HR 162 Constitutional Amendment to Cap Property Assessment Increases (The
version on the internet may not be the latest version)
To the surprise of ACCG and many others this resolution came out of the House
Ways and Means Committee yesterday. If passed, this resolution would authorize
a state referendum asking the voters if they would like to cap property
assessment increases. Obviously, this would probably pass if it gets to a
state referendum. If the constitutional amendment passes, the state, counties,
cities and schools could not increase the assessed value of any real properties
(e.g. commercial, industrial, residential etc.) beyond 3% or the CPI whichever
is less on an annual basis. If a county does not revalue all property
annually, then they could capture the unrealized increases for up to three
years. If the county goes for more than three years before doing a countywide
revaluation, they loose the opportunity to capture some of the allowable
inflationary increases. Newly purchased property and additions to existing
property would be placed on the digest at their fair market value at the time
of purchase or construction and would be caped for future inflationary
increases. This legislation is a major shift in the way ad valorem taxes are
assessed and would apply to every county, city and school district in the
state. Please review this legislation immediately with your staff and contact
your legislative delegation to express your concerns.
The resolution is currently in the House Rules Committee. Below are the
members of this committee. Please express your concerns to them as well.
Terry Barnard 404.656.5138
Ben Bridges 404.656.5143
Jeff Brown 404.463.2247
Mark Burkhalter 404.656.5072
Sue Burmeister 404.656.5024
David Casas 404.656.0254
Mickey Channell 404.656.0298
Sharon Cooper 404.463.8142
Earl Ehrhart 404.656.5141
Barry Fleming 404.656.5024
Rich Golick 404.651.7737
David Graves 404.656.7855
Carolyn Hugley 404.656.5058
Jerry Keen 404.656.5052
Bob Lane 404.656.5115
Jeff Lewis 404.656.9198
Fran Millar 404.656.5064
James Mills 404.656.5099
Bobby Parham 404.656.0220
Butch Parrish 404.656.0298
DuBose Porter 404.656.5058
David Ralston 404.656.5943
Nikki Randall 404.656.0109
Robert Ray 404.656.0265
Tom Rice 404.656.5912
Austin Scott 404.656.5132
Jay Shaw 404.656.7859
Bob Smith 404.463.2247
Calvin Smyre 404.656.0116
Ron Stephens 404.656.5122
Len Walker 404.656.5139
Wendell Willard 404.656.5125
Clint Mueller
Legislative Director
Association County Commissioners of Georgia
Ph# 404-522-5022
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