, in

Columbus, Georgia.

Attorney Eddings said NeigborWorks does a wonderful job in providing

affordable housing to those people in our community and really does outstanding

work. He said it is because of civic leaders, business leaders and those people

in the community who support programs like NeigborWorks that they are able to

go out and revitalize our communities and also keep affordable houses available

for people who need it.

He said NeighborWorks Week would kick-off with its celebration on East

Wynnton Park off of Baldwin Street. He said the Mayor and Congressman Sanford

Bishop are scheduled to attend the kick-off of this week. He said the entire

week would be spent revitalizing that community; painting homes, refurbishing,

landscaping and etc.

Attorney Eddings said he and Mr. Colin Martin both serve on the board with

Ms. Cathy Williams.

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With the time now being 6:00 p.m., City Manager Hugley advised that it

was time for us to call forward the Taxpayer?s Bill of Rights Public Hearing.

He said each year during budget session, and as required by Georgia Law,

we are required to have three public hearings to allow the public an

opportunity to express their opinion regarding the millage rate. He said each

year, we try to explain to the citizens that this advertisement and the wording

is crafted and provided to us under stature and said the way it reads can be

misleading. He said he would like to ask that our Finance Director, Ms. Pam

Hodge come forward to respond to any questions that anybody might have.

City Manager Hugley said as he stated earlier, we are required to have

three public hearings on this Taxpayer?s Bill of Rights. He said that we had

one on this morning, and are having this one tonight at 6:00 p.m., and will

have the final hearing on next Tuesday, which will satisfy the law as it

relates to these three public hearings.

He then read the way the notice is required to be listed, which is as


Tax Millage. The budget tentatively adopted by the Consolidated Government of

Columbus, Georgia, requires a millage rate higher than the rollback millage

rate. Therefore, before the Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia, may

finalize the tentative budget and set a final millage rate, Georgia Law

requires that three public hearings be held to allow the public an opportunity

to express their opinions on this increase.

He said the one thing that we have to make clear each year is that when

the digest increases because we have added new homes to the inventory in

Muscogee County or when people have renovated their homes or made improvement;

which causes the Tax Assessors to have to go out and reassess based on added

square footage to a home, the digest will grow and as a result of that, we

would collect more money because there is more homes in the inventory or there

has been renovations at a particular property to change. He said it appears

that there is an increase, but we know that in Muscogee County property taxes

are frozen for homeowners at the time you purchase your home. He said we take

40% of the fair market value and that is the value that we move towards

assessing. He said you get the $13,500 homestead exemption and then we assess

your property taxes on what is left; therefore, your property taxes are frozen.

He said if you live in Muscogee County and you didn?t do anything differently

to your home, then your property taxes will remain the same.

He said this year there is something that will occur because we went out

for a second local option sales tax and we collected that during 2009 and said

we will have to rollback that money that we have collected.

After City Manager Hugley went into much details regarding the notice of

property tax increase, Finance Director Pam Hodge then came forward and gave

more details with respect to the total amount of the millage in each of the

Urban Service Districts, as well as the Business Improvement Districts. She

then offered to answer any questions, but there were none. She said this is

also a public hearing and if anyone wanted to speak on the millage rate now is

the time to do so.

Prior to anyone coming forward to speak to the public hearing, City

Manager Hugley said we will be doing some educational sessions as we go forward

because we have a lot going on in terms of change and said that change will

last for one year and then it goes back to where it was in 2009; therefore, it

may be confusing to some people.

He said we are satisfying the requirements of the law with this taxpayer?s

bill of rights public hearing and said the floor is open if there is anyone who

wanted to be heard on this matter.

Councilor Woodson asked City Manager Hugley if we could provide an

educational component on our website to outline information for the citizens

regarding the rollback.

City Manager Hugley said we could certainly do that and will probably put

a web cast or something, as well as send out a postcard to explain the process.

He said they are going to do some things between now and October when they will

realize the rollback that we are required to do by law. He said we would do a

number of things.

Mayor Wetherington then asked if there was anyone who wanted to be heard

regarding the taxpayers? bill of rights public hearing.

