Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




JUNE 18, 2013

A meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called to order at 9:09

A.M., Tuesday, June 18, 2013, on the Plaza Level of the Government Center,

Columbus, Georgia. Honorable Teresa Pike Tomlinson, Mayor and Honorable Evelyn

Turner Pugh, Mayor Pro Tem, presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Tomlinson and Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh were

Councilors Mike Baker, Berry H. Henderson, Judy W. Thomas and Evelyn Woodson.

City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay, Clerk of Council Tiny B.

Washington and Deputy Clerk Sandra Davis were also present. Councilor Bruce

Huff took his seat at the Council table at 9:15 a.m. Councilor Jerry ?Pops?

Barnes took his seat at the Council table at 9:17 a.m.

----------------------------------------*** ***

***-------------------------------------ABSENT: Councilor R. Gary Allen was

absent, but was excused upon the adoption of Resolution Number 213-13.

Councilors Glenn Davis and Charles E. McDaniel, Jr. were also absent.

----------------------------------------*** ***

***-------------------------------------INVOCATION: Led by Pastor Pastor

Jeremy Rands - Grace Baptist Church.

----------------------------------------*** ***


PLEDGE: Led by Generational Kids Academy

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City Attorney Fay said this is the last of our taxpayer?s bill of rights

public hearing that is required by Title 48 of the Georgia Code. He said this

set of hearings is required every year because the value in our tax digest are

projected to increase this year; although the millage rates for our taxpayers

are not going to increase for FY-14. He said he knows that a lot of people are

listening or may be here because they got notices about their property values,

and said if you have a question about your property value, then you need to

contact the Board of Tax Assessors? Office.

He said Director of Finance Pam Hodge is present here this morning and

said there may be individuals who may want to speak to the public hearing.

Director of Finance Pam Hodge came forward and pointed out that this is

the third taxpayers? bill of rights public hearing. She said this is a notice

of property tax increase that is required by law, and said it is a notice to

taxpayers as a whole and not individually, that the total amount of taxes that

will be collected in FY-14 will be higher than in FY-13. She said that is only

due to changes in the digest and not changes in the millage. She said the

millage rate remains the same, District 1 at 17.88, that it is District 2 at

11. 90 and District 4 at 11 mills. She said the problem with this ad is

required by the State and it doesn?t take into account the specifics of our

county dealing with the property tax freeze. She said it?s a little misleading

and we want to make sure that we answer everyone?s questions.

City Attorney Fay then asked if there was anyone who wanted to be heard.

Mr. Paul Olson then came forward and offered his comments regarding the

City?s FY-14 budget. He made comments regarding the Other Local Option Sales

Tax. He also made reference to Article 7, Section 7-102 Millage Limitation of

the Charter. He made comments about the new Natatorium and said this is an

amenity that the citizens never asked for.

Mayor Tomlinson in responding to a comment made by Mr. Olson said the

Development Authority millage has not gone up and said that Parks & Recreation

did absorb both the 2 percent cut last year, as well as the 1.5 percent this


City Attorney Fay then asked if there was anyone else who wanted to speak

to the Title 48, Taxpayer?s Bill of Rights? Public Hearing, relative to our

millage rates in Columbus, Georgia. He then said with there being no one else

wanting to be heard, this public hearing is concluded.

Ms. Serena F. Williams said she just had a question about the increase in

the property taxes. She said she just wanted to know if they can be reduced.

She said she inherited some property and said the taxes have more than tripled.

She said she has a very small income and doesn?t have that kind of money to pay

the taxes. She said if she is not able to pay the taxes; then the property will

eventually be lost.

Mayor Tomlinson said when it is a particular piece of property and there

has been a transfer, as you have inherited it, said there is a reassessment as

to the value because it was probably frozen under whomever it was that gave it

to you. She then suggested to Ms. Williams to contact Ms. Betty Middleton, who

is over our Tax Assessors Department, so that she can handle your particular

circumstances. She said the property tax rate is not going up.

----------------------------------------*** ***


MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETINGS: Minutes of the May 14 & 28, 2013 Council Meetings

of the Council of the Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia were

submitted and approved. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the approval of the

minutes. Seconded by Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those seven

members of Council present for this meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis and

McDaniel being absent.

