Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

The Columbus Consolidated Government

Planning Department

Post Office Box 1340 Columbus, Georgia 31902-1340

Telephone (706) 653-4116

Fax (706) 653-4120




Applicant: Jack Hayes

Owner: Cottle Properties, LLC

Location 6059 & 6073 Veterans Parkway, 189-017-037, 189-017-039

Acreage: 4.42 acres

Current Zoning Classification: RO (Residential Office)

Proposed Zoning Classification: GC (General Commercial)

Current Use of Property: Undeveloped

Proposed Use of Property: Retail / Office

Council District: District 2 (Davis)

Planning Advisory Commission's Recommendation: Approval based on the staff report and

compatibility with existing land uses.

Planning Departments Recommendation: Approval based on compatibility with existing land uses

and future land use within the Comprehensive Plan.

Fort Benning's Rcommendation: N/A

DRI Rcommendation: N/A

General Land Use: Consistent

Planning Area A

Environmental Impacts: The property does not lie within the floodway and floodplain

area. The developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a

Site Development permit, if a permit is required.

City Services: Properties are served by all city services.

Traffic Impact: This rezoning request will not change the level of service (LOS) from

its current level of D. This development will increase traffic on Veterans

Parkway by 684 annual average daily trips (AADT) on the weekday. An increase

of 518 AADT will be generated on Saturdays.

Surrounding Zoning: North ? GC (General Commercial)

South ? GC (General Commercial)

East ? LMI (Light Manufacturing and Industrial)

West ?NC (Neighborhood Commercial)

Reasonableness of Request The request is compatible with existing land-uses.

School Impact N/A

Buffer Requirements

The site will not require buffers because all parcels abutting it are GC or LMI.

Attitude of Property Owners: Thirty One (31) property owners within 300 feet of the

subject properties were notified of the rezoning request. The Planning

Department received no calls and emails regarding the rezoning.

Additional Information: The property was rezoned from GC to RO in 2011 to build apartments.

The applicant is now requesting to rezone the property back to GC.



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