Mr. Paul Olson, 13830 Upatoi Lane came forward and expressed his views

regarding the property tax rollback. He made reference to a newspaper article

written by a reporter back on July 6, 2008 with respect to the property tax

rollback. He then read excerpts of Section 7-102 of the Charter of Columbus

regarding the millage limitation. He said the only way the City Charter can be

changed is that you would have to do an ordinance or have a referendum before

the people or go to the General Assembly.

He spoke for several minutes regarding the reduction of the millage rate,

as well as made comments regarding METRA being an enterprise fund, which is

supposed to take care of itself; and said he doesn?t understand why we are

subsidizing this fund. He also said that he doesn?t understand the Economic

Development fund and would like to have someone explain it to him.

City Manager Hugley then responded to those concerns of Mr. Olson

regarding the compliance of the Charter as it relates to the local option sales

tax and the legislation, which approved the second local option sales tax and

the rollback of these property taxes. He said the law was very clear in this

second local option sales tax as it relates to rolling back property taxes for

at least one year. He said by doing that this year, it is his belief that we

are complying with the law as it relates to this second local option sales tax,

which came in recent years. He said we are exempting automobile dealerships and

hotels; and we are now in the process of rolling back the property taxes as

required by law in this particular piece of legislation for this second local

option sales tax. He said he thinks we have complied with the law as it relates

to the Charter in the first local option sales tax and the second local option

sales tax is different. He said we are in the process of complying with the law

and once we rollback the property taxes this year, we would have complied with

the year and then from that, we will move forward. He said he thinks that an

attorney general?s opinion would support that.

After further discussion on this subject, City Attorney Fay said what City

Manager Hugley stated is correct. He said the law has changed dramatically

since the 1970s on the sales tax and rollback requirements. He said the sales

tax is generating much more revenue than it did in 1973; and said for a point

of clarification, he is not sure if Mr. Olson is confused on the 9-mill

reduction, but said there is not an annual requirement of a 9-mill reduction.

He said we are simply capped at 9 mills for city operations each year and said

what Ms. Hodge was trying to explain, USD 1, this year because of the state law

rollback requirements, we are going from 9-mills to 1.71 mills; a reduction of

7.29 mills and said that is because of the rollback requirement and the state

law. He said when you add all of these reductions together, that will be

approximately $30 million; which is the amount we have collected within the

past year with the new penny sales tax. He said there is not an annual

requirement to reduce by 9 mills; however, the Charter says the cap on city

operations for each year is 9 mills.

City Manager Hugley said the floor is still open on the taxpayers? bill of

rights public hearing and then asked if there was anyone else who wanted to be

heard, but there were none. He said the third and final hearing would be held

on next Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m.

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A Resolution (173-10) ? Commending Travis Oestmann, Co-Medalist winner,

and Northside High School Patriots for their GHSA Class AAA Golf Championship.

Councilor Henderson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor

Hunter and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council present for

this meeting, with Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent.

*** ***





A Resolution (174-10) ? Commending Janet Davis, CEO of TIC Federal Credit

Union for receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award at the annual convention of

Georgia Credit Union Affiliates. Councilor Woodson moved the adoption of the

resolution. Seconded by Councilor Hunter and carried unanimously by those eight

members of Council present for this meeting, with Councilors Allen and McDaniel

being absent.

*** *** ***


Councilor Anthony asked City Attorney Fay to prepare a resolution for the

Columbus High School Baseball Team; however, Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh pointed

out that the resolution has already been requested.

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An Ordinance (10-18) ? Amending Section 5-13.1(b) of the Columbus Code so

as to increase the adoption fee with spay/neuter voucher from $25.00 to $50.00;

increasing adoption fee to $75.00 with said $50.00 vouchers effective July 1,

2010. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

by Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those seven members of

Council present at the time, with Councilor Woodson being absent for the vote

and Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent from this meeting.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance (10-19) ? Amending Chapter 3 of the Columbus Code so as to

allow renewal of expired identification card (ABC card) if the only

disqualifying violation of applicant is failure to possess current ABC card

within a twelve-month period prior to application for renewal; and for other

purposes. Councilor Henderson moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by

Councilor Barnes and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present at the time, with Councilor Woodson being absent for the vote and

Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent from this meeting.

*** *** ***



An Ordinance ? Adopting a budget for the fiscal Year 2011 beginning July

1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011, for certain funds of the Consolidated

Government of Columbus, Georgia, and appropriating the amounts shown in each


An Ordinance ? Adopting non-operating budgets for the Fiscal Year 2011

beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011 for certain funds of the

Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia, and appropriating the amounts

shown in each budget.

