Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An ordinance amending Chapter 5 of the Columbus Code so as to establish and

clarify various standards for the care of dogs and cats in Columbus, Georgia;

and for other purposes.




Section 5-5(20) of the Columbus Code is hereby deleted in its entirety and

there is substituted a new Section 5-5 (20) to read as follows:

?Sec. 5-5 (20)

Tethering shall mean the act of fastening or restraining a dog outside of the

presence of its owner or caregiver by a mechanism appropriate to the

circumstances and set forth in this chapter.?


Section 5-7.1 of the Columbus Code is hereby amended by striking the current

Section 5-7.1 and replacing it with a new section 5-7.1 to read as follows:

?Sec. 5-7.1. - Outdoor facilities.

An owner or caretaker of a dog who allows the dog to spend more than

eight hours in a 24-hour period outside must provide the dog an outdoor

facility that meets the following specifications:

(a)Outdoor facilities for dogs shall include one or more shelters that are

accessible to each dog and one or more separate outside areas of shade that is

large enough to contain all the dogs at one time to protect them from the

direct rays of the sun. Outdoor facilities shall be kept neat and free of

clutter, including equipment, furniture and stored materials as well as

accumulated trash, waste, junk, weeds and other discarded materials.

(b) Outdoor shelters shall comply with the following:

(1) Include a roof, four sides and a floor;

(2) Be of sufficient size to allow each dog in the outdoor facility to sit,

stand, lie in the fully stretched position, and to turn about freely;

(3) Provide an environment that will protect from the elements when the ambient

temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit or below ten degrees Celsius;

(4) Be constructed of materials that are impervious to moisture and easily

cleaned and sanitized;

(5) Be structurally sound and kept in good repair, with no missing boards,

jagged edges or excessive rust;

(6) Be cleaned weekly on all hard surfaces with which the dogs come into


(7) Be free of accumulated trash, waste, junk, weeds and other discarded

materials; and

(8) Crates or barrels are not acceptable outdoor shelters, and Carports are not

acceptable as the sole means of shelter available to the dog.

(c) All outdoor areas to which a dog has access shall be kept clean and free of

fecal matter and all other trash and waste.?


A Chapter 5 of the Code is further amended to add a new Section 5-7.2

to read as follows:

?Sec. 5-7.2 - Restraint

(a) It shall be unlawful for any owner or possessor of any dog to fail to keep

the dog under restraint or control as provided for in this section.

(b) A dog is considered not under restraint or control when it is running at

large, whether wearing a collar and tag or not. Reasonable care and

precautions shall be taken to prevent the dog from leaving the real property

limits of its owner, possessor, or custodian, and to ensure that:

(1) It is securely and humanely enclosed within a house, building, fence, pen,

or other enclosure out of which it cannot climb, dig, jump, or otherwise escape

on its own volition. If a canine pulley system is being used, the animal must

stay within the owner?s property line and not have the ability to get caught up

or hung due to the location of other tangible materials that could hinder the

animal(s) from freely moving within the confines of the system;

(2) It is securely and humanely restrained by an invisible containment

system. If using an invisible containment system, a sign must be posted on all

entry points or identified entry points of the property indicating that the

system is in place;

(3) It is housed on a lot zoned R-5 or R-10 of at least five acres in size and

remains within the confines of its owners property in accordance with the

provisions of 5-10(a); or

(4) It is on a leash and under the control of its owner or caregiver, or it

is off leash and obedient to and under voice command of an owner or caregiver

who is in the immediate proximity of the dog any time it is not restrained as

provided for in subsection (1) or (2) above while on the owner's property.

