Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




The following Commission members were present for the entire meeting.


Mr. Winfield G. Flanagan,

Chairman December

31, 2018

Mr. Kerry W. Hand, Vice

Chairman December

31, 2017

Mr. Carl Rhodes, Jr. December 31, 2019

Mr. Chris Badcock December 31, 2016

The following Commission members were absent:

Mr. Thomas G. O. Forsberg,

Treasurer December 31, 2015

Staff members present:

Richard C. Howell, A.A.E., Airport Director

W. Donald Morgan, Jr., Legal Counsel

Mary Scarbrough, Secretary

Eric Trivett, Maintenance Manager

Jennifer Wright, Restaurant Manager

Melissa Chadwick, Chief of Public Safety

Andre? Parker, Public Safety

Lorrie Brewer, Chief Accountant

Sonya Hollis, Marketing Manager

Others present:

Jay Pease, Robinson, Grimes & Company, P.C.


The October 28, 2015 Columbus Airport Commission Meeting was called to order by

Mr. Winfield Flanagan.


Motion by Mr. Kerry Hand to approve the minutes as amended for the September

23, 2015 meeting; seconded by Mr. Chris Badcock and unanimously approved by the

Commission. Ayes: 4 / No: 0



Mr. Richard Howell introduced Mr. Jay Pease from Robinson, Grimes & Company,

P.C. to speak on the Fiscal Year 2015 Final Audit Report for the Columbus


Mr. Pease stated the Fiscal Year 2015 Audit went smooth, a copy of the report

was provided to each Commissioner. There being no questions or comments, Mr.

Pease reported it was a good audit.

Staff recommends acceptance.

Motion by Mr. Kerry Hand to accept the Fiscal Year 2015 Final Audit Report from

Robinson, Grimes & Company, P.C. for the Columbus Airport was made: seconded

by Mr. Chris Badcock and unanimously approved by the Commission. Ayes: 4 / No: 0


Mr. Howell reported the Marketing Department is submitting a request to the

Commission to install a full color digital billboard at the Main Entrance of

the airport located on W. Britt David Road in order to increase awareness,

signage and generate Non-Aeronautical Revenue for the Columbus Airport. Bids

were requested from Command Systems, Signs Unlimited and Sunshine Banners &

Signs. After reviewing all proposal submittals I would like to recommend that

we move forward with Sunshine Banners & Signs. Sunshine Banners & Signs is

familiar with the current monument that stands at the main entrance and can use

it in its current state. The billboard would not have to be cut and simply

requires the top to come off and be replaced with the larger, updated LED

screens. The estimated costs to install signage will be $33,967.50 which

doesn?t include operating expenses, estimated at $80.00 per month. No

additional maintenance is required. Installation will take eight to ten weeks.

Software available to run the program can be run onsite from a designated

workstation or remotely. Based on current calculations with an average of

$1,500 in new revenue a month the airport will make a ROI in less than two

years. With the other additional opportunities to advertise within the airport

the ROI on the billboard could pay for itself within eighteen months or less.

Staff recommends approval to install the Outdoor Billboard.

Mr. Chris Badcock asked the size of the sign?

Ms. Sonya Hollis said the sign would be sixteen feet wide and three feet wide

which will meet city ordinance guidelines.

Mr. Kerry Hand inquired will the advertising banner be with scrolls, and can it

be set for certain times?

Ms. Hollis stated yes. She had completed research with the city personnel and

received information that twenty thousand cars come by the airport per day, it

is a high traffic area. Another benefit there are no other billboards until

you reach Moon Road from Airport Thruway.

Mr. Badcock asked for confirmation that there would be no problems concerning

the sign. He asked Ms. Hollis if she will be in charge of the advertising.

Ms. Hollis answered yes, and will be in charge of the rates for the advertising

on the sign.

Mr. Don Morgan stated that the Supreme Court authority indicated by letter in

previous years to the airport that it is not bound by the sign ordinance

because the airport is a governmental entity, and because the constitutional

amendment gives this Commission sole and total control of the real estate it


Mr. Badcock said this should bring in some funds to the Columbus Airport with

the advertising fees.