City Attorney Fay said this is the public hearing on the ordinance and

said if anyone has any questions or wants to speak to this issue, they could be

held at this time.

Councilor Davis said during the budget session, we talked about and

discussed several issues and then asked City Manager Hugley if this would be

the appropriate time or if not, later to determine whether or not we want to

consider changing the fee structure for the integrated waste fee, as well as

looking at the landfill and all the relevant services that we provide.

City Manager Hugley, in responding to Councilor Davis said this would be

the appropriate time, as this is the first reading and public hearing on the

budget; however, we do have one additional public hearing with respect to the

taxpayer?s bill of rights.

Councilor Davis said he thinks now would be the appropriate time to look

at this matter; but he is not qualified to say exactly would those increases in

the fees should be, which would be a user fee for those persons who uses the

services out at the landfill.

After some further thought on this matter, City Manager Hugley indicated

that he would prefer to wait and then came back at a later time to do a

presentation before the Council to do a comprehensive look and then determine

how to best proceed with amending the fee structure to increase fees for those

services out at the landfill.

City Attorney Fay said we could come back at a later date and amend that

fee structure in a separate ordinance to look at a tipping fee change.

Councilor Davis then asked City Manager Hugley if he could bring this

matter back before the Council at a later date; and to do it as soon as


Mr. Paul Olso, 13830 Upatoi Lane, then came forward and made comments

regarding the Integrated Waste Fund. He said in looking at the budget for the

Integrated Waste Fund, he noticed that in the FY-09 budget, the amount of

funding for this fund was $80,000, and in FY-10, it was down to $14,000 and for

FY-11, you are now projecting the amount to be $80,000.

He said this will be a 427% increase and asked that someone explain how you are

going to go from $14,000 to $80,000 and why did it drop so low.

Ms. Pam Hodge, Director of Finance said she believes what Mr. Olson is

referring to is the commercial solid waste collection fee and said the actual

for FY-09 was at $81,000 and said we did estimate the amount in the FY-10

budget at $14,000. She said she would have to look and determine what the

amount is that we have collected to-date, and said what we are budgeting for

FY-11 is $72,000. She said this would be commercial solid waste collection fee,

budget versus actual.

With further discussion regarding the proposed FY-11 budget, Ms. Hodge and

City Manager Hugley responded to further questions of Mr. Olson on the

Integrated Waste Fund, as well as the Workforce Investment Act program, as well

as Lake Oliver Marina, and the Economic Development Authority.

He said the Economic Development Authority has never been audited and said

he would like to see what you have done with the Parks & Recreation Department

that you also do the same thing with the Economic Development Authority because

of the funding that you give to them.

Councilor Henderson said that he would like for us to give Mr. Olson a

list of some of the people who appeared before the Budget Review Committee

because some of the questions were answered as we walked through their

respective departments and said if you have an intinary of who appeared when;

then you would be able to assess them if any other questions came up and said

we would be glad to get that information to you.

City Attorney Fay then asked if there were any other questions or if

anyone else wants to be heard on this ordinance, but there were none.

He then pointed out that this concludes the public hearing on these two

ordinances and that they would be voted on at the next Council meeting.

------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: Councilors Anthony and Hunter left at this point in the meeting

with the time being 6:45 p.m.

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Councilor Barnes said he knows that we have no one listed on the public

agenda and said he would like to ask for the Council?s indulgence in hearing a

citizen. He said Ms. Aslean Florence is doing something for the community and

said she inadvertently didn?t turn in her application to be listed on the

agenda and said she would like to address the Council on tonight.

He then made a motion that she be allowed to address the Council. Seconded by

Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those six members of Council

present at the time with Councilors Anthony and Hunter having already left the

meeting and Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent from the meeting.

Ms. Aslean Florence said she is the widow of Mr. Herman Florence, who

passed away on last year, June 13, 2009 of colon cancer. She said he was a

firefighter with the Columbus Fire Department for four years and retired with

the Fort Benning Fire Department, where he retired as a Fire Inspector

Specialist, where he was responsible for inspecting the entire military base.