(c) It shall be unlawful to tether an animal outdoors, except when all of the

following conditions are met:

(1) No animal shall be tethered and left unattended for more than 12

consecutive hours in a 24-hour period. However, for up to the 12-hour maximum

an animal may be on an approved tethering system as outlined in this Section;

(2) No animal shall be tethered except on a three-point pulley system;

(3) Only one animal may be attached to each tethering system;

(4) Any tethering device used to tether an animal shall not allow the animal to

cross over the owner?s property line;

(5) Tethers must be made of commercial approved leash or tethering material

which cannot be chewed by the animal and shall not weigh more than five percent

of the body weight of the animal; ropes and chains are not considered

appropriate tethering material;

(6) The tether must be at least five times the body length of the dog and

mounted no more than seven feet above the ground level;

(7) The length of the tether from the running cable line or pulley system to

the animal's harness should allow access to the maximum available exercise area

allow the animal free access to food, water, and shelter;

(8) The animal must be attached to the tether by a properly fitted harness or

collar with enough room between the collar and the animal's throat through

which two fingers may fit. Choke collars and Pinch collars are prohibited for

the purpose of tethering an animal;

(9) The tethering system must be a sufficient distance from any other objects

or animals to prohibit the tangling of the cable, to prohibit the cable from

extending over an object or an edge that could result in injury or

strangulation of the animal and be of sufficient distance from any fence so as

to prohibit the animal from having access to the fence;

(10) The animal is not tethered outside during periods of local extreme weather

which shall include but not be limited to an excessive heat warnings issued by

the National Weather Service, temperatures at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0

degrees Celsius), thunderstorms, tornados, tropical storms, or hurricanes;

(11) The animal is at least six months of age;

(12) The animal is not sick or injured; and

(13) Animals transported in the rear of open vehicles shall be placed on a

tether anchored securely and of appropriate length to prevent the animal from

jumping off or being thrown from a vehicle."


Paragraph 5-10.(a)(1) of the Columbus Code is hereby amended by

striking the existing subparagraph in its entirety and substituting a new

subparagraph 5-10.(a)(1) to read as follows:

?Sec. 5-10. - Control of domestic animals.

(a)(1) Irrespective of and/or in addition to impoundment provisions,

including assessment of penalty fees relating to impoundment of animals as

prescribed in other sections of this chapter, it shall be unlawful for owners

of dogs to allow, permit, or by negligence to permit, their dogs to be

unattended. Any dog on the owner's property and not confined thereto by fence,

or other suitable and effective means, and when no responsible person is

present to control such dog, shall be considered unattended and in violation of

this chapter only if said dog has been observed on public property or private

property other than property of the owner, and not in voice control of a

responsible person, by an enforcement officer of Columbus, Georgia or by a

complainant willing to testify in court. Dog and cat owners residing in rural

areas of the city and whose lots are zoned RE-5 or RE-10 and whose said lots

are five acres or more in area, are exempt from the requirements to keep dogs

penned, or on a leash, and/or under voice control. These exempted owners are

required to ensure that their dogs and cats do not leave the limits of the

owner's property, and these owners are subject to all other provisions of this



Section 5-12 of the Columbus Code is hereby amended by deleting paragraph 8 of

that code section in its entirety and substituting a new code section 5-12(8)

to read as follows:

?Sec. 5-12(8).

(8) It shall be a violation of this section for an animal to be left unattended

in a vehicle if the inside temperature of the vehicle exceeds 80 degrees.?


All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are

hereby repealed as of its effective date. Provided however, only warnings but

no citations for failure to have required tethering equipment or meet new

outside shelter requirements shall be issued for the first 90 days after the

effective date.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

28th day of February, 2017, introduced a second time at a regular meeting of

said Council held on the ________day of __________, 2017, and adopted at said

meeting by the affirmative vote of _______ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting ______________.

Councilor Baker voting ______________.

Councilor Barnes voting ______________.

Councilor Davis voting ______________.

Councilor Garrett voting ______________.

Councilor Henderson voting ______________.

Councilor Huff voting ______________.

Councilor Thomas voting ______________.

Councilor Pugh voting ______________.

Councilor Woodson voting ______________.

______________________________ _______________________________




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