Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item # ___

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Agenda Report # ____

TO: Mayor and Council


INITIATED BY: Columbus Office of Crime Prevention

Recommendation: Approval is requested to enter into a one-year contract with

EITA to award funding for Crime Prevention initiatives.

Background: Columbus Office of Crime Prevention has agreed to recommend the

funding of $20,000.00 to EITA in effort to mentor juveniles from ages 13-19 in

middle and high schools to reduce truancy rate, drug usage, pregnancy and

delinquency among juveniles within Muscogee County.

Analysis: Funds will be used to pay for quality programming as well as

mentoring for juveniles.

Financial Considerations: These funds are appropriated from the Other Local

Option Sales Tax, Crime Prevention Program and do not require a match.

Recommendations/ Actions: Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager

to enter into a one-year contract with EITA to provide funding for mentoring

and quality school year and summer programming for middle and high school



NO. _____




WHEREAS, E.I.T.A. has the Education is the Answer program to impact the lives

of juveniles to reduce the rate of drug usage, pregnancy and delinquency among

juveniles within middle and high schools and,

WHEREAS, the Columbus Office of Crime Prevention has authorized funding under

the Crime Prevention Program for this project in the amount of $20,000.00 to

the E.I.T.A. Program.


The Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into a one-year contract

through the Columbus Office of Crime Prevention with E.I.T.A. for $20,000.00

for funding the Education is the Answer Program. Funds are budgeted in the

FY16 budget: Other Local Option Sales Tax, Crime Prevention Program.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held

the 23rd day of June, 2015 and adopted at said meeting by the affirmative vote

of ____________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting________________.

Councilor Baker voting________________.

Councilor Barnes voting_______________.

Councilor Buck voting_____________.

Councilor Davis voting________________.

Councilor Henderson voting____________.

Councilor Huff voting_________________.

Councilor Pugh voting_________________.

Councilor Thomas voting______________.

Councilor Woodson voting_____________.

__________________________________ ______________________________________





Local Assistance Grant Agreement

Grant Program Name: Columbus Office of Crime Prevention

Fiscal Agent: Muscogee County

Administering Agency: Columbus Office of Crime Prevention

Grant Recipient: E.I.T.A. ? After School Program

Grant Amount: $20,000.00

Budget: Personnel ? $20,000.00

Total - $20,000.00

Program Contact Information

Name: Shankeia Pollard Title: CEO

Address: P.O.BOX 12013, Columbus, GA 31907

Phone #: 706-562-4522

Project Description:

EITA, Inc.provides a unique learning opportunity for 13-19 year old boys and

girls. The EITA curriculum is structured to provide leadership development

skills to the learner that will enhance their capacity to lead others.

The goal of the EITA youth leadership academy is to build resiliency skills,

self-awareness, and self-esteem through a comprehensive positive youth

leadership and development program. These weekly lessons seek to promote

entrepreneurialism, community service, and increase educational attainment and

to reduce risky behavior amongst middle and high school students.

I, Shankeia Pollard the duly authorized representative of the above named Grant

Recipient, do hereby agree to the following terms that outline the requirements

of Columbus, Georgia for organizations/agencies receiving funds from the

Columbus Office of Crime Prevention. I have been given the opportunity to ask

questions regarding these terms and fully understand my organization?s

obligations incurred by accepting this grant. I understand that prior to the

disbursements of any funds the following criteria must be met:

1. The above named Grant Recipient represents the beneficiaries of the Grant

and the above named individual is authorized to act in the name of E.I.T.A.,

Inc. the Grant Recipient.

2. The subject matter of this Agreement is primarily the provision of services

in the form of after school programming for at risk juveniles.

3. When reimbursement is sought, the name of the person providing the service

shall be provided along with the type of service provided. The Grant Recipient

shall immediately notify the Agency if any of their service providers are

arrested. At the time Grant Recipient learns that one of its service providers

has been arrested, then Grant Recipient shall cease to use such service

provider in connection with programs funded by this Grant.

4. In the initial report submitted to the Administering Agency, Grant Recipient

shall provide: (a) the names, telephone numbers and email addresses for the

advisory committee members in each county and a copy of the minutes, signed by

the chairman and the secretary, for each of their meetings; (b) the name of the

chairman and the secretary of the advisory committee; (d) the times and dates

that the Grant programs are available ? essentially a schedule of services; (e)

the number of participants in the program and schools they attend; (f)

Description of the process used to identify individuals for which services will

be provided; (h) provide specifics on the evaluation process that addresses

how the process will work, how the statistical data will be gathered, how it

will be analyzed.

5. All persons utilized by Grant Recipient who are to have contact with

juvenile participants must undergo federal criminal background checks prior to

the contact. Grant Recipient shall provide a list of the names of any persons,

whether paid or unpaid, who are to have contact with any program participants

and shall provide the results of the criminal background checks to the Agency

prior to any contact with program participants.

6. Grant Recipient shall provide to Agency a list of all Program participants.

The parent or guardian of each participant as well as the participant shall

sign an acknowledgement that any complaints about the Grant Recipient should be

made to ?Seth Brown, Director of Office of Crime Prevention, P.O. Box 1340,

Columbus, Georgia 31902-1340. The signed acknowledgement shall be submitted to

the Agency.

7. Grant Recipient shall provide an accounting system that shall separate Grant

Funds from other funds. The accounting system shall also separate Grant

related expenses from other expenses.

8. Grant Recipient shall submit to Agency a monthly report on the progress of

the programs. The monthly report shall provide statistical data that supports

the projects goals of reducing school drop-outs, juvenile delinquency and crime

rates among juveniles.

9. Grant Recipient shall use Grant Funds strictly for the purposes outlined in

the Grant. Any changes to the programs must be submitted in writing to

Columbus Office of Crime Prevention for approval or the funding may be


10. Grant Recipient shall identify the members of its Board of Directors which

will assume liability if the Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

determines the funds have been misused.

11. Monthly report must be submitted to Seth Brown electronically by the 10th

day of the month. Once the report is approved it will be submitted to the

Office of Crime Prevention Board for evaluation.

12. The Grant Recipient shall use generally accepted accounting principles

(?GAAP?) to account for all financial transactions used to substantiate the

fulfillment of this Grant.

13. The Grant Recipient shall maintain all records of Grant-related financial

transactions for a minimum of three years after the completion of the Grant and

to make all records available for inspection and fully cooperate with any audit

or investigation requested or undertaken by the Criminal Justice Coordinating

Council, the State Auditor, the Internal Auditor for Columbus, Georgia, or any

other officials of the state or federal government who have the authority to

conduct audits.

14. The Grant Recipient shall comply at all times with the provisions of

Article I, Section II, and Paragraph VII of the Georgia Constitution regarding

the prohibition against Sectarian Aid.

15. The Grant Recipient hereby releases Columbus, Georgia from any liability

whatsoever and Grant Recipient hereby agrees to indemnify Columbus, Georgia

against any and all claims for damages, bodily injury or death arising from any

of the activities contemplated by this Agreement raised by any person. Grant

Recipient shall provide to Columbus, Georgia a certificate of insurance that

shows general liability coverage in the amount of at least $1,000,000 per

occurrence and which shows that Columbus, Georgia is named as an additional


16. All services must be provided by properly certified or licensed personal.

17. In the event there is any discrepancy in the language of the project

description and these numbered paragraphs, the language in the numbered

paragraphs shall control.


Signature of City Manager, Isaiah Hugley Date


Approved as to form by City

Attorney Date


Signature of Grant Recipient Representative,


Columbus Office of Crime Prevention

Crime Prevention Grant Program

Application Guidance Kit

Office of Crime Prevention

420 Tenth Street

2rd Floor, Development Resource Center

Columbus, Georgia, 31901

(706) 225-4615

Seth Brown, Director Office of

Crime Prevention

March 23, 2015

420 Tenth Street

2rd Floor, Development Resource Center

Columbus, Georgia, 31901

Dear Mr. Brown and Crime Prevention Board,

As always, EITA is pleased to be considered for the crime prevention grant

offered by the Columbus Consolidated Government. We are asking for $87,400 for

the 2015-2016 funding cycle to support our EMIT and PWIT (Exceptional Men and

Phenomenal Women in Training) Youth Development Leadership Academy and R.A.A

P.P (Real Alternatives and Prevention Project). The objective of the R.A.A P.P

is to provide real, supervised, positive and effective alternatives to the

unfavorable risk factors and opportunities that plaque the youth community of

Muscogee County. The R.A.A P.P Project includes alternatives such as a

proposed supervised alternative to out of school suspension of Muscogee County

juveniles. Currently included are events and projects that help our youth

understand the consequences of their behavior to include: improving

self-responsibility and accountability, learning to handle infractions in a

non-judicial manner, encouraging minors to think critically and promotes

healthy relationship building, providing a safe place to assemble, encouraging

character building and providing alternatives to gang affiliation.

EITA wholeheartedly believe in the vision of R.A.A P.P and are serving in the

trenches to make the vision a reality. While we, in the community, over 300

local teens signed up for our WE DREAM Teen Taskforce, a program under R.A.A

P.P that is a pro-social alternative to gangs. The objectives of EMIT/PWIT

Development and Leadership Academy remains unchanged. It is to provide youth

with a rigorous life preparatory education, focused leadership skills, public

policy exposure, cultural awareness, entrepreneurship opportunities, and a

supportive environment that nurtures self-confidence and encourages critical


This grant will provide a large portion of the funds needed to execute

additional projects surrounding alternatives to crime and other risk factors

that encourage negative and destructive actions in the lives of our kids. Our

programs stand out from many past and current programs because it encompasses

the child as a whole and cultivates family and impacts the overall success of

the family unit. Our focus on youth extends to the development of community

partners that will provide the youth with guidance long after he or she leaves

the program. All programs of EITA, Inc. establishes baseline data, progress

monitoring and program evaluation for success that are appropriate for the

individual program. Our goal is to provide tangible and undisputable evidence

that with continued guidance and hands on exposure will enable youth to rise

above their limitations and maximize their opportunities. Achieving this goal

will reduce poverty, the number of school dropouts; reduce crime, incarceration

and recidivism rates. We are calling on you to help us advance our objective

one step further. Help us grant our children, ?a chance, a vision and a way?.