She said she has established the Herman Florence Foundation and to enhance the

program and foundation, they have partnered with Feed the Children Foundation

and said on June 13th, they will be doing an outreach memorial celebration in

his honor. She said Feed the Children Foundation will be here in our city and

distribute 400 boxes of food to 400 families in the community and surrounding


She said the reason she is here tonight before the Council is to ask for

their endorsement and to come out and support this event on that day. She said

she would also like to provide some additional information as to what the

foundation itself will be doing. She said because her husband was a

firefighter; they have established a memorial scholarship for him and said the

scholarship will help to assist with emergency funds whenever there is a

firefighter who needs some assistance in an emergency situation. She said if

there is a death in their family or some type of emergency that comes about,

their foundation would do some type of emergency relief to them and whatever

means of support they may need.

Ms. Florence said they have partnered up with several local agencies and

said the vouchers will be coming in on next week and said the families have

already been contacted and these 400 boxes of food will be distributed to them.

She said because this event will be on private property, she understands that

the City will not be able to offer any support with tents or any other items.

She said there will also be a medical team available on site, as well as

the Red Cross and information will be distributed during this event on cancer

and the effects of cancer.

Councilor Barnes thanked Ms. Florence for coming forward to share this

event with them and the community.

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HUGLEY AND ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL:___________________________________________

A Resolution (175-10) ? Authorizing the filing of the Annual Action Plan

and applications requesting entitlement funding for the Community Development

Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME). Councilor Woodson

moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and

carried unanimously by those six members of Council present at the time, with

Councilors Anthony and Hunter being absent for this vote and Councilors Allen

and McDaniel being absent from the meeting.

A Resolution (176-10) ? Authorizing the acceptance of a Hazard Mitigation

Grant in the amount of $36,000, or as otherwise awarded, from the Georgia

Emergency Management Agency to update the existing Pre-Disaster Hazard

Mitigation Plan. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the

resolution. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those six

members of Council present at the time, with Councilors Anthony and Hunter

being absent for this vote and Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent from

the meeting.

*** *** ***








A Resolution (177-10) ? Authorizing the approval of the contract for tennis

court surfacing supplies with 10-S Tennis Supply for the estimated annual

contract value of $15,260.00. The tennis court surfacing supplies include

Magnesium Chloride and Har Tru Rubico Surface, which will be purchased on an

?as needed basis?. The Parks and Recreation Department will use the supplies

to resurface the tennis courts. The contract term shall be for one year with

the option to renew for four (4) additional twelve-month periods, if agreeable

to both parties.

A Resolution (178-10) ? Authorizing the execution of a construction

contract with Metro Waterproofing, Inc., in the amount of $73,981.00, for

waterproofing the exterior of the Annex building. The scope of work includes

waterproofing, roofing services and gutter repairs.

A Resolution (179-10) ? Authorizing payment to Kenneth Clark and

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. in the amount of $100,000.00 to settle a claim of

risk management.

*** *** ***


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked City Manager Hugley to have Mr. Cecil

Carroll of the city?s facilities maintenance division to take a look at the

Keep Columbus Beautiful House to see what needs to be done to fix it back up in

a more livable state.

City Manager Hugley said we are already in the process of looking at the

Keep Columbus Beautiful House and said we have gotten some quotes on the repair

of the house, and said Deputy City Manager Goodwin has just told him that we

have already identified the funding source to repair the house.

*** *** ***


Mr. Ron Hamlett, Traffic Engineer came forward and gave an update to the

Council on the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Policy. He said a little over a

year ago, they came before the Council and explained to you the problems they

were having with a lot of complaints with speeding in neighborhoods, cut-thru

traffic and the issue they are having with doing a lot of speed studies; and

therefore was causing them to get behind in their work.

He then went into some details in a presentation which he then presented

to the Council, outlining the following information, as detailed below.

Neighborhood Traffic Calming Policy Approval

Traffic Engineering Reviewed NTC Policies Developed by Other Cities and Counties

Visited NTC installations in Georgia

Submitted Recommendation to Council for the Columbus NTC Policy

Council Approved NTC Policy

Qualifying Criteria

Residential Street

?Local? Street Classification

Adequate Length, > 750?

