Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An Ordinance amending the Zoning Atlas of the Consolidated Government

of Columbus, Georgia; this amendment changes certain boundaries of a district

located northwest of the Veterans Parkway-Williams Road intersection from PMUD

(Planned Mixed Unit Development) District with conditions to PMUD (Planned

Mixed Unit Development) District with additional conditions.


That the Zoning Atlas on file with the Planning Department be, and the

same is hereby amended by changing the following described property from PMUD

(Planned Mixed Unit Development) District with conditions to PMUD (Planned

Mixed Unit Development) District with additional conditions.

A parcel of land lying in a portion of Land Lot 40 of the 8th Land District and

a portion of Land Lots 263, 269, 270, and 294 of the 19th Land District, City

of Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia. Being more particularly described as:

Commencing at the Northeast corner of Land Lot 270 of the 19th Land District,

City of Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia, said point being the POINT OF

BEGINNING; from said POINT OF BEGINNING South 01 Degrees 57 Minutes 25 Seconds

East, a distance of 2064.64 feet; thence North 87 Degrees 23 Minutes 45 Seconds

East, a distance of 1030.26 feet to the Westerly margin of American Way; thence

along said Westerly margin a curve to the left having a radius of 619.71 feet,

an arc length of 156.39 feet, a chord distance of 155.98 feet and bearing South

30 Degrees 10 Minutes 10 Seconds East; continue along said Westerly margin

South 37 Degrees 13 Minutes 52 Seconds East, a distance of 54.97 feet; thence

South 05 Degrees 22 Minutes 20 Seconds West, a distance of 60.78 feet to the

Northerly margin of Veterans Parkway; thence along said Northerly margin a

curve to the left having a radius of 2889.93 feet, an arc length of 992.77

feet, a chord distance of 987.89 feet and bearing South 40 Degrees 55 Minutes

17 Seconds West; continue along said Northerly margin a curve to the left

having a radius of 2889.93 feet, an arc length of 253.53 feet, a chord distance

of 253.45 feet and bearing South 28 Degrees 29 Minutes 18 Seconds West;

continue North 88 Degrees 52 Minutes 07 Seconds West, a distance of 16.64 feet;

thence South 24 Degrees 55 Minutes 51 Seconds West, a distance of 74.64 feet;

thence South 24 Degrees 11 Minutes 33 Seconds West, a distance of 409.71 feet;

