Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




FEBRUARY 4, 2014

The meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called to order at 5:03

P.M., Tuesday, February 4, 2014, on the 2nd Floor of the Citizens Service

Center, located at 3111 Citizens Way, Columbus, Georgia. Honorable Teresa Pike

Tomlinson, Mayor, and Honorable Evelyn Turner Pugh, Mayor Pro Tem presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Tomlinson and Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner

Pugh were Councilors Mike Baker, Jerry Barnes, Glenn Davis, Berry Henderson,

and Charles E. McDaniel, Jr. City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton

Fay, Clerk of Council Tiny B. Washington and Administrative Secretary Lindsey

Glisson were also present. Councilor Bruce Huff took his seat at the Council

table at 6:15 p.m. Councilor Evelyn Woodson took her seat at the Council table

at 6:50 p.m.

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ABSENT: Councilors R. Gary Allen and Judy W. Thomas were absent. Deputy Clerk

of Council Sandra Davis was also absent.

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INVOCATION: Led by Reverend Eric Estes, Pastor of the Lutheran Church of the


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PLEDGE: Led by Mayor Tomlinson.

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Mayor Tomlinson said every quarter we recognize employees of the

Consolidated Government for their superior work and devotion to this city and

its citizens. She then called on Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh to recognize those

individuals who have been selected for honor this quarter and to read those



With Ms. Letitia Sikes, of the District Attorney?s Office standing at the

Council table, Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh read Mayor Tomlinson?s proclamation,

proclaiming Tuesday, February 4, 2014 ?Letitia Sikes Day?, in Columbus,



With Ms. Stephanie Blunt, Muscogee County Prison, Mr. Joseph Kunze, Public

Works, Ms. Letitia Sikes, District Attorney?s Office, Ms. Jennifer Teague,

Information Technology, and Mr. Tyrone Whittaker, Tax Commissioner?s Office

Standing at the Council table, Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh read the proclamation

of Mayor Tomlinson, proclaiming Tuesday, February 4, 2014, as their day, in

Columbus, Georgia.



With Dr. James Worsley, Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation

Director, Ms. Shelley Stephens, Community Schools District Supervisor and Ms.

Millie Del Toro, Community Schools District Supervisor, standing at the Council

table, Mayor Tomlinson read her proclamation, proclaiming Tuesday, February 4,

2014, as ?Columbus Parks & Recreation Community Schools Day?, in Columbus,


*** *** ***


With Mr. Steve Smith, Chairman of the City?s Tree Board, standing at the

Council table, along with Gloria Weston-Smart, Mrs. Karen Henderson, Mr. Terry

Bell of Headquarters Nissan, Ms. Beverly Kinner and Ms. Terry Fike, Councilor

Baker read the proclamation of Mayor Tomlinson, proclaiming February 21, 2014,

as ?Columbus Arbor Day?, in Columbus, Georgia.

*** *** ***


With Ms. Crystal Shahid, Chair, PIE Board of Directors, Mr. Mike Gaymon,

President/CEO Greater Columbus Chamber of Commerce, Ms. Dana Whaley, PIE