Significant Volume, > 500 VPD

Publicly Owned Street

Petition Process

Receive request for Speeding/Cut Thru Traffic

Send Application Package with Map to Petitioner

First Round Petition ? 20% of Households

Perform Speed and Volume Data Collection

Review Existing Subdivision Traffic Control

Analyze All Traffic Data

Mail Recommendations to Petitioner

Implement Soft Measures When Applicable ? i.e. SDC Signs, Speed Limit Signs,

Speed Trailer, Enforcement

Hold Public Meeting for Construction/Hard Measures

Second Round Petition ? 65% of Property Owners

Implement Improvements


The solution is determined by the degree of the speeding problem.

The less the speeding is a problem, the less restrictive the solution.

The more severe the speeding problem is, the more restrictive the solution

needs to be.

Neighborhood Traffic Calming Results

154 NTC Requests Received

154 Petition Packages Mailed

27 Petitions for NTC Studies

Performed 90 Traffic Counts

Provided 105 Slow Down Columbus Signs

Installed 36 Traffic Signs

Made 8 Speed Trailers Deployments

Made 11 request of Police Enforcement

Installed Four Speed Tables

Neighborhood Traffic Calming Findings

NTC Policy is Understandable

Neighborhoods Are Participating

Neighborhood Participation Improves Compliance

Soft Measures Causing a 3 to 4 MPH Reduction

Hard Measure Are Being Evaluated

NTC Study Can Be Completed in 2 to 3 Months

Need to Improve Response Time to Petitioner

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said according to your policy when someone calls

in a complaint about speeding, the Traffic Engineering Division sends out a

package of information to the citizens to walk the neighborhood, and then

asked, what happens when a Councilor calls in a complaint. Mr. Hamlett said if

there is a contact person with that complaint, then they would contact them if

they had called in the complaint.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said if a Councilor calls on behalf of something

in their neighborhood, then it needs to go back to that councilor and not to

the people in the neighborhood. She also said that she doesn?t understand why

we need 20% of the people in the neighborhood to agree with what we want to do

to stop the speeding.

City Manager Hugley said we brought this policy to the Council about a

year and a half ago and said if we need to change something then we are okay

with that.

Much discussion developed on this subject matter with members of the

Council expressing their very strong views regarding the problem of speeding in

the City. City Manager Hugley and Mr. Hamlett then responded to several

questions and concerns of members of the Council.

City Manager Hugley said the most effective means that he has witnessed in

stopping speeding in our city is when Police Chief Boren sends his officers out

in the community. He said this has been a big help. He said in terms of where

Traffic Engineer Hamlett places the traffic calming devices and the purpose in

which he places, there are some standards that he follows that are not made up

in Columbus.

Traffic Engineer Hamlett said before they do any traffic study depending

on what they are evaluating, if it is speeding, they are trying to put them in

a place where turning into an intersection doesn?t skew that speed because we

want it to be as good a indicator as what?s happening through that street. He

said when we send out our maps to the individuals, we will go back and show

them where the speed locations were and then come back and elevate them as an

end result.

Mr. Hamlett then continued with his presentation as outlined below.

Problems Encountered

Street Classification of Residential Collector

Speed Differential, D = < 5 MPH, 5 to 9 MPH, > 10 MPH

Original Petitioner Not Responsive

Petitioners Are Not Picking Up Slow Down Columbus Signs

Multiple Hard Measures Required per Street

Implementation Schedules Being Delayed


Councilor Davis said when he talks with residents; whether it?s a

neighborhood street, collector, or arterial, all the citizens know is that

there is consent pressure from speeding. He said when he talks with them,

He talks about the process and them needing 20% of their neighbors to sign off

on this. He said where it is confusing is, whether or not it is 20% of their

neighbors on the street, the defined neighborhood or what exactly is it.

Mr. Hamlett said what they do, is when we send the package to them, we

look at their subdivision. He said if it is a street like Wilder Drive, you

don?t want to cause people to slow down on that street, but instead of that,

they move over to an adjacent parallel street. He said what they try to do, is

if they did something on this street, what would be the next logical path. He

said they don?t want to chase the speeding problem all over town, but we want

to get it corrected; therefore, when they do a neighborhood and if it had a

street parallel on both side, they would include those two streets within that

area to get the 20%.

After continued discussion on this subject of traffic calming devices,

members of the Council expressed their continued concerns regarding this

matter, and Mr. Hamlett responded to questions of members of the Council, City

Manager Hugley said if we can tweak the process and improve it. He said he

doesn?t like the idea of having the citizens to do the surveys, but he knows

that he is limited in staff. He said they only have four staff members and said

if they concentrate on these surveys; then they would have to divert from doing

something else.