I appreciate your consideration of this proposal. Please feel free to call me

if you have questions or would like to arrange a site visit. I look forward to

meeting with you soon.


Shankeia Pollard

Shankeia Pollard

Executive Director

Table of Contents

A Letter from the CEO????????????????????..

Section A: About the Applicant????????????????..

Section B: About the Project??????????????????.


1. Number Severed????????????????????.

2. Time line ???????????????????????..

3. When funds are needed?????????????????

Section C: The Budget?????????????????????..

1. Revenue and support??????????????????.

2. Project Expenses?????????????????????

a. Personnel?????????????????????

b. Consultant and professional fees???????????

c. Supplies and equipment??????????????..

d. Travel??????????????????????

e. Copy, internet, mailing???????????????.

3. Budget Narrative????????????????????..

Section D: Project Summary????????????????????

1. Organization and background????????????????

2. Project description and goals????????????????..

3. Project outcome and success?????????????????

4. Participants and target population?????????????.

5. Significance???????????????????????

6. Authorization??????????????????????.

Section E: Board of Directors???????????????????.

Section F: Job Descriptions:

1. Program Coordinator???????????????????.

2. Boot-camp Facilitator???????????????????...

3. Success Mentor??????????????????????.

4. Program Facilitator?????????????????????

5. Co-Program Facilitator ???????????????????


Budget Detailed Worksheet

Personnel Resumes

Letters of MOU Partnerships

Letters of Reference

Audit Report

Annual Report

Recorded Testimonies from the 2013-2015 Pilot Cohort of EMIT/ PWIT

Application for Columbus Office of Crime Prevention Grant


A. Applicant

EITA, Inc. (Education is the Answer)

P.O.BOX 12013, Columbus, GA 31907

Shankeia Pollard, CEO

Latrica Rich, COO-contact person

Telephone and email: _ (706)562-4522 _ Email Address: _

Has the applicant organization ever received a grant from COCP? _X Yes _

No If yes, when was the grant made? April 2014 Was a final report

submitted? X Yes N/A No

B. Project


The mission of R.A.A.P.P (Real Alternatives and Prevention Program) is to

cultivate responsible, ethical behavior in the context of the whole student

while providing developmentally challenging learning experiences centered

around reflection, resources to support critical thinking educational and

personal discipline.

One of the stellar programs under R.A.A.P.P is WE DREAM Teen Taskforce. WE

DREAM Teen Task Force is a safe, accessible alternative to gangs. To date,

there are 200 teens signed up for membership in WE DREAM. Membership to the

task force offers many of the same benefits of gang affiliation. Benefits such

as protection, provides social support, offers elevated status, the chance to

acquire power through leadership, opportunities for excitement and provide form

of familial environment. WE DREAM WORKS. Youth who associate with pro-social

peer groups are also likely to capitalize on further legitimate opportunities

for informal social controls such as employment, solid romantic relationships

and parenthood, and so they avoid criminal involvement. This legitimate pathway

will strengthen legitimate informal social controls and provide youth with

opportunities to progress. In such a positive and culturally enticing climate,

WE DREAM membership becomes a satisfying alternative to gangs. EMIT/PWIT

Development and Leadership Academy has had three successful cycles as of March

2015. Part of its mission is to provide Columbus? youth with life preparatory

skills and experiences. The premise to education is the answer, implies that

once we know better, we can do better. We at EITA want to take it one step

further by indicating that knowledge is not enough. The EMIT/PWIT Academy

works to build a youth?s self-esteem, self-reliance, confidence, resources and

expand his/her vision of the world and other people in it by helping them

acquire the leadership skills and cultural awareness that they need to become

leaders in a global society. The YDLA (Youth Development and Leadership

Academy) engages the youth in interactive learning workshops that are ideal for

changing mindsets and developing core values.

EITA's interactive curriculum is delivered by teams of intensively trained

presenters led by highly experienced mentors/facilitators. The workshops use

role-play, simulation processing, strategic planning, coalition building,

choice evaluation and a range of other evidence based techniques. EITA?s YDLA

utilizes the ?Learning through Action? methodology by providing our youth with

career options and career shadowing opportunities, field trips to broaden their

cultural awareness, entrepreneur funds to provide hands on business skills and

family participation to create a support base for our youth.

The EITA Youth Apprenticeship Project (YAP) is the occupational component of

R.A.A.P.P that focuses on six career pathways: computer / graphic art

administration, health care, automotive repair, food service/hospitality

management, cosmetology, and carpentry/construction. The Youth Apprenticeship

Project was approved by the board of EITA, Inc. in 2013. The project provides

a direct link between businesses, schools, and youth to meet the workforce

demands of skill-set, teamwork, communication, and leadership.

The Youth Apprenticeship Project is a rigorous project that combines academic

and related classroom instruction with mentored on the job learning for high

school students. By training youth apprentices, employers play an active role

in shaping the quality of their future workforce, improving the skill level of

potential workers, and enhancing their competitive positioning in the


Both programs are very important instruments to be used as part of a more

elaborate process that will have a measurable and long term impact on the youth

that we serve. EMIT and PWIT and R.A.A.P.P (WE DREAM) works diligently to

bridge the gaps, providing opportunities and alternatives through awareness,

training and resources that will lead to lower rates of families living in

poverty, high school dropouts, substance abuse, incarceration and recidivism.

Our collaboration with other organizations and agencies leverages every dollar


1. Number Served

R.A.A.P.P (Real Alternatives and Prevention Project) The R.A.A.P.P.

will serve no more than 400 youth directly during the school year (excluding

school breaks). To date, 200 teens are signed up for membership. During the

summer months of June and July the number of youth served will be determine by

the capacity of the C.R.I.M.E (Center for Resources, Intervention and

Empowerment) Teen Center.


(Real Alternative to Youth Detention) Boot Camp will serve juveniles a ratio of

15:2. The number of participating you will be determined by the number of


EMIT/PWIT Leadership Development Academy

The curriculum of the PWIT and EMIT academy has been modified to 36 weeks in

duration. We project that the academies will run one academy per year with a

three month placement, evaluation and recruitment period. The first cycle of

the project was executed in July of 2013 and facilitated at EITA, Inc.

Empowerment and Outreach center at 2217 Laurel Dr. Ste. 10, Columbus, GA

31907. Approximately 43 kids have directly benefited from the project.

Adopting the peer contagion hypothesis, we predict that hundreds of kids will

indirectly benefit and be influenced from the positive actions and choices of

the EMIT/PWIT Youth Development and Leadership Academy participants.

EITA will accept 10 girls into the PWIT YDL ACADEMY and 10 boys into the EMIT

YLD ACADEMY with each cycle (36 weeks), which is a total of 20 youth per year.

EITA will offer the academies once per year for a total of 20 children per

year. Research has shown that in a classroom facilitation method, a classroom

of less than 15 will produce the best productive learning curve. The youth

groups will meet twice a week in coed groups of 20. The hypothesis that we

will indirectly serve hundreds of children is based on the principle of

?POSITIVE PEER CONTAGION HYPOTHESIS?. Peer Contagion makes science of the

innate nature of humans to mimic behaviors, attitudes, and social norms of

those that they interact with socially and frequently.

2. Time Line

The school related programs of R.A.A.P.P. will serve youth during the school

year while school is in session and one week out of the summer to include

youths with frequent suspensions to participate in the R.A.Y.D. (Real

Alternative to Youth Detention) Boot Camp. The WE DREAM Teen Task Force will

remain active all year, offering purposeful after school assemblies throughout

the week and the RAFSY Project will serve youth during the structured school


Structured day for the RAFSY (Real Alternative for Suspended Youth) Project:

Hours Activity Objective

8:30-9:30am Academic Warm Up Set the stage for Learning

9:30-10:30am Assigned work To maintain a work momentum and academic success

10:30-11:30am Assigned work To maintain a work momentum and academic success

11:30-12:30pm Lunch

12:30-1:30pm Success Planning To serve as a guideline for future decision making

1:30-2:30pm Learning Through Service To foster the development of a sense of community

2:30-3:30pm Group Reflection To increase self-awareness and learn best practices

3:30-4:30pm Home work

Structured day for the R.A.Y.D. Boot Camp

Weekend Boot Camps will be facilitated per need and request.

Will encompass various components of our Transformational Summer Program 9 am-

Report to TBA site

9 30 - 11:30am - Educational Physical Fitness

12n- 1pm - Lunch

1pm -3 pm- Success Planning

3pm- 3:30- Group Reflection/ Dismissal To serve as a guideline for future decision

making and build self- esteem

Transitional Summer Camp

Days Activity Objective

Day 1 Ice breakers and Intros To get to know staff and youth

Day 2 Dealing with Family Issues To promote healthy family relationships and increase

understanding of support systems

Day 3 Issues of Drug Abuse To increase awareness about the negative effects of drug use

on the body, in relationships and individual productivity.

