Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



April 07, 2015

Members Present: Chairperson Berry H. Henderson, Councilors Jerry ?Pops?

Barnes, Tom Buck Glenn Davis, Judy W. Thomas. Also present were Mayor Teresa

Tomlinson, City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay, Finance

Director Pam Hodge, Clerk of Council Tiny B. Washington and Deputy Clerk of

Council Lindsey Glisson.

Members Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner Pugh and Councilors Gary Allen

Mike Baker, Bruce Huff and Evelyn Woodson, were absent.

Call to Order: Chairperson Henderson called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.

in the Council Chambers,.

The following documents were distributed around the Council table: Flash

drives were given to the Councilors; their computers were not compatible at

this time and were told to see Finance Director Pam Hodge?s presentation. Pam

Hodge stated that this is a problem that will get resolved before the next

budget review meeting.

Finance Director Pam Hodge provided an overview of the FY16 Budget Review

Session Agenda for this meeting and is listed as part of the following power

point presentation:


April 07, 2015

Budget overview

Finance Director Pam Hodge explains that she will be doing an overview of the

entire FY16 budgets, and then informed Council know they may need any items

from the budget discussed in further detail, advise her so it may be addressed

in future council meetings.

Flash drive given to councilors with documents FY15 budget to actual report

thru March, FY16 recommended budget, overview, budget review schedule, so

councilors know which departments are schedule to present. C100 line item

detail report for operating funds, today?s PowerPoint and budget request from

elected officials.


The following presentation was made by Finance Director Pam Hodge, as outlined



Budget Process/Schedule


Operating Funds Summary (including Capital/CIP)

Agency Appropriations

Non- Operating Funds Summary

Other Local Options Sales Tax (OLOST)

Transportation Special Purpose Local Options Sales Tax (TSPLOST)


PowerPoint Presentation

Budget Process

? Submitted to the Council by the Mayor no less than 60 days prior to each

fiscal year

? Includes operating and capital expenditures accompanied by revenues

? Shall be accompanied by a budget message from the Mayor containing policy,

major changes, general summary and other information deemed appropriate

? Made public by advertising in the newspaper and hearing for public comment

? Budget and Millage Ordinances along with related ordinances must be approved

by July 1st


Budget Schedule

April 2015

? Budget review sessions

? April 8th- Overview, Operating Funds, Agency Appropriations, Non- Operating

Funds, Other Local Sales Tax (OLOST) and Transportation Local Option Sales Tax


? April 14th, 21st , 28th- Department/ Agency Presentations


May 2015

? Budget Review Session

? May 5th,12th ,19th ?Department/Agency Presentations

? May 26th- Add/Delete List

June 2015

? Budget Review Session

? Notice in the newspaper for public comments

? Public Hearing for Taxpayer Bill of Rights

? First and Second Reading- Budget Ordinance

? First and Second Reading- Millage Ordinance

July 1, 2015

? Fiscal year beings


FY16 Operating Funds

? Revenues $264,269,433

? Expenditures $265,676,956

? Use of Fund Balance $1,407,523

? General Fund $1,235,273

? Debt Service $172,250


FY16 Assumptions

? No change in the Millage Rate form FY15

? USD #1= 17.88 mills

? USD #2= 11.90 mills

? USD #4=11.00 mills

? 1.50% Increase in Digest

? 96% Collection Rate

? No subsidy to Integrate Waste Fund or naval Museum

Pam Hodge stated over the last 5 year the increase in the digest has been an

average of 1.78%, 5 years prior to that the digest increase average was 4.78%.

? Subsidies to E911, Golf Courses, Parking Management, and Civic Center

Value of one mill (Operating) $4,638,805

? Value of one mill (debt)= $5,067,644

Pam Hodge stated last year one mill was $4.5million so that?s where the

increase in the digest comes in, and one mill for debt services was $4.9

million so about $100,000 increase in the value of one mill.

? COLA included of 0.50% for active employees and 0.25% for retirees effective

January 2016

Pam Hodge stated that the 0.50% COLA increase for active employee equates to


? Health Insurance- Continue contribution share strategy of 70/30 for active


Director Hodge stated a specific presentation regarding health insurance will

be given in a future session.

