Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An ordinance revising the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) of the Columbus

Code so as to amend section 3.2.72.K.1(B) and add a new section 3.2.72.O, and

for other purposes.

WHEREAS, this Council recognizes the value and importance of wireless

communications services to the residents and businesses of the territory of the

Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia, (Columbus) and desires to

implement policies that will promote the nondiscriminatory regulation of such

wireless services taking into consideration the technology and coverage needs

of the telecommunications providers and the burdens to be placed on existing

public property including public rights-of-way; and

WHEREAS, this Council is concerned with the use, construction within, and

occupancy of all rights-of-way within Columbus as such rights-of-way are a

valuable and limited resource which must be utilized to promote the public

health, safety, welfare, economic development of Columbus and to protect public

works infrastructure; and

WHEREAS, consistent with its authority to promote the public health, safety,

welfare, economic development of Columbus and to protect public works

infrastructure, the Council deems it vital to reasonably regulate the height,

aesthetics, and placement of small cell technology in Columbus? rights-of-way;


WHEREAS, O.C.G.A. ? 32-4-92(10) authorizes a local government to regulate the

use of its rights-of-way so long as such regulations are not more restrictive

with respect to utilities affected thereby than are equivalent regulations

promulgated by the Georgia Department of Transportation; and

WHEREAS, the Georgia Department of Transportation Utility Accommodation Policy

and Standards Manual 2016, Section 5.11.A does not currently permit the

installation of new pole(s) or pole lines, cell towers, and/or monopoles within

highway rights-of-way or on surplus property owned by the Georgia Department of


WHEREAS, this Council, in order to improve and expand the wireless services to

its citizens, desires to adopt regulations that are less restrictive than those

adopted by the Georgia Department of Transportation by permitting installation

of new small cell technology within the Columbus? rights-of-way on the terms

and conditions contained herein; and.

WHEREAS, this Council under the authority of the Laws and Constitution of the

State of Georgia, including but not limited to Article 9, Section 1, paragraphs

2 and 3 of the Georgia Constitution, O.C.G.A. ?? 36-1-20, 32-4-42(6) and

32-4-92(10) desires to adopted this ordinance for the purpose of regulating the

placement of small cell technology in the City rights-of-way.



Chapter 3 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by revising

Section 3.2.72.K.1(B) to read as follows:

?(B) All towers shall be located at least one-third of its height from any

public right-of-way, unless it is a concealed support structure designed for

small cell technology.?


Chapter 3 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by creating

section 3.2.72.O to read as follows:

A. Application for use of right-of-way

1. Unless specifically exempted by state or federal law or this Code, any

Applicant that places or seeks to place wireless communication facilities in

the public roads and highways or rights of way of Columbus shall provide to the

Columbus Consolidated Government (CCG) Division of Traffic Engineering the

following information:

a. The name, address, and telephone number of a principal office and local

agent of such Applicant;

b. Proof of certification from the Georgia Public Service Commission of such

Applicant to provide wireless communication services in this state where

required by State law, or Federal Communications Commission licensure where

State certification is not required;

c. Proof of insurance or self-insurance of such Applicant adequate to defend

and cover claims of third parties and of municipal authorities. Columbus

Consolidated Government (CCG) shall be named as an additional insured of the


d. A description of the Applicant?s service area and capacity, within Columbus

which description shall be sufficiently detailed so as to allow Columbus to

respond to subscriber inquiries. For the purposes of this paragraph, an

Applicant may, in lieu of or as supplement to a written description, provide a

map on 8 ?? by 11? paper that is clear and legible and that fairly depicts the

geographic service areas and associated service capacities within the

boundaries of Columbus;

e. A description of the services to be provided;

f. An affirmative declaration that the Applicant shall comply with all

applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including municipal

ordinances and regulations, regarding the placement and maintenance of

facilities in the public rights of way that are reasonable, nondiscriminatory,

and applicable to all users of the public rights of way, including the

requirements of Chapter 9 of Title 25, the ?Georgia Utility Facility Protection

Act?; and

g. A statement in bold type at the top of the application as follows: ?Pursuant

to section 3.2.72.O of the Columbus Unified Development Ordinance and paragraph

(2) of subsection (b) of Code Section 46-5-1 of the Official Code of Georgia

Annotated, the municipal authority shall notify the applicant of any

deficiencies in this application within 15 business days of receipt of this


2. Applicants will be notified in writing of any application deficiencies

within 15 calendar days of receipt of this application. If no such

notification is given within 15 calendar days of the receipt of an application,

such application shall be deemed complete.

3. Within 60 calendar days of the receipt of a completed application, CCG may

approve or deny such application by notification to the Applicant The failure

of CCG to approve an application within 60 calendar days of the receipt of a

competed application shall be deemed to constitute final approval of such


B. Placement of small cell technology in the right-of-way

1. The following standards shall apply for the placement of small cell

technology in the public right-of-way, or on a public road or CCG easement.

Any small cell technology in a city right-of-way shall be co-located on the

property of a utility, or other franchisee, legally existing in the public

right-of-way unless the applicant can demonstrate that no co-location

opportunities exist in the area of need. A lease agreement will be required if

the colocation opportunity is on a CCG facility. If the applicant demonstrates

that no co-location opportunities exist, the applicant may submit an

encroachment permit to CCG Engineering Department to allow for a small cell

wireless support structure within the area of the public right-of-way.