Mr. Howell confirmed yes the advertising on the sign will bring in some funds

for the Columbus Airport.

Mr. Hand inquired if the distance from the road if the sign can be seen and

read clearly.

Ms. Hollis said yes the sign will be full color, and big enough for people to


Motion by Mr. Carl Rhodes, Jr. to approve to purchase the billboard for the

Columbus Airport was made: seconded by Mr. Chris Badcock and unanimously

approved by the Commission. Ayes: 4 / No: 0


Mr. Howell stated the Commission is aware that as a result of the annual

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Certification Inspection we had a couple

of write ups and remarks that need to be resolved. The FAA inspector wrote

discrepancies on the quality and correctness of marking on both runways at

CSG. Airport Administration put out a competitive Request for Proposal and

received four bids for the work. One bid was found unresponsive for not adding

an addendum to the RFP that would affect the pricing. Of the remaining bids,

JJ Cunningham, LLC was the successful low bidder at $61, 485.40. This pricing

was low enough that Administration added a refresh of the runway centerline

that brought the total to $70,061.00. The contract period is 35 days. To

expedite the process while the weather remains fair, the Airport Director

executed the contract.

Staff request the Commission ratify the Director?s action.

Mr. Howell reported the work will begin on Monday November 2, 2015.

Motion by Mr. Carl Rhodes, Jr. to approve Runway 6/24 Pavement Marking Contract

for the Columbus Airport was made: seconded by Mr. Kerry Hand and unanimously

approved by the Commission. Ayes: 4 / No: 0

The Fence project should be complete in approximately twenty days. An

extension has been issued until December 12, 2015 for the fence.

Mr. Badcock stated so there will be two separate projects going on. Where is

JJ Cunningham, LLC out of?

Mr. Howell said yes there will be two projects on the airfield at one time and

that JJ Cunningham, LLC is out of Pennsylvania.


Mr. Howell stated there have been a couple variations on the agenda where two

items had been pulled based on some off line discussions by the Columbus

Airport Commission.


Mr. Howell introduced Ms. Lorrie Brewer who provided the following financial


The Airport sustained an overall loss of $105,364 with an adjusted net profit

(without depreciation, amortization, grant or PFC revenues) of $52,115 in

September. Year over year it amounts to loss of approximately 25% in comparison

to September of last year in which we had an adjusted net profit of $69,837(see

Summary of Airport Revenues & Expenses).

Fuel sales and flowage fees were down approximately $34K compared to last year

and rental fees were up by $19K compared to last year this time. We incurred a

$15K loss on our investment account in September as well. Actual rents from the

rental car agencies were available at the time of closing and are reflected in

the increase in rental fees for this month.

Propellers will present their own reports. The Flightways report will be

submitted with the agenda.

Compared to this month last year, labor and benefits expenses were down

approximately $12K; repairs and maintenance expenses were up significantly by

$17K (Sign Markings & Repairs making up a significant portion of this amount);

utilities and other services expenses were up around $3K; insurance costs

showed little change and administrative expenses were down by around $2K over

last year.

Tenants Past Due 60 Days or More: See report with financials.

Update on Airport Improvement Project 39:

AIP 39?Construct Airport Perimeter Fencing & Wildlife Hazard Management:

Grant Balance: $776,066.00.

Cash flow was negative for the month. This reflects some projects being due for

reimbursement from PFC account (see the Cash Flow Summary).

Mr. Badcock asked about detail on the report provided, and why fuel sales were

down $34,000.00?

Ms. Brewer reported they were due to fuel prices being higher last year.

Mr. Howell stated due to the cost of goods was substantially different and

starts affecting your profit.


Ms. Jennifer Wright provided the following update on Propellers:

? The Chamber?s Inner City Leadership Tour Breakfast catering went very well

and smooth on September 30th.

? Jennifer Wright and Propeller?s employees were able to drum up business with

Delta for their employee appreciation day in September.

? The new Combo 3000 vending machine has been quite successful in the ice cream

area with $164 total sales in a two week period.