----------------------------------------*** ***






Mr. Buddy Bryan, Coroner, said he is extremely proud to be the ambassador

for the City of Columbus and the citizens that he represents. He said he would

like to thank Mr. Jon Johnson, Financial Analyst, who assisted him with the

process of his budget. He said he, along with Marshal Greg Countryman, one of

the elected officials that did meet his budget reduction. He said he was proud

of that and believes they reduced their budget by 2.8 %; however, it was a

mandatory 1.5% that was to be reduced; but said he is a team player.

Mr. Bryan said he is here today to make you aware of some of the things

that he brought up at the last meeting. He said Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh

requested an analysis, but said he don?t know if it has been reviewed. He said

he has brought professionalism, ethics, morale and dignity back into the

Coroner?s office. He said he is a caring individual and sympathic to the

families? needs. He said he is planning on being in this position for twelve

years, three terms and then fully retired.

He said as of today, they have had 305 cases that have come through his

department. He said they are a little above average and will probably do about

700 this year. He said they based the budget on their needs and not their

wants. He said he based it on the need and what they needed in the office to

function. He said one of the programs that he is working on is reducing infant

child mortality in Columbus.

Mr. Bryan said he is serving on a committee where they are meeting with

expectant mothers, teaching the rights and wrongs of co-sleeping, having

stuffed animals in the bed with their children. He said he is also working with

the homeless shelters, Salvation Army, the House of Mercy, trying to get them

to mandate that when someone comes through their facility, they be provided

with the names of two individuals that they are connected with, the next of

kin, in the event something should happen to them or in the time of death. He

said a week doesn?t go by that they don?t have a death where they have to do a

lot of investigation in trying to find the next of kin. He said they are trying

to reduce that and in essence in reducing, that we will reduce the amount of

money paid out by the City for pauper and indigent cases. He said he also has a

program that he has introduced where they will be providing living wills, basic

wills, general and durable power of attorneys to the citizens of Columbus at no

cost. He said these are valuable documents that need to be in place and will

save the families from a lot of stress and strain. He said they can call his

office and they will produce these documents and have them notarized at the

same time.

He said he has provided the members of the Council with the Revenue

General Analysis. He said one thing that he is asking the Council to consider

is that at the present time we charge $150.00 to the outside counties to

transport one of their remains to Atlanta to the crime lab. He said they store

them in his morgue, and his driver, their vehicle takes them up to the crime

lab for $150.00 and he is asking the Council for permission to allow them to

increase that from $150.00 to $275.00 and said this is a way to bring in

revenues for the City.

Mr. Bryan said by law, they are required to transport remains to Atlanta

to the crime lab, but said they are not responsible for bringing them back once

a funeral home has been determined by the family. He said he has sent a letter

to all of the funeral homes making them aware of that we will no longer do

that; but said as an option to these funeral homes, for transportation, he is

asking the Council to allow him to charge these area funeral homes at a rate of

$175.00. He said he has checked with three transport services around town and

said they will charge anywhere from $275-$300. He said we can bring them back

and this will create about $35,000 in revenue to the City of Columbus.

He said they have never charged for copies, but said 90% of all the other

departments charge for any kind of copies and said they are asking the Council

to allow his department to charge for copies at the families? request; copies

of autopsies, copies of the Coroner?s report, and etc. He said this could also

generate anywhere from $800 to $1,000 in revenues into the general fund.

Mr. Bryan said his final request is that they have a surplus two-body

cooler that is located at the Coroner?s morgue and that currently have an

excellent walk-in cooler that will hold 8 to 10 bodies. He said many local and

area funeral homes have inquired about purchasing this cooler. He said we can

sell it and generate $2,000 - $3,000 because it is only taking up space for him

and using electricity.

Mayor Tomlinson said in regards to request Number 3 she knows that we

won?t be able to do that because it may be interpreted as in conflict with the

Georgia State Open Records Act. She said any documents that are provided to the

public, at the request of the public must be done consistent with that statute.

She said there is specific copy costs that is set by State law and we cannot

set a fee that is in conflict with that or different from that. She said she

would encourage Mr. Bryan to get together with the City Attorney to make sure

you are charging what the law allows you to charge because that is going to be

dictated by State law.

With regards to the matter of the cooler, Mayor Tomlinson said there is

nothing that stops him from declaring that cooler surplus and said there is a

process that we go through with the Finance Department, so just let them know.

City Attorney Fay said the transport fees can be set with the Council?s

discretion by resolution, if you want to take a look at that. He said with

regards to the copier costs, said we are restricted by the Public Records? law.