Ms. Donna Newman, Director of Engineering in response to an earlier

question of the Council said, one question she believes that has been asked, is

how do they know what residents to get signatures from and said we provide them

with a map as part of the packet of information that shows the area in which we

are doing the study and said those are the residents that they will need to get

the 20% signatures from. She said that is how they know that it is not just to

go out to every household.

Councilor Barnes said he has problems with the way this process is being

done. He said it is difficult a lot of times for an individual to go out and

get the 20% signatures of the other residents. He then went into some details

in outlining problems that the citizens were having with speeding on Gettysburg

Way, as well as on Celia Drive. He said the people conducted a study; however,

they were told that there was no speeding problem. He also made reference to a

meeting that was held at a church on St. Mary?s Road regarding the speeding

problems on Gettysburg Way.

He said it takes time to get the 20%, but said he doesn?t think that we

need to put that responsibility on the citizens because he believes it is an

impediment to the process. He said with Gettysburg Way there were over 160

people, and we didn?t respond to their concerns. He said we need to have a

different system and one of the things we need to do is to dispense with the

survey and we need to take a look at the way we do things. He said whenever an

elected official deems that there is a problem; then we need to be responsive

to the concerns of the citizens. He said we do need to look at the system

because the system is flawed.

Councilor Henderson said he understands the situation that we are in and

that we can?t get to every one of these not with the manpower that we have;

however, he does agree with Councilor Barnes that it is tough to ask the

citizens to participate because not every street that we are asking these

citizens to walk on is not in a completely safe environment. He said he

understands why we are doing it and he does not know of a better way that we

can do it; but in some instances he thinks the system is not working.

He said he thinks it is working as best as it can with the existing manpower

that we have, but it is moving too slow. He said he do hear from some people

that it takes awhile to get this implemented.

He said he understands that you are doing all you can do with the

resources that we currently give you; and he thinks that we really do need to

decide as a Council whether or not we want to put the resources necessary to

tweak this.

City Manager Hugley said it might be an easier way to get the 20% when

residents comes to a meeting at a particular location and then we can sign them

up and they can sign off whether or not they agree with the traffic calming

device options. He said there would be two opportunities for them to sign up.

Mayor Wetherington said he has heard Councilor Barnes bring the issue of

speeding on Gettysburg Way to this Council table on several occasions. He then

pointed out that at the request of Councilor Barnes, he did meet with several

members of the Council out at the church on St. Mary?s Road where there was

standing room only crowd because speeding was so bad in that neighborhood. He

said we put a number of motorcycle officers out in that area for a period of

time and they did make a number of speeding cases. He said as mentioned earlier

by the City Manager, the blue & white is much better than any other signs that

you can put, if they have time to go out there.

He said he has heard Councilor Barnes also talk about speeding on Lamore Drive,

Celia Drive, as well as Gettysburg Way and said on tomorrow morning, he will

have some officers detailed out there on those streets and we will see if we

can reduce the speeding some in that area.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked Mayor Wetherington to also include Wilder

Drive on the list to detail an officer to as well.

After more than thirty-five minutes of continued discussions on this

matter, City Manager Hugley and Mr. Hamlett responded to further questions of

members of this Council, after which referrals were made by some members of the

Council as outlined below.

Councilor Woodson requested Traffic Engineer Hamlett to have some of the

?Slow Down Columbus? signs posted along Avondale Road, Hawthorne Drive and

Ramsey Road.

Councilor Barnes requested that we take another look at the survey because

he feels it is an impediment. He also said whenever an elected official

recognizes something as a problem, it needs to be addressed as such; and then

it needs to be given first priority.

With respect to Celia Drive, have the staff to determine what are the next

steps to take in getting this matter resolved.

In finalizing his presentation and responding to a question of Councilor

Davis, Traffic Engineer Hamlett said, we are finding out that of all the

traffic calming devices that we have gone through, that we are having problems

with those that require hard measures at a rate of about 10%.

Councilor Davis said he thinks we talked about using money out of the

L.O.S.T. or how would we come up with the revenue to deal with these requests.

City Manager Hugley said we do have L.O.S.T. money for these pay as you go

kinds of things. He said certainly this is something that could be funded from

some of the infrastucture money.

