Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members


July 20, 2011

A meeting of the Planning Advisory Commission was held Wednesday, July 20, 2011

in the Council Chambers on the Plaza Level of the Government Center.

Commissioners Present:

Chairperson Cathy Hodge

Vice Chairperson Ronny Smith

Commissioners: Zephaniah Baker

Walter Calhoun

Travis Chambers

Glen Heinzelman

David Johnson

Ralph King

Staff Members: Will Johnson ? Planning Department Chief and Tina Trant ?

Planning Technician.

Commissioners Absent: None.

Others Present: Mandeep Singh, Amanda Farrow, David Erickson

CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Hodge called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. She

explained the rezoning process to the audience.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 15, 2011. Commissioner Calhoun made a motion to

approve the minutes. Commissioner Heinzelman seconded. They were approved



1. REZN 6-11-2405: A request to rezone the property located at 6939

Buena Vista Road. The current zoning is Neighborhood Commercial. The proposed

zoning is General Commercial. The property will be used for a convenience

store with gas sales. Mandeep Singh is the applicant.

Future Land Use Map: It is consistent with the Future Land Use Map. It is in

Planning Area E. The Land Use Designation shows General Commercial.

Compatible with Existing Land Uses: Yes.

Environmental Impacts: The property does not lie within a floodway and

floodplain area. The developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to

issuance of a Site Development Permit.

City Services: The property is served by all city services.

Traffic Impact: The proposed project is not expected to have a negative impact

on the transportation network.

Traffic Engineering: The site shall meet the codes and regulations of the

Columbus Consolidated Government for commercial usage.

School Impact: There will be no impact on schools.

Buffer Requirement: None.

Fort Benning Recommendation: Pending.

DRI Recommendation: None.

Attitude of Property Owners: Seven (7) owners within 300 feet were notified of

this rezoning request. The Planning Department has not received any comments.

Additional information: This property is the former location of Jack Tyler?s

gas station and store.

Mandeep Singh, applicant, came to the podium. He wants to rezone this property

to have a convenience store with gas sales.

Chairperson Hodge asked for discussion and a motion. Commissioner Baker made a

motion to approve this rezoning case because it is consistent the future land

use map. Commissioner Chambers seconded. The motion to approve was carried


2. REZN 6-11-2428: A request for a Text Amendment to amend Condition

#2.d from Ordinance #05-29 as it pertains to properties located at 9220, 9232,

9238, 9244, 9248, 9254 and 9258 Granite Field Court. The current zoning is

Single Family Residential 2. Chuck McClure is the applicant.

Future Land Use Map: It is consistent with the Future Land Use Map. It is in

Planning Area A. The Land Use Designation shows Single Family Residential

Compatible with Existing Land Uses: Yes.

Environmental Impacts: The property does not lie within a floodway and

floodplain area. The developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to

issuance of a Site Development Permit.

City Services: The property is served by all city services.

Traffic Impact: The proposed project is not expected to have a negative impact

on the transportation network.

Traffic Engineering: The site shall meet the codes and regulations of the

Columbus Consolidated Government for residential usage.

School Impact: There will be no impact on schools.

Buffer Requirement: Per Condition #2.d: West line of Veterans Parkway: A 50

feet wide strip of land entirely within the Grey Rock property and along the

common boundary of the Grey Rock property and the west right-of-way line of

Veterans Parkway, planted with evergreens (such as Burford and Carissa Holly)

and other trees and plant materials as included on Exhibit C attached hereto

and made a part hereof. Clear cutting of this Buffer shall be prohibited at

any time after the initial landscaping is planted and installed, it being the

intent and agreement of the parties hereto that the only trees or other plant

materials that may be cut down or removed after such initial landscaping are

dead or diseased trees and other plant materials.

Fort Benning Recommendation: None.

DRI Recommendation: None.

Attitude of Property Owners: Ten (10) owners within 300 feet were notified of

this rezoning request. The Planning Department received one comments.

Conditions: The applicant is requesting to reduce the buffer to the following

(from 50 feet):

40 feet: 9220, 9226 & 9258 Granite Field Court. 30 feet: 9232 ? 9254 Granite

Field Court.

David Erickson, owner of the property, came to the podium. This is a request

to adjust the buffer from 50 feet.

Chairperson Hodge asked for discussion and a motion. Commissioner King made a

motion to approve this rezoning. Commissioner Smith seconded. The motion to

approve was carried unanimously.

3. REZN 6-11-2404: A request to rezone the property located at 3610 and

3612 Hamilton Road. The current zoning is Neighborhood Commercial. The

proposed zoning is Residential Multi Family 1. The property will be used for

residential. Aaron Ostrander is the applicant.

Future Land Use Map: It is consistent with the Future Land Use Map. It is in

Planning Area D. The Land Use Designation shows Single Family Residential

Compatible with Existing Land Uses: Yes.

Environmental Impacts: The property does not lie within a floodway and

floodplain area. The developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to

issuance of a Site Development Permit.

City Services: The property is served by all city services.

Traffic Impact: The proposed project is not expected to have a negative impact

on the transportation network.

Traffic Engineering: The site shall meet the codes and regulations of the

Columbus Consolidated Government for residential usage.

School Impact: There will be no impact on schools.

Buffer Requirement: None.

Fort Benning Recommendation: None.

DRI Recommendation: None.

Attitude of Property Owners: Forty-one (41) owners within 300 feet were

notified of this rezoning request. The Planning Department has not received any


Amanda Farrow, owner of the property came to the podium. She stated that her

father lived in this house and had an office there at one time. Now she wants

to rezone it back to single family residential.

Chairperson Hodge asked for discussion and a motion. Commissioner Calhoun made

a motion to approve this rezoning case because it is consistent with the future

land use map. Commissioner Chambers seconded. The motion to approve was

carried unanimously.



ADJOURNMENT: 9:20 a.m.

___________________________ ________________________________

Cathy Hodge, Chairperson Will Johnson, Planning Chief


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