? Cost of goods sold decreased by 18% year over year. September 2015 cost of

goods sold were $2,800.

? Total expenses were decreased by 19% year over year. September 2015 expenses

were $7,500 compared to $9,207 last year.

? Net loss was decreased year over year by 46%. September 2015 the net loss

was $2,433 compared to $4,466 last year.

? Propeller?s staff and Jennifer Wright have continued to stay on course with

achieving the goal to increase profit by 5% and decreasing total expenses.


Mr. Howell reported Ms. Michele Renfroe could not attend the meeting today due

to working the counter at Flightways Columbus. Her report will be added to the

minutes as you view them today.

? Fuel gallons pumped year over year comparison:

Fuel item

Gallons pumped September 2015

Gallons pumped

September 2014

% Change













Jet A (Express Jet)




Jet A (Retail)




Jet A (Contract)




Jet A (Gov?t/Mil)




Jet A (Justice Flights)





? Justice Flight number of aircrafts handled in the month of September of 2015

(15) compared to September 2014 (11).

? FWC employees have been busy with several sports charters from Auburn

football and soccer to Texas A&M as well as the Chamber of commerce flight. The

month of October schedule will be just as busy.

Mr. Howell reported in looking at fuel sales, one of the biggest drops seen was

ExpressJet. Apparently they were tankered most of the month of September 2015,

and cut into our profit margins. Mr. Howell contacted our Eastern Sales

Representative who actually sells us fuel, he will provide us what kind of

profit margins happen in different areas in the region. We are identifying

different airports with the same level of service as the Columbus Airport, and

we have a list of vendors from Ms. Renfroe, intangibles and get other their as

to what we are providing in moving forward.

Mr. Howell gave a short briefing on the air service conference he attended last

week. In keeping with our policy, not giving out specifics to the public due

to the nature of carriers being upset. We met with all the majors, totaling

five airlines. In moving forward, the grant the Commission won last year

carries a lot of weight, there are carriers out there looking for new markets.

The Delta representative told Mr. Howell they had not seen the Columbus Airport

Director in a decade. Mr. Howell assured the Commissioner?s that will not

happen again.

Mr. Hand inquired regarding the research communication to the airfield and all


Mr. Howell reported that Ms. Hollis is now in charge of all Tenant

Communications, and will be the focal point. He also confirmed all emails will

be copied to all Commissioners each time some information is sent out.

Mr. Hand asked if there was an update from the General Aviation Committee this


Mr. Howell announce Mr. Richard DesPortes has resigned as the President of the

General Aviation Committee.

Mr. Badcock stated that Mr. Michael Greenblatt would be willing to speak with

the Commissioners regarding the General Aviation Committee and his interest in

becoming the new president of the committee.

Mr. Morgan stated the Commissioners need to meet prior to the November 2015

Commission Meeting to discuss filling the open position on the General Aviation

Committee. In previous years Mr. Greenblatt was the Commission Chair and on

the Commission several years and did a great job.

Mr. Howell said as with the Public Safety Wildlife Team, the General Aviation

Committee need folks that are engaged and interested in aviation to join the


Mr. Andre? Parker stated that information had been sent out and encouraged

anyone who would be interested in becoming a part of the Wildlife Team to

contact him.

Mr. Howell said that both general aviation and corporate people are needed and

welcomed for both Committees.

Ms. Hollis said she is currently working on a master list for all Tenants which

will improve all communication.


Mr. Flanagan reported that the current seat held by Mr. Thomas Forsberg as a

Columbus Airport Commissioner will end for his first term on December 31, 2015.

Mr. Howell stated he will reach out to Mr. Forsberg to see if he would like to

remain for another term on the Columbus Airport Commission.

Mr. Flanagan said he will announce Mr. Forsberg?s decision at an upcoming


At the end of the October 28, 2015 The Columbus Airport Commission Meeting

adjourned at 10:10 AM for a closed session for a personnel discussion.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:32 AM


____________________________ _____________________________

Mary Scarbrough, Secretary

Winfield G. Flanagan, Chairman


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