Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



May 8, 2012

Members Present: Chairperson Berry Henderson, Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner Pugh,

Councilors R. Gary Allen, Mike Baker, Jerry ?Pops? Barnes, Glenn Davis, Bruce

Huff, Judy Thomas and Evelyn Woodson. Also present were City Manager Isaiah

Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay, Deputy City Managers David Arrington and

Lisa Goodwin, Finance Director Pam Hodge, Human Resources Director Tom Barron

and Clerk of Council Tiny B. Washington. Mayor Tomlinson was present; however,

she was not seated around the table.

Members Absent: Councilor Charles E. McDaniel, Jr. was absent.

Call to Order: Chairman Henderson called the meeting to order at 12:49 p.m. in

the Council Chambers, Plaza Level, of the Government Center.

Chairman Henderson offered some brief remarks regarding the budget session

process and advised this is not an open meeting.

Finance Director Pam Hodge approached the rostrum to provide the

following budget presentation. She called attention to the information that

was distributed around the table, which includes the FY13 Recommended Operating

Budget Overview, FY2013 Recommended Budget, and the General Fund Schedule of

Expenditures. The presented is outlined as follows:



MAY 8, 2012


Budget Process/Schedule


Operating Funds Summary (including Capital/CIP)

General Fund ? Fund Balance

Agency Appropriations

Non-Operating Funds Summary


The budget must be submitted to the Council by the Mayor no less than

60 days prior to each fiscal year

The budget must include operating and capital expenditures accompanied

by revenues

The budget must be made public by advertising in the newspaper and

hearings must be held for public comment

The budget and the millage rate ordinances along with related

ordinances must be approved by July 1


MAY 2012

Budget Review Sessions

Budget Review Sessions

May 8th ? Overview, Operating Funds Summary, General Fund-Fund Balance,

Agency Appropriations, Non-Operating Funds Summary

May 15th ? Other Local Option Sales Tax, Department Presentations

May 22nd ? Department Presentations

May 29th ? Department Presentations, Add/Delete List


JUNE 2012

Notices in the newspaper for public comment

Public hearings for Taxpayers Bill of Rights

First Reading of the Budget Ordinance

Public hearing

Second Reading - Budget Final Approval

First reading of the Tax Millage

Public Hearing

Second reading of the Tax Millage

Final Tax Rates

JULY 1, 2012

Fiscal Year begins


Revenues $259,978,307

Expenditures $266,881,380

Use of fund balances $3,820,665

? General Fund $6,430,848

? Metra $131,603

? Trade Center $340,622


No change in the Millage Rates from FY12

- USD #1 = 17.88 mills

- USD #2 = 11.90 mills

- USD #4 = 11.00 mills

2.00% Increase in the Digest

96% Collection Rate

NO subsidy to Integrated Waste Fund or Civic Center

Subsidies to E911, Golf Courses, Parking Management and Naval Museum

Value of one mill (Operating) $4,353,252

Value of one mill (Debt) $4,814,414

Pay Plan advancement / adjustment included as Pension Reform offset

COLA included of 0.50% for active employees and 0.25% for retirees

effective January 5, 2013

Health Insurance - City increase of $250 ($5,400 to $5,650) and

Employees premium increases in January 2013

$0 included for post employment retiree benefits


USD #1 USD#2 USD#4

Total Gen and Urban 8.18 6.13 5.98

METRA 0.82 0.82 0.82

Total subject to cap 9.00 6.95 6.80

Stormwater (Sewer) 1.24 0.20 N/A

Paving 3.44 0.55 N/A

Medical Center 3.00 3.00 3.00

Economic Development 0.25 0.25 0.25

Debt Service .95 .95 .95

TOTAL 17.88 11.90 11.00

Councilor Baker asked if Finance Director Hodge would explain the increase

on the City?s side from $5400 to $5650 in Health Insurance, which is listed

under the assumptions.

In response to a question of Councilor Baker, Finance Director Hodge

explained that the $5,650 is what?s budgeted for each employee in each

department?s budget. She said out of each pay period, that funding is

transferred to the internal service fund, which is where we pay the claims for

employees, as we are self-funded. She went on to explain that Blue Cross is

the City?s third party administrator. She said we are self-funded, so Blue

Cross processes the claims for us and we reimburse the claims.