Day 4 Dealing With Peer Pressure To promote leadership, autonomy and improve decision

making skills

Day 5 Dealing with Mental Health Issues To increase self-awareness and establish coping

skills for targeted illnesses

Day 6 Building Self-reliance Skills and Increasing Self esteem To increase self-efficacy

and build resiliency

Day 7 Development of a Success Plan, Mission and a Purpose of Life Statement To serve as a

guideline for future decision making

Youth Leadership Academy


Day 1

Ice Breaker ; Introduction

3 hours Week 1

Day 2

EMIT Academy Overview

3 hours Week 1

Day 1 & 2

Personal Reflection

6 hours Week 2

Day 1 & 2

Personal Growth

12 hours Week 3 & 4

Day 1& 2

Vision Board Making

6 hours Week 5

Day 1& 2

Building Resiliency

24 hours Week 6-9

Day 1 & 2

Leadership Development

24 hours Week 10-13

Day 1 & 2

Academic Success

18 hours Week 14-16

Day 1 & 2

Career Awareness

18 hours

Week 17-20

Day 1 & 2


30 hours Week 21-25

Day 1 & 2


18 hours

Week 26-28

Day 1 & 2

Community Involvement

12 hours

Week 29 & 30

Community Project 6 hours

Week 31

Day 1 & 2

Cultural Awareness

6 hours Week 31

Day 1 & 2

Public Policy and Leadership

12 hours Week 32 & 33

Day 1 & 2

Financial Literacy

12hours Week 34 & 35

Evaluations and Graduation

6 hours

Week 36

3 FUNDS WILL BE NEEDED BY : June 01, 2015 Requested :$87,400

C. Project Budget


Admission/Ticket income_____$8,831.34_______

Other Revenue_______$10,807_____________

Support (indicate with * if already committed)

Corporate support__________NONE________

Foundation support_______NONE___________

Other private support____________$ 3,450_*__

Government support



Other County agency_____NONE__________

Organizations cash applied to project_______$4,300_


2. Project Expenses

a. Personnel

Youth program coordinator Training workshop $535

3 day training $ 432

1000 hrs. of work and paid training hours @ $18/hr. =


Facilitator training workshops $535.00 (x3 individuals)


304 hrs. of work and paid training per facilitator

@ $11/hr. =$3344 (x3) = $10,032

Success Mentor training workshops $535.00 =$535

1440 hours of work and paid training per success mentor

@$11/hr. =$15,840 Paid Training 16 hours @ $11/hr.=$176

*Boot Camp Facilitator-training workshop $535, 400 hours of work and paid

training per facilitator @ $13/hr. =$5,200, one week of summer camp base pay=

$1,344 ( * not included in grant request-see Budget Chart in appendix)

Subtotal, Personnel ______$54,234

b. Consultants and Professional fees:

Program evaluation twice a year @ $950= $1,900

Internet skills inventory assessments for career development $225 @ 20 =


Interpretations 20 assessments @ $25= $500

Subtotal, Consultants and professional fees______$6,900_

c. Supplies and equipment_______________$6609.34__________

d. Travel (Itemize) ______$450 PER Facilitator (X5) ________

Subtotal, Travel_______$1432.00

e. Printing and copying_______$350

f.Building lease ______$3600_____(30%)_

g.Internet/ utilities______$2200__________________________

h.Liability insurance____$2190

i.Subsidiary Cost _____$17,649___________________________

j.Other___ (Printing of logo items)________$11,760_____


TOTAL PROJECT EXPENSE___________$114,778.34

3. Budget Narrative

This program budget is providing service to 420 students participating in the

Youth Leadership programs and an variable number of students in the R.A.A.P.P.

The Youth Program Coordinator is responsible for the coordination of various

activities which include organizing events, internal and external program

communication, and program development. The Youth Coordinator is responsible

for aiding in developing, implementing and evaluating programs for youth in the

program. The Program Coordinator requirements include a Bachelor?s Degree.

The pay rate for the Program Coordinator will be $18/hr. According to, the national average for this position is $23/hr. The Coordinator

will work 30 hour per week, 20 paid hours and 10 volunteer hours per week.

Based on 20 paid hours per week per 50 week cycle and 1 cycle per year, the

program coordinator will be compensated for 1000 hours per year.

Trainings: Program Coordinator will be provided three 8 hour paid training

sessions. The training will consist of programmatic best practices, funding

research, and collaborative building, and Georgia and Federal guidelines for

reporting while working with children.

Program Facilitators are responsible for the overall operation of the program.

He/she is qualified in training and working with challenged youth. All

Facilitators are actively involved with the EITA organization mission and are

experienced with community involvement. Both the Facilitator and

Co-Facilitator?s positions are part time. The pay rate is based on an average

facilitator?s pay rate of $11 an hour. Based on a four hour a day, 2 days per

work week, each facilitator will be paid for 288 facilitating hours over 12

months (1 cycle). Each facilitator will also be compensated for a two day, 8

hour per day, mandatory facilitator training, for grand total of 304

facilitating hours. The facilitator will provide three hours of direct

services and one hour will be dedicated to preparation and closure of the

activities. The mandatory training will not only consist of program

familiarity, but also mandated reporting and other state and federal guidelines

for working with children. This will be a full 2 day mandatory training for

each facilitator for the year.

3. The Class Monitors/Success Mentors are responsible for the session to

session, classroom operation of the program. He/she is qualified in training

and working with challenged youth. All Monitors are actively involved with the

EITA organization mission and are experienced with community involvement. The

Class Monitor/Success Mentor position is full time for 180 days (MCSD

calendar). The pay rate is based on an average Paraprofessional pay rate of

$11 an hour. We were unable to assess an average wage for a Class Monitor due

to a lack of available information. Based on an 8 hour a day, 5 day per work

week, the Monitor will be paid for 1440 facilitating hours over 9 months (

academic school year). The Class Monitor/Success Mentor will also be

compensated for a two day, 8 hour a day mandatory facilitator training, for

grand total of 1440 facilitating hours. The Monitor will provide 6.5 hours of

direct services and 30 minutes before and after class will be dedicated to

preparation and closure of the activities and documentation. Lunch will

coincide with the participant?s lunch. Two15 minutes breaks are also included.

The mandatory training will not only consist of program familiarity, but also

mandated reporting and other state and federal guidelines for working with

children. This will be a full 2 day mandatory training for the year totaling

16 paid training hours. The training workshop is $535.00 = $535 The SUCCESS




4. Boot Camp Instructor/Facilitator will be responsible for working with male

and female juvenile participants in a boot-camp style, community setting.

He/she is qualified in training and working with challenged youth. Boot Camp

Facilitator is actively involved with the EITA organization mission and is

experienced with community involvement. The pay rate is $13/hr.

($7 less than that of the base pay of $20/hr. listed on the figures

for jobs similar to Boot Camp Instructor). The Boot Camp Instructor will work 8

hours on Saturdays for 50 weeks. The Boot Camp Instructor will work for 7 days

(week) during the summer as a Transformational Camp Director. The base pay for

that week of work is $1344. Paid Training 16 hours @ $13/hr. =$208

A. Consultant and Professional Fees- the consultant fees are based on an

average rate of a qualified assessment consultant to review program and

interpreted assessment results. The consultant will not be paid on an hourly

base, but for the completion of his/ her duties. The cost for this category is

$950.00 per session (2 evaluations per year) for the length of the program.

Bridgeway Mentoring Career Project ? a community based mentoring program in

conjunction with the EMIT and PWIT programs will provide evidence based

guidance and goals for career choices. The professional materials used will

consist of 20 career interests? inventories and reports at $225.00. The cost

of this category is based on price comparisons and research. Interpretations of

these assessments will cost $25.00 per assessment x 20 participants.

B. Supplies ? Item are based on an average facilitation program, and does not

provide for inflation or any overages. Costs of these items are actual prices,

as priced from similar programs and the current cost of materials.

C. Travel ? This computation is based on previous experience and for the

purpose of needed facilitator training. City of travel is Savannah, GA. This

will consist of a 2 day trip to Savannah. Per Diem $60.00 per day x 2 days =

$120, 260 miles (round trip) x .50 per mile = $130.00. Lodging $100 per day x

2 days = $200 = $450.00 per individual x 5 attendees equals $2250.00 per cycle.

D. Copying and printing, mailing- Item is based on an average facilitation

program, and does not provide for inflation or any overages. Costs of these

items are actual, as priced from similar programs and the current cost of

materials and fees.

E. Building Lease ? Office space to organize and facilitate the program is

needed. This is an actual cost and only includes 30% of the actual cost for

conference room, bathroom, and office and classroom space times 10 months.

F. Internet/ Utilities ? Electric and telephone and internet service is 30 %

based on current cost and estimated usage.

G. Liability Insurance is used for protection since many events are sponsored

by EITA and maybe away from the EITA facility. This is an actual cost.

H. Subsidiary Cost

1. EITA anticipates a fieldtrip for all program participants and necessary

chaperones for a well-supervised and safe event. An estimated 420 students to

participate in this year?s event is $17,649.00, which includes a Metro transit

cards, fuel and rentals in transportation cost. This cost is based on

estimated percentages.

2. Each month the Program hosts a program meeting for all participants and

their family at the At the Table Thursday event. This is to encourage family

unity through structured dinner time. The cost of this event is based on 20

students and 40 parents and 20 invitees at $5 at 8 meetings per year per meal

(dinner) equals a cost of $4,800.00.

3. Entrepreneurial Component- Each participant that successfully completes

weeks 25-28 will be provided a $100.00 voucher as start-up capital for an

entrepreneurial project. In week 25 the initial $100.00 will be donated to a

charity of the participant?s choice if he/she has not turned a profit on the

investment. This is to promote learning through action and social


4. End of Program Graduation Recognition Banquet ? a program to recognize

students who are going on to high school, or graduating from high school.

Also, to present awards to deserving Youth and participating parents. The cost

of this category is based on estimated 40% of 420 participants (168

participants) to include 168 Youth and 12 Invites at $10 per meal and equals a

cost of $1800. An award ceremony will also take place presenting five awards

in each cycle of the program

J. Other Cost-Purchasing and printing of 420 sweatshirts and 420 T-shirts and

printing the appropriate project logo on each item. The total includes 400

teens participating in WE DREAM teen taskforce and 20 teens participating in

the leadership academy. Cost also includes a logo drawstring back pack and 2

logo pencils for 420 teens. Cost: $8 per T-shirt per child, $12 per

sweatshirt, $6 per back, 420 lanyards@ $2.00 each and $.50 per pencil (2) per

child. Total cost of printing logo items is $11,760 per year. The cost is

current and does not take into account for set up fees or inflation. Cost

estimates are based on frequent usage since we use the same contractor for all



K. Transportation- this cost is based on the estimation of a charter bus to

Memphis Tennessee, estimated cost of Columbus Leadership tour giving each

participating youth a 7 day Metro transit card and fuel cost of the

organizations 12 passenger van for inner city travel.