thence leaving the Northerly margin of Veterans Parkway North 18 Degrees 15

Minutes 27 Seconds West, a distance of 472.03 feet; thence South 88 Degrees 52

Minutes 07 Seconds East, a distance of 36.04 feet; thence North 11 Degrees 29

Minutes 01 Seconds West, a distance of 197.40 feet; thence South 87 Degrees 10

Minutes 30 Seconds West, a distance of 59.38 feet; thence South 87 Degrees 27

Minutes 54 Seconds West, a distance of 91.06 feet; thence South 87 Degrees 20

Minutes 33 Seconds West, a distance of 621.51 feet; thence South 03 Degrees 03

Minutes 51 Seconds West, a distance of 637.26 feet to the Northerly margin of

Williams Road; thence along the Northerly margin of Williams Road North 71

Degrees 20 Minutes 55 Seconds West, a distance of 240.71 feet; thence a curve

to the left having a radius of 2939.79 feet, an arc length of 480.97 feet, a

chord distance of 480.43 feet and bearing North 71 Degrees 56 Minutes 50

Seconds West; thence leaving said Northerly margin North 19 Degrees 57 Minutes

42 Seconds East, a distance of 67.11 feet; thence North 79 Degrees 50 Minutes

19 Seconds West, a distance of 41.62 feet; thence South 19 Degrees 19 Minutes

30 Seconds West, a distance of 65.63 feet to the Northerly margin of Williams

Road; thence along said Northerly margin a curve to the left having a radius of

2939.79 feet, an arc length of 261.67 feet, a chord distance of 261.58 feet and

bearing North 82 Degrees 17 Minutes 43 Seconds West; thence leaving said

Northerly margin of Williams Road North 03 Degrees 13 Minutes 04 Seconds East,

a distance of 332.39 feet; thence South 88 Degrees 19 Minutes 57 Seconds West,

a distance of 374.08 feet; thence North 01 Degrees 40 Minutes 03 Seconds West,

a distance of 1640.00 feet; thence South 88 Degrees 01 Minutes 58 Seconds West,

a distance of 648.69 feet to the Easterly margin of the Norfolk-Southern

Railroad; thence along said Easterly margin North 13 Degrees 37 Minutes 52

Seconds East, a distance of 20.00 feet; continue along said Easterly margin a

curve to the left having a radius of 1457.68 feet, an arc length of 612.73

feet, a chord distance of 608.23 feet and bearing North 1 Degrees 35 Minutes 21

Seconds East; continue North 10 Degrees 27 Minutes 11 Seconds West, a distance

of 866.15 feet; thence leaving the Easterly margin of the Norfolk-Southern

Railroad North 88 Degrees 45 Minutes 49 Seconds East, a distance of 1432.37

feet; thence North 88 Degrees 47 Minutes 17 Seconds East, a distance of 500.15

feet; thence North 01 Degrees 24 Minutes 17 Seconds West, a distance of 2279.36

feet to the centerline of a gas line easement; thence along said centerline

North 69 Degrees 10 Minutes 38 Seconds East, a distance of 1014.17 feet; thence

leaving said centerline South 01 Degrees 44 Minutes 33 Seconds East, a distance

of 2671.38 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; said described tract containing

263.3 Acres, more or less.


A parcel of land lying in a portion of Land Lot 269 and 295 of the 19th Land

District, City of Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia. Being more particularly

described as:

Commencing at the northwest corner of Land Lot 295 of the 19th Land District,

City of Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia; thence North 87 degrees 15 minutes

21 seconds East, a distance of 548.55 feet to the southerly margin of Veterans

Parkway and the Point of Beginning; from said Point of Beginning along Veterans

Parkway a curve to the right having a radius of 2839.93 feet, an arc length of

1048.20 feet a chord distance of 1042.26 feet and bearing North 42 degrees 20

minutes 44 seconds East; continue North 52 degrees 55 minutes 10 seconds East,

a distance of 292.63 feet; thence leaving the southerly margin of Veterans

Parkway South 03 degrees 07 minutes 49 seconds East, a distance of 940.37 feet;

thence North 87 degrees 20 minutes 23 seconds West, a distance of 256.68 feet;

thence South 17 degrees 11 minutes 13 seconds West, a distance of 327.34 feet;

thence North 89 degrees 56 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 791.86 feet

to the southerly margin of Veterans Parkway; thence along said southerly margin

a curve to the right having a radius of 2839.93 feet, an arc length of 332.42

feet, a chord distance of 332.23 feet and bearing North 28 degrees 25 minutes

07 seconds East to the Point of Beginning. Said described tract containing 17.2

acres more or less.

The above-described property is being rezoned with the following conditions and

accompanying exhibits (see attached):

The following conditions shall apply:

1. In Commercial areas/Town center (Phase 1 only), the street shall be one way

with 13-foot lane and 7-foot parallel parking bay on the outside. Total paved

section shall be 21 feet back to back.

2. Intersection separation standards shall be reduced from 125 feet to 57 feet

at the town center entrance on the south side. Also a dimension reduction

shall be implemented at the town center 114 feet between the one-way lanes on

the north and south sides of the town square.

3. The overall bay depth shall be reduced for 90 degree parking to 62' BC-BC

from 64'.

4. Residential and commercial minimum building setbacks shall be as follows:

(apply to any part of building such as overhangs, etc.): Note: All setback

dimensions shall be measured from property line unless noted otherwise.

a. Residential ? front setback minimum is 10 feet from property line

b. Residential ?internal lot side yard and side yard on primary streets

setbacks are 5 feet from the property line.

c. End/Corner condition Setbacks ? For single-family detached residential -

Zero foot from property line setback is allowed on end/side conditions adjacent

to a secondary street (see attached sketch). No building can be closer than

14? to a street curb line.

d. Commercial ? front setback minimum is 0 feet and side setback minimum is 0

feet. The building wall will be a minimum of 10? from the curb line. A 12-foot

encroachment for porches and a 6-foot encroachment for balconies and awnings is

allowed into the ROW (over the sidewalk). No part of any structure/ porch can

be closer than 4? to back of curb.

e. Town home setbacks (attached units) ? 0-foot front and side setback with a

minimum lot width of 16 feet and a depth of 60 feet. The allowable coverage is

100% (defined as building footprint only). 4-foot encroachment for balconies /

overhangs into the ROW may be permitted provided that a minimum clear distance

of 12? minimum to back of curb is maintained.

f. Allowable coverage for single-family detached lots shall be 60%. Coverage

is defined by building footprint only.

g. Detached garages shall be permitted in front yard.

