Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




The ANIMAL CONTROL ADVISORY BOARD met Tuesday, March 15, 2016, at 2:30 P.M. at

the Animal Care & Control Center.


Carla Anthony Dr McDermott Gail Simpson

John Barwick Drale Short Tom Bryan

Kathy McCarley Pat Biegler

Tim Butts Dr. Reddick

Becky Carter


Lisa Jane - (Muscogee County Resident)


Kathy McCarley called the meeting to order at 2:37 P.M.

Kathy McCarley welcomed and thanked all Board members present to this called

meeting. Kathy McCarley stated we have a new Board member. Timothy Butts and

asked each member to introduce themselves. Each member introduced themselves

and Kathy McCarley welcomed Mr. Butts to the Animal Control Advisory Board.

Kathy McCarley requested Drale Short lead the meeting on what the Board would

be discussing today.

Drale Short requested the Board members look at their informational packets.

Drale Short asked the members to look specifically at the letter from Muscogee

County resident Lisa Jane. Ms. Short stated, Ms. Jane wanted to speak with the

Board about the Animal Control Ordinance Section 5-7.1 in reference to an

animal?s shelter. Drale Short stated, her interpretation of the letter from Ms.

Jane is she would like the ordinance revised concerning what is considered an

actual shelter. Ms. Janes does not feel the carport is an acceptable means of

shelter for a dog left on the outside. The ordinance presently reads ?carports

are a means for acceptable shelter?.

Drale Short informed the Board any revision, deletion, or add on to an

ordinance would have to go through the city attorney?s office for approval.

Becky Carter stated, she would be more inclined to question the issue of

tethering. Drale Short stated, the issue would be a clarification on the facts

surrounding what would be considered a permanent or non permanent shelter. John

Barwick asked, what should be considered permanent and non-permanent shelter

for the animals because the question would arise how a citizen can become in

compliance without the clarification. Drale Short replied, because of the

wording, specifics of temperature, and questionable shelter, her officers

investigate each situation and circumstance. The dog could have appropriate

shelter, but chooses not to use it during inclement weather. Kathy McCarley

agreed the wording within the ordinance relating to shelter may need a better

definition for what is considered shelter. Kathy McCarley asked if there were

any more discussion, and Lisa Jane was invited in to speak with the Board.

Kathy McCarley asked Ms Jane to speak to the Board about revisions she

requested. Ms Jane passed out a document with a list of revisions attached,

relating to shelter. Ms Jane stated, she has worked 14 years with animal

rescues and feels a need for an ordinance revision to shelter requirements.

Drale Short informed the Board members and Ms. Jane to conditions of shelters

requirement for an outdoor facility presently in the ordinance. Drale Short

stated, she believes when the ordinance was originally written all the outline

specifics were not listed because it may be made on baseline for any animal

owner. Drale Short informed Ms. Jane the Board will discuss her specifics for

revision at the next Animal Control Advisory Board meeting and send their

findings/decision to the City Attorney office for clarification and legality.

She thanked Ms. Jane for coming and would get back with her on the decision of

the Board. Ms. Jane was dismissed.

Drale Short told the Board members to scan the rest of their packets. The

impoundment zip code specifically the 31907 area, report still has the highest

percentage of intakes. Becky Carter stated the intake numbers are a lot lower

than in the past. Drale Short stated the cause for concern means educating the

public more is required. Carla Anthony stated she believes a lot of animals

may not be registered in that area and educating the owners of the necessary

laws and care of the animal is necessary. Carla Anthony asked was there a

report with relation of the zip code and registered animal in the 31907 area.

Drale Short stated she would request a report from the IT department.

Drale Short informed the Board, the Best Friends Community Cat Project is doing

very well and the number of surgeries for 2015 is listed in their packets. She

also informed them that a Pet Coalition was formed to address the animal issues

in their area. The coalition is made up of local rescues and animal controls in

Muscogee and Harris County. The coalition applied a for a grant to get animals

adopted and Best Friends issued the grant which included an employee work at

PetSmart where each rescue or animal control would have a specific day of the

week for their animals would be featured for adoptions. So far, the combined

efforts since the first week in February, a total of 22 animals were adopted.

Drale Short informed the Board, in her 2017 Fiscal Year budget she has

requested 2 additional employees, funding for vaccines, and a small foster care

program. A request for a large animal barn added on to the Animal Care &

Control Center to house large animals which get loose. Dr. McDrmott inquired

where it would be located, Ms Short replied at the Cooper Creek Park

horticulture area. Drale Short stated that was all the information she had for

the Board.

Kathy McCarley gave out flyers for the Rabies Clinic for April 28, 2016 at the

Civic Center. She encouraged Board members to give them to citizens they have

600 donated vaccines. The Health Department does not discriminate on where

they live, all residents from surrounding areas are welcomed. Timothy Butts

asked was it feasible that Animal Control give rabies shots to all animals. Ms

Short informed Mr. Butts the funding is not available to vaccinate all animals

impounded at the Animal Care and Control Center. However, vaccinating these

animals on impoundment will only provide our adopters with a healthier animal.

Many rescues and adopters are hesitant to receive animals from us because we

don?t provide any form of vaccinations. Kathy McCarley asked if anyone had any

other discussion, none were garnered.

Kathy McCarley adjourned the meeting at 3:58pm.

March 15, 2016

Kathy McCarley, Chairman

Contreana Pearson, Recording Secretary

C: Clerk of Council

ACAB Members


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