Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An ordinance deleting Columbus Code Sections 16-B-9-1 through 16-B-9-7 and

replacing with new Code Sections 16-B-9-1 through 16-B-9-11 establishing an

evaluation procedure for merit system employees and appointed officers;

providing for preparation and filing of performance evaluation forms; and for

other purposes.



Columbus Code Sections 16-B-9-1 through 16-B-9-7 are hereby deleted in

their entirety and are hereby replaced with the following new Code Sections

16-B-9-1 through 16-B-9-11:

Section 16-B-9-1: Evaluation Procedure.

The evaluation process establishes a procedure of systematic appraisal of an

employee's work performance on a regular basis. The primary purpose of any

employee evaluation is to improve the ability of the City to deliver services

to its citizens, and to develop the highest professional competence on the part

of each employee.

It is recognized that a system of periodic evaluation is essential to assist

employees in developing competency and realizing their potential. It is

further recognized that information gathered through such a system will enable

the City of Columbus to make decisions, for which an employee's competence is

relevant, in a just and equitable manner.

Section 16-B-9-2: Use of Evaluation.

The performance evaluation may be used as a factor in determining order of

lay-off, as a basis for training, promotion, demotion, transfer or dismissal,

and for such other purposes as set forth in these regulations.

Section 16-B-9-3: Frequency of Evaluation.

On original appointment or on promotions, all employees, except temporary

workers, shall be evaluated at the end of six (6) months of service, at the end

of 12 months of service and bi-annually thereafter at least 20 working days

prior to the anniversary date of the original appointment or date of last

promotion. Employees shall also be evaluated at the time of separation.

Section 16-B-9-4: Evaluation Procedure.

Employees to be evaluated during a particular calendar year shall be furnished

a copy of the evaluation procedures, advised of the criteria upon which the

evaluation is to be based, and notified promptly of the identity of their

evaluator if the evaluator is someone other than the employee?s immediate

supervisor, and such notification shall be made no later than the end of the

first month of the employee?s evaluation cycle.

The employee being evaluated and the evaluator shall meet no later than 30 days

after the first day of the employee?s evaluation cycle to discuss objectives

and standards to be achieved during the evaluation period. The employee shall

have the right to identify any constraints which the employee believes may

inhibit her/his ability to meet the objectives and standards established.

In the case of negative evaluation(s), the evaluator shall take positive action

to assist the employee in correcting any cited deficiencies. The evaluator's

role to assist the employee shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

Specific recommendations for improvement;

Assistance to implement such recommendations;

Techniques to measure improvement; and

Time schedule to monitor progress.

Section 16-B-9-5: Preparation of Evaluation Form.

Evaluation forms shall be prepared by the immediate supervisor of each employee

and reviewed by the appropriate division head, department head and appointing

authority. An employee in a supervisory position who is leaving the position

shall be required to submit performance evaluation forms on all the employees

under his/her supervision who have not been evaluated within the previous

six-month period.

It shall be the responsibility of the Mayor in the role of Public Safety

Director to conduct the evaluation of the Chief of the Columbus Police

Department, the Chief of the Columbus Department of Fire and Emergency Medical

Services, and the Warden of the Muscogee County Prison. Copies of such

evaluations shall be provided to members of the Columbus Council upon


A Performance Evaluation Panel shall be created from and by members of the City

Council and shall be composed of three members. The Panel shall evaluate the

City Manager, City Attorney, Internal Auditor and Clerk of Council. Copies of

the evaluation of each of these employees shall be provided to members of the

Columbus Council upon completion.

Section 16-B-9-6: Final Evaluation Form.

In preparing the final evaluation form for placement in the employee's

personnel file, the evaluator shall rely primarily upon data collected through

work site observations and evaluation conferences. Any deficiencies that may

have been brought to the attention of the employee, and subsequently corrected,

shall not be included in the final evaluation form. Unsubstantiated statements

shall not be included in the evaluation.

The official evaluation form shall be kept in the employee?s personnel file in

the Human Resources Department. A copy may be retained by the employee?s

department head but must be kept secure and may not be shared with other

employees. Forms kept in any other location(s) shall not be considered the

official document.

Section 16-B-9-7: Evaluation Conference.

A final evaluation conference between the employee and evaluator shall be held

no later than 30 days following the receipt by the employee of the final

evaluation form to discuss the content of the form.

Section 16-B-9-8: Final Disposition of Evaluation Form.

The employee and the evaluator shall each sign the final evaluation form. The

employee?s signature indicates the employee has received a copy of the form but

does not necessarily indicate the employee agrees with the content of the

evaluation. In the event the employee disputes the content, the employee may

prepare a written statement which shall be attached to and incorporated into

all copies of the final evaluation. The statement must be presented, within

ten (10) days of the employee?s receipt of the final evaluation form, to the

Human Resources Department for inclusion in the employee?s personal file, and

shall be permanently attached to all copies of the final evaluation form.

Assistance in writing this statement shall be given to the employee, upon his

request, by the department to which the employee is assigned.

Section 16-B-9-9: Confidentiality.

To the extent authorized by Georgia law, performance evaluation documents shall

be confidential and shall be made available only to:

The employee being evaluated and/or his/her representative;

The employee?s supervisor, division head, department head or appointing


The personnel officer or his/her representative; or

The Personnel Review Board.

Section 16-B-9-10: Prohibition of Employee Participation in Evaluations of

Other Employees.

No employee shall be required to participate in the evaluation(s) and/or

observation(s) of other employees.

Section 16-B-9-11: Training of Evaluators.

Within three months of the adoption of this procedure by the City Council, each

person serving in an evaluator position shall participate in a mandatory

training session which shall include, but not be limited to, the evaluation

procedure contained herein and employment law. Each person serving in an

evaluator position shall participate in a mandatory refresher training session

at least once every three years. In the event substantial changes are made to

this Article, training shall be given to evaluators in a timely manner. The

cost of the training shall be paid from the training budget of the Human

Resources Department.


All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance

are hereby repealed.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

13th day of December, 2011, introduced a second time at a regular meeting of

said Council held on the ______ day of ________, 2012, and adopted at said

meeting by the affirmative vote of ________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting____________.

Councilor Baker voting____________.

Councilor Barnes voting___________.

Councilor Davis voting____________.

Councilor Henderson voting________.

Councilor Huff voting_____________.

Councilor McDaniel voting_________.

Councilor Pugh voting_____________.

Councilor Thomas voting___________.

Councilor Woodson voting__________.

______________________________ ______________________________




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