Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item # ___

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Agenda Report # ____

TO: Mayor and Council

SUBJECT: Girls Inc.

INITIATED BY: Columbus Office of Crime Prevention

Recommendation: Approval is requested to enter into a one-year contract with

Girls Inc. to award funding for Crime Prevention initiatives.

Background: Columbus Office of Crime Prevention has agreed to recommend the

funding of $40,000.00 to the Girls Inc. program to run a Career and College

Prep program that will work with young women in grades 1-11.

Analysis: This program will help young women achieve their goals of academic

success and college prep.

Financial Considerations: These funds are appropriated from the Other Local

Option Sales Tax, Crime Prevention Program and do not require a match.

Recommendations/ Actions: Approve the resolution authorizing the Mayor and

City Manager to enter a one year contract with Girls Inc. of Columbus to

provide funding for the Career and College Prep program.


NO. _____




WHEREAS, the Girls Inc. of Columbus has the College and Career Prep program to

impact the lives of young women and,

WHEREAS, the Columbus Office of Crime Prevention has authorized funding under

the Crime Prevention Program for this project in the amount of $40,000.00 to

the Girls Inc. of Columbus.


The Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into a one-year contract

through the Columbus Office of Crime Prevention with the Girls Inc. of Columbus

for $40,000.00 for funding the College and Career Prep program. Funds are

budgeted in the FY16 budget: Other Local Option Sales Tax, Crime Prevention



Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held

the 23rd day of June, 2015 and adopted at said meeting by the affirmative vote

of ____________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting________________.

Councilor Baker voting________________.

Councilor Barnes voting_______________.

Councilor Buck voting_____________.

Councilor Davis voting________________.

Councilor Henderson voting____________.

Councilor Huff voting_________________.

Councilor Pugh voting_________________.

Councilor Thomas voting______________.

Councilor Woodson voting_____________.

__________________________________ ______________________________________






Local Assistance Grant Agreement

Grant Program Name: Columbus Office of Crime Prevention

Fiscal Agent: Muscogee County

Administering Agency: Columbus Office of Crime Prevention

Grant Recipient: Girls Inc.

Grant Amount: $40,000.00

Budget: Personnel ? $19,500.00

Supplies - $15,500.00

Travel, printing

Marketing and mail - $5,000.00

Total - $40,000.00

Program Contact Information

Name: Dorothy Hyatt Title: CEO

Address: P.O. Box 3096 , Columbus, GA 31903

Phone #: 706-683-0809

Project Description:

The project will work with girls in grades 1-11 during the week 4-6:30pm and

during the summer 10am to 4:30 pm. The project will consist of three


1) LTS Stride academy ? a rigorous online educational curriculum

2) Readiness and Prep Program ? this program will educate children and their

parents the importance of grades, ACT and SAT as well as utilize the ?My Life

Plan? to encourage the participants to dream big as they plan their college


3) Economic Literacy ? This part of the program will educate participants on

the importance of financial awareness and independence.

The target group will be at risk 250 females from schools on the failing list.

I, Dorothy Hyatt the duly authorized representative of the above named Grant

Recipient, do hereby agree to the following terms that outline the requirements

of Columbus, Georgia for organizations/agencies receiving funds from the

Columbus Office of Crime Prevention. I have been given the opportunity to ask

questions regarding these terms and fully understand my organization?s

obligations incurred by accepting this grant. I understand that prior to the

disbursements of any funds the following criteria must be met:

1. The above named Grant Recipient represents the beneficiaries of the Grant

and the above named individual is authorized to act in the name of Girls Inc.

of Columbus the Grant Recipient.

2. The subject matter of this Agreement is primarily the provision of services

in the form of a tutoring and mentoring program.

3. When reimbursement is sought, the name of the person providing the service

shall be provided along with the type of service provided. The Grant Recipient

shall immediately notify the Agency if any of their service providers are

arrested. At the time Grant Recipient learns that one of its service providers

has been arrested, then Grant Recipient shall cease to use such service

provider in connection with programs funded by this Grant.

4. In the initial report submitted to the Administering Agency, Grant Recipient

shall provide: (a) the names, telephone numbers and email addresses for the

advisory committee members in each county and a copy of the minutes, signed by

the chairman and the secretary, for each of their meetings; (b) the name of the

chairman and the secretary of the advisory committee; (d) the times and dates

that the Grant programs are available ? essentially a schedule of services; (e)

the number of participants in the program and schools they attend; (f)

Description of the process used to identify individuals for which services will

be provided; (h) provide specifics on the evaluation process that addresses

how the process will work, how the statistical data will be gathered, how it

will be analyzed.

5. All persons utilized by Grant Recipient who are to have contact with

juvenile participants must undergo federal criminal background checks prior to

the contact. Grant Recipient shall provide a list of the names of any persons,

whether paid or unpaid, who are to have contact with any program participants

and shall provide the results of the criminal background checks to the Agency

prior to any contact with program participants.

6. Grant Recipient shall provide to Agency a list of all Program participants.

The parent or guardian of each participant as well as the participant shall

sign an acknowledgement that any complaints about the Grant Recipient should be

made to ?Seth Brown, Director of Office of Crime Prevention, P.O. Box 1340,

Columbus, Georgia 31902-1340. The signed acknowledgement shall be submitted to

the Agency.

7. Grant Recipient shall provide an accounting system that shall separate Grant

Funds from other funds. The accounting system shall also separate Grant

related expenses from other expenses.

8. Grant Recipient shall submit to Agency a monthly report on the progress of

the programs. The monthly report shall provide statistical data that supports

the projects goals of reducing school drop-outs, juvenile delinquency and crime

rates among juveniles.

9. Grant Recipient shall use Grant Funds strictly for the purposes outlined in

the Grant. Any changes to the programs must be submitted in writing to

Columbus Office of Crime Prevention for approval or the funding may be


10. Grant Recipient shall identify the members of its Board of Directors which

will assume liability if the Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

determines the funds have been misused.

11. Monthly report must be submitted to Seth Brown electronically by the 10th

day of the month. Once the report is approved it will be submitted to the

Office of Crime Prevention Board for evaluation.

12. The Grant Recipient shall use generally accepted accounting principles

(?GAAP?) to account for all financial transactions used to substantiate the

fulfillment of this Grant.

13. The Grant Recipient shall maintain all records of Grant-related financial

transactions for a minimum of three years after the completion of the Grant and

to make all records available for inspection and fully cooperate with any audit

or investigation requested or undertaken by the Criminal Justice Coordinating

Council, the State Auditor, the Internal Auditor for Columbus, Georgia, or any

other officials of the state or federal government who have the authority to

conduct audits.

14. The Grant Recipient shall comply at all times with the provisions of

Article I, Section II, and Paragraph VII of the Georgia Constitution regarding

the prohibition against Sectarian Aid.

15. The Grant Recipient hereby releases Columbus, Georgia from any liability

whatsoever and Grant Recipient hereby agrees to indemnify Columbus, Georgia

against any and all claims for damages, bodily injury or death arising from any

of the activities contemplated by this Agreement raised by any person. Grant

Recipient shall provide to Columbus, Georgia a certificate of insurance that

shows general liability coverage in the amount of at least $1,000,000 per

occurrence and which shows that Columbus, Georgia is named as an additional


16. All services must be provided by properly certified or licensed personal.

17. In the event there is any discrepancy in the language of the project

description and these numbered paragraphs, the language in the numbered

paragraphs shall control.


Signature of City Manager, Isaiah Hugley Date


Approved as to form by City

Attorney Date


Signature of Grant Recipient

Representative, Date


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