Millage Summary

USD #1 USD #2 USD #4

Total Gen and Urban 8.18 6.13 5.98

METRA 0.82 0.82 0.82

Total subject to cap 9.00 6.95 6.80

Stormwater 1.24 0.20 N/A

Paving 3.44 0.55 N/A

Medical Center 3.00 3.00 3.00

Economic Development 0.50 0.50 0.50

Debt Service 0.70 0.70 0.70

TOTAL 17.88 11.90 11.00



*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: General funds makes up almost 57% of total operating budget

$150,000,000, followed by the other loss at $34,000,000.

*** *** ***




*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: You can see our diversified revenue stream, which is important when

one stream is down, it doesn?t have a major impact across all funds, so this

shows we have multiple sources of revenues to support our operations.

*** *** ***




*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: Public Works is 10.4% or $27,000,000 and Community Services 8.6% or

$23,000,000 which includes department like Engineering, Planning, Economic

Development, Medical Centre, and Agencies millage rates are all included in

Community Services.

*** *** ***




*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: 56.7% of our operating budget is for personnel services and benefits

associated with those positions.

*** *** ***



? Revenues $149,642,111

? Expenditures $150,877,384

? Difference ($1,235,273)

? General Fund accounts for normal ?day to day? activities (i.e. Police, Fire,

Public Works, Parks & Recreation, courts, etc. Primarily funded from sales

tax, property taxes and franchise fees.

? Proposed Fees Increases = $233,498


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: Fee increase is specifically related to Public Works and Animal

Control special enforcement area. Director Biegler will be at a later meeting

to walk through those areas.

*** *** ***



? Personnel

? Addition - Network Engineer (G19)

? Addition - Rapid Resolution Initiative

? 2 Asst. District Attorneys (G22)

? 1 Investigator (G16)

? 1 Legal Admin Clerk (G11)

? 2 Contract Asst. Public Defenders

? Funding Transfer ? 8 Positions from the Sheriff to the Police Dept.

? Reallocation of funding to Reserve ? 6 Marshal Positions, 3 Sheriff Positions

? Reclass ? Host Operations Supervisor (G19) to Telecommunications Supervisor



*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: Departments with personnel change will be coming to Council to

address those changes. Director Toelle was at the last meeting and discussed

the findings and why an additional Network Engineer is needed. The Chief Judge

will give a presentation to give detail on the Rapid Resolution Initiative.

Reallocation of funding for 6 Marshal Positions, 3 Sheriff Positions that

reserve is set at $458,467. Reclassification in the IT department is budget

neutral, going from a Host Operations Supervisor to a Telecommunications


*** *** ***



? Reclass ? GIS Supervisor (G17) to GIS Analyst (G17)

? Reclass ? Mayor?s Reorganization

? Executive Asst (G00) Appointed $53,718 to $38,860

? Executive Asst (G14) to Public Information Officer/Calendar Coordinator (G16B)

$35,303 to $38,018

? Administrative Secretary (G10) to Coordinator of Policy and Research (G16B)

$29,700 to $38,018

? Reclass ? Adult Probation Full Time Accounting Clerk (G10) to Part Time

Accounting Clerk (G10)

? Police Pay Restructure


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge advised that the Mayor?s reorganization is budget neutral, there have

been net decreases in merit positions since 2012 in Mayors office, and Mayor?s

department has decreased the budget by 29% from FY12 to current FY16.

Pam Hodge stat that those departments will be making a presentation in details

regarding the pay restructure and reform.

*** *** ***



Reserve Days FY11 Actual FY12 Actual FY13 Actual FY14 Actual FY15 Projection

FY16 Projection

Traditional Funds 79.84 71.57 68.73 38.33 28.32 27.60

OLOST Funds 6.30 5.25 5.35 16.88 32.94 32.77

TOTAL General Fund 86.14 76.82 74.08 55.21 61.26 60.37


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: I will be giving a detailed presentation regarding the fund balance

and not just general funds, but all the funds.

*** *** ***



? Revenues $5,366,111

? Expenditures $5,366,111

? Difference $0

? Storm water Fund accounts for activities restricted for storm water and

drainage. Primarily funded from property taxes.

