Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

The regular meeting of the Columbus Board of Health was held in the

Administration Conference Room of the Health and Human Services Center on

Wednesday, June 28, 2006, at 1:00 P.M.


Isaiah Hugley, City Manager

James H. Sullivan, M. D.

Howard Willis, M .D.

James A. Lawrence, D.D.S.

H. Banks Carroll, M. D.


Mayor Bob Poydasheff

Brenda Dozier


Zsolt Koppanyi, M. D.

Bill Rumer, Attorney

Margaret Gosden

Pam Middleton

LaQuita Rogers

Karon Bush

Dr. Sullivan called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve the

minutes of the last meeting. A motion was made by Dr. Carroll, seconded by Dr.

Lawrence and approved by those members present.

Dr. Sullivan stated there were two Excused Absences for the meeting today. Ms.

Dozier is out of town and Mayor Poydasheff is attending another scheduled

meeting and is not able to attend the Board meeting. Dr. Sullivan asked for a

motion to accept the Excused Absences. A motion was made by Dr. Lawrence,

seconded by Dr. Carroll and approved by those members present.

Dr. Sullivan referred to the Old Business/Action List. Dr. Sullivan stated that

no action was needed on Dr. Willis? past action list item until acceptance is

achieved from the School Board. The other item discussed last month was related

to the proposed closing of West Central Georgia Regional Hospital. The Medicaid

CMO situation is at a stand still.

Dr. Sullivan referred to New Business. He referred to the two page letter

announcing a Dinner Meeting on July 13th for Dr. Janice Carson. She is from

Columbus and is a trained anesthesiologist and has practiced in Michigan. She

attended the University of Michigan. She is the liaison between Dr. Stuart

Brown and the District Health Directors. The dinner will be held here at the

Columbus Health Department on Thursday night, July 13th at 6:30 P.M. On Friday,

July 14th. She will visit the Columbus Teen Clinic and some of the other health

departments in the outlying counties of the District. Ms. Gosden also stated

the Chairman and Vice Chairman from the seven smallest Boards would be invited.

Dr. Willis asked that the Columbus Board members be reminded by phone about the

Dinner Meeting. It was suggested by Dr. Willis the Columbus Board Members be

called and faxed a reminder one week before the evening meeting and telephoned

the day before the meeting.

Dr. Sullivan stated that he would entertain a motion for the Board to go into

Executive Session to discuss land acquisition. He will sign the Affidavit for

this action. Dr. Sullivan asked for a motion for the Board to go into Executive

Session. A motion was made by Dr. Willis, seconded by Dr. Carroll and approved

by those members present.

Dr. Sullivan asked for a motion to resume the regular Board Meeting. A motion

was made by Dr. Willis, seconded by Dr. Lawrence and approved by those members

present. A motion was made and passed in Executive Session to pursue

acquisition of a site to house Bio-terrorism equipment and supplies trough the

City of Columbus.

Dr. Sullivan asked Dr. Koppanyi for his Director?s Comments. Dr. Koppanyi

stated there is a meeting today in Macon, Georgia concerning the development of

a Strategic Plan for the Division of Public Health as well as a new Mission


Dr. Koppanyi stated there were some major changes in personnel at Peachtree

Street, Al Peterson the WIC Director is no longer there as well as Mike Smith.

Dr. Koppanyi stated that work is continuing on the Pandemic Flu Plan and also

work involving Dr. Brightwell?s assistance.

Dr. Sullivan called on Pam Middleton for the financial report for the month of

May, 2006. There was a brief discussion between Dr. Willis, Ms. Gosden and Ms.

Middleton regarding some financial questions about the budget.

Dr. Sullivan asked if there was any other business to discuss. There being

none, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted:


Pam Middleton, Secretary


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