He said he was just reminded that when it is an asphalt traffic calming the

pothole crew is the one that does the asphalt traffic calming.

City Manager Hugley said there are two issues here; one, how we go about

verifying the need rather than having citizens do it and once you have

concluded that you need the traffic calming device or devices on a single

street and then the resources, manpower and materials for implementing it.


If Residential Collector,

Minor Collector = < 1,500 VPD Apply NTC Soft & Hard Measures

Major Collector = > 1,500 VPD Apply only Roundabouts if

qualifies for NTC

If Local Street, Speed Differential (D)

D = < 5 MPH, No Action Required

D = 5 to 9 MPH, Consider Soft Measures ?

SDC Signs, Speed Limit Signs, Speed Trailers

D = > 10 MPH, Consider Hard Measures

(Hard Measures Needed in Intervals of 300? to 600?)

Staff Improve Response & Implementation Schedules


Hard Measures Costs $20,000 & Greater per Installation

Need $50,000 to $100,000 per Year to be Effective

------------------------------------*** ***






Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Medical Center Hospital


Mayor?s Committee for Persons with Disabilities Weekly Report for the weeks

beginning on May 3, 2010 through May 28, 2010.

*** *** ***


With regards to her memorandum regarding the resignation of Mr. Edward

Griffin, Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that members of the Council

have submitted nominations to be submitted to the Medical Center Hospital

Authority for someone to be selected to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Griffin.

She said Councilor Baker is nominating Ms. Jennifer Horne; Councilor Allen

is nominating Mr. Robert Jones, and Councilor Davis is nominating Mr. Bob Koon.

Clerk of Council Washington then submitted the letter from Mr. Edward

Griffin resigning from his seat on the Medical Center Hospital Authority.

Councilor Henderson moved the letter be received with regrets and thanks for

his service. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those six

members of Council present at the time, with Councilors Anthony and Hunter

being absent for this vote and Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent from

the meeting.

She said she would forward these nominations to the Medical Center

Hospital Authority for them to select someone to succeed Mr. Griffin.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington submitted a letter from Mr. George Mize, Jr.

advising that the Hospital Authority of Columbus has elected Mr. Ernest

Smallman, IV to replace the late Mr. Franklyn Lambert. Councilor Henderson made

a motion that he be confirmed. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh carried

unanimously by those six members of Council present at the time, with

Councilors Anthony and Hunter being absent for this vote and Councilors Allen

and McDaniel being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***



Board of Tax Assessors, No. 20-10.

Hospital Authority of Columbus, April 27, 2010.

Councilor Henderson made a motion to receive the minutes. Seconded by

Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those six members of Council

present at the time, with Councilors Anthony and Hunter being absent for this

vote and Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***



COUNCILOR HENDERSON:__________________________________

Petition submitted by Harlan Price to rezone 0.13 acre of property located

at 219 26th Street from RMF2 (Residential Multi Family 2) to GC (General

Commercial) district. (Recommended for denial by the Planning Advisory

Commission and conditional approval by the Planning Department.)


Councilor Henderson made a motion to receive the petition. Seconded by

Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those six members of Council

present at the time, with Councilors Anthony and Hunter being absent for this

vote and Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent from the meeting.

City Attorney Fay later pointed out that the petition was being

recommended for conditional approval and not denial; therefore, an ordinance

could be called for the public hearing. Councilor Henderson then called for the

ordinance and public hearing.

*** *** ***


COUNCIL WASHINGTON AND ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL: ________________________________

A Resolution (180-10) ? Excusing Councilor McDaniel from the June 1, 2010

Council Meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the

resolution. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those six

members of Council present at the time, with Councilors Anthony and Hunter

being absent for this vote and Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent from

this meeting.

*** *** ***



Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the term of office of Ms.

Lauren Mescon will expire on June 30, 2010 and that she is eligible to succeed

herself for another term of office and would like to serve again. Councilor

Henderson then nominated Ms. Mescon for another term of office.

Clerk of Council Washington said she would bring this back on next week

for the Council?s confirmation.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the term of office of Mr.

Terry Ballard on the Building Authority of Columbus expired on March 24, 2010

and that he is eligible to succeed himself, but does not desire reappointment.

