Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

September 10, 2012

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners of Columbus,

Georgia was held at the office of the Columbus Water Works on Monday, September

10, 2012, at 1:30 p.m., the following Commissioners being present:

Philip Thayer, Chairman

Carole Rutland

Karl Douglass

Absent: Billy Blanchard, Treasurer

Mayor Teresa Tomlinson

It was noted that Treasurer Blanchard and Mayor Tomlinson were excused

from this meeting.

Receipt of the Minutes of the regular meeting on August 13, 2012, was

acknowledged by the Board and approved as written.

The Financial Report for the month of August including Ft. Benning was

provided to the Board. Motion was made and seconded to approve the reports.

Motion carried.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of August conducted by Engineering and Field Services.


South Columbus Water Resources Facility

Contractor performed a By-Pass Pump Operation of the entire influent to the

South Columbus Water Resource Facility. This allowed for the completion of the

installation of the new 72? influent pipe to the new grit structure and

dewatering equipment. Reconnection was successful on August 20th. The belt

press in sludge thickener building was put into operation and training was

performed. This project is roughly 90% complete and on schedule for its

completion date of October 2012.

Uchee Creek Campground Water and Sewer Service

Contractor has started laying the sanitary sewer in the campground area and the

water main to the river crossing. The boring operation for the water pipe

under the river has been completed and work has continued through the airport.

Lift Station Force Main has been installed under the river along Sightseeing

and Sunshine Road. The project is roughly 70% complete and is on schedule for

completion in December 2012.

Distribution System

Distribution crews have replaced 440 feet of 2-inch water main with new 8-inch

ductile iron pipe, installed 1 new fire hydrant, and renewed 6 water services

on the Danbury Drive Small Line Replacement Project. (project will replace over

1800 feet of small line).

Collection System

Collection crews replaced 50 feet of 8-inch sewer main at 12 Poplar Street.

The main was replaced from manhole to manhole due to the poor condition of the


Crewmen leave door hangers after jobs to receive customer feedback.

Crews removed roots from the sewer laterals by renewing the connections serving

Garden Brook Apartments on Hilton Avenue.

I & I Abatement Project

I&I crews repaired an 8-inch sewer main located at the intersection of 16th

Avenue and 49th Street.

Ft. Benning Collection System

Crews installed a drip pan at 211 Lumpkin Street to prevent rainwater from

entering our sanitary sewer system. To date, 110 drip pans have been installed

eliminating over 400 gallons of inflow per manhole per hour of rainfall. In

total, tens of thousands of gallons of inflow have been eliminated with drip


The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the month of

August conducted by Strategic Planning and Employee Services Department.

Strategic Planning

On August 9th, team members from Strategy Team 1 (Enhance Customer

Satisfaction) organized CWW?s participation in the Chamber of Commerce?s Annual

Business and Healthcare Expo held at the Columbus Convention and Trade Center.

This event supported our Customer Satisfaction goal to ?Effectively promote

CWW?s mission to the community? and our strategic objective to ?Educate the

public about CWW?s products and services.?

Strategy Team 3 Mixer ? on August 14th, Strategy Team 3, Leverage Information

Technology, held a ?Get-together Mixer? in the Chattahoochee Room. The event

served as an excellent opportunity for employees to receive information about

the team?s initiatives, goals and current projects as well as the opportunity

to network with current team members.

Employee Services

On August 8, participants of the CWW Leadership Development Program ? Level 1

attended their final training session, ?Understanding the Water and Wastewater

Industry,? which was held at the Service Center Auditorium. The training

session was facilitated by Jack Dozier, Executive Director, Georgia Association

of Water Professionals (GAWP). The following topics were covered: How Safe is

your Drinking Water?; How Do We Use Water?; and Regional Challenges.

CSU Career Fair ? On August 22nd, Danyell Barboa and Natasha Hall represented

CWW at the Columbus State University (CSU) Career Fair. The Career Fair is a

bi-annual event hosted by the Center of Career Development at CSU. CWW was one

of more than 44 employers represented at the event.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of August conducted by Information Services Department.

Computer Controls Audit

As part of the yearly financial audit, the external auditor conducts a computer

controls review of the IT systems and control processes. The purpose of the

audit is to ensure that adequate controls exist to protect the financial

information transmitted and stored within the information network and computer

systems. CWW received a very good verbal report during the onsite inspection.

