Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

The regular meeting of the Columbus Board of Health was held in the

Administration Conference Room of the Health and Human Services Center on

Wednesday, February 22, 2006, at 1:00 P.M.


Mayor Bob Poydasheff

James H. Sullivan, M. D.

Howard Willis, M. D.

Mrs. Brenda Dozier

James A. Lawrence, D. D. S.


Mr. Isaiah Hugley, City Manager

H. Bank Carroll, M. D.


Bill Rumer, Attorney

Margaret Gosden

Ed Saidla

Gloria Miller

Eileen Albritton

LaQuita Rogers

Cheryl Johnson

Ms. Gosden stated while present for the meeting Dr. Sullivan is not physically

able to conduct the meeting. Dr. Carroll is not present due to a funeral

service. There is a quorum of Board Members present in order to vote on the

different issues to be discussed. It was decided that Ms. Gosden and Mr. Saidla

would talk for Dr. Sullivan because of his physical condition. Ms. Gosden asked

for a motion to approve the minutes that were received. Mayor Poydasheff made a

motion to accept the minutes, Dr. Lawrence seconded the motion and it was

approved by those members present.

Ms. Gosden stated there was two Excused Absences for the meeting today: Dr.

Carroll who had to attend a funeral service, Mr. Hugley who had to attend

another meeting. A motion was made by Dr. Lawrence to accept the Excused

Absences, seconded by Dr. Sullivan and approved by those members present.

Ms. Gosden reviewed the FY2007 City Budget with the Board Members. She stated

that the request to the City is a 4% increase more. Dr. Lawrence stated that he

noticed there are a number of vacancies in Nursing. Are those positions to be

filled? Ms. Gosden stated that the issue is inability to recruit. We have the

funding for positions budgeted, but we cannot recruit the nurses to work for

us. Ms. Gosden asked if there were questions regarding the budget and stated

that she hoped that the Board Members have had an opportunity to review the

budget (copies were hand delivered to the Board Members). She stated that the

budget was basically the same but; however there are increases between line

items to be discussed. There has been a major increase in utilities since

October, 2005 of almost $30,000. Travel has increased another $10,000 of which

$9,500 is based on an increased travel rate. Prior to October 2005, the rate

was $.22 per mile. We now have a floating rate as determined by the General


Administration of the Federal Government. This year it ranged from a high of

$.48 ? and now is $.44 ?. Postage has been increased to match the new lst class

rate of $.39, an increase of $.02. There has been an increase in

Telecommunications of $4,900.00; in this budget a replacement for a van was

included. Our current van used for travel of groups of people, is a 2002 model

with a large number of miles. We will replace it and surplus the Ford Areostar

(a 1990?s model). The expenditure will not be made unless it is absolutely

necessary. Also listed is a replacement for one truck. Ms. Gosden asked if

there were any questions in regard to these items. She stated that Pam

Middleton is unable to be in the meeting today because of the illness of her


Ms. Gosden said that she would ask Dr. Sullivan to sign off on the budget if

the Board approves the budget and transmit it to the City by Friday. A motion

was made by Dr. Willis, seconded by Mayor Poydasheff and approved by those

members present.

Mr. Saidla will give the Director?s Report due to the absence of Dr. Koppanyi.

He stated that the State Legislature is in session. It is not known what impact

a number of different proposals floating around between chambers may have on

our Grant-n-Aid or other Public Health program funding. A number of budget

items from different programs have been consolidated into groupings. It will be

difficult to assess the impact until the Legislature passes a final budget and

the Governor signs off on it. One bill purposed last week draws our concern as

it relates to the Grant-n-Aid meetings we had with the small seven counties,

during the fall. This is House Bill 13-31 introduced this past week to change

the way that Grant-in-Aid is figured for any county with a population in excess

of 70,000 people. Twenty-seven counties in the state fall into that grouping.

It would base Grant-in-Aid Funding for Public Health strictly on population of

the county with no other health indicators, on poverty numbers considered.