? Millage rate remains the same at 1.24 in USD#1, 0.20 in USD#2



? Capital = $253,000

? Engineering

? Computer Stations = $34,000

? Public Works

? 2 - 7 yard Dump Truck (Replacement) = $180,000

? Mini Excavator (Replacement) = $39,000

? CIP = $1,013,711


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: CIP storm water is used to transfer for project like pipe

replacement and storm water drainage improvements.

*** *** ***



? Revenues $15,280,919

? Expenditures $15,280,919

? Difference $0

? Paving Fund accounts for maintenance and improvements to roads and bridges.

Primarily funded with property taxes.

? Millage rate remains the same at 3.44 in USD#1, 0.55 in USD#2



? Capital = $463,500

? Engineering

? Computer Stations = $59,500

? Public Works

? Bucket Loader = $258,000

? Boom Mower = $85,000

? Mid Size SUV (Replacement) = $28,000

? Pickup Truck (Replacement) = $33,000

? CIP = $2,259,747


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: CIP is for road resurfacing, match for DOT agreements.

*** *** ***



? 3 mills projected at $13,359,759 (based on expected collections not digest)

? Proposed budget = $13,959,759

? Medical Center Fund accounts for funding for indigent hospital care. Funded

with property taxes.

? Contract includes inmate medical expenses

? $600,000 Transfer from the General Fund included for excess inmate medical



? Revenues $11,375,000

? Expenditures $11,375,000

? Difference $0

? Integrated Waste accounts for refuse collection and disposal, recycling,

landfill operations.

? Residential Fee remains at $15.00/month



? Proposed to change collection to once per week

? Prohibit of the use of plastic bags for yard waste

? Personnel

? Addition - 2 Correctional Detail Officers

? Transfer ? 1 employee from Keep Columbus Beautiful

? Capital = $210,000

? Articulated Loader = $150,000

? 6 ? Drop off Trailers = $60,000


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: Director Biegler will be here to discuss in details the proposed

changes in integrated waste.

*** *** ***



? Revenues $3,958,789

? Expenditures $3,958,789

? Difference $0

? E911 accounts for telephone subscriber surcharges and collection for

emergency dispatch. Primarily funded with land line, wireless and prepaid

phone charges.

? OLOST Subsidy = $1,128,789


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: In other OLOST there are 9 positions that are funded, as well as an

upgrade to the E911 system for a total of $704,000, so the other OLOST is

subsiding the operating just under $1.8 million.

*** *** ***



? Budget $2,226,627

? Economic Development Fund accounts for 0.50 mills used for attracting quality

companies, broadening the tax base, job creation and retention

? Development Authority (0.25 mills) = $1,113,314

? NCR / BC/BS project commitment = $800,000 (Year 1 of 10)

? Reserve for Economic Development = $313,313



? Revenues $11,564,505

? Expenditures $11,736,755

? Difference $172,250

? Debt Service accounts for accumulation and disbursement of principle and

interest payments.

? Millage rate remains the same at 0.70 mills (FY15=0.70, FY14=0.79,



*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: Millage rate has declined over time to .70

*** *** ***



? Revenues $6,685,248

? Expenditures $6,685,248

? Difference $0

? METRA Fund accounts for the operations of the public transportation system.

Primarily funded from property taxes, federal and state grants, and service


? Capital = 937,700 (80% Federal, 10% State, 10% Local)



? Revenues $393,273

? Expenditures $393,273

? Difference $0

? Parking Management Fund accounts for the operation of the public parking and

parking garages. Primarily funded by parking fees.

? General Fund subsidy = $135,273


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: Last year the subsidy was $150,000 so it has gone down

*** *** ***



? Revenues $2,649,791

? Expenditures $2,649,791

? Difference $0

? Trade Center Fund accounts for the operations of the facility. Primarily

funded from event proceeds, beer tax ($770k), and Hotel/Motel Tax ($610k).