C. Co-location standards

1. All co-location structures must comply with section 7.11.1 of the Unified

Development Ordinance (UDO) and shall not increase the height of the tower or

non-tower structure by more than 10% or ten feet whichever is greater, over

existing structures that are located in the right-of way within the vicinity of


2. All equipment and support infrastructure shall have a color and finish to

blend with the structure to which they are attached to.

3. Any support structure shall be made of steel, composite, metal, wood or


4. All electrical wiring shall be concealed within the structure. If this is

unattainable, then a covering of the same color as the structure may be used to

conceal the wiring, but cause must be provided.

5. All electrical power shall be provided by underground utilities where


6. All modification construction plans shall be submitted with the encroachment

permit to show schematics of utilities, accessory equipment, and location of

underground utilities and overall height of the structure with antenna.

D. New Construction Standards

1. If Applicant can demonstrate that no co-location opportunities exist in the

area of need, then the Applicant must submit the following to support its

proposed use of the right-of-way:

a. A construction plan, as defined herein, that describes the proposed wireless

support structure and all equipment and network components, including antennas,

transmitters, receivers, base stations, power supplies, cabling, and related


b. Evidence supporting the choice of location, including, without limitation,

i. Maps or plats showing the proposed location(s) of applicant?s proposed

wireless support structure(s); and

ii. A notarized statement from the individual responsible for the choice of

location demonstrating that collocation of wireless facilities on an existing

wireless support structure was not a viable option because collocation:

1. Would not result in the same wireless service functionality, coverage, or


2. Is technically infeasible; or

3. Is an economic burden to the Applicant.

iv. The map shall describe the boundaries of the geographic area to be

served in clear and concise terms

2. A concealed support structure used to house a small cell antenna shall be no

more than 40 feet in height with a 5-foot antenna.

3. Any support structure shall be made of steel, composite, metal or concrete;

provided, wood support structures may be approved by the Director of

Engineering when necessary to maintain compatibility with surrounding


4. All electrical wiring shall be concealed within the structure. If this is

unattainable, then a covering of the same color as the structure may be used to

conceal the wiring, but cause must be provided.

5. All electrical power shall be provided by underground utilities where


E. Use by public utilities and placement of utilities

1. All authorized public underground utilities shall be located within the

right-of-way of a public street or within an easement designated for such use.

Within public street right-of-way, placement of the various authorized

utilities (power, gas, cable TV, Telegraph or Telephone Company, Internet

provider, Water and sewer) shall conform to the specific locations designated

for such use by the city, as illustrated in Section 7.11.1 of this UDO below.

F. Installation of poles and other wireholding structures and relocation

1. Unless otherwise provided in a valid service agreement, no placement of any

pole or wireholding structure of the Applicant is to be considered a vested

interest in the right-of-way, and such poles or structures are to be removed,

relocated underground, or modified by the utility at its own expense whenever

Columbus determines that the public benefit would be enhanced thereby or the

Facilities or equipment thereon are no longer in use. The Facilities shall be

so located and installed as to cause minimum interference with the rights and

convenience of property owners, and such Facilities shall not interfere with or

restrict pedestrian or other designated pathways.

G. Definitions

1. Accessory equipment means: any equipment serving or being used in

conjunction with small cell technology or a small cell technology wireless

support structure and includes, but is not limited to, utility or transmission

equipment, power supplies, generators, batteries, cables, equipment buildings,

cabinets, and storage sheds, shelters, or similar structures.

2. Modification construction plan means: when referring substantial

modification of an existing wireless facility or wireless support structure

means a plan that describes the proposed modifications to the wireless support

structure and all equipment and network components, including antennas,

transmitters, receivers, base stations, power supplies, cabling, and related


3. New construction plan means: when referring to a new wireless support

structure means a written plan for construction that demonstrates that the

aesthetics of the wireless support structure is substantially similar to the

existing structures located in the right of way nearest the proposed location;

includes the total height and width of the wireless facility and wireless

support structure, including cross section and elevation, footing, foundation

and wind speed details; a structural analysis indicating the capacity for

future and existing antennas, including a geotechnical report and calculations

for the foundations capacity; the identity and qualifications of each person

directly responsible for the design and construction; and signed and sealed

documentation from a professional engineer or surveyor that shows the proposed

location of the wireless facility and wireless support structure and all

easements and existing structures within fifty (50) feet of such wireless

facility or wireless support structure.

4. Small cell technology means:

i. Individual compact low-powered radio access base stations that include Femto

cells, Pico cells, Micro cells and Metro cells having a range of 30 feet to

1000 feet; or

ii. Networks of spatially separated small cell wireless antenna nodes connected

to a common source transport medium that provides wireless service within a

geographic area or structure commonly referred to as distributed antenna



Severability: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or

portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by

any court or administrative agency of competent jurisdiction, such portion

shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding

shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof.


All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are

hereby repealed.

Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

___ day of ______, 2016 introduced a second time at a regular meeting of said

Council held on the ______ day of ________, 2016, and adopted at said meeting

by the affirmative vote of ________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting ____________.

Councilor Baker voting ____________.

Councilor Barnes voting ____________.

Councilor Davis voting ____________.

Councilor Garrett voting ____________.

Councilor Henderson voting ____________.

Councilor Huff voting ____________.

Councilor Pugh voting ____________.

Councilor Thomas voting ____________.

Councilor Woodson voting ____________.

_____________________________ _______________________________



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