He said he saw Senator McKoon and Representative Pezold earlier in the meeting

this morning and said maybe perhaps they can consider a possible amendment to

help county coroners with copy fees, but said that would take a change in State


He said he could work with the City Manager and Finance Office to declare the

cooler surplus.

After the conclusion of Mr. Bryan?s presentation, several members of the

Council then expressed their views and concerns regarding some of the Coroner?s

requests and recommendations that were being made.

Mr. Bryan then responded to the questions of members of the Council.

After much discussion on this subject, Mayor Tomlinson then asked if this

is something that has to be done in the budget or could we possibly sit down

with some of the Council members and hash this matter out. She asked if fee

adjustments have to be done in the budget or could it be done as an amendment

to the budget.

City Attorney Fay said it could be done by an amendment or this could be

set by a resolution of the Council. He said it could be a little bit less

formal than an ordinance if you wanted to; it?s your discretion.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said fees are usually discussed before the end

of the budget process too.

Mayor Tomlinson said we did discuss it at the budget process somewhat

and Mr. Bryan did present some information to the Council , but said she

thinks that there is obviously a lot of information that needs to be vetted

through, but said it just seems like this is a little deeper than maybe we

might be able to get into today.

She said it might be good for the Council to hear from the Coroner, since he is

new in the position, for them to hear from you, your observation since you have

come into the position and why you feel these changes need to be made.

Further discussions continued on this matter, with members of the Council

expressing their further views and Mr. Bryan and City Attorney Fay responding

to questions of members of the Council.

With regards to the issue of charging for copies, Councilor Woodson said

she spoke with State Representative Josh McKoon before leaving because she had

some questions in this regard. She said he told her that when the law passed,

it did not include the Coroner. She said he is going back to his office to do

some research on this particular matter and he will email us back with a

response. She said she thinks that we need to wait and see what his response is

going to be.

City Attorney Fay said we will certainly hope for some positive news from

the Senator, but said since the 1980s coroners have been subject to the Open

Records law and Open Meetings law by case law.

After some additional fifteen minutes of discussion, after comments were

made by additional Council members, this matter was then concluded.

Mayor Tomlinson said she has already sent an email to the City Attorney

and asked him to put together an administrative work group of councilors who

may be interested in this matter so that we can move this discussion along.

----------------------------------------*** ***


Mayor Tomlinson recognized the presence of State Representative John


and State Senator Josh McKoon, who was present in the Council Chambers


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___________________________ _

An Ordinance (13-23) ? Rezoning property located at 839 Veterans Parkway,

308 9th Street, 842 and 844 3rd Avenue from UPT (Uptown)/HIST (Historic) to GC

(General Commercial) Zoning District. The purpose of the rezoning is for an

Auto/Truck Minor Repair (Sale of Automotive Enhancements).

An Ordinance (13-24) ? Rezoning property located at 8121 Old Pope Lane and

Easement from RE1 (Residential Estate 1) to SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2)

Zoning District. The purpose of the rezoning is Single Family Homes.

An Ordinance (13-25) ? Rezoning property located at 10274 Sable Oaks Drive

and Residential 2)/RE1 (Residential Estate 1) with conditions to SFR2 (Single

Family 10273 Greenfield Drive from SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2) with

amended conditions Zoning District. The purpose of the rezoning is Single

Family Homes.

An Ordinance (13-26) ? Rezoning property located at 1646 and 1648

Manchester Expressway from NC (Neighborhood Commercial) to GC (General

Commercial) Zoning District. The purpose of the rezoning is to for a pawn


An Ordinance (13-27) ? Adopting a budget for the Fiscal Year 2014

beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014, for certain funds of the

Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia, and appropriating the amounts

shown in each budget.

An Ordinance (13-28) ? Adopting non-operating budgets for the Fiscal Year

2014 beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014, for certain funds of the

Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia, and appropriating the amounts

shown in each budget.

An Ordinance (13-29) ? Amending Article VII of Chapter 13 of the Columbus

Code Solid Waste Collection and Disposal by changing the monthly residential

garbage fee and updating the guidelines for an offset to the residential rate

for low-income households; and for other purposes.

*** *** ***




An Ordinance ? Providing for the establishment of taxing districts,

including a county-wide general services district, three (3) urban services

districts and three (3) Business Improvement Districts (BID); providing for the

levy, assessment, and collection of taxes for Columbus, Georgia within such

districts for the year 2013 as provided under the Charter of the Consolidated

Government of Columbus, Georgia; providing penalties for violations of the

provisions of said ordinance; and for other purposes.