? Personnel

? Addition ? 1 Facilities Engineer (G23)

? Reclass ? Facility Maintenance Supervisor (G15) to Facilities Maintenance

Worker I (G11)

? Capital = $25,600


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: The Trade Center this is operated by an authority as an enterprise


*** *** ***



? Bull Creek $1,248,800

? General Fund Subsidy $50,000

? Oxbow Creek $490,500

? General Fund Subsidy $250,000



? Revenues $5,428,000

? Expenditures $5,428,000

? Difference $0

? Civic Center Fund accounts for the operations of the facility. Primarily

funded from Hotel/Motel Tax ($1.22 million) and event proceeds.

? General Fund Subsidy $200,000

? Personnel

? Reclass ? Maintenance Supervisor (G15) to Food and Beverage Coordinator (G15)



? Total = $21,632,650

? Hospital Authority (Muscogee Manor) employees no longer covered on the city?s

plan effective January 1, 2015

? Continue 70/30 contribution strategy

? Expect minimal increase for active employees ranging from $3-$10 per pay

period effective January 1, 2016


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: Will have a detailed presentation about some of the option.

*** *** ***



? Total = $5,486,983

? Risk Management Fund accounts for general liability, vehicle claims and

worker?s compensation.

? Worker?s Comp administrative savings in FY16 at $200,000



FY15 FY16

Health Dept Services $502,012 $502,012

Health Dept Rent $315,713 $318,595

Dept of Family & Children $48,135 $48,135

River Valley Regional $198,413 $202,824

New Horizons $144,932 $144,932


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: Most remain the same unless it was mandated, like the Health

Department?s rent going from $315,000 to $318,000. Regional Valley went from

$198,413 to $202,824 cost per capita, House bill 318 was going to make

membership optional, but that did not pass.

*** *** ***



FY15 FY16

Airport Commission $40,000 $40,000

Uptown Columbus $44,988 $44,988

Keep Columbus Beautiful $49,854 $0

TOTAL $1,344,047 $1,301,486


*** *** ***Pam Hodge: Keep Columbus is zero because it is now absorbed into the Integrated

Waste Fund, which will be talked about in more detail at a later budget session.

*** ** ***



? Personnel Expenses $231,396

? Revenues $231,296

? Subsidy $0

? Naval Museum responsible for all operating and personnel expenses.

? FY99-FY03 = $78,840 subsidy

? FY04-FY07 = $103,840 subsidy

? FY08-FY11 = $300,000 subsidy

? FY12 = $250,000 subsidy

? FY13 = $200,000 subsidy

? FY14 = $175,000 subsidy

? FY15 = $135,000 subsidy

? TOTAL = $2,769,560 subsidy


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: Naval Museum is on the schedule to address Council.

*** *** ***



? Funds not for the general operations of the government

? Restricted for a specific purpose

? Must be budgeted annually

? Maintained in a separate fund


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: Sheriff and Police Forfeiture funds something that comes in that is

used for a specific purpose.

*** *** ***



Urban Development Action Grant $15,000

Economic Development Program $15,000

HOME Program $587,589

HUD Section 108 $831,600

Multi-Governmental $3,239,750

*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: Urban Development Action Grant for service fees, no new money but we

still have existing loans. Economic Development Program Small Business

Revolving Loan Program; these are service fees with that program. HOME Program

is deferred mortgage loans for qualified low to very low income applicants;

loans that are forgiven over a period of time. HUD Section 108 is for 2nd

Avenue Redevelopment area; and the last maturity date is August 1st of 2016, so

this will end in FY17. This was an allocation from the CDGB funding that will

no longer require for this purpose after FY17. Multi- Governmental track all

different grants related to Homeland Security, transportation planning, parks

and recreations, and drug courts.

*** *** ***



Hotel/Motel Tax $4,880,000

Police Forfeiture $100,000

County Drug Abuse Treatment (DATE) $68,000

Metro Drug Task Force $200,000

County Penalty/Assessment $1,400,000

*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: Hotel/Motel tax is distributed to the Civic Center, Trade Center and

the Performing Arts Center and CCVB. County Drug Abuse Treatment at $68,000 has

$40,000 for the D.A.R.E program for Police Department, $14,000 for Juvenile

Court and $14,000 for Adult Drug Court.

