Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

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Council Members

Land Bank Authority Board Meeting

April 1, 2015

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Land Bank Authority Board Meeting

September 3, 2014

Page 3

Land Bank Authority

Board Meeting Minutes

April 1, 2015

10:00 a.m.

A meeting of the Land Bank Authority Board was held on April 1, 2015, in the

Conference Room at the Land Bank Authority?s office located at 18 Eleventh

Street, Columbus, Georgia.

Members Present: Lance Hemmings Brad Dodds Justin Krieg (delayed)

Anne Hanna Merritt Steve Anthony

Members Excused: Patrick Coleman

Members Absent: Carson Cummings

Also Present: Rhonda Walters (Staff)

Call to Order/Establish a Quorum

Board Chair Lance Hemmings called the meeting to order. A quorum was present.

Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes from the Board meeting on March 4, 2015, was

made by Brad Dodds. The motion was seconded by Steve Anthony. The motion passed.

Operational Items

Financial Update

Approximately $45,700 remains in the account. No account activity occurred.

Certificate of Incumbency

Brad Dodds presented a draft for review. Discussion followed. Additional

language detailing the authority to act will be included and presented at the

next meeting.

Old/New Business


o 3916 Oates Avenue

Justin Krieg shared an update from his ?Day of Service? at this project. Truth

Spring is making great progress with their renovation work. The house has been

gutted, the roof repaired, and a contractor is overseeing the project. They

continue to move forward with their new Housing Initiative and are excited to

have identified some potential candidates for acceptance into the program.

o 2235 Cornell Avenue

No change in status. Adjacent landowners have not responded.

o 1016 51st Street

Phenix-Girard Bank is still interested in donating this property. NWC is

interested in the property but does not anticipate being able to acquire it

until late 2015 or perhaps 2016. The LBA would need to hold it in the interim.

Discussion followed regarding holding costs and potential liability as well as

the possibility of identifying other interested parties. Lance Hemmings will

contact some nearby churches and others who may be interested in the property.

o 2406 Winchester

Potential In Rem Foreclosure candidate. Justin Krieg will talk with City

representatives regarding the back taxes and other liens. It is a viable lot

that developers may be interested in purchasing. The LBA could obtain the

property, lease it to the church for a community garden or other use, and

actively market it for sale.

Additional discussion regarding the tax delinquency list and the possible

reimbursement of costs associated with actions undertaken to encourage payment

or pursue in rem foreclosure continued. Justin Krieg will contact City

officials for further clarification.

REO List

Anne Hanna Merritt presented information regarding known REO properties in the

area. Discussion regarding how to best utilize this information followed. If

other properties of potential interest to the LBA become available, Anne Hanna

will notify the LBA.

Election of Officers

Discussion regarding the election of officers was tabled until the next meeting.

Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference

This national conference in Detroit, Michigan, will take place in mid-May.

Justin Krieg has attended in the past and highly recommends it. Discussion

followed. Lance cannot attend but suggested it might be appropriate for Rhonda

Walters to attend as staff. Steve Anthony made a motion that Rhonda Walters

attend on behalf of the LBA. Anne Hanna Merritt seconded the motion. The motion

passed. Rhonda will move forward with the registration and related arrangements.

Next Meeting

The next Land Bank Authority Board Meeting will be on Wednesday, May 6th, 2015.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


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