Mayor Poydasheff asked if this health department services the other counties of

the District. Mr. Saidla said that as the Lead County it serves the other

counties. Mayor Poydasheff asked if this was considered also too or just the

Columbus population figures of about 200,000 people. Ms. Gosden stated that the

consideration would be Muscogee County alone. The role that Muscogee County

plays as the lead county it would place in jeopardy some of the program

budgets. It does protect the other 15 counties in this District. Muscogee is

the only county above 79,000 in population. Mr. Poydasheff asked if the State

Legislators had been contacted concerning this situation information. Mr.

Saidla stated that as employees we are unable to contact Legislators in regards

to this or any other issue under the requirements of the Governor?s office. We

can only provide information. The Sponsors of the bill are Representative

Shelton of the 105th, Cox of the 102nd, Coleman of the 97th and Brown of the

69th and Roberts of the 154th... Ms. Gosden asked if the Board Members would

like a copy of the Bill faxed to them. Mr. Saidla stated there seemed to be

opposition to this bill from all areas except the few metro counties with large

populations who would benefit most.

Mayor Poydasheff stated that within the next five years our population will

increase by an amount equal to the city of LaGrange moving into town. That is

roughly 27 to 30,000 people. Mr. Saidla stated that the way the Bill is

written, it would base Grant-in-Aid funding for local public health services on

the US Census of 2000. Mr. Poydasheff said that our population of 186,000 is

estimated to have grown to 200,000 by years end. This does not count the growth

associated with AFLAC?s 2,000 jobs and Road America?s 300 jobs.

Dr. Willis asked if we had any recommendations to amend this Bill. Mr. Saidla

stated that it is felt a formula with some consideration of population with

other factors such as poverty level. Dr. Willis asked if we could develop

information to be sent out to the members regarding this.

Dr. Sullivan asked Mr. Poydasheff about the conference he attended in January

when he spoke at the conference to the Dean of the Terry School of Business at

the University of Georgia. The Terry School of Business delivers an economic

forecast every January. The conference was covered by the newspaper and a

great job was done covering that conference.

Regarding issues related to Avian Flu, Dr. Willis stated that there are

counties in our area heavily dependent on chicken production as an economic

engine. Is there a way that the health department can work with the commercial

activities in the areas to let them know that the health department is

available for assistance. Mr. Saidla stated that most information indicates

that the US poultry population, commercial chickens, is semi-safe since the

birds are house raised chickens rather than free range birds. Free range birds

are the flocks most at risk in the areas of the world currently dealing with

Avian Influenza.

Mr. Saidla stated that the C-Hearts including local public health nurses in the

smaller counties are involved and are all working with that local industry on

activities at the local level.

Ms. Gosden presented the financial report for January 2006. Ms. Gosden asked if

there were any questions.

Mr. Saidla stated that under Old Business, Dr. Willis had asked at the last

board meeting to report back on the expenditure of HRSA funds in the amount of

$10,500 for the purchase of six hand held readers. These readers allow us to

work with the area hospitals to identify staff as they would report in for an

emergency response. We are in the process of assisting the hospitals in getting

all staff credentialed. Currently in the data base we have the physicians

working in Columbus hospitals. The unit looks like a palm organizer. With the

specialized software an ID badge containing a barcode can be scanned. The unit

will tell you who the person is and list basic information. Such as credentials

and in the case of physician?s specialty. The information can be as detailed as

you need it to be. It can be used to specify security clearance and the ability

to work in another hospital should the primary hospital be deemed unable to

function. Ms. Gosden stated this was first implemented with our employees and

then begin with the hospitals. A part of our MMRS funding and HRSA provided an

additional $10,500 dollars in Year End Money to include East Alabama Medical

Center and to expand the system out to the other hospitals in our health

district. This funding provided for the purchase of six readers, the software

to program them and additional printer ribbons for issuing the ID badges.

Ms. Gosden asked LaQuita Rogers, Clinical Nursing Director to present the

presentation to the Board. There was a brief discussion regarding interpreters

to be used for public health purposes. Also mentioned was the A T & T Language

Line which is also available. Immunization issues were discussed.

Ms. Gosden/Dr. Sullivan asked if there was any other business to bring before

the Board. There being no further business, the Board was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted:


Pam Middleton, Secretary


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