Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Columbus Consolidated Government

Community Development Advisory Council


Meeting Minutes

December 15, 2015

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Community Development Advisory Council

(CDAC), was held at the Columbus Consolidated Government, Citizens Service

Center Community Room, on December 15, 2015.

Members Present: Tripp Blankenship, Adrian Chester, Jack Hayes,

Kim Jenkins, Teddy Reese, Gregory Smith,

Olive Vidal-Kendall

Members Absent: Gloria Enfinger, Gladys J. Ford, Christy Lemieux,

Zaki Shahid, Carla Thomas (excused)

Also Present: Laura McCool, Deborah Meadows, Denise McWhorter

Phillip Trocquet


Chairperson Jack Hayes called the meeting to order at 3:50 p.m. There was a



Minutes from the regularly scheduled meeting on September 15, 2015, were

presented for approval. CDAC member Olive Vidal-Kendall made a motion to

accept the minutes as presented. CDAC member Teddy Reese seconded the motion.

Motion passed by all members present.


There was a discussion regarding the fact that the majority of the Community

Development Advisory Council?s terms of service will be up in March 2016,

except for the members who have joined in the past year. By-laws state there

should be fifteen (15) members. Ten (10) members are to be appointed by City

Council for a term of two (2) years and the Mayor has five appointees with

their term being three (3) years. Community Reinvestment Division Manager

Laura Johnson, said she will contact the Clerk of Councils office to determine

the status of the Community Development Advisory Council members.

Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC)

Regular Meeting Minutes

December 15, 2015

Page 2


The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has made the final

approval of funding through June 30, 2016 for Fiscal Year 2016.

All of the CDBG Program sub-recipient organizations have signed their

contracts. The HOME sub-recipient organizations (Wynnton Neighborhood Housing

and NeighborWorks Columbus) have not signed their contracts yet, due to the

changes to the HOME rules. Our HOME organizations will now be required to be

project specific when requesting funding. An address must be identified, the

timeframe of the project, etc. Once a project construction is complete and the

Certificate of Occupancy is issued, there is a nine (9) month period of time to

sell the home or it will convert to a rental home. The developer of the home

is responsible to handle the rental themselves or they can hire a management

company. There is a maximum of thirty-six (36) months the home can remain as a

rental property. A Lease/Purchaser Agreement can be entered into, but the

renter has to be the end purchaser as well as meet the low-moderate income



? Fiscal Year 2016 Funding

We have received Housing and Urban Development (HUD) final approval for Fiscal

Year 2016 (through June 30, 2016).

? Status of the 5-Year Consolidated Plan contract award

RFP?s have were put out for a consulting company to prepare the 5-Year

Consolidated Plan. A decision was made to go with a company based in

Pittsburgh, PA. They have a great deal of experience with this type of

project. We are working on the Action Plan which is due to Housing and Urban

Development (HUD) by May 15, 2016. We should have a draft by the beginning of


We are scheduling 5 neighborhood meetings for the community to have the

opportunity to give input on the Annual Action Plan and the 5-Year Consolidated

Plan. You will be notified of when and where the meetings are scheduled. The

information will also be posted on the City web page, Community Reinvestment

web page and CCG TV.

Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC)

Regular Meeting Minutes

December 15, 2015

Page 3

We encourage you to attend one of the meetings, especially the one that may be

in your district. This is a new approach to get the community more involved in

what they want and need in their neighborhoods. Also, a survey is being set up

on the City web page and Community Reinvestment web page allowing input from

the community on needs. The survey will be available in English and Spanish.

? Program Year 2016 CDBG and HOME Applications

A Legal Notice has been published in the Ledger-Enquirer asking for RFP?s from

organizations in the community that meet the criteria for FY 2017 funding.

Grants will be awarded for Public Service (CDBG) and Housing construction

(HOME). The deadline to submit an application is February 18, 2016. Training

for applicants on the application process has been set for January 6, 2016, in

the Annex Building Conference Room. CDBG training will be from 9:00-10:15 a.m.

and HOME training will be from 10:30 a.m. to Noon. Any questions the

perspective applicants may have will be answered at that time.

Chairperson Jack Hayes commented that the Community Development Advisory

Council (CDAC) is responsible to reach out to the community as well.

The next regularly scheduled Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC)

meeting would normally be on Tuesday, February 16, 2016. However, after some

discussion, it was decided by the members to move the regular meeting to

Tuesday, February 23, 2016. The reasoning behind the decision is it will give

staff a couple of days to review the applications received, make their

recommendations and hand out the applicants packets to the Community

Development Advisory Council (CDAC) members for review and scoring prior to the

applicants making their presentations. It was also discussed and decided that

the presentations should be broken up into 2 called meetings instead of one as

we?ve done in the past. Members discussed and decided on Friday, March 11,

2016 and Friday, March 18, 2016 from 9:30 a.m to 2:00 p.m. for the

presentations to be made. Both of those meetings will be held at the Columbus

Consolidated Government Annex Building, Annex Conference Room, 420 10th

Street. A Called Meeting notice will be sent to you. Depending on the number

of applicants presenting, we may end the day(s) earlier than 2:00 p.m. It will

depend on how many applications we receive by the February 18th deadline.

Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC)

Regular Meeting Minutes

December 15, 2015

Page 4

The next regularly scheduled Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC)

Meeting will be on Tuesday, May 17, 2016.

Please mark your calendar for the Called Meetings on March 11, 2016 and March

18, 2016 (see the highlighted information above).


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.


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