Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
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Council Members

Meeting Minutes

Date: March 27, 2013 - Place: CHD - Health & Human Services Bldg. LDR Classroom

Presiding: Carlos Wise MD

Attending Members: William DeNamur DMD, Rajinder Chhokar, MD, Ravindra

Agarwal, MD

Absent Members: Ms. Yasmin Cathright

Others Present: Judy Tucker for Mayor, Steve Gunby, Beverley A. Townsend, MD,

Ed Saidla, Joanne Strickland, Sheila Mayfield, Brenda Forman, Pam Fair, Jack

Lockwood, Lawrence Smith, Carol Popwell, Secretary

Special Guest: Service Award Recipients

Agenda Topic Discussion Decision Responsibility

I. Call to order Dr. Wise called the Columbus Board of Health to order at 1:00pm.

None None

II. Approval of Minutes Dr. Wise asked if there were any questions or comments on the

previous minutes received (February 28, 2013).

Dr. Wise asked for a motion to approve the minutes. A motion was made by

Dr.DeNamur, seconded by Dr. Chhokar and approved by all members present. None

III. Service Awards Dr. Wise and Dr. Townsend with the assistance of Ed Saidla

presented the Service Awards to the staff who have worked for the State of

Georgia from 5 to 25 years. Dr. Wise congratulated all the staff members for

their service. None

IV. Excused Absences Dr. Wise stated there is one Excused Absence for the meeting, Ms.

Cathright. Dr. Wise asked for a motion to approve the Excused Absence. A motion was made

by Dr. Chhokar, seconded by Dr. DeNamur and approved by all members present. None

V. District Health Director?s Report Dr. Wise called on Dr. Townsend to give the

Director?s Report;

1. Legislature is still in session, Public Health is on the docket, we are

hoping for to be held harmless with the reduction in GIA for this upcoming year.

2. GPHA will hold their annual meeting April 22-23, 2013 in Atlanta. This will

include a Board of Health Orientation for any new board members who would like

to attend. See Carol Popwell for information.





VI. Financial Report Dr. Wise called on Joanne Strickland to present the financial

report to the Board. Ms. Strickland presented the following;

1. Written copy of the financial report and overview to include FY2013 budget

is $5,353,457 with one revision.

2. Expenses are $3,381,615.69 which is $117,252.97 less than same time last


3. Fees collected are $867,854.89, which is an increase of $57,246.99 from same

time last year.

4. The write offs remained the same; as of December 31, 2012 are $48,568.73,

breakdown of 23% Immunizations, 44% STD, 14% Ryan White and 19% the remaining

12 programs combined.


Dr. Wise questioned if the positive balance will roll into an account for hard

times or do we have to use that money for something else?




Mrs. Strickland responded the funds would have to be used for general operation.



VII. Program Reports Dr. Wise asked if there were any Program Reports.

1) Sheila Mayfield, presented information on the Nursing Program;

a) National Immunization week will take place on April 23 ? 26 & 29th.

b) We have increased our flu order for next by order by 200 doses, because we

received a lot of request after our supply was depleted.

c) Getting ready for the school based flu project, back in the schools

August/September. We had planned on 10 schools, but have received request from

15 schools.

d) We offer a Laboratory Wellness Panel for $30 to the public. They can come

in without a prescription or order from a physician. For an additional $10 men

can receive a PSA.

2) Brenda Forman, presented information on the WIC Program;

a) The WIC video conference system is fully installed, and we are using it.

The good thing about the system is it is not just for WIC. Any program within

Public Health has access.

b) Collaborate with Head Start Programs around the district by providing mini

clinics onsite. This will be a big convenience for those parents.

3) Pam Fair, presented information;

a) A press release was sent yesterday to the media on Pertussis. WTVM will be

here are 2 pm for an interview.

b) We hope to have the The Medical Center contract with Safe Kids Columbus

completed and receive that funding soon.




Dr. Wise asked for brochures to post for his self-pay patients.



Dr. Chhokar asked when we release any statement; do you get the instructions

from a central office or CDC?

They send it out to the local health departments or how does it work?





Mrs. Mayfield handed out copies to all Board Members.



Mrs. Fair responded we typically use CDC as our guide for any type of materials

or quotes.

If they (CDC) are pushing it out then we share it, but if we have a flare-up of

a particular condition, then we go to their website.


VIII. Adjourned

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by Dr. Wise. None None


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