Agenda Item # 2
Columbus Consolidated Government
Council Meeting
March 14, 2006
Agenda Report #109
TO: Mayor and Councilors
SUBJECT: Grant - Abstinence Education Program
INITIATED BY: Parks and Recreation Department
Recommendation: Approval is requested to submit an application and if approved,
accept funds from the Georgia Abstinence Education Program from the Child and
Youth Coordinating Council for an abstinence education program for teens in
Columbus to reduce the number of teens engaged in sexual activity, to educate
citizens of the health risks associated with STD?s and provide a nurturing life
sustaining program and to amend the Multi-Governmental Fund by the amount of
the grant awarded. The grant amount requested is $79,000 per year for a
three-year period totaling $237,000, or otherwise awarded, to be used to
implement the program and payroll of existing staff.
Background: The Child and Youth Coordinating Council of Georgia is funding this
program to state and local governments, school systems, non-profit agencies,
and religious organizations seeking to prevent teen pregnancies, sexually
transmitted diseases, and welfare dependency by providing abstinence until
marriage programming.
Analysis: The Abstinence Education Program is designed to be an educational and
mentoring tool to help young people develop positive character traits such as
leadership, teamwork and good sportsmanship while developing a healthy
lifestyle by pledging to abstain from sexual activity until marriage.
Financial Considerations: The grant amount is $237,000 to be split equally for
three years. Allow the Community Schools Divisions of Columbus Parks and
Recreation to be the facilitator of the grant funds. There is a 40% in-kind
local match requirement utilizing existing budget.
Recommendation: Authorize a resolution to approve the City to submit an
application, and if awarded, accept a grant from the Georgia Abstinence
Education Program from the Child and Youth Coordinating Council for an
abstinence education program for teens in Columbus and to amend the
Multi-Governmental Fund by the amount of the grant awarded.
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