Lawson Upgrades ? CWW uses an application called Lawson for Financial

Accounting Management, Human Resources Management and Payroll Processing. An

upgrade was initiated of the Lawson System which will upgrade the software from

version 9.0.0 to version 9.0.1. This project is expected to be completed in

October. This upgrade will extend the supported life of the application to May


IT Master Plan RFP ? During August a Request for Proposal (RFP) was prepared

and distributed to seek proposals for updating the CWW Information Technology

Master Plan. This Master Plan is used as a guide for the implementation of CWW

IT programs, policies and Information Technology projects. The updated plan

will look forward five years and will build on the previous IT Master Plan

conducted in 2004.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of August conducted by the Water Resource, Managed Maintenance and

Environmental Compliance Departments.

South Columbus Water Resource Facility

Average Daily Flow for Month ? 22.6 mgd

Maximum Daily Flow for Month ? 33.0 mgd

Cleaned three heat exchangers in the generator building that provide critical

heat to the thermophilic digestion process

Managed Maintenance

Preventive maintenance work orders ? 75%

Planned maintenance man-hours ? 26%

Crews repaired a broken discharge flapper valve at the 16th Street diversion

structure in Columbus.

Repaired and re-installed a 168 HP pump back in Lift Station #2 at Ft. Benning

Replaced the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) chassis in the

Thickener/Dewatering Building at the SCWRF

Repaired a Milltronics Hydroranger 200 level transmitter at the Robert E. Lee

Lift Station located off Victory Drive

North Columbus Water Resource Facility

Average Daily Flow for Month ? 40.8 mgd

Maximum Daily Flow for Month ? 44.8 mgd

Performed preventive maintenance on the 600 HP motor, pump #2 at the NCWRF Pump


Precision Flow System assisted CWW with fine-tuning the calibration of the flow

meters at the NCWRF.

The NCWRF hosted a tour for the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia

(ACCG). Approximately 40 people from the organization toured the facility.

Water Quality Monitoring/Environmental Compliance

Residential Grease Recycling Project - CWW partnered with Keep Columbus

Beautiful to conduct the Residential Grease Recycling Event on Saturday, August

11, 2012. The event was held at Kmart on Macon Road and Wal-Mart on Airport

Thruway. CWW collected approximately 300 gallons of grease.

Bill Tomkiewicz, Columbus State University intern, and Jeremy Short, WQM?s

Chief Lab Technician, set up quality control for CWW?s CBFT3 Class ?A?

Biosolids project testing.

Georgia Power responded to concerns about floating grass building up around

CWW?s drinking water intake on Lake Oliver. GP is attempting to pull grass

toward the trash gates on Lake Oliver. GP expressed issues of their own with

the build-up of grass around their systems.

Chris Hill, Lab Technician II, performed a bi-annual Micro Proficiency Testing

(PT) study. CWW performs this test in order to maintain its state

certification for micro analysis. These test methods determine the lab?s

capabilities to positively identify Total Coliform and E.Coli.

There were nine water complaints for the month of August.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of August conducted by the Division of Communication, Security and Safety



During the month of August, a major Army Water Security Assessment Inspection

was conducted by the Army?s Higher Headquarters Assessment (HHA) MEDCOM Water

Security Vulnerability Team. The HHA Team conducted security inspections of

CWW?s Ft. Benning Water Resource Facility. They looked at CWW?s critical

mission essential facilities, to include its Emergency Response Plan, Physical

Security Program, Access Control, Water Resource Security, Response Planning,

Policies and Procedures to protect its critical water infrastructure in support

of Ft. Benning soldiers, families and military operations.

The finding by the HHA Team stated that CWW?s security and emergency response

program was among the best they have seen at any Department of Defense Water



The bill insert and the television spots for September will focus on Inflow and


The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

President Davis provided the following items of information to the


Thank you letter to Cliff Arnett from Ross King, Executive Director,

Association County Commissioners of Georgia for speaking to their group about

CWW operations.

Sharon Bunn of 5101 Yosemite Drive called Steve Davis to commend Eddie Jacobs

and 3-man crew in truck 610. She appreciated their effort and manner in

completing the leaking water main.

President Davis advised the Board that there has been a conflict with our Board

meetings and Treasurer Blanchard?s Board meetings with Synovus. President

Davis stated he would be in touch with all Board members to reschedule the

Board meetings so that Treasurer Blanchard can attend.

Before closing, Chairman Thayer challenged the staff to report on new and

interesting things so that the Board may learn something new.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Emory E. Blount, Secretary


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