1. Background and Organization:

EITA, Inc. is a 501(c) 3 community based organization that exists to provide

education, life and career skills and risk reduction strategies to those we

serve. EITA works to enhance the lives and productivity of disadvantaged

individuals and families, primarily focusing on underserved communities through

the implementation of its? five programs. Our services will combat the

identified adversities and disparities in the targeted community though

effective used of education, psychological, social, cultural and economic

empowerment. EITA, Inc. operates as both, a stationary and transient education

and resource provider. The EITA, Inc. Empowerment Center offers a collaboration

of programs, workshops, events and tools that are available to the community

free of charge.

Education is the Answer, Inc. (EITA, Inc.) has been in existence since 2007.

EITA, Inc. is working to realize the vision: there are proven and accessible

solutions to the adversities and disparities that disproportionately affect

minorities and African Americans. In 2010, EITA Inc. launched its community

mobilization effort, the domino effect. The domino effect has since issued a

?call to action? in the community encouraging everyone accessible to its?

message to become a mass change agent and ?be the first domino.? EITA

currently services over 450 participants between its? five service programs

(community, youth, family, professional development, and alternative lifestyle

awareness (GRACE)).

2. Project description and objectives:

R.A.A P.P (Real Alternatives and Prevention Program)

The objective of the R.A.A P.P is to provide a supervised alternative to

Muscogee County at risk teen population, helping juveniles understand the

immediate and long term consequences of their actions and behavior, handle

infractions in a non-judicial manner (RAYD Boot Camp), and give them safe,

fun, character building and engaging alternatives to gang affiliation.

? R.A.F.S.Y ( Real Alternatives For Suspended Youth)

? R.A.Y.D. boot camp (Real Alternatives to Youth Detention)

? YAP ( Youth Apprenticeship Program

? WE DREAM teen task force ( Alternative to Gangs)

? Peabody?s Haven ( Youth Operated Recording Studio)

? Teen C.R.I.M.E Teen (Center for Resources, Information, Mentoring and


EMIT & PWIT are developmental projects created by EITA, Inc. that provides a

unique learning opportunity for 12-18 year old boys and girls. The EMIT & PWIT

curriculum is structured to provide leadership development skills to the

learner that will enhance their capacity to lead others.

The goal of the EMIT and PWIT youth leadership academy is to build resiliency

skills, self-awareness, and self-esteem through a comprehensive positive youth

leadership and development program. These weekly lessons seek to promote

entrepreneurialism, community service, and increase educational attainment and

to reduce risky behavior amongst middle and high school students.

Program Objects

? Personal Growth- Youth will learn various etiquettes, general nutrition,

proper grooming, and best practices. The participant will develop knowledge of

self and community in order to prepare for effective leadership.

? Building Resiliency- Youth will build resiliency skills through participation

in workshops on gangs, bullying and youth violence prevention.

? Leadership Development-The youth will learn the concept of leadership and

will understand what it means to be a leader. The will also learn different

models and theories of leadership.

? Academic Success- Participants will learn how to plan their academic studies

in order to have successful academic performance in preparation for

postsecondary education.

? Career Awareness- Participants will become familiar with entrepreneurship as

a career path, and have the opportunity to develop and implement an

entrepreneurship project. They will also become familiar with career making

skills and option. The participants will be linked to resources and community

leaders in their career choice and participate in job shadowing.

? Culture Awareness- Participant will develop knowledge and awareness about the

African American culture.

? Public Policy-While developing their leadership skills the participant will

become actively involved in the policy arena at the local, regional and

national levels. They will be provided with applications of policy development

for influencing public policy.

? Financial Literacy- Youth will learn the basics of financial literacy and

personal finance. They will learn the concepts of banking services and will

understand what it means to have a successful financial plan.

EITA, Inc.?s (education is the answer) has developed partnerships with local

businesses and other community based organizations to implement a broad

leadership and community perspective. Our program facilitators will follow the

learning process of our academies. The proposed community enrichment activities

creatively incorporate and stress lessons of crime prevention through career

awareness, community involvement, culture awareness, public policy, academic

success, personal growth, conflict resolution skills and leadership


Participants are required to identify a problem in their individual community

and develop a solution for it. That participant will be required to volunteer

in the community or join other participants in his/her efforts use their

solution to reduce the identified problem.

Participants will also be required to participate in personal development and

conflict resolution exercises. As well as, open mocked bank accounts, plan a

budget and spending plan for the present and the future. Participants will also

be required to complete a community service project followed by a career

inventory, and participate in job shadowing. At the end of the program the

youth will be asked to participate in a leadership role in the community to

demonstrate his or her skills.

No fee will be required to participate. However, participants will be

responsible for their own transportation to the facility.

3. Project Outcomes and Success:

We will use a combination of the formative evaluation method and summative

method. The formative method is an on-going process that allows for feedback

to be implemented during a program cycle. This method will allow us to:

? Concentrate on examining and changing processes as they occur

? Provide timely feedback about program services

? Allow us to make program adjustments to help achieve program goals

We will use the process evaluation procedure, which investigates the process of

delivering the program, including alternative delivery procedures.

Summative evaluation occurs at the end of a program cycle and provides an

overall description of program effectiveness. This summative evaluation will

examine the program?s outcomes to determine overall program effectiveness. This

will answer some of the following questions:

? Were our program objectives met?

? Will we need to improve and modify the overall structure of the program?

? What is the overall impact of the program?

? What resources will you need to address the program?s weaknesses?

The participants of the RAFSY program will be evaluated based on police

contact, grades, attendance, effort/ attitude toward school, drug use and

self-esteem of each student. Each student will participate in the development

of a success plan and will be compared to their personal growth status. This

means that there will be an ongoing monitoring system in place, which will be

in collaboration with MCSD. The progress and impact of the program will be

determined by the percentage of students that complete a individual success

plan and each outcome of the plan. The impingement of the program will also be

determined based on the impact on individual schools and the system at large by

using the current baseline data, and school statistics.

EITA, Inc. promotes the empowerment of the minority community by developing and

nurturing the leadership, intellectual and cultural potential of its youth so

that they may contribute their skills and dedication to the fullest development

of underserved communities everywhere. EITA has defined the mission of it?s'

youth leadership academies as follow:

To empower minority communities through advocacy and the education and

leadership development of its youth.

It will also serve to prevent participants from engaging in counterproductive

behaviors in the future. When participants use EMIT's and PWIT?s principles as

a guide for their future actions and development it will empower the

participants to develop knowledge of self and community in order to prepare for

effective leadership. Each participant?s exposure to a series of activities

will promote healthy self-esteem, identity, cultural awareness, positive

academic skills, etiquettes, grooming, good nutrition and organizational skills.


The evaluation process for the Leadership academy starts with the application

process. The participants will be assessed based on the application criterion,

which includes an essay, grades, attendance, self-assessment and family

assessment. However, a student?s grades and attendance will not weigh as a

negative influence in the selection process; instead, this criterion will be

used to measure program effectiveness. The participants? progress will be

monitored throughout the programs courses and for 12 months post-graduation.

During the programs, the participant will be assessed on each criterion either

by written assessment or a project. The most evident indicator of the

program?s success will be a positive change in the graduate?s behavior and

decision making process as noted by the parents or guardians, and teachers. A

standardized behavior assessment will be used as the baseline criterion and as

a post measurement for improvement. The participant will also be assessed using

the same application criterion at the end of the program within one month of


Results of the first three cycles of the Youth Leadership Academy

Using the summative evaluation method for evaluating the EITA, Inc. Leadership

Youth Academy, an overall description of the program effectiveness was

provided. The program?s outcomes to determine overall program effectiveness has

been determined by the following questions:

? Were our program objectives met?

? Will we need to improve and modify the overall structure of the program?

? What is the overall impact of the program?

? What resources will you need to address the program?s weaknesses?

On average, programs were facilitated over 25 weeks, including one summer

month. In December of 2014, we wrapped up the third cycle of the program. Our

barriers included recruiting male participants, a lack of staff to perform home

visits as a method of increasing parental involvement, lack of funding and

transportation issues. Our program success included a 98% retention rate and a

documented decrease of self-reported behaviors, as well as a 65% increase in

leadership knowledge and self-esteem scores.

Participants and Target group:

The programs of R.A.A.P.P will continue to be accessible to at risk 12-19 year

old youth living within Muscogee County, Columbus, Ga. Our recruitment targets

children that live in the 31901, 31903, 31904, 31906 and 31907 zip codes, which

have been identified as lower income areas. According to State of Georgia -

Department of Juvenile Justices? 2011 statistics for Muscogee County, African

American youth are three times more likely to enter in the Juvenile system. In

2013, 919 males and 634 females were at home awaiting adjudication, 319 were

white and 1172 were black. There were 902 juveniles between the ages of 13 to

15 years old and 470 were over the age of 16. In that same year 358 black youth

in Muscogee County were on probation, compared to 65 white youth. The numbers

continue to reflect a disparity, as we note 26 blacks compared to 0 whites were

admitted to YDC and 58 blacks compared to 8 whites were awaiting placement into

RYDC. These numbers validate the need for continued structured after school

teen programming in African-American communities.

In consulting with Muscogee County School system and GA Appleseed, we have

determined that a great need presents itself with youths who have been

suspended from school. Statistics reported in the Ledger Enquirer in 2013

stated that MCSD's out-of-school suspensions decreased from 4,877 (15.3

percent) in 2010-11 to 4,434 (13.9 percent) in 2011-12 and 4,350 (13.3 percent)

in 2012-13. MCSD?s enrollment of 31,402 in 2012-13 was 57 percent black, 29

percent white and 14 percent other races, but 79 percent of the out-of-school

suspensions were black students.

These 79% have higher recidivism rate for suspension and have a greater

opportunity to committee crime in the community during the time that they are

out of school. Reports from the Juvenile Court System show that the majority of

youth crimes from the ages of 13 and 15 were committed during the daytime.