5. Allow 20 % shared parking variance in commercial parking areas shall be


6. Residential Alley ?

a. The alleys shall be private roads and the minimum width of the alley will be

14 feet with an inverted drainage section. (No curb or gutter required).

b. A 24? utility easement shall be permitted in the private alley areas.

c. The minimum distance to a garage or out building structure from the

centerline of the alley shall be 15 feet. Note: This may change based on the

property line information provided by developer or developers agent with final

approval by the City Engineer.

7. Unit paver, brick, stamped asphalt and stamped concrete shall be permitted

in pedestrian crosswalks with a width up to eight feet.

8. Single Family Residence Lot Size:

a. Minimum lot width shall be 40 feet. In addition, up to 30 lots of the total

617 entitled single-family detached lots may have a reduced lot width of

30-feet minimum. Townhomes and Livework units or any attached single- family

buildings are excluded from this condition.

b. Minimum lot area shall be 5000 square feet for detached single-family lots.

30? lots shall have a minimum lot area of 3500 square feet.

9. Multifamily/ Apartment parking requirements shall be 1.75 parking spaces per

1000 square feet

10. All drawings and graphic material provided may be part of and included in

the variance condition with final approval by the City Engineer.

11. Street design shall allow for a minimum 4? straight back curb with no

gutter section with in line drainage structures. If curb & gutter is required

for engineering purposes, a 24? section may be permitted with final approval by

the City Engineer.

12. Underground utilities and utility easements shall be permitted in

residential alleys and behind commercial areas with final approval by the City

Engineer. (see attached site sections).

13. Retention basins shall be allowed in buffer areas with final approval by

the City Engineer. Landscape plans for city approval will be provided.

14. UDO Section ? Reduce minimum dimension for the top of retention

pond berm from 20 feet to 10 feet. This will only be allowed if there is a

maintenance agreement with the property association to maintain the retention

pond. If there is no agreement, the city standard will apply. Final approval

shall be made by the City Engineer.

15. UDO Section ? Reduce the minimum easement dimension for retention

pond access from 20 feet to 10 feet. This will only be allowed if there is a

maintenance agreement with the property association to maintain the retention

pond. If there is no agreement, the city standard will apply. Final approval

shall be made by the City Engineer.

16. All previous conditions or major amendments from 2006, 2007, and 2010 not

listed remain in force. If there is any conflict in conditions, the lesser or

minimum of any condition will apply.

17. Storm/Sanitary Utilities shall be allowed in the public roadway provided

the following requirements are met:

a. Sewer shall be designed to be in the center of drive lanes.

b. All soil backfill of utility lines, located in public streets, shall be

placed in 6" lifts and the upper 12" of subgrade beneath pavements shall be

compacted to 98% Standard Proctor. All remaining backfill below the upper 12"

shall be placed in 8" lifts and shall meet 95% Standard Proctor.

c. One field density test per 150 linear feet of utility trench fill when

utilities run underneath the pavement.

d. Suitable fill materials shall be free of organics, stones greater than 1" in

diameter, or other deleterious material and should be placed in lifts not to

exceed 8" in loose thickness.

Compaction should be accomplished by appropriate

mechanical means such as sheepsfoot rollers for cohesive

soils and vibratory or rubber tired rollers for

cohesionless soils.

f. All determinations under this condition shall be made with final approval by

the City Engineer.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

8th day of November, 2011; introduced a second time at a regular meeting of

said Council held on the day of _______________, 2011 and adopted

at said meeting by the affirmative vote of members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting ____________.

Councilor Baker voting ____________.

Councilor Barnes voting ____________.

Councilor Davis voting ____________.

Councilor Henderson voting ____________.

Councilor Huff voting ____________.

Councilor McDaniel voting ____________.

Councilor Pugh voting ____________.

Councilor Thomas voting ____________.

Councilor Woodson voting ____________.

____________________________ ______________________________



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