Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




The ANIMAL CONTROL ADVISORY BOARD met TUESDAY, March 20, 2012, at 2:30 P.M. at

the Animal Care & Control Center.


Dr Carol Houston Terrence Gumbert David Mackey

Drale Short Tom Bryan Dr. Brooks Glass

Kathy MCCarley Pat Biegler, Director Daniel Smith

Jo McDaniel Tracy Dean


Lisa Ramsey ? 2 Supporters

Quencey Johnson - Supporter

Sabine Smith-Stull (Animal Ark)

Lynette Taylor (Animal Ark)

Bob Stoddard (Animal Ark)

Ronnie Allen (Animal Control Officer)


Kathy McCarley presented the minutes of the last meeting; Tracy Dean corrected

the spelling of a word; Tom Bryan moved they be approved with correction; Terry

Gumbert seconded; approval was unanimous.

Drale Short informed the board the first hearing was not an appeal on the

classification, but to determine if a Rescuer could pull the dog, a courtesy

hearing. The dog was surrendered by the owner to ACC.

Kathy McCarley also informed the board that she was asked to discuss this

hearing ?off the record? before the meeting, which she denied. She informed

the board that no case should be discussed with any person involved prior to a


Kathy McCarley called for Ms. Ramsey, owner of Elijah (Pit bull mix), dog

classified as Potentially Dangerous.

Ms. Ramsey told the board that she had been following Elijah?s story since she

saw him on the Animal Ark website. She stated she communicated with Animal Ark

several times on Elijah?s condition before adopting him.

Ms. Ramsey informed the board she visited Elijah while at the 2nd Ave.

Veterinarian Hospital and felt he would do well as a new addition to her

family. Less than 24 hours after she took Elijah is when the incident

happened. She stated when she went by the laundry room, where Elijah was, he

jumped on her back and went to attacking her, biting her on her legs and arms.

(see attachment #1) She was screaming and trying to fight him off when Tank,

her hound dog, came to her rescue trying to get Elijah. Trying to stop the

fighting she managed to get outside where three neighbors heard her screaming

and came to her rescue. Ms. Ramsey stated one neighbor had to hit Elijah in

the head, with a sprinkler, to stop him. She also stated they had discussed

shooting him if necessary. Ms Ramsey told the board that when the incident was

over, after the hit in the head, that Elijah was very calm as if nothing had


Ms. Ramsey also told the board she had spoke with a lady that had fostered

Elijah for Animal Ark and was told that she had informed Animal Ark of the

aggressive behavior of Elijah before they adopted him to her.

The board discussed the incident with Ms. Ramsey and asked her what she would

like to see happen to Elijah. Ms. Ramsey told the board that she would like to

see an Animal Rehabilitation Center take him and work with him and place him in

a home with no children or other animals. She informed the board that she has

talked with a few but has not been able to get anyone to take Elijah. With no

other questions she was dismissed.

Kathy McCarley called for Animal Ark representatives.

Ms. Sabine Smith-Stull, owner of Animal Ark, stated that Elijah was in very bad

condition and was taken to 2nd Ave. Animal Hospital for treatment before being

fostered. She presented a statement from Dr. Lafranc?, Veterinarian treating,

2nd Ave. Animal Hospital describing Elijah?s condition as malnourished, and

emaciated. (see attachment #2) He stated that Elijah was treated with fluids

and antibiotics and he was never aggressive or had aggressive tendencies that

were observed during his stay.

Bob Stoddard stated that Elijah was worth saving and they, Animal Ark, wanted

the opportunity to save him.

Kathy McCarley informed Ms. Smith-Stull that Elijah is classified ?Potentially

Dangerous? and that the classification will go with the dog and the state did

not allow rescues to place classified dogs.

Tom Bryan asked Ms. Smith-Stull what was her plan for Elijah since Elijah is

classified. Ms. Smith-Stull informed the board that Elijah would be her

personal dog and that she had plans with Tim Shelton, Dog Trainer, to work with

Elijah and that her home would be Elijah?s forever home.

The board discussed Elijah?s possible future with Ms. Smith-Stull and her


Kathy McCarley informed Ms. Smith-Stull that the board would discuss the case

and would notify her of their decision.

Kathy McCarley called for the next hearing for Jasper (German Shep. Mix);

Quencey Johnson.

Ms. Johnson stated she drove up after the incident had occurred and that the

Animal Control Officer informed her that her dog was out and had bitten. She

stated the victim lied that they wanted her to pay money. She stated that she

had called CPD to her house when someone tried to harm her dog and the police

officer told her that her dog was not vicious. She said she never saw a bite

mark on the victim and she believed there was never a bite.

The board asked Officer Allen what happened when he arrived on the scene.

Officer Allen informed the board that the dog was out and came at him. The

owner showed up and he informed her what had happened and that the child had

gone to the hospital.(see attachment #3) He stated that the owner asked him if

he saw the bite and he said yes a bite on the ankle.

Officer Allen informed the board the dog could easily jump the fence.

Tom Bryan asked Office Allen if he felt that Ms. Johnson?s dog was dangerous.

Officer Allen answered yes and that the neighbor told Ms. Johnson while Officer

Allen was standing there that he had told her ?this was going to happen?.

After further discussion by the board Jo McDaniel moved to uphold the

classification of ?Potentially Dangerous?; Terry Gumbert seconded; approval was


Kathy McCarley informed Ms. Johnson of the board?s decision to classify her dog

as ?Potentially Dangerous? and informed her she would receive a letter from

Animal Control reminding her of the requirements she will have to meet in order

to keep her dog.

The Board continued it?s discussion on the events pertaining to Elijah with

Officer Ronnie Allen, responding officer.

Officer Allen stated that blood was everywhere, that Ms. Ramsey had bites all

over her body. She was very upset and trying to call the rescue she received

the dog from. He said he was able to put Elijah on his truck with no problems.

With no further question the board discussed the incident concerning Elijah; if

Animal Ark should be able to take him and try to rehabilitate him; or if an

Animal Rehabilitation Group such as ?Best Friends? could be found to take him.

Terry Gumbert moved that Elijah be given only to an Animal Rehabilitation Group

if found; Dr. Carol Houston seconded; vote 6 approval, 1 opposed.

Bob Stoddard requested to speak with the board as a citizen.

Kathy McCarley granted the request.

Bob Stoddard informed the board of how his daughter, Caitlyn Stoddard Townsend,

had became involved with the Animal Control Center and became a volunteer for

off-site adoptions because of her love for animals and to try and get animals

adopted. He spoke on how she got involved in the ?No Kill? group and started

the face book page called ?Happy Homes? trying to get animals out on the

internet hoping to find homes for as many as possible. He stated that we are

all about saving animals. He informed the board that she had been terminated

unfairly from her position as a volunteer by the city and felt this violated

her civil rights. He stated that because her Civil Rights have been violated

he has counsel in Atlanta working on her case. He asked the board to support

the reinstatement of his daughter as a volunteer for the Animal care & Control


The board informed Mr. Stoddard that this board did not make personnel

decisions. Mr. Stoddard asked the board to make this recommendation to City

Council and that he would appreciate anything the board could do.

Kathy McCarley adjourned the meeting at 5:15 PM.

March 23, 2012

Kathy McCarley, Chairman

Sylvia Bennett, Recording Secretary

C: Clerk of Council

ACAB Members


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