She said the Council would need to make a nomination for someone to fill this

expired term. There were no nominations made at this time.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out the following terms of office of

offices expired on last month: Mr. Charles Weaver Council District 1, who is

eligible to succeed himself for another term of office.

Councilor Barnes nominated Ms. Thomas to succeed Mr. Charles Weaver for

his District 1 representative. Clerk of Council advised that because this is a

district appointment Ms. Thomas could be confirmed. Councilor Henderson so

moved. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those six

members of Council present at the time, with Councilors Anthony and Hunter

being absent for this vote and Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent from

this meeting.

Clerk of Council Washington also pointed out that Mr. Daniel Priban;

Council District 9 representative cannot succeed himself, as well as Mr. John

Partin, Ms. Lula Arrington, and Mr. Eddie Roberts.

She said Mr. John Partin, Ms. Lula Arrington and Mr. Eddie Roberts, these

are the Mayor?s appointments and further advised that Mayor Wetherington is

nominating Ms. Kim E. Jenkins to succeed Ms. Lula Arrington and advises that

she may now be confirmed. Councilor Woodson moved she be confirmed. Seconded

by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those six members of

Council present at the time, with Councilors Anthony and Hunter being absent

for this vote and Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent from the meeting.

Clerk of Council Washington also pointed out that Mr. Arthur Rogers,

Council District Four representative cannot succeed himself and that Mayor Pro

Tem Turner Pugh is working on a replacement as well as Ms. Leigh Stewart,

Council District 8 representative could not succeed herself and Councilor

McDaniel is also working on a replacement for this seat.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the seats of Mr. Wane Hailes,

who served as Council District 4 and Ms. Wanda Jenkins, who served as Council

District 1representative have been declared vacant and said we need a new

nominee from these two Councilors.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the term of office of Mr. Rob

Doll on the Housing Authority expired on April 30, 2010 and that he is eligible

to succeed himself for another term of office; however he does not desire to be

reappointed. She advised Mayor Wetherington that this is his appointment and he

needs to nominate someone for this seat.

*** *** ***


City Manager Hugley said regarding an earlier question of the Council as

to whether or not, we approved the additional pothole crew during the budget

process, said we did not approve it. He said we decided to consider it during

the mid-year budget adjustments.

*** *** ***


Councilor Henderson said we had some police officers that rode along with

Scott Ressessmyere on this ride across the 48 states and said he would like to

call for a resolution to honor all those who made the ride.

*** *** ***

With there being no other business for the Council to discuss, Mayor

Wetherington then asked if there was anyone seated in the audience who had an

issue to discuss could come forward at this point.

Mr. Paul Olson, 13820 Upatoi Lane came forward and made several comments

with reference to the audit of the Parks & Recreation Department.

He said Mr. Redmond was doing his job and did a fantastic job in performing

this audit.

He then asked who initiated the audit with the Internal Auditor to perform

an audit on the Parks & Recreation Department.

Mayor Wetherington stated that he did. He responded to further questions

of Mr. Olson. He said the Internal Auditor could perform audits at his

request, as well as the request of the Council and the City Manager.

Mr. Olson said he thinks that we need to look at the Economic Development

Authority as well. He also questioned the City Attorney as to whether or not he

reviewed a contract that the City has with this Elite Basketball organization.

He said if we abide by the City Charter, he thinks that we will not find

ourselves in any trouble.

After Mr. Olson spent some ten minutes in expressing his views regarding

audits and investigations.

Mayor Wetherington said he and the City Manager had asked the Internal

Auditor to look into most of the departments within the government. He said he

believes that he has looked at 24 of those departments and said he is going

around checking them all. He said he was the one to tell him to look into Parks

& Recreation because we hadn?t gotten to it yet.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said according to the ordinance that setup the

Auditor?s position, the Council was supposed to receive a copy of these audits

and said we have not received a copy of them.

Mayor Wetherington said he has instructed Internal Auditor Redmond to

provide a copy of those audits to the members of Council.

-------------------------------------*** ***


With there being no additional business for the Council to discuss, Mayor

Wetherington then entertained a motion for adjournment. Councilor Henderson so

moved. Seconded by Councilor Barnes and carried unanimously by those six

members of Council present at the time, with Councilors Anthony and Hunter

being absent for this vote and councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent from

the meeting, with the time being 8:00 p.m.

Tiny B. Washington, CMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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