*** *** ***



Sheriff Forfeiture $100,000

Marshal Forfeiture $0

Capital Projects $15,273,458

TSPLOST $60,500,000

1999 SPLOST $18,900,000


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: Marshal?s Forfeiture fund is at zero. We have had one forfeiture so

we estimate it at zero, but as they receive forfeiture they are allowed to make

transactions and use those funds as they come in. Capital Projects is the fund

where the General Fund, storm water, paving, those allocation for CIP are

transferred to special project funds where they are tracked by project. This

includes storm water and paving, but also DOT grants that are received for

transportation projects. TSPLOST is for discretionary funds but also Tier One

projects, like the River Walk, Intercity Express Bus Park and Ride, South

Lumpkin Road Multi-Use facility, and US 27 and Custer Road Interchange, and we

are also just now starting the Buena Vista Spider web project, that will be

budgeted in FY16. SPLOST this is the remaining funds for ongoing project from

the 1999 SPLOST.

*** *** ***


Columbus Building Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2003A $700,000

Columbus Building Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2003B $4,000,000

Columbus Building Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2010B $15,000,000

Columbus Building Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2010C $400,000

Family and Youth Coalition $45,000


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge: In 2003A Bonds, there is one storm water project remaining in that

fund. 2003B is a fund for the parking garage at the Trade Center that hasn?t

developed. The bonds don?t have a call date on them as of yet, so the funds

will remain there until the project happens or Council decides to do something

else, or pay back these bonds with proceeds. 2010B projects remaining are Fire

Station #9, road projects and storm water. 2010C Fort Benning Street Scapes

are ongoing projects.

*** *** ***



? Revenues $34,000,000

? Expenditures $34,000,000

? Difference $0

? OLOST Fund accounts for 70% allocated to Public Safety and 30% allocated to


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge stated 70% for Public Safety $23.8 million and $10.2 million for


*** *** ***

OLOST ? Public Safety

? Current Personnel

? Police Department

? 12 Sergeants

? 14 Corporals

? 84 Police Officers

? 9 E911 Technicians

? Fire Department

? 20 Firefighters


OLOST ? Public Safety

? Muscogee County Prison

? 2 Correctional Officers

? 1 Sergeant

? Marshal

? 5 Deputy Officers

? Sheriff

? 13 Deputy Officers

? 2 Sergeants

? 9 Correctional Officers

? 2 Lieutenants


OLOST ? Public Safety

? Crime Prevention

? 1 Crime Prevention Director

? Solicitor General

? 2 Asst. Solicitor Generals

? 1 Deputy Clerk

? District Attorney

? 2 Asst. District Attorneys

? Recorder?s Court

? 2 Judicial Admin Technicians


OLOST ? Public Safety

? Municipal Court Clerk

? 1 Sr. Deputy Clerk

? 1 Deputy Clerk II

? Probate Court

? 1 Deputy Clerk

? $3,121 Annual Supplement for sworn Public Safety Officers (excludes Elected



OLOST ? Public Safety

? E911 Subsidy = $1,128,789

? E911 System upgrade = $352,478

? (Year 2 of 5)

? Transfer for Debt Service = $120,355

? 800 MHz Radio System upgrade = $842,490

? (Year 1 of 10)

? Crime Prevention Grants = $750,000

? Capital Reserve = $147,261


OLOST ? Public Safety

? Capital

? Police = $1,482,515

? 20 Pursuit Vehicles with Technology Package = $1,007,300

? 3 Harley Davidson Motorcycles with Radar Unit = $80,835

? 21 Unmarked Police Vehicles = $394,380

? Fire = $2,010,000

? Burn Building = $1,300,000

? 40 SCBA Cylinders = $44,000

? 120 Sets of Protective Clothing = $156,000

? 2 Ambulances = $510,000


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge advised Council that they have been in discussion with the Fire

Department about lease options for the purchase ambulances and fire trucks,

also the Fire Department will be coming to council to discuss whether or not

they want to purchase two vehicles now, or propose a lease program for other

equipment so they can spread it out over several years.

*** *** ***


OLOST ? Public Safety

? Muscogee County Prison = $69,710

? Motorola Radios & equipment = $41,355

? 1 Pursuit Vehicle with Emergency Package = $28,355


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge advised Council that the $28,355 emergency package was not the

technology package, just for the cage and emergency package for the MCP.