General - 57.82%

Other LOST - 13.11%

Paving - 5.44%

Medical Center - 5.12%

Integrated Waste - 3.82%

Transportation - 2.24%

Debt Service - 4.49%

Civic Center - 2.37%

Stormwater (Sewer) - 1.91%

E911 - 1.33%

Trade Center - 1.07%

Bull Creek - 0.55%

Economic Development - 0.39%

Oxbow Creek - 0.20%

Parking Management - 0.14%


General Property - 28.49%

Sales & Use Taxes - 28.49%

Charges for Services - 14.16%

Business & Other Taxes - 8.66%

Franchise Fees - 7.23%

Transfers In - 4.80%

Fines & Forefeitures - 1.82%

Fund Balance - 2.59%

Intergovernmental - 1.22%

Miscellaneous - 1.07%

Licenses & Permits - 0.94%

Investment Income - 0.53%


Public Safety ? 39.77%

Public Services ? 10.42%

Community Services ? 10.03

Recreation & Culture ? 7.82%

Non-Departmental ? 7.79%

Management Operations ? 6.81%

Criminal Justice ? 5.65%

Debt Service ? 4.65%

Capital Improvement - 3.27%

Mass Transit ? 2.25%

Statutory, Boards & Commission ? 1.54%


FY13 Operating Budget by Expenditure Type:

Personnel Services - 57.37%

Operating - 36.39%

CIP - 2.69%

Capital - 2.68%

2% Pay Adjustment - 0.87%


Revenues $147,873,157

Expenditures $154,304,005

Difference ($ 6,430,848)

General Fund ? accounts for normal ?day to day? activities (i.e. police, fire,

public works, finance, recreation, jail, courts and general government).

Primarily funded from sales tax, property taxes and franchise fees.


Personnel $114,807,989 (74.4%)

Operating $ 38,297,301 (23.2)

Includes subsidies

Includes NCR and River Restoration Projects

Capital $ 700,000 (0.5%)

CIP $ 498,715 (0.3%)

Baker Village (Year 7 of 7)

06/30/2011 $33,379,664 80.46 days

FY12 Projection* (1, 020,556) (2.46) days

06/30/2012 $32,177,108 78.00 days

FY13 Commitments (5,502,905) (13.26) days

FY13 Balance Gen Fund (927,943) (2.24) days

06/30/2013 Projection $25,746,260 61.50 days

*Estimated at 103% of Revenues, 98% of Expenditures


Revenues $ 5,105,143

Expenditures $ 5,105,143

Difference $ 0

Stormwater (Sewer) Fund - accounts for activities that are restricted

for stormwater and drainage. Primarily funded from property taxes.

Millage increased to 1.24 in USD#1, 0.20 in USD#2


Personnel $3,105,730 (60.9%)

Operating $1,058,941 (20.7%)

Capital $ 397,954 ( 7.8%)

CIP $ 542,518 (10.6%)

? Pipe Rehab/Drainage Studies


Revenues $ 14,513,888

Expenditures $ 14,513,888

Difference $ 0

Paving Fund ? accounts for maintenance and improvements to roads and

bridges. Primarily funded with property taxes.

Millage remains at 3.44 in USD#1, 0.55 in USD#2

Personnel $8,017,708 (55.3%)

Operating $4,528,194 (31.2%)

Capital $ 942,340 ( 6.5%)

CIP $1,025,646 (7.0%)

? Resurfacing Program, Road Improvements, Sidewalks, etc.


3 mills

Proposed budget $13,659,756

Medical Center - accounts for funding for indigent hospital care.

Primarily funded with property taxes.

Contract includes $500K of inmate medical expenses; any charges in

excess of this amount are split 50% with the City.

$600,000 Transfer from the General Fund included


Revenues $10,190,000

Expenditures $10,190,000

Difference $ 0

Integrated Waste ? accounts for refuse and disposal services.

Primarily funded from user charges.