An Ordinance ? Providing for the levy, assessment, and collection of taxes

for the public school system of Columbus, Georgia; and for other purposes.

*** *** ***



An Ordinance ? Requiring elected officials and various departments of the

consolidated government to seek Council approval for expenditures exceeding

budgeted appropriations.

Councilor Huff asked what the process has been in the past when an elected

official had an issue with the budget or a budget overrun who would they go

through. Would they go to the City Manager or the Finance Director?

City Attorney Fay said that should be the process; however, he would let

Finance Director Hodge respond to that question.

Finance Director Pam Hodge said the process in the past has been typically

after June 30th we are still accruing expenditures related to a particular

fiscal year, which will come in after the fiscal year and we will bring back to

the Council a final budget amendment and at that time, is when you are

approving adding or reducing a department?s budget.

In response to a question of Councilor Huff, as to whether or not there

have been problems in the past, Finance Director Hodge said we have had

departments who exceeded their budgets in the past and we have had to come back

to the Council to get a final budget amendment for approval.

Ms. Hodge said the new process would require elected officials to come to

Council to request additional funds before any expenditure is incurred and not


Discussion continued on this matter with Mayor Tomlinson and several

members of the Council expressing their views regarding this matter, with

Finance Director Hodge responding to questions of members of the Council.

Councilors Woodson and Henderson pointed out that this is a house cleaning

measure and stated that it is for all department heads, which includes elected


City Manager Hugley also made comments regarding this proposed ordinance

pointing out that there are at least one to three departments on an annual

basis that will exceed their budget, but all of the others stay within the

bottom line of their budget. He said he wants to make clear for everyone that

it is not a situation where they exceed their budgets during the course of the

year and they just sent it to the Finance Director and she finds a way to make

it work; that just don?t happen because she doesn?t have that authority.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh pointed out in the proposed ordinance at the

top, it says various departments, but said it should say all departments.

After more than twenty minutes of discussion on this matter, with Director

of Finance Hodge responding to further questions of members of the Council,

this matter was then concluded.

City Attorney Fay said we will vote on this ordinance at our next meeting

of the Council.

*** *** ***



An Ordinance (13-23) ? Amending Section 20-13.11 to create an additional

parking management district; and for other purposes.

City Attorney Fay said this is to cover the new parking facility at the

City Services Center. He said it will allow enforcement at that facility.

Councilor Thomas said she had a number of questions about the parking

deck. She said one of her questions on the ordinance is what will the parking

district be regulating; what portion of the parking deck will they be


Deputy City Manager Lisa Goodwin said we are looking at the reserved

spaces. She said in the parking deck on the first level, and part of the second

level, there are reserved spaces for city officials and city employees. She

said when the public comes in there, and they park in the reserved spaces that

means parking enforcement has the authority to ticket them when they do that.

She said we will have good signage there to let the public know where their

spaces are.

Councilor Thomas said it is her belief that the first floor of that

complex should be reserved for the general public parking and not reserved for

employees or officials. She said the second and third floor she thinks should

be sufficient to hold the employees and the public officials who go there. She

said she would much prefer that the ground floor be for the general public. She

said she feels very strongly about reserving parking for officials and making

the citizens track wherever they are going to go.

After further discussion on this matter, with Deputy City Manager Goodwin

responding to further questions and concerns of Councilor Thomas, Councilor

Thomas said she would like to propose that the ground floor of that facility be

general public parking and not reserved parking. She said she thinks it is

important that out taxpayers have easy access to that Citizens Service Center.

She said she don?t think it?s appropriate to put it in the ordinance, and she

is not sure of exactly what the process would be.

Mayor Tomlinson said maybe we should have a briefing to show all of the

parking that?s available.

After the conclusion of the discussion, City Attorney Fay pointed out that

this ordinance will be voted on next week subject to refinement by the Council

or an administrative decision about whose going to park where .

*** *** ***



READING:_______________________________________ _

An Ordinance ? Providing for contributions to the Columbus, Georgia

General Government Employees? Pension Plan for the fiscal year beginning July

1, 2013.

An Ordinance ? Providing for the contributions to the Columbus, Georgia

Pension Plan for employees of the Department of Public Safety for the fiscal

year beginning July 1, 2013.