These crimes not only consist of drug distribution and use, but also auto

theft, home invasion aggravated assault and battery, and burglary. Furthermore,

interviews with parents reveal a consensus that they need help and support with

their children who demonstrate behavior problems.

Georgia Appleseed is a non-Profit organization that provides statistical

research data through processes, and community involvement. Our statistical

data was provided by GA Appleseed's research on suspension in MCSD. We

participated in focus groups, forums and interviews to gather information about

the problem. Based on this information, it was determined that a positive and

rehabilitating problem was needed to decrease the crime in the community, as

well as the number of youths that are being suspended at the middle school and

high school level.

State of GA and Muscogee County School District:


Our community partnerships and MCSD will provide us with the youths that will

give us the greatest success impact. A youth will be considered for the

Leadership program after applying or being considered by one of our partnering

agencies or schools. The Majestic Sons of Life Center (MSLC) will refer their

residents from their all male group home for troubled youth. We have also

formed a partnership with the department of Juvenile Justice to receive

referrals to help prevent recidivism. Each youth wishing to enroll in either

academy must complete an application. The application will be offered online,

in the office of EITA, Inc., via mail, local Girl?s, Inc. and at the Boy?s and

Girl?s clubs. Those student who have the ability, will be required to write a

one page essay, stating why they wish to be considered for admission to the

academies. Students with impaired learning will be allowed to choose their own

way to meet the essay requirement. A family assessment will be conducted by our

trained evaluation consultant. After the materials are reviewed, a panel that

consists of four people will make the selection. Every applicant that is not

chosen will be place in the next selection process.

4. Significance Organizational Capability:

The EITA Leadership Academy and RAFSY (Real Alternatives for Suspended Youth)

Programs are in line with the Department of Juvenile Justices' Strategic plan

for 2014. As an established partner with a written MOU, these programs allow

DJJ to collaborate to maximize a positive impact on youth and families. In line

with DJJ's plan, we have post-graduate life skills programs for these youths

that provide resources as an alternative to being placed in a detention center.

Our youth are considered to be the key to the socio-economic development of the

minority and underserved community. We work to instill in them the desire to

achieve their goals, further their education, and use their skills and

knowledge to make positive and lasting contributions to our community. We want

our youth to return to their communities as leaders and fulfill our motto:

success is in the action taken.

The fact that our programs were designed as a result of a six month needs

assessment of Columbus, Georgia, sets our program apart from other similar

programs. The residents of Columbus and school professionals collectively

voiced a need for more programs that exposed minority youth to public policy,

other cultures, and financial literacy, as well as give them alternatives to

being out of school. Our youth are encouraged to be engaging in their

communities through civic participation. Parents and families are an integral

part of EITA's programs.

Our youth development programs aim to provide experiential opportunities that

build self-determination, build character, and instill pride in self and

heritage, in turn, decreasing risk factors such as, crime, drug use, school

dropout rates and delinquency. EITA sees the preservation of "community

service" as central to the development of the community. Although our programs

are geared toward prevention, we also provide services to avert repeat


The project staff consists of a program coordinator, two Program Facilitators

and two Co-Facilitators, and one success mentor for the RAFSY program. Our

participants and volunteers are trained to treat all individuals with dignity

and respect.

a) The Youth Program Coordinator is mainly responsible to coordinate the

various activities and programs which include event organization,

communication, and program development, under the guidance of EITA, Inc.?s


b) The R.A.F.S.Y program, the Classroom Monitor/Success Mentor plays a very

important role. The Mentor will not only monitor the lessons, but will also

mentor youth and coordinate with the participant?s school to meet the needs of

each participant and effectively execute the student?s success plan.

c) The Program Facilitators ensure the programs? quality and performance

related to recruiting, screening, training, and implementation of the programs

guidance on leadership skills that directly impact the outcome of the youths?


We continue to implement needed programs and movement of positive action is

this community. It is with our determination, drive, and the support of few

that we continue to demonstrate the capacity to deliver quality services in

needed communities. We maintained our 5000 square foot building, followed

through on business development projects and completed 3 successful program

cycles. Our growth is noted by our partnerships with the schools and by our

increased visibility in the community. We have worked diligently to add more

programs and action movements in the community. This year we are launching our

youth apprenticeship program. In 2016 we will launch our internship program

and a mentorship program. As our organization grows, the support continues to

grow and our capacity to deliver programs increases.


All organizations receiving Columbus Funds will be required:

To provide background checks at the expense of the applicant for those in

contact with juveniles.

? Provide reports on the progress of the program after 3 months, 6 months and

program?s end. The only exception to this will be if the program is seasonal

and then a schedule will be worked out to determine effectiveness of the


By signing this application, we understand and agree to the terms included on

the application and certify that the information in the application is true and

accurate and that the undersigned is authorized to apply on behalf of the



Signature of Authorizing Official Date

Name and Title of Authorizing Official (print/type) Dr. Latrica Rich, COO

Daytime Telephone (706) 580-6775


Signature of Board President/Chair Date

Name and Title of Board President/Chair (print/type) ___Shankeia Pollard_____

Daytime Telephone (706) 580-6775

EITA, Inc.

Board of Directors

Shankeia Pollard

Chief Executive Officer and Chair

Mrs. Pollard is a Philanthropist serving the Columbus community, and is an

active volunteer with various community based organizations. Ms. Pollard is a

DHR Certified HIV Counselor, a Pediatric Licensed Practical Nurse, and is a

graduate of the Black AIDS Institute of Community Mobilization. She earned a

Bachelor?s of Science in Healthcare Administrations and is pursuing MBA in

Global Health Care Informatics.

Currently, Mrs. Pollard actively serves on the Executive Board for Columbus

Family Connections, serves as secretary on the Mayor?s Board of Unity,

Diversity and Prosperity, fills the role as Co-Chair for the Ryan White

Consortium, serves on the Strategy Team for the Department of Family and

Children Service's Community Partnership for Protecting Children (CPPC), and is

a Coalition Member of the Community Prevention Alliance Workgroup (CPAW). Mrs.

Pollard is also co-chair of the Education Committee of the NAACP.

Dr. Latrica Rich

Program Director and Vice Chair

Dr. Latrica Rich earned a PhD in Industrial Organizational Psychologist and a

Master?s degree in School Psychology. She worked as a school psychologist for

12 years serving children with behavior and academic problems. She provided

services through strategy team collaboration and psychological assessments.

She worked with the youth department at West Central GA Hospital as a behavior

specialist developing behavior plans, conducting competency evaluations and

developing transition plans. Dr. Rich is a trained NLP professional business

coach and life coach providing services to adults and children. Dr. Rich

currently participates on state and federal grant reviewer panels assessing

grant applications. She serves the community as a volunteer for various

organizations and is the Youth Advisor for the NAACP youth council and

Educational chair.

Winsome Smith


Ms. Smith is a loyal volunteer of EITA, Inc. 501 (3c) organization. She is

organizes and manages money well and assists with fundraising efforts.

Tiffani Stacy


Ms. Stacy is an active community volunteer for multiple non-profit

organizations throughout the Chattahoochee Valley, a Non-Profit Development

Consultant and advocate for positive change. Ms. Stacy volunteers on the

Board for the Mayors Commission on Unity and Diversity. She is the President

of the Resident Council of the Columbus Housing Authority, serves as a

Coalition member of the Community Prevention Alliance Workgroup (CPAW), and is

very engaged on the Strategy Team for the Department of Family and Children

Service's Community Partnership for Protecting Children (CPPC). Between

volunteer efforts, Ms. Stacy is pursuing a Bachelor?s Degree in Business


Erica Brooks

Professional Services Coordinator

Ms. Brooks has over 16 years of combined Finance and Project Management

experience to include corporate banking, mortgage consulting, financial

education and program development and implementation. Ms. Brooks has promoted

financial literacy in the community for 11 years to include workshops, seminars

and individual financial counseling on a not for profit scale. She attended

Ameritrain Mortgage Institute in Atlanta, GA successfully completing the GA

Mortgage Broker Pre-Licensing Certification. She earned a ?Housing Counseling

& Education Techniques? Certification through Georgia Department of Community

Affairs, which allows 501(3c) organizations to provide HUD approved housing and

credit counseling. Among in the trenches hand-on experience, Ms. Brooks

earned a Project Management Associate Certification from ESI ? George

Washington School of Business.

Currently, Ms. Brooks volunteers in partnership with the Columbus Housing

Authority to provide financial education to housing and Section 8 residents.

Ms. Brooks serves on the Strategy Team for the Department of Family and

Children Service's Community Partnership for Protecting Children (CPPC). She

is a guest Financial Contributor on The Dee Armstrong Show (WLTZ).

Amitrice Lowe

Education Committee Chair

Ms. Lowe is an Education Consultant through the US Department of Education,

serves as the Youth Leadership Volunteer Coordinator at a local 501 (3c)

Corporation and sits on the PTA Board and Fort Middle Service Learning

Academy. She earned a Master?s of Public Administration in Government and a

Bachelor?s in Business Administration in Management. Ms. Lowe has ten years

Accounting experience and five years Management.

Duntha Greene

Board Member

Mr. Green has over 10 year of volunteer experience. He has received various

certificates to include: Effective Facilitator, Project Management, and

Conflict Management for Managers, Microsoft Office Specialist and HIV/AIDS

Counselor and Tester.

Andre Powell

Board Member

Mr. Powell is the Owner/ Operator of Southeast Regional Protection Services.

He has an Associate?s Degree in Criminal Justice and is a Community Re-investor.

Katonga Wright

Board Member


David Gibson

Board Member


Darrell Jones

Board Member

Sports Caster, Former player in the NFL

Tynika Holloway

Board Member

Tynika serves on the High School Senior Youth Advisory Board.

Brandi Owens

Board Member

Brandi serves on the Collegiate Youth Advisory Board.

Nasia Davis

Board Member

Nasia is a 10 th Grade High School Student serving on the Youth Advisory Board.



Program Coordinator


The Youth Program Coordinator is mainly responsible to coordinate the various

activities and programs which include event organization, communication, and

program development, under the guidance of EITA, Inc.?s Director.