Residential Fee remains at $14/month

Non-residential rate increases included

Reduction of landfill hours

Personnel $5,234,430 (51.4%)

Operating $4,955,570 (48.6%)

Capital $ 0 ( 0.0%)

? Lease/Purchase program funding included in the Debt Service Fund

CIP $ 0 ( 0.0%)

Landfill Closure and Post Closure


Revenues $3,558,592

Expenditures $3,558,352

Difference $ 0

E911 ? accounts for telephone subscriber surcharges and collection for

emergency dispatch. Primarily funded from landlines and wireless phone


Other Local Option Sales Tax Fund

Subsidy $858,592


Revenues $ 11,976,222

Expenditures $ 11,976,222

Difference $ 0

Debt Service Fund-accounts for accumulation and disbursement of

principle and interest payment .

Millage rate remained the same at 0.95 mills

Lease/Purchase Program included


Revenues $ 5,858,949

Expenditures $ 5,990,552

Difference ($131,603)

METRA ? accounts for the operations of the public transportation

system. Primarily funded from property taxes, federal grants and service


Capital $ 514,700


Revenues $ 374,024

Expenditures $ 374,024

Difference $0

Parking ? accounts for the operation of public parking and parking

garages. Primarily funded from parking fees.

General Fund Subsidy $164,524


Revenues $ 2,525,650

Expenditures $ 2,866,272

Difference $ 0

Trade Center ? accounts for the operations of the facility. Primarily

funded from event proceeds and beer taxes ($768K), and Hotel/Motel Tax ($630k).

Capital $ 18,400

*Note: Utilizing Trade Center - Available Fund Balance



Bull Creek - $1,455,946

General Fund Subsidy at $75,000

Bull Creek - accounts for the operation of the Bull Creek Golf Course

Oxbow Creek - $525,200

General Fund Subsidy $275,000

Oxbow Creek - accounts for the operation of the Oxbow Creek Golf Course


Revenues $ 6,317,000

Expenditures $ 6,317,000

Difference $0

Civic Center ? accounts for the operations of the facility. Primarily

funded from hotel/motel taxes ($1.26 million) and events proceeds.

Capital - $ 31,004


Budget $ 1,044,780

Economic Development ? accounts for 0.25 mills used for attracting

quality companies, broadening the tax base, job creation and retention



FY12 FY13

Health Dept Services $813,475 $813,475

Health Dept Rent $304,381 $306,368

Dept of Family & Children Srv $90,000 $80,000

Keep Columbus Beautiful $72,706 $72,706

Uptown Columbus $72,900 $72,900

FY12 FY13

Airport Commission $40,000 $40,000

River Valley Regional Comm $190,414 $189,855

New Horizons $234,823 $234,823

Literacy Alliance $14,580 $0


Personal Expenses $267,491

Revenue $ 67,491

Net Subsidy $200,000

- Naval Museum responsible for all operating expenses

- FY99 ? FY03 = $78,840 subsidy

- FY04 ? FY07 = $103,840 subsidy

- FY08 ? FY11 = $300,000 subsidy

- FY12 = $250,000 subsidy


Funds not for the general operation of the government

Restricted for a specific purpose

Must be budgeted annually

Maintained in a separate fund

Urban Development Action Grant $75,000

Economic Development Program $15,000

HOME $747,379

HUD Section 108 $891,450

Multi-Governmental $3,090,980

Hotel/Motel $5,040,000

Police Forfeiture $100,000

County Drug Abuse Treatment (DATE) $68,000

Metro Drug Task Force $200,000

County Jail/Penalty Assessment $3,250,000

Sheriff Forfeiture $200,000

Special Projects (CIP) $2,066,879

1999 Sales Tax Proceeds $40,000

Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2003A


Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2003B


Family, Youth and Coalition $44,000

Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 1999C $450,000

Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2010A


Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2010B


Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2010C


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh advised that Council had received a letter from

the Chairperson of the Keep Columbus Beautiful Commission and asked Finance

Director Hodge had she received a copy of the letter. Finance Director Hodge

said she had not received a copy of the letter. Mayor Pro Tem Pugh then asked

that the request be placed on the add list.