An Ordinance ? Providing for Government funding of a Major Disability

Income Plan for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013.

An Ordinance ? Providing for Government funding of a Death Benefit Escrow

for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013.

City Attorney Fay said these ordinances will be voted on at our meeting on

next week.

----------------------------------------*** ***





____________ _

A Resolution (208-13) ? Authorizing the approval to enter into a

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), with Georgia Department of Transportation

(GDOT), for the acceptance of $1 million ( with a 20% cash match) in

Transportation Enhancement funds for construction of the Chattahoochee

Riverwalk, between 13th Street to 14th Street Pedestrian Bridge.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

By Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present for the meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis and McDaniel being absent.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (209-13) ? Authorizing the implementation of the updated

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program for FTA and FHWA Contracts. The

Federal Transit Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation

requires updates to the City?s Disadvantage Business Enterprise Program.

Councilor Woodson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present for the meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis and McDaniel being absent.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (210-13) ? Authorizing the submission of an application and,

if approved, accept an Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) grant for

Federal Fiscal Year 2013 solicitation in the amount of $89,554, or as otherwise

awarded, with no local match requirement, to be used by eligible departments

for eligible projects as defined in the grant.

Councilor Huff moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Pro

Tem Turner and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council present

for the meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis and McDaniel being absent.

*** *** ***



A Resolution (211-13) ? Authorizing the approval of rates for the Columbus

Aquatic Center that was included in the Business Plan presented on April 12,


City Manager Hugley said he would like to delay the component for CCG

employees. He said he will come back to the Council at a later date. He said he

would be asking for the approval of these rates that have been presented to the

Council before.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

by Councilor Huff.

Councilor Woodson said that she saw an email where it stated that a fee

for a residence was $300 a year and for non-residence was $350.00. She asked

what the rationale of this amount was.

City Manager Hugley said they are not taxpaying citizens, although people

outside our county pay sales tax and etc., but our residents pays property

taxes and other related fees; so, it?s a break for our residents and those

coming in taking advantage of the amenities that are being supported by

operating costs for citizens, will pay a little more.

Councilor Woodson said she didn?t have a problem with that, but the

question that she had was in the email, that the fee was so little that we were

charging the non-residents; and then asked if it is because we have the small

surrounding counties that oftentimes have issues.

City Manager Hugley said it could have been more.

Councilor Woodson said she thinks that we should give a discount rate to

our employees. She said the public forgets that we are taxpayers and that we

pay for these facilities. She said that we are always depending on our

employees and asking them to do more for less. She said there are many times we

have not been able to give them pay raises, but said our employees will go the

extra mile to meet our citizens? needs and make sure that the request of this

Council is honored. She said she is in favor of looking at that packet for our


Discussions continued on this matter, with City Manager Hugley making

additional comments regarding the high cost of employees? health cost and

things that we are doing to try to reduce our health costs and improving our

employees? health. He also responded to further questions and concerns of the

Council regarding the proposed fee structure for the Columbus Aquatics Center.

Councilor Thomas asked if there was a discount for active duty military.

She said she would also like for us to continue to take a look at these fees in

the first year to see what all of that impact has.

After more than fifteen minutes of discussion on this subject, Councilor

Thomas then made a motion to amend the fee structure to state that active duty

military with proper military identification shall qualify for residence rates.

Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those seven members of

Council present for this meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis & McDaniel being


Discussion continued on this matter, with members of the Council

expressing further views on this subject, with City Manager Hugley and Director

of Parks & Recreation Dr. James Worsley responding to further questions of

members of the Council, after which the question was then called on the earlier

motion to adopt the resolution, as amended, which carried unanimously by those

seven members of Council present for this meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis

and McDaniel being absent.

*** *** ***



City Manager Hugley said he asked Deputy City Manager Lisa Goodwin to

bring something on honorary naming of streets and bridges for discussion


Deputy City Manager Lisa Goodwin came forward and said over the last

several months there have been much discussion about honorary designations of

our city?s facilities and streets. She said we just wanted to come and provide

you with an update of where we are in terms of that process and to also garner

some guidance from you as to where we go from here, in terms of what you would

like to see in terms of honorary designations.

Ms. Goodwin then gave a short ten minute presentation on the current

process, which is outlined below.

She said the Board of Honor, which is a designated Council appointed board

oversees the memorial program under which public activities, buildings, bridges

and other facilities are named for distinguish citizens.