The Youth Coordinator is responsible for developing, implementing and

evaluating programs for youth in the program.


The Youth Coordinator reports to the Executive Director and is responsible for

administering and delivering programs for EITA?s EMIT/PWIT Youth Leadership

Development Academy and the R.A.A.P.P. Program. The Youth Coordinator will

consult with local schools, youth and organizations that represent youth to

determine their needs and develop programs in response to those needs.


1. Research and develop programs for at-risk youth

Main Activities

? Assess the program requirements of youth in the community.

? Communicate with youth to determine their needs and interests

? Communicate with organizations that represent youth to determine needs and

interest of youth

? Research funding sources and project requirements

? Access funding and prepare funding proposals

? Ensure a variety of sport, recreation, cultural and other programs are

planned and implemented

? Ensure program information is available

? Develop a positive rapport with the parents/family of youth

? Encourage collaboration with other Youth Serving orgs.

? Evaluate the effectiveness of programs

? Identify areas where improvements in the programs are needed

2. Plan and implement activities for youth

Main Activities

? Schedule activities, facilities and volunteers as required

? Supervise and lead activities for youth

? Recruit, train and oversee volunteers

? Encourage local youth to participate in regional and territorial programs.

3. Promote youth programs

Main Activities

? Ensure that youth and youth serving organizations are aware of available


? Coordinate a community relations campaign to promote youth programs

? Arrange for advertising of youth programs

? Maintain contacts with local, regional and territorial organizations for youth

? Monitor the use of equipment and facilities

4. Administer youth programs

Main Activities

? Prepare a plan for youth activities

? Prepare the youth program budget

? Prepare financial and program reports

? Record information on and prepare reports concerning youth programs, costs,

numbers of participants and equipment and facility use

? Provide monthly and yearly reports about youth programs and opportunities

? Ensure that all programs and activities are implemented according to relevant

legislation, policies and procedures

5. Perform other related duties as required.



The incumbent must have proficient knowledge in the following areas:The

incumbent must demonstrate the following skills:

? ability to administer youth programs

? basic counseling skills and team building


? computer skills including the ability to operate computerized accounting,

spreadsheet, word-processing, graphics

? analytical and problem solving skills and decision making skills

? communications skills

? effective verbal, presentation and listening and website development programs

at a highly proficient level

? effective negotiation and mediation skills


The incumbent must demonstrate the following skills:

? ability to administer youth programs

? basic counseling skills and team building


? computer skills including the ability to operate computerized accounting,

spreadsheet, word-processing, graphics

? analytical and problem solving skills and decision making skills

? communications skills

? effective verbal, presentation and listening and website development programs

at a highly proficient level

? effective negotiation and mediation skills

? stress management skills

? effective written communications skills and time management skills

Personal Attributes

? The incumbent must also demonstrate the following personal attributes:

? be honest and trustworthy be flexible

? be respectful

? demonstrate sound work ethics

? possess cultural awareness and sensitivity

Working Conditions

(The unavoidable, externally imposed conditions under which the work must be

performed and which create hardship for the incumbent including the frequency

and duration of occurrence of physical demands, environmental conditions,

demands on one?s senses and mental demands.)

Physical Demands

The Youth Coordinator may deliver programs in a variety of locations and may

have to transport, lift and carry equipment and supplies. The Youth Coordinator

will have to spend long hours sitting and using office equipment and computers,

which can cause muscle strain, and may also be involved in a number of high

energy activities.

Environmental Conditions

The Youth Coordinator may have to manage a number of projects at one time, and

may be interrupted frequently to meet the needs of youth and organizations. The

Youth Coordinator may find the environment to be busy, noisy and will need

excellent organizational and time and stress management skills to complete the

required tasks.

Sensory Demands

Sensory demands include use of the computer, which may cause eyestrain and

occasional headaches. The youth activities may be noisy and busy making it

difficult to concentrate.

Mental Demands

The Youth Coordinator deals with youth, who can, from time to time, be

demanding and challenging. The Youth Coordinator must remain patient and

committed to the activities, and may have to engage in conflict resolution or

crisis management at times.

R.A.F.S.Y (Real Alternatives for Suspended Youth)

Classroom Monitor/Success Mentor Job Description

The R.A.F.S.Y program, the Classroom Monitor/Success Mentor plays a very

important role. The Mentor will not only monitor the lessons, but will also

mentor youth and coordinate with the participant?s school to meet the needs of

each participant and effectively execute the students success plan. The

Monitor will maintain a student-focused process that encourages interaction and

fosters interpersonal learning.

The Classroom Monitor/Success Mentor is responsible for overseeing all aspects

of the R.A.F.S.Y program and will carry out the responsibilities of the

position as defined below. The Classroom Monitor/Success Mentor will be

expected to:

? To follow the participants? progress, educational and developmental levels.

? Assist participants in reflecting about the activities and their choices and


? Have extensive knowledge of R.A.F.S.Y. policies, procedures and consequences.

? Oversee inquiry and orientation process to ensure excellent public relations

and customer service with community partners.

? Perform and oversee participant screening, training, support and supervision,

recognition and closure activities. Explain their role to the participants

before the execution of the activities so that participants can begin thinking

about their expectations.

? Will establish rules and expectations for a successful program, post them and

go over them with all participants. This should be done in a brainstorming

session, in which the Success Mentor takes notes in the student's file, and

involves the student in this process.

? Check off on completed MCSD out of school work packets.

? Communicate with students school teachers via email.

? Complete an Exit Evaluation on every student that attends the program.


? A high school diploma (Associates degree preferred)

? Two or more years of experience in facilitation or youth development, working

within community organizations and/or school

? Extremely strong organizational, writing, verbal, and interpersonal skills

? Creativity and flexible thinking skills

? Experience working in racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse


? No Criminal background (exceptions may apply).

EMIT and PWIT Youth

Leadership Academy

Program Facilitator Job Description

In implementing the Curriculum, the facilitator plays a very important role.

The facilitator will not only facilitate the lessons, but will also mentor

youth and coordinate with community partners to meet the need of each

participant. The facilitator will maintain a group process that encourages

group interaction and fosters interpersonal learning. The facilitator is

encouraged to express enthusiasm and make creative use of space, if possible,

incorporate technological tools in the classroom such as using the computer and

overhead projector, among other things.

The Facilitator is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Youth

Leadership Academy program and will carry out the responsibilities of the

position as defined below.

The facilitator will be expected to:

? Explain their role to the participants before the execution of the activities

so that participants can begin thinking about their expectations.

? Will establish rules and expectations for a successful program, post them and

go over them with all participants. This should be done in a brainstorming

session, in which the facilitator takes notes on the blackboard, and involves

the participants in this process.

? To follow the participants? progress, selecting activities appropriate for

participants? educational and developmental levels.

? Assist participants in reflecting about the activities and their experience

in the program.

? Have extensive knowledge of EMIT/PWIT policies and procedures

? Oversee inquiry and orientation process to ensure excellent public relations

and customer service with community partners.

? Perform and oversee participant screening, training, support and supervision,

recognition and closure activities.

? Oversee organization and implementation of mentor/mentee group events (e.g.,

trips, competitions, cultural events, leadership camp)


? A high school diploma (Associates degree preferred)

? Two or more years of experience in facilitation or youth development, working

within community organizations and/or school

? Extremely strong organizational, writing, verbal, and interpersonal skills

? Creativity and flexible thinking skills

? Experience working in racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse


R.A.Y.D (Real Alternatives for Youth Detention)

Boot Camp Facilitator/ Instructor Job Description

Brief Job Description:

He/she will be responsible for providing care and control to juvenile by

supervising activities, instructing drills and physical training, controlling

disorderly offenders, monitoring attendance, and inspecting juvenile?s

appearances for gang insignias. Will also monitor and evaluate juveniles?

progress, assist in the administration of first aide and medications, enforce

participation rules and regulations, and assist in all other components

necessary in program design for transformation of the youth in R.A.Y.D Boot

Camp Program.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

Must be of good moral character, while possessing the knowledge and ability to

lead and participate in physical training; to control offenders? movement

within the facility; to restrain juveniles when required; and to ensure

adherence to safety requirements. Must be skilled in the administration of

First Aid and CPR, and possess the ability to administer medications when


Must be skilled in the proper use of English grammar, punctuation, and

spelling; and be able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing.

Must possess the ability to complete and update logs and forms, and to maintain

the confidentiality of the program at all times.

Minimum Qualifications:

Must be twenty-one (21) years of age or older; must possess a high school

diploma or equivalent; no use of illegal substances; and must not have a felony

criminal record. Applicant must be Physical Trainer or drill instructor

certified or eligible for certification. Military experience will be helpful.

Physical Demands:

This position includes frequent walking, standing, sitting, squatting, bending,

and kneeling. Work activity will be both indoors and outdoors, including

seasonal climate changes, with possible exposure to inclement weather.


R.A.A.P.P. Programs

A. Personnel ( * not included in grant request) $54,234

Name/Position Computation Cost Total

Erica Brooks

Lead Facilitator 36 weeks x2 days per week @$11 an hour 288x$11 $3168.00

Melvin Tanner

Co-Facilitator 36 weeks x2 days per week @$11 an hour 288x$11 $3168.00

Andre Powell

Co-Facilitator 36 weeks x2 days per week @$11 an hour 288x$11 $3168.00

Classroom Monitor/Success Mentor 8hr/d x180 d@ $11/hr. $15840 $15,840

Facilitator Training $3210 5 x $535 $2675 $2675

Boot-camp Instructor 8 hr per day x 50 days@$13/hr.

7 d during summer base pay $1344

$ 535 400x$13 +


+ $535 *$7079

(not included in total or grant)

Youth Program Coordinator (RAAPP) 30 hrs. per wk. x50 wks. @ $18 hr.

