Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members


July 15, 2009

A meeting of the Planning Advisory Commission was held Wednesday, July 15, 2009

in the Council Chambers on the Plaza Level of the Government Center.

Commissioners Present:

Chairperson: Scott Boyce

Vice Chairperson: Cathy Hodge

Commissioners: Walter Calhoun

Travis Chambers

Glen Heinzelman

Ralph King

Ronny Smith

Staff Members: Daniel Stegall ? Zoning Administrator

Tina Trant ? Planning Technician

Rick Jones, Planning Department Director

Will Johnson, Planning Department Chief

Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Lucy Sheftall and Gladys Ford

Others Present: Rathe Cunningham, Karon Henderson, D. L. Moore, Tom Buck, Rick

Lowe, Britt Thames, Shaffer Dennis, Willie Barber, Robert Teasley, Kurt Jurado,

David Johnson.

CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Scott Boyce called the meeting to order at 9:00

a.m. He explained the rezoning process to the audience.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 17, 2009. Commissioner Heinzelman made a motion to

approve the minutes. Commissioner Chambers seconded. They were approved



1. EXCP-6-09-1439: A request for a Special Exception Use for a cell tower at

8200 Stevens Lane. Kurt Jurado is the applicant.

Mr. Daniel Stegall read the Staff Report for this case.

Kurt Jurado has submitted an application for the Special Exception Use cited

above. The property is located in a GC (General Commercial) District. The

purpose of the Special Exception Use is to construct a 145-foot monopole

telecommunications tower. In the general commercial districts, a monopole

telecommunication tower has a maximum height of 150 feet. Monopole

telecommunication towers are permitted in the GC zoning district only on a

site-specific basis upon approval of the Council based upon the following

criteria and conditions:

(1) Access: Is or will the type of street providing access to the use be

adequate to serve the proposed special exception use?

Access to the property is adequate for the proposed use.

(2) Traffic and Pedestrian Safety: Is or will access into and out of the

property be adequate to provide for traffic and pedestrian safety, the

anticipated volume of the traffic flow, and access by emergency vehicles?

There will be no impact to the transportation system, nor will there be any

impact to pedestrian safety.

(3) Adequacy of Public Facilities: Are or will public facilities such as

school, water, or sewer utilities and police and fire protection be adequate to

serve the special exception use?


(4) Security: Will all towers and related equipment be enclosed by

decay-resistant security fencing not less than six feet in height, and equipped

with anti-climbing devices as appropriate to prevent unauthorized access?

Yes, the compound will be secured by a six-foot chain link fence.

(5) Hours of Operation: Will the hours and manner of operation of the special

exception use have no adverse effects on other properties in the area?


(6) Height Limitations: Does the height of the proposed structure conform to

the restrictions listed in the UDO?

Yes, the proposed tower conforms to the maximum allowable height for

telecommunication towers in the General Commercial zoning district.

(7) Proximity to Residential Uses: Does the proposed tower conform to the

minimum distance requirement from residential structures and residential

district boundaries as set forth in the UDO?

Yes, the proposed tower does not come within 300 feet of the nearest

residential structure.

(8) Landscaping and Screening: Does the site plan incorporate proper

landscaping and screening of the compound and equipment area?

The site plan submitted for the project does show landscaping or screening of

the area.

Eleven (11) property owners within 300 feet of the parcel were notified by

letter of the proposed Special Exception Use. To date, the Planning Department

has not received any comments about the Special Exception Use request.

Kurt Jurado, applicant, came to the podium. He represents Crown Castle, the

company that is building this site.

Rodney Milner, 2501 Old Whittlesey Road, came to the podium. He is opposed to

the cell tower. Ann Sears, Columbus Cardiology Administrator came to the

podium also. They built their offices so that they could expand later. They

feel that their future offices will be too close to the cell tower. They

brought a letter from the makers of the heart monitors they use saying that

this cell tower could have an impact on them.

Rick Lowe of 5071 Hawks Ridge Drive came to the podium. He represents St.

Francis Hospital. They have an assisted living facility, Franciscan Woods,

that is near this property. He feels the cell tower may impact their heart

monitors and medical equipment.

Kurt Jurado came back to the podium to speak about the cell tower signals.

There was a discussion about heart monitors, pace makers and ICD?s.

Chairperson Boyce asked for discussion and a motion.

Commissioner Heinzelman made a motion to approve this zoning case because it

meets all guidelines established by the City of Columbus. Commissioner Smith

seconded. The motion to approve was denied by a vote of three (Calhoun,

Chambers, Hodge) to two (Heinzelman, Smith). Commissioner Chambers made a

motion to deny this case. Commissioner Calhoun seconded. This case was denied

three (Calhoun, Chambers, Hodge) to two (Heinzelman, Smith).


2. ZC0901-4: The Victory Drive Overlay District is proposed as

additional requirements for development along Highway 27 (4th Street-Victory

Drive) (from the Chattahoochee River east to I-185), South Lumpkin Road and

Fort Benning Road (south of Victory Drive north of Fort Benning.) This case

was originally heard on February 18, 2009. Changes have been made to the


Rick Jones. Planning Department Director, came to the podium. He explained

that the Victory

Drive Overlay Committee has gone back and looked at this overlay making

adjustments as needed.

BRAC is ongoing and the Infantry Museum is open and things are changing in this

area. The overlay will be 250 feet from the right of way. Development can

occur within this 250 feet. If a building is modified beyond 50% then the

overlay ordinance will take place.

Robert Teasley, President of Signs, Inc. came to the podium to speak in favor

of this overlay. He was opposed to the overlay in February because of sign

restrictions. He thinks the ordinance is fair and he approves.

Owen Ditchfield came to the podium. He is the President of South Columbus

Concerned Citizens and is in favor of the ordinance.

Dorothy McDaniel, representative of Trees Columbus came to the podium. She is

in favor of the ordinance.

Bill Green, representative of Keep Columbus Beautiful, came to the podium. He

is in favor of the ordinance as is Keep Columbus Beautiful.

Will Burgin, representative of Jackson Burgin, came to the podium. He has

issues with underground power, signs, curb cuts.

Lynnette Gross, President of Columbus South, is in favor of the ordinance.

David Moore came to the podium. He is opposed to the ordinance. He stated

that we don?t need to make changes just because we can.

Kristin Berquist is opposed to the ordinance because taxes will go up if you

improve your building.

Carl Gregory came to the podium. He owns a car dealership and can?t park his

cars in the back of the building. They have to be seen. We do not need a new

ordinance. The present laws need to be enforced.

Rick Thames came to the podium. He represents American International Movers.

He is opposed to the ordinance. He feels the Planning Director will have too

much power when plan designs have to be approved by him. Rick Jones stated

that an owner always has the option of getting a variance, going to the Deputy

City Manager, City Manager and Council. There is flexibility in this


Chairperson Boyce asked for discussion and a motion. Vice Chairperson Hodge

made a motion to approve this overlay ordinance with the caveat that parking is

not defined as inventory. Commissioner Chambers seconded. It was approved by

a vote of five (Hodge, Chambers, Smith, Calhoun, King) to one (Heinzelman).




ADJOURNMENT: 11:12 a.m.



Scott Boyce, Chairperson Daniel Stegall, Zoning



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