Current Ordinance, Ord. #11-57

Allows the renaming of existing city streets or any segment thereof in honor or

memory of any person living or deceased and shall not change the numbering of

buildings or official street addresses.

She said on April 17, 2013 the Board of Honor at their meeting made a

recommendation that anyone who was being honored for contribution to a specific

place on the street, we name the block in front of the particular place, but if

a person is being honored for their contribution to the entire neighborhood,

then we name the entire street for that person.

Ms. Goodwin said the UDO does prohibit street names that conflict with

existing street names.

Current Process

Request received from Mayor, Council, City or outside organization to the Clerk

of Council

Clerk of Council places renaming request on her agenda for action by Council

If Council approves referral, Clerk of Council will forward to Honor Board for


Honor Board meets and agrees upon a recommendation

Recommendation from Honor Board is placed on the Clerk of Council?s agenda

along with meeting minutes and memo on board?s action.

City Council takes a vote to call for a resolution.

Clerk of Council prepares resolution for Councils consideration to be placed on

her agenda for the next council meeting.

If approved by Council, request sent to responsible department to handling.

Types of Requests:

Public Facilities




Sports Fields

Portions of the Riverwalk

Street Names

Honorary Naming

Ms. Goodwin then outlined some of the honorees that have had designations

made in their honor.

Installing Honorary Amenity or Street Designation Signage

Upon the approval of City Council for an honorary street designation, the

Traffic Engineer is authorized to erect appropriate signage in a color

distinguishable from standard street signage.

Signs are purchased by requesting organization or family members

City installs signage

Similar requests will be forwarded and handled in the same manner for each

department, i.e. Parks and Recreation for ball field designations, etc.

Comments Received

Should honorary designations honor:

Living or Deceased Persons?

Ms. Goodwin said currently only street names can be named for the living

or dead.

Should there be time limits on designations?

Example: 5, 10, 15 years or a Lifetime?

Ms. Goodwin said currently city-owned facilities have a 15-year

designation and said this was approved a few years ago. She said what we are

looking for today is guidance from the Council as to whether or not we should

continue business as usual or are there other things that you would like to see

in terms of honorary designation that are currently not in place or is okay as

it is.

Councilor Woodson said when they did the designation for Reverend Flakes

it was a designation, not a street name change. Ms. Goodwin said you don?t

change the name of the street as she mentioned earlier in her presentation, the

street name remains the same. She said the street name is the same, but said it

is an honorary designation, which means that there is another different color

sign that goes on top of that one, which distinguishes that as an honorary

street named in honor of that person.

Councilor Thomas said she wanted to make one clarification. She said she

thinks that it was an ordinance that Councilor Henderson brought to us which

says that city-owned facilities have a 15-year designation. She said the

ordinance says that it may be reviewed by the board it doesn?t say that it will

or anything will change. She said it just says that if the board and/or the

council wants those reviewed, the 15-year time period is there. She said

currently city-owned facilities have a lifetime unless this ordinance goes into

effect; she believes that is correct.

Deputy City Manager Goodwin said as it pertains to that sub-section, that

it may be reviewed by the Board of Honor or the Columbus Council after the

lapse of the 15-year period from the date of the facility naming by Council.

She said after that 15-year period, they can look at it again.

Councilor Thomas said the statement that says there is an l5-year

designation needs to be tweaked.

Councilor Henderson said he has received a call from two members of the

Board of Honor and said they were desperately seeking some guidance because we

have forwarded some of these issues on them and have left it in their court to

try to work their way through it and said that is unfair because the guidelines

should be set by this body. He said he don?t know if there is a lot wrong with

what we are doing. He said he is in the minority because he has never been a

fan of even an honorary naming of a street simple because those are resources

that give directions to folks visiting our community, and public safety

personnel. He said even though they are honorary, it could still cause some

confusion. He said he don?t think there is anything wrong with reserving the

naming of facilities and streets for people who have passed. He said he knows

that it has been addressed in the past, by issuing a resolution of this

Council. He said when they are nearing their end of time on the earth, we have

presented a resolution acknowledging that at the appropriate time, it will be

submitted to the Board of Honor; and that way they are notified of the City?s

recognition of their contributions to the community; and yet we have stayed in

lined with what has traditionally been done, and that is naming these after

folks who have deceased.