30hrs = 20 paid+10 volunteer hrs. 1000x$18 $18000

Trainings $1196

Facilitator Pay for Training 3 facilitators x 2d x8 hr./d @ $11/hr. 48x$11 $528

Program Coordinator Training 3d x 8hr/d @ $18hr $432 $432

Success Mentor Training 2d x 8hr/d @ $11hr 16x$11 $176

Consultant Fees Assessments $6900

Name/Material Computation Cost

Program Evaluation $950.00 X 2 per year 950.00x2 $1,900.00

Strong Inventory 20 participants x 225.00


20 Assessments x 25.00 20 x225.00

20x 25.00 $4500




Purpose of Travel Computation Item Total

Training in Savannah, GA 450 x 5 attendees $2250 $2250

Youth Participants inner-city transportation- Fuel 10000 miles x .30 per mile 10000 x .30


Columbus Leadership Tour- Metro Cards 40% of 420 participants @ 15.50 (7 day pass)

168x15.50 $2604

D.SUPPLIES $6609.34

Supply Item Computation Cost Total

Envelopes 40 boxes x $4 per box 160.00 $160.00

Copier Paper 210 reams x $5 per ream $1,050.00 $1,050.00

Postage .49 per stamp x 420 participants twice per year 840 x $.49 $411.60

Ear plugs .68 per set x 20 participants 20x$.68 $13.60

Post cards 420 participants x $1.00 per card 420x$1.00 $420.00

String 5 x 5.00 $25.00 25.00

African Fabric 3yards x 20students @8 per yard 60x8 $480

1 Beginners Sewing Machine 1x $219 $219 $219

Blank CDs 6-10pks@ $6.69 per pack $40.14 $40.14

Pencils 500 pencils 500x$.10 $50

Activity supplies One Program Kits x 22 participants x $170 per kit 22x$170 $3740

E.Copying and Printing $350

Description Computation Cost Total

Flyers material .20 per page x 1750 sheets $350 $350

F. OTHER COSTS $19,750.00

Description Computation Cost Total

Purchase/ Logo Printing Services

t-shirts and sweatshirts


Back Sacks

One Sweatshirt per participant x 420 participants x $12.00 per shirt

420 T-shirts x $8

One lanyard per participant x 420 participants x $2.00

1 per participant x 420 participants @ $6.00 per sack


420 x $ 8.00

420 x$2.00

420 x $6.00





Liability Insurance $219 per month x 10 months $2,190.00 $2,190.00

Building Lease 30% of $1200 x 10 $360 $3600.00

Internet/ utilities $120, 30, 70 x10 $220 x 10 $2200.00

G. TRANSPORTATION ( *not included in grant) * $1432.00

Description Computation Cost Total

Bus Two 12 passenger van rental $179 per day x 4 days $358 x 4 *$1432.00

H. SUBSIDIARY COST $9740 *$7909

Description Computation Cost Total (* not included in grant)

Fieldtrip (Memphis)

Meals $10.00 per meal x 3 meals per day x 20 participants x 4 days 60 *$2400.00

Admission to National Civil Rights Museum 20 participants, 2 Chaperones x $11.50 22 x $11.50


Admission to Slave Haven Museum 20 participants, 2 Chaperones x $8 22 X $8 *$176.00

Hotel $152.00 per room x 6 hotel rooms(4 people per room) x 4 days $152.00 x 24 rooms


Monthly At the Table Thursday 20 participants + 80 parents + 20 invitees x $5.00 per

meal x 8 events per year 120 x $5.00 x 8 times $4800.00

Entrepreneurship Voucher

(1 per participants) $100 per x 20 participant 20 x $100 $2000.00

Graduation Banquet 180 Youth Honorees x $10 per meal 180 x $10 $1800.00

Leadership Academy Graduation

Trophies/plaques 10 categories of improvement x $30 per trophy $30X 10 $300.00

Certificates of graduation $2 per certificates x 420 participants $2x420 $840



A. Personnel $48,351 ( included)

$7079 ( not included)

B. Consultant/ Professional Fees $6,900

C. Travel $7,954

D. Supplies $6,609.34

E. Copying and Print $350

F. Other $19,750

G. Transportation $1,432

H. Subsidiary Cost $9,740 ( included)

$7,909 ( not included)

Sub-TOTAL $99,790.34 (included, partially requested)

TOTAL $114,778.34


3700 Bridgewater Rd, Apt K1 (706) 289-9089/

Columbus, GA 31909


Proven Professional with over 14 years of diverse and challenging assignments

to include Project

Management, Analysis and Consulting expertise:

? PMO & Program Mgt. PMI, & SDLC

? Business Process Modeling & Improvement

? Strategic Planning & Alignment

? Change Control & Management

? Metrics, Ad Hoc Reporting & Validation

? Facilitation & Presentations

? Business Analysis & Interpretation

? Content Development & Management

? Quality Control (ISO 9000 Quality Trained)

? Risk Assessment & Mitigation

? Benchmarking, Trending, & Forecasting

? Training and Mentoring

Computer Skills

Operating Systems: Novell, Oracle, Win 3.1x, Win 2000-2013/NT/ME/XP/VISTA;

Software Applications: MS Word (Expert), Excel (Expert), Access, PowerPoint

(Expert), MS Project, Visio, Calyx-POINT, ACT,

Desktop Underwriting, QuickBooks, Planview Enterprise (SME), Business Objects,

SharePoint; Web Based: Internet/Intranet, Email Exchange, Outlook, GroupWise

Typing: 60 WPM

- 12 -


Business Administrative Manager

Communicorp (Randstad), Columbus, GA 1/14-present

? Collaborate with SME?s and conduct interviews, perform analysis and

preliminary investigation for projects.

? Identify opportunities for process efficiencies to be addressed by affected


? Coordinate the RFP Workflow: Perform RFP research, collect data from Sales

and SME?s, compile information, write proposals and prepare RFP responses for

delivery or shipping

? Review Customer Requirements, specifications, test results and support

training plans to ensure strategic alignment with company goals (WIGS) and


? Perform Program Feasibility Reviews, Risk Assessments, conduct Lesson?s

Learned, and act as a conduit between business units, a documenter, facilitator

and mediator for the Customer Implementation Team

? Assign program deliverables, maintain project schedules, update action item

logs and maintain all project documentation via SharePoint

? Develop program processes, standard operating procedures and create

workflows (Sketch, Visio, MS Word) to share with project teams and departments

for sign-off

? Assist with Master Service Agreements and Contracts, write Statements of Work

and review each with Sales, Finance Sr. Leadership for approval before customer


Financial Consultant

Mindset Money Coaching, LLC, Columbus, GA 07/12 - present

? Provide Financial Coaching across multiple platforms via Money Bootcamps,

Brunch & Learns, and intense Saving Strategies, Credit, Insurance and Financial

Literacy sessions.

? Develop training curriculum, implementation strategies and provide consulting

to individuals and organizations

? Guide clients through SMART Goal Setting, conduct Financial Needs Assessments

and Financial SWOT Analysis and customize ?Start Where You Are? Action Plans to

help clients maximum desired results

? Research market trends, track statistics, analyze data and provide

recommendations to small businesses and community based organizations on



Professional Services Coordinator

Education Is The Answer, Inc, Columbus.GA 9/07 - Current

? Leader of the More Than Conquerors Professional Services Program: Served in

a Business Consultant capacity providing direction to small businesses,

non-profits, community and faith based organizations.

? Organized and facilitated financial training, business development workshops,

grant writing labs and performed one on one consulting and intervention to aid

in self-efficacy and economic recovery

? Access needs of clients, customized solutions based on findings and make

recommendations and referrals

? Audited programs for strategic alignment, budget adherence and compliance per

grant and donor funding

? Interviewed, trained and mentored Project Managers and administrative

volunteers introducing them to PMI methodology, Best Practices and Standard

Operating Procedures

? Content Development & Management: Developed training curriculum, manuals,

books, and FAQs for internal programs internal and external to the

organization. Created, managed and approved 55% of web content increasing web

presence by 35%.

Project Manager/IT Analyst

Synovus Financial Corporation, Columbus GA 7/04-8/08

? Served in a dual role as a Project Manager and IT Analyst supporting the

expanded needs of over 400 employees in the IT and Operations Divisions

? Wrote Business Cases, Statements of Work, Project Charters, Communications

Plans, gathered Business Requirements, tracked Change Control, defined MS

Project Project Plans (WBS) and created Test Scripts

? IT Project Portfolio Maintenance: Managed resource capacity, constraints,

allocations, forecasts, tracked project cost, assigned and managed vendor


? Reporting: Designed, developed, validated and analyzed Business Objects,

Crystal and Ad-hoc Reports, created Pivot Tables (Excel Expert), and captured

metrics to present to Sr. Leadership throughout the organization. Analyzed,

detected, identified and corrected technical problems and deficiencies

Financial Consultant

More Than Conquerors Professional Services Atlanta, GA 10/01-9/07

? Originated mortgages, facilitated Financial Bootcamps and provided HUD

Approved Housing Counseling, and Foreclosure Prevention (99% success rate), and

tailored financial plans to meet consumer needs


PMP Training Certificate, 07/14

Project Management Institute - Columbus Chapter

Project Management Associate?s Certificate, 04/06

ESI-George Washington School of Business, Washington DC

GA Insurance License # 2827781 03/14

Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner,

Business Science Diploma, 10/96

Columbus Technical College

Toastmasters International Member, CCG Speech Masters 05/10 -


Latrica Jean Rich

5837 Sandy Oak Dr., Columbus, GA

Phone: (706)


Walden University, Doctor of Philosophy, Industrial/ Organizational Psychology

Sate University of New York Oswego, Master of Science, School Psychology, June


Niagara University, Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, May 1997


June, 2012-Present OFFICE OF HEAD START, Nation Wide

Grant Reviewer

? Maintain knowledge of OHS performance standards

? Evaluate grants based on a strict criterion

? Collaborate with other reviewers for scoring

? Summit reports on quality of grant writing

May, 2012-Present EITA INC., Columbus GA

Program Evaluator

? Conducts needs assessments for organization

? Set goals and objectives for service programs

? Evaluate progress of programs

? Make recommendations for improvement

June, 2011-Present ENRICHMENT CONSULTING SERVICES, Columbus, Ga.