? Recorder?s Court

Judge Cielinski came forward and distributed a handout to each Council

member in regards to a technology fee. (A copy of this document was not filed

for the record.) He said this is an opinion that he obtained from the

Administrative Office of the Courts. He said although he cannot do this by

administrative order, the home rule provision could provide the power to adopt

a technology fee. He said depending on what the fee is, this could possibly

self-support Recorder?s Court.

Judge Cielinski indicated that he had sent a letter to Council on March

29, 2012 in regards to pay increase. (A copy of this document was not filed for

the record.)

He pointed out the fact that Recorder?s Court had not received a raise since

2006. He said he projects that the Court will have close to 6.9 million cases

this year. He went on to say that there has been 100 new Police Officers put

on the streets along with the Night Hawks (Georgia State Troopers) coming in.

He said as a result of more officers being on the street, there has been an

increase in the workload and consequently some employees have been required to

work longer hours. He said he is requesting a pay raise of some sort for

Recorder?s Court employees.

Judge Cielinski advised that there is still conversation regarding the

online payment system. He said he would like to move ahead with it, to include

the e-ticketing process as well.

Chairman Henderson advised Judge Cielinski to get with the City Manager?s

Office before the next year?s legislative agenda is created.

City Manager Hugley indicated that Judge Cielinski had previously come

before the Council to talk about the online payment system. He advised that he

(Hugley) convened a committee that involved the Police Chief, Major Swiney and

Judge Cielinski and his representative. He said he also invited the Marshal,

the Sheriff, the Chief of Public Safety at Columbus State University and the

Airport. He said we all convened in the same room on an initial meeting, and

we all agreed that we would invite the company Courtware at Judge Cielinski

recommendation. He said Courtware came down and gave a demonstration, and we

were all impressed. He said out of that larger group, we went around the table

and everyone was on board in terms of buying the hardware. He advised that the

software would come free of charge. He said in that meeting he explained to

them that he felt like he could find the $200,000 that was projected by IT and

Finance. He said he also spoke with the Mayor in regards to the $200,000. He

said we left the room with the understanding that this was going in the budget.

He advised that it is in the budget and if approved we will do an RFP and get

the right vendor in. He said we will buy the hardware and it will be in the

Sheriff?s, Police, Marshal?s, Columbus State University and the Airport?s


After several minutes of discussion regarding this matter, Chairman

Henderson said the way that job has grown, he would love to have a more robust

revenue side on the budget. He said the job that the Judges do deserves a

greater compensation. He said the job has grown simply because of the increase

in the number of cases. He said we are very grateful for the job that the

Judges do in Recorder?s Court.

Finance Department-Citi Serve

Finance Director Pam Hodge came forward and advised that there was

funding placed in the budget for $100,000 for the Citi Serve project. She said

Finance Director Britt Hayes would be giving a brief update on Citi Serve.

Assistant Finance Director Britt Hayes came forward and said we have been

talking for some time about the possibility of implementing a database

performance system here in Columbus Georgia. He said we formed a committee to

try to see about the feasibility of implementing that kind of system. He said

on November 29, 2011 he came forward at the recommendation of the Committee.

He said we thought there was merit in moving forward in implementing a Citi

Serve system here. He said on January 10, 2012 the Mayor made a formal

presentation to Council including the specification for the Citi Serve RFP. He

said on January 18, 2012 we advertised the RFP and said he has also included a

copy behind the budget presentation that was handed out earlier. He said we

had two pre-proposal teleconferences, the first of which was on February 8th.

He said there were 24 firms that were represented on that particular conference

call. He said the second one was held on February 17th and there were nine

firms that were represented on that teleconference. He advised that on March

2nd the Purchasing Division received 17 proposals from different consulting

firms. He said we are in the process of narrowing that list of 17 proposals by

the voting members of the committee; the committee will meet again in the next

couple of weeks to review cost proposals. He said when and if Council elects to

move forward with a consultant, we are hopeful Columbus will be able to learn

from experience and hopeful become more efficient and affective.

After several minutes of conversation concerning this matter, Chairman

Henderson advised that the next Budget Review Committee Meeting is scheduled

for next Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 9:00 A.M.

*** *** ***

With there being no other budget related items to discuss, this meeting

adjourned with the time being 2:23 p.m.


Tiny B. Washington

Clerk of Council


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