He said however, the Council decides to do it that?s fine with him;

however, he just wants something that we can give the Board of Honor in the

form of some guidelines in an ordinance which will say these are your

parameters. He said it is kind of unfair what we do to them, telling them to

decide, and asking them to tell us whether they are going to do the entire

street, part of a street, a plaque or sign. He said he does think that in the

event, somebody who had some truly significant impact on the community and

there were to be a street renamed, he thinks that should only be done with an

ordinance and not through the Board Honor, but it is something that should be

adopted by this Council.

Councilor Henderson said his recommendations would be that if the streets

are done, he thinks that it should just be the block in front of that street

and then an honorary marking of the street signs bordering that block and that

way we keep it consistent. He said he recognizes that it represents a change

from what might have happened before but that is because we didn?t have

guidelines. He said he would also recommend that we continue to acknowledge

these individuals prior to their passing, but actually name the facilities

after they have passed.

Councilor Barnes said he thinks that whenever individuals contribute to a

community, they contribute greatly to this community and he feels that you need

to give people their flowers while they are alive. He said he has a 10-year

recap of how we have done this and said for the most part that it has been

subjective. He said he agrees with his fellow Councilors that we need to have

some kind of guidelines that it makes it even and across the board with every

person who comes before us. He said he has noticed some inconsistencies in this

10-year study. He said we do need to give them specific guidelines, because he

doesn?t think that we need to put the responsibility on these individuals.

He said he would like for members of this Council to get together and do a

work group. He said we can?t undo what has been done, but said we can make sure

that going forward in the future that our guidelines are equal and equitable to

each and every person who is nominated.

Mayor Tomlinson said she thinks that we can get a work group together if

there are some councilors who are interested. She said it is such a difficult

subject to talk about. She said when she was in private practice she had the

opportunity to see a City having to take a name off of streets and buildings

because of something that occurred while the person was still alive, but much

later in life. She said we hope that never happens, but said she has seen them

taking the person?s name off. She said even though they did great work

something happened later in life, it wasn?t someone that the community felt

needed their name on a major building. She said it is an unfortunate part of

this, but said it is something to consider and other cities have had that

unfortunate experience and hopefully, we never will.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said the reason we went to naming city-owned

facilities after a person who is deceased because we started getting a lot of

requests. She said if you do one, how you could justify not do another. She

said that was the caveat when we went to saying that a person had to be

deceased before we could name a city-owned facility after them.

Mayor Tomlinson said she will ask the City Manager to send out an email

asking who might be interested in serving on a workgroup and said we can really

hash through these and then come back with some recommendations that the

Council can debate.

Councilor Henderson said as we try to work through this small workgroup,

asked Deputy City Manager Goodwin to reach out to all the Council members and

ask for their written input of what they would like to see included.

He said he received some telephone calls from some individuals on the A.

J. McClung Memorial Stadium. He said their understanding was that the memorial

would remain part of the stadium to honor our Veterans because of Ft. Benning

and the significant price that was paid by a number of the young men and women

that went to various wars from Columbus, but that it would incorporate A. J.

McClung?s name. He said he didn?t have an answer for them. He said he was

there, but he didn?t remember how it was done. He said if we could check into


Councilor Henderson said he thinks that they have a point because we

frequently name a field at a facility and it has multiple names because of the

recognition that both are very deserving; obviously without question, A. J.

McClung is. He said they thought that the Veterans from Columbus were going to

continue to be memorialized at A. J. McClung Veterans Memorial Stadium. He said

that is what they have asked and he then asked Ms. Goodwin to check into that


After more than fifteen minutes of discussion on this subject, this matter

was then concluded.

--------------------------------------*** ***






(1) Application of Mr. Thomas Hill to temporarily close the 2100 Block of 51st

Street between Woodruff Road and 23rd Avenue, on Thursday, July 4, 2013 from

4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., in connection with the ?4th of July Celebration & Block


(2) Biographical Sketch of Mr. W. J. Wetherington, Councilor Baker?s nominee to

replace Mr. Neill Hatcher on the Golf Course Authority.

(3) Biographical Sketch of Lamar Barrett, Councilor Huff?s nominee for Mr. J.

Phillip Thayer?s seat on the Board of Water Commissioners.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington said she would like to note that Councilor

Baker is withdrawing his nomination of Mr. W. J. Wetherington as a nominee to

replace Mr. Neill Hatcher on the Golf Course Authority.