? Manages all aspect of a training and consulting business.

? Manages marketing, advertising and accounting

? Provides services to non-profit organizations

? Consults on organizational and leadership issues

? Designs and maintains websites

? Develops training programs and online curriculum.

March, 2002- June, 2011 MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOLS, Columbus, Ga.

School Psychologist

? Conducted Psychological Evaluations

? Preformed consultation and counseling

? Conducted countywide depression screenings

? Conducted functional behavior assessments

? Developed behavior plans

? Participated in student support teams

? Provided In-service trainings to adults and children

? Connected parents with resources

? Participated on the committee for policy and procedure changes.

October, 2004- October, 05 WEST CENTRAL GA HOSPITAL, Columbus, Ga.

Behavior Specialist

? Conducted psychological testing on psychiatric patients.

? Conducted structured observations

? Developed behavior support plans

? Monitored staff on the implementation of BP

? Assisted with the development of procedures for the psychology department


June 2012 OHS Grant Reviewer Training

Federal Government

December 2011 Online Marketing Training

Online Training

October 2011 Chakras Training

Online Training

Sept 2011 True Colors Facilitator


True Colors Inc.

June 2010-July 2010 NLP Master Practitioner Certification

Hypnotherapist Certification

Time Line Therapy? Certification

NLP Coaching Certification

Tad James, Co.

January 2002 National School Psychology


Additional training includes:

- Crisis intervention and prevention

- First Aid

- Medication administration

- Positive approaches

- Abuse training

- Incident reporting

- Boundary training (Circles)

- Behavior modification

- Suicide prevention and assessment

- Website development


Coach2Coach International


A coaching network website for coaches providing resources, mentoring,

training, information and e-book publishing. This organization works towards

establishing some standards of coaching and enforcing codes of conduct for

professional coaches.

TruParenting Program


A parenting course for parents of troubled or special needs students. Designed

to build a connection between the parent and child using personality type

indicators and proven innovative strategies. It also has a component that

provides awareness to those parents who have children with suspected


True Satisfaction Program, (conflict resolution)


A conflict resolution program developed for youth and adults in the work

force. Designed to teach communication skills, stress reduction skills and

diversity awareness. The program provides hands on activities that will allow

for experiential training.


April to Present Executive Committee, NAACP,

Columbus, GA

March to Present Youth Council Advisor, NAACP,

Columbus, GA

March to Present Educational Committee, NAACP,

Columbus, GA

May to Present Board Member, ETIA, Inc., Columbus,


October to May 2012 Group Coaching Facilitator, Hope Harbor


June2000 to August 2001 Counselor, Islamic Research Center

January 1997 to May 1997 Classroom Assistant, Head start Program

May 1996 to September 1996 Tutor, Niagara University Opportunity Program

Melvin Tanner Jr.

638 Parkwood Drive, Columbus, GA 31907

Home: (706) 577-1533, Office: (706) 221-1104


OBJECTIVE: To obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong

organizational skills, educational

background, military experience, and ability to work well with people in a

stable environment that will lead

to a lasting relationship with the community.


Instructor 02/10 ? Present

Employer: CACI International INC

10480 El Caney Ave. BLDG 4713, Fort Benning, GA 31905

Supervisor: Joseph Henderson, (706) 405-9342, may be contacted.

Conducts command and professional level briefings for senior military and

civilian leaders. Ensures

proper utilization, implementation and execution of approved Training Support

Packages (TSP). Trains and

evaluates over 470 Active duty, reserve component, and civilian contractors

processing through the

Conus replacement Center (CRC).

Equal Opportunity Advisor: 2005-2008

Employer: United States Military

Fort Benning, GA 31905

Supervisor: Wayne Andrews (706) 570-3574, may be contacted.

Managed the Brigade Equal Opportunity Program servicing five battalions with

approximately 4,000

military personnel and their family members. Advised and assisted managers on

all aspects of the

Army Equal Opportunity Program providing guidance on policies, procedures, and

program development.

Planned, conducted, and executed senior leader training and executive level

seminars on equal opportunity,

unlawful discrimination, and the prevention of sexual harassment.


University of Phoenix April 2008

B.S. Degree, Business Administration


Army Basic Instructor Course

Army Physical Fitness Course

Basic Mediation Course

Consideration of Others Training Course (Co2)

Equal Opportunity Advisor Training Course


Equal Opportunity Advisor

Small Group Facilitator


Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office, Outlook


Volunteered as a coach and mentor to boys and girls that attended the local

Boys and Girls Clubs of

Columbus Georgia. Served as youth advisor for a youth group. Volunteered to

support local Young Men

Christian Associations (YMCA) in conducting Community observances. Conducted

neighborhood clothing

drives to support homeless shelters. Donated time to help the American Red

Cross. Taught classes on conflict resolution, culture awareness, and sexual


- 12 -

Shankeia s. Pollard

6 Braddock Ct., Columbus, GA 31907 ; 706-580-6775 ;





Columbus Technical College, Columbus, Georgia

Certificate, Emergency Medical Preparedness/Response


Defense Medical Readiness Training Institute

Certificate, HIV Testing and Counseling


Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of Public Health

Studies, Healthcare Informatics

2006 -2007 - Transferred

Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia

Diploma, Community



African American HIV University, Community Mobilization College

The Black AIDS Institute, Los Angeles, California

Bachelors of Science , Healthcare Administration


Columbia Southern University, Orange Beach, Alabama

MBA, Global Healthcare



Southern New Hampshire University, New Hampshire

Certificate, Prevention



Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia

Professional Summary

licensed practical nurse

Highly skilled career professional with more than 12 years practical experience

in hospital, home health, and primary care environments. Expertise in all

routes of medication administration, G-tubes, Peg tubes, NG-Tubes;

Established in STD and AIDS patient support including assessment, counseling,

education regarding medications and treatment, lab work, documentation with

care plan for diagnosis, and administration of treatment procedures;

Computer skilled, managing heavy daily patient volume including telephone

triage, appointment scheduling, and patient referral. Proficient in all

documentation/record maintenance/paperwork to ensure accuracy and patient


More than ten years of experience of trach experience, Pediatrics and adults.

Expertise tracheal and NG suctioning and inexsufflation. Performed airway and

neurological assessments, trach care, trach changes, vent operations, DME

management and Quality Assurance;

Executed numerous Flu Clinics throughout various communities. Administered IM

Flu Shots;

Employed as a LPN in a Muscogee County Jail. Medication administration, sick

calls documentation and clinic;

Two years experienced in Psychiatric Nursing. Contract Nurse at West Central

Regional Hospital of Georgia. Expertise in psychological assessments, psych

intake process, medication administration, knowledge of Psychotropic Drugs, and

patient education. Safe environment maintenance and family stabilization


? Equipment Operation: LV10, LV950 and LV1150 Ventilators. Various High Flow

Nebulizers, suction machines, Cough Assist Mechanical Insufflator-Exsufflator,

glucose monitors, AED Defibrillators and Hoyer?s;

Quality Assurance Specialist- Monitored charts for discrepancies, errors and

violations. Produced written evaluation reports to support medical record

review findings. Created and monitored workflows and made adjustments to the

workflows PRN.


Founder and Chair of a not for profit organization that works to eliminate the

barriers facing minority youth;

Provides HIV testing and counseling in underserved communities;

Grant Researcher and Writer [Performs all duties warranted under a grant writer

and grant researchers job description];

Project Manager [Set up and facilitated meetings; running meetings; writing and

distributing meeting minutes

Determining resources required, interviewing candidates, vetting vendors, and

assigning tasks, creating work flows and adjusting the it as necessary to

accommodate the needs of the department, prepared status reports and presented

them to the board of directors}. Create, monitor, modify, and evaluate plans to

achieve a preset of various objectives;

Program Developer [Developed and host various workshop and seminars with topics

ranging from financial illiteracy to safer sex and harm reduction].


? Under general direction, assists the Sr. research assistant or other research

investigators by performing moderately complex research and experimentation

following established protocols;

? Performs routine lab and equipment maintenance, such as cleaning glassware,

counter tops, and equipment; sets-up and operates various scientific apparatus;

? Assists with research projects and may perform independent research or

performs various clerical and editorial duties;

? Compiles processes and analyzes data; performs supervisory and training



Home Health/Medical Surgical nurse

$21/hr 1998-2003

Stat Medical, Columbus, Georgia




Premier Sub acute and Rehab, Atlanta, Georgia

Supervisor ? Caregiver and CNA Services


Allied Healthcare, Columbus,



Orthopedic Nurse $21/HR

Stat Medical ( Houghton Hospital), Columbus, Georgia

Home Health, Pediatric Trach Nurse

$19.50/HR 2000-2009

Interim Home Health Services, Atlanta, Georgia

Psychiatric Nurse $20.00/HR

West Central Regional Hospital, Columbus,

Georgia 2004-2006

Via Stat Medical and Deluth Medical

Adult Detention Clinic Nurse

$22.00 2006, 2008,2009

Muscogee County Jail via Deluth Medical

ESR Record Clerk Volunteer - Preceptorship

Martin Army Community Hospital, Fort Benning,

Georgia 2006

Clinical Rotations, Health care



Various Clinical Sites -Conducive to learning and perfecting skills

CEO, Grant Writer, Program Manager, Program Developer,

Project Manager

$24/HR 2007- Present

EITA, Inc., Columbus, Georgia

Research Assistant $


Columbus Research and Wellness, Columbus, Georgia

Nurse-Independent Contractor $

30/HR 2012 -2013

CNA Insurance Chicago, IL 60604


[English ? native language]

[Spanish and French ?read with basic competency]





AAHU Track





Chair ? The Mayor?s Commission on Unity, Diversity and

Prosperity Present

Executive Board Member- Georgia Family Connection

Partnership Present

Community Educator (HIV/AIDS education and



Mentor- Aaron Cohn Youth Detention Center



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