*** *** ***


OLOST ? Public Safety

? Sheriff = $237,200

? Washer = $47,350

? Dryer = $9,800

? Tilt Kettle = $16,793

? 2 Food Warmer = $9,370

? 12 Motorola Radios & equipment = $39,600

? 4 Ice machines = $7,964

? Panic Alarm System = $9,648

? Fire Alarm System = $58,000

? EKG = $6,200

? 8 AEDs = $24,000

? Oxygen Concentrator = $2,375

? 2 Hospital beds = $4,400

? Specialized Lift for Oversize Wheelchair Patients = $1,700


OLOST ? Infrastructure

? Roads/Bridges = $1,552,964

? Flood Abatement/Storm water = $500,000

? Technology Improvements = $600,000

? Core Switch = $250,000

? City Fiber Interconnections = $100,000

? Technology Improvements = $250,000

? 800 MHz Radio System upgrade = $260,480

? (Year 1 of 10)


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge advised that the $1.5 million for roads/bridges is for resurfacing,

and road improvements that also goes along with some of the projects that are

in SPLOST. There is some allocation in the paving funds, for the 800 MHZ Radio

System upgrade. This is the general government portion of that agreement.

*** *** ***


OLOST ? Infrastructure

? Facility Improvements = $1,195,000

? Elevators (Government Center) = $240,000

? Energy Improvements = $75,000

? HVAC Upgrades = $180,000

? Roof Replacements = $200,000

? Cooper Creek Expansion (MOU with CORTA/CSU) = $500,000

? Debt Service = $6,010,833

? Cost Allocation = $80,723

? Personnel

? Delete 1 Project Engineer (G22)


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge advised Council that the Cooper Creek Expansion was a MOU that was

approved by council with CORTA/CSU for a total of $1.5 million. This was in the

second phase of the bonds which included the jail expansion, another road

project and expansion of the Cooper Creek Tennis. At this point we are not

ready to move forward with the jail expansion so this is a three year

allocation. When the bonds come forward we will be able to pay the city back if

Council desires to do that, to replace other OLOST funds. Debt service is for

the bonds that were issued in 2010.

A key position in Engineering that we brought to Council a few years ago that

we needed to make sure had a sufficient back up person for when the person

retired, that has happened so this position has been recommend to be deleted.

*** *** ***



? FY16 Discretionary Funding = $2,500,000

? Current Discretionary Projects Approved

? Boxwood Blvd Bridge Replacement = $680,000

? Victory Drive Improvements = $250,000


*** *** ***

Pam Hodge advised council that the last page of their package is a spreadsheet

to keep up with all the TSPLOST projects. We will update this every time we

come to Council to request funding for projects out of the TSPLOST

discretionary funds. When Council adopted Resolution No. 239-13 there were

different categories that were suggested, that funds from TSPLOST to be

allocated, those categories included road improvements, bridge/culvert

repairs-maintenance, maintenance and safety improvements, future operations and

matching funds, and alternative transportation projects. On this spreadsheet I

have tried to track any project based on the category that it falls under, and

that what we adopted in Resolution No. 239-13 we follow. The spreadsheet will

track the revenue year by year through March, and project that were allocated

and what is left over. When we add projects it will make adjustment to what is

left over so that what we present to Council doesn?t get used up. Council will

have to decide if they want to not use funding for road improvements if there

is more bridge work that needs to be done. That way we stay in compliance with

Resolution No. 239-13.There are several projects that will be coming forward

for TSPLOST discretionary , so we will keep this updated and bring it back to

Council each time for your information.

*** *** ***


After the conclusion of her presentation, Director of Finance Pam Hodge

responded to the following question as outlined below.

Councilor Thomas asked about the Economic Development fund page on 14 weren?t

NCR and Blue Cross Blue Shield two separate projects? And aren?t we almost

finished paying NCR?

Pam Hodge stated that it came back to Council and NCR was refinanced, then NCR

and Blue Cross Blue Shield were combined into one line of credit for

Development Authority. Before it was $948,000 and refinanced at $800,000 so

there was some reduction in annual allocation and new repayment period.

