Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item #

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Agenda Report #

TO: Mayor and Council

SUBJECT: Wildwood Avenue - No Parking Anytime Zone

INITIATED BY: Department of Engineering

Recommendation: Approve the attached ordinance enacting a No Parking

Anytime Zone 8 AM to 5 PM School Days along the west curb of Wildwood Avenue,

beginning at a point 46 feet north of the north curb of Young Street and

running north a distance of 200 feet.

Background: The City received complaints from the residents of the

Wildwood Condominium about vehicles parking on their side of the street

blocking the driveway and causing sight distance restrictions. This issue

becomes more critical during the school year when Columbus High students park

on street around the school.

Analysis: The Traffic Engineering Division painted white traffic islands on

each side of the condo driveway over a year ago to discourage vehicles from

parking too close to the driveway. We find that motorists are not complying

with this traffic island.

Since the traffic islands are not working, the next logical step is to restrict

parking only in front of the condo property. The Traffic Engineering Division

submitted a Parking Survey to the residents of the condo giving them several

options. The majority of the responses selected the parking restriction

described in the attached ordinance. . A summary of the Parking Survey

responses is attached as information.

Financial Considerations: The installation of the No Parking Anytime Zone will

cost the City approximately $100.00.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement: There is minimal annual fiscal impact

in that should a No Parking Anytime sign be knocked down or damaged, it will be

replaced funder by the Traffic Engineering Division?s annual operating budget.

Legal Considerations: A No Parking Anytime Zone requires an ordinance adopted

by Council.

Recommendations/ Actions: Approve No Parking Anytime Zone for Wildwood Avenue

as described above.


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