*** *** ***



_____________ __

A Resolution (212-13) ? Excusing Councilor Evelyn Woodson from the June

11, 2013 Council Meeting.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

by Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present for this meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis and McDaniel being


*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington submitted the application of Kola Ogunkoya

for a taxicab owner?s business license to operate Eagle Cab Company & Warrior

Cab Company, located at 1331 10th Avenue, Suite 133, Columbus, Georgia 31901.

She pointed out that the Police Department has reviewed the application

and is recommending approval; however, it needs the Council?s approval as well.

Councilor Thomas moved approval of the application. Seconded by Councilor Huff

and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council present for this

meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis and McDaniel being absent.

*** *** ***




Board of Tax Assessors, No. 19-13.

Keep Columbus Beautiful Commission, June 11, 2013.

Councilor Henderson made a motion that these minutes are received.

Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those seven

members of Council present for this meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis and

McDaniel being absent.

*** *** ***



BY THE COUNCIL:__________________________________ ___

A Resolution (213-13) ? Excusing Councilor R. Gary Allen from the June 18,

2013 Council meeting. Councilor Henderson moved the adoption of the resolution.

Seconded by Councilor Baker and carried unanimously by those seven members of

Council present for this meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis and McDaniel

being absent.

*** *** ***




Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Councilor Huff is nominating

Mr. Lamar Barnett and Councilor McDaniel has nominated Mr. Reynolds Bickerstaff

to succeed Mr. J. Philip Thayer, whose term of office will be expiring in

December of this year, but the appointments must be made in July pursuant to

State law. She said she will bring this back at the next meeting for a vote.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Ms. Lelia Carr was nominated

on last week to fill the expired term of Mr. Tyler Townsend and that she may

now be confirmed. Councilor Woodson so moved. Seconded by Councilor Henderson

and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council present for this

meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis and McDaniel being absent.

*** *** ***


(C.I.R.C.L.E):________________________ __

Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Sudhir Patel does not

want to serve another term of office; therefore, the Council will need to

nominate someone to fill this term, which expired on March 1, 2013. There were

no nominations.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the terms of office of Ms.

Nancy Rinn on the Crime Prevention Board expired on March 31,

2013. She further pointed out that we have two nominees for Ms. Rinn?s seat

and they are Ms. Jeanette Davis, and Ms. Nancy Rinn.

She then took a roll call vote, which resulted in Ms. Rinn being selected.

Voting for Ms. Rinn was Councilors Baker, Barnes, Henderson, Huff, Woodson and

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh. Voting for Ms. Davis was Councilor Thomas.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then moved confirmation of Ms. Rinn. Seconded by

Councilor Barnes and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present for this meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis and McDaniel being


*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the seat of Mr. Neill Hatcher

has been declared vacant by the Council and that we need a nominee for someone

to fill this unexpired term of office. There were no nominations.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the terms of office of Ms.

Susan Lathan, who is the general government employee representative, Mr. Vince

Pasko, who is the public safety representation and Mr. W. Fray McCormick, who

represents the Business Community will expire on June 30, 2013. She further

pointed out that they are all eligible to succeed themselves for another term

of office.

Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Ms. Lathan is the City

Manager?s appointment and Mr. Pasko and Mr. McCormick are both the Mayor?s


Mayor Tomlinson then reappointed Mr. Pasko to serve another term of

office. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then moved he be confirmed. Seconded by

Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present for this meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis and McDaniel being


Mayor Tomlinson also reappointed Mr. McCormick for another term of office.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved confirmation. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and

carried unanimously by those seven members of Council present for this meeting,

with Councilors Allen, Davis and McDaniel being absent.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the term of office of Ms.

Mary Stranger on the Retirees Health Benefits Committee will expire on June 30,

2013 and that she is eligible to succeed herself for another term of office.

Mayor Tomlinson then reappointed Ms. Stringer for another term of office.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then moved confirmation. Seconded by Councilor

Huff and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council present for this

meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis and McDaniel being absent.

*** *** ***


Mayor Tomlinson recognized the presence of Sheriff John Darr, who was

seated in the Council Chambers.

*** *** ***

With there being no other business to come before the Council, Mayor

Tomlinson then entertained a motion for adjournment. Councilor Barnes so moved.

Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those seven members of

Council present for this meeting, with Councilors Allen, Davis and McDaniel

being absent, with the time of adjournment being 11:42 a.m.

Tiny B. Washington, MMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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