*** *** ***

Councilor Thomas asked is the non- operating funds for police forfeiture is

just a pass through, so if they don?t have $100,000 then they can?t spend


Pam Hodge stated those non- operating funds for police are monies that are

received through the federal and state forfeiture, that has been designated by

the courts for the use of the police department.

Councilor Thomas asked if all of the non-operating funds, we expend what is

coming in , so these don?t take from our general funds or add to our budget if

that money does not come in?

Pam Hodge said that is correct, these are received for a particular purpose

and utilize for that. The only one that has personnel associated with it would

be the HOME program.

Councilor Henderson said the point is, those funds are balanced

*** *** ***

Councilor Thomas said if citizen would like a schedule of what will be

discussed at each budget session, maybe we can do a slide on CCGTV.

Pam Hodge said a schedule will be put on e-Cap of what department will be

discussed at the next meeting. You also have a schedule to date that I have

passed out. At the next meeting we have the Naval Museum, Parks and Recreation,

Clerk of Council, the Chief Judge, District Attorney and Public Defender to

discuss the Rapid Resolution initiative.

Councilor Thomas said Citizens would like to hear the department head

presentation, and why they made those budget requests.

Councilor Henderson said have it put on the landing page on the website to see

topics to be discussed. Department heads, Mayor, Finance Director and other

elected officials did a great job tightening their belts with recommend budget;

there aren?t a lot of people coming to talk about their budgets. I would like

to see those topics that put pressure on our ability to provided services in

that arena but also others. They should be put on the calendar early, because I

believe the citizen will have the same level of interest on those topics. And

to also utilize the time that is already scheduled to go back over some of the

funds that cause the most pressure on us to meet our service demands. Any other


*** *** ***

Councilor Thomas said I?m not looking for a response, but questions that seem

to be important regarding the garbage fee, like how will it work, schedule, how

will they cut it down from two days a week to one day?, If we cut in service

but not in fee, wear and tear on the truck? These are some of the things I

would like Director Biegler to discuss. Where you can get the bio-degradable

trash bags, where you can buy them? Can they reuse them?

*** *** ***

Also several proposals about changes in long standing policies and procedures,

for example take home vehicle and gap pay. See if we can find someone who was

around when these policies came into play and the original purpose. Request for

reclassification, I want to be able to compare current job and new job

description requires. And lastly, I would like the City Manager to tell us with

the outside agency that we subsidize what do we get for our money. Legally

required? Contractually required? Example $48,000 to Uptown why? Health

Department rent, what do we rent? It would be helpful for me to make a decision

to move forward.

Councilor Henderson said point well taken, where Uptown was 15 years ago is

light years from where it is now in terms of have developed their own populist

. $48,000 then seemed huge now it?s probably not a big nut to them. That?s key,

our administration has done a good job, to take a look at the original intent

and subsidy to see that the service that we are providing to make sure that,

that need still exist at the level it did when it was initiated, like the

alcoholic beverage code, where we work closely with the police force with the

alcoholic beverage task force to keep certain areas of town that were over

populated with less than desirable establishment part of that was written in

there to minimize that from happening, and it?s good to go back to see if that

still needs to exist, and it may, it also may exist in other forms without

funneling money into it.

Councilor Thomas said but at least have the conversation, ad just because it

has always been done this way doesn?t mean we necessarily have to continue.

Councilor Henderson Pam, so when you other departments are talking to us,

please use layman?s terms, for the people who are watching. We talk about the

overall cost for providing a service, practically with personnel, we are

talking about what it cost the city, not what they are receiving in salary,

depending on who they are or what stage they are in, or what stage of their

career they are in, the benefits are vitally important or they are just

another thing keeping grits off the table.

*** *** ***

Councilor Davis Madam Finance Director I have a couple of questions for you.

First, there is not millage change this year correct.

Pam Hodge No millage change, that is correct.

Councilor Davis Second is the department primarily you have a couple proposal

here for once a week garbage pick up, no more plastic bags, I would like to see

a break down and understanding and the amount of money that would be saved. We

were previously told that if we went to once a week garbage pickup it would

only be a fuel saving. I would like to see those numbers and the reasoning

behind the plastic bag initiative so I can understand that better. As long as

that presentation is detailed we won?t have to ask that question at that point.

We have looked at our friends across the river seeing how they have

restructured for specific reason. We have asked our employees to do a lot this

past year. Looking at the pay scale it hits people in various ways and levels.

I would like to see a comparison of what we will be looking at. The cost of

living increase is always done across the board, but I would like to look at

what types of number we are looking at in saving or cost to the city, if we

split it up for 50,000 down 60,000 down 70,000 down in a salary grade to see

what we are talking about from that stand point. This hits employees with a

different level of stress. But this is important in the light of the document

we just received, seeing that we are asking for a minimal contribution?

Pam Hodge stated to Councilor Davis that, yes they were asking for a $3-10 per

pay period dollar contribution for health insurance.

Councilor Davis so this is strategic year, I would like to see that, from a

creative stand point that we can always come back and cover those who were left

out, but certainly be able to help those who are not quite able to carry that

burden. Is that ok budget chair?

Councilor Henderson If the money had been there the mayor would have brought a

more aggressive pay increase, and there are a lot of factors that go into a pay

increase. So often when we give nominal adjustment, that?s all we are able to

do, those with the least adjustment are those who are struggling to make ends

meet because they are at the entry level of those pay scales. The challenge is

when you do just a portion we end up back where we were with a compression

issue, like when we brought the University of Georgia in to try and fix.

The Mayor and I have spoken about taking a second look at the Public Safety

Pay in order to address some concerns, and I will be very thorough.

The time we messed with pay plan The Chambers of Commerce got the University

of Georgia involved to initiate that study, because they didn?t trust

government to come up with a solid pay plan, so that?s why they brought in the

Chambers of Commerce

Councilor Davis our finance department would have to show us what we are

talking about.

Councilor Henderson Councilor Davis brought to my attention things that

happened in the Atlanta area have an impact on what happens with our citizens.

They are trying to make ends meet for the State and that means some of the

money comes from the local municipality and counties. We have Constitutional

Officers that got a pay raise this year and we pay that. I don?t want to say

unfunded mandate, but opps I just did. We pay for decision made elsewhere. The

hotel surcharge tax was created to fund the transportation needs of all the

areas of the State that choose not to pass the TSPLOST like we did, so the

foresight of our citizens and trying to make sure we continue to fund the

transportation project, I feel like someone moved the target on us. But that?s

what we have to deal with. With us being a border community to Alabama it makes

it hard for us to attract and negotiate on conventions, it has a ripple effect,

because if heads are in bed that where the development will be, and further

raises the bar for us to generate the revenue. Mayor and Finance has done a

good job on trying to balance the budget.

Councilor Davis a very valid point, like sources that are stressing is

government and economy. I think it?s safe to say it will have an impact on how

we use our funds. I don?t know if our finance department has had time to look

through that since it?s all based on projection, kudos to our Finance


Somewhere in the budget presentation, I would like some input from the City

Attorney to try to understand the matter of how it relates to the TSPLOST

versus a surcharge under the heading tax. Questions from the community are, are

we being double taxed and are we sending our money elsewhere. It?s important to

understand how it affects us, and from an unconstitutional stand point being

double taxed is a legal matter that factors into this budget and future budget.

Do you agree madam Finance Director?

Pam Hodge Yes I will get with the City Attorney and we will look into that.

Councilor Henderson like Councilor Thomas was talking about the line of credit

that we have extended to the Chambers through the Development Authority. They

use to want inexpensive land and little bit of help with the infrastructure and

utility, now they want free land, running utilities and moving money. We did

that for an opportunity. That was the only bullet in our gun, and we didn?t

have another fall back. But they came with another opportunity to retain and

grow more jobs. We did work with the Development Authority and the brought

forth a plan to lower our annual obligations, but this is what the Council does

in an effort to generate more revenue.

Reminder that you have your thumb drive, so if you see anything that you want

to add to the budget you need to bring it with something to cut, that?s why we

have this line item. If you see a service or something that the city provides

that is more important than another, bring it and we will add it to the

add/delete list and we will address it towards the end of the process.


Tiny B. Washington, MMC

Clerk of Council

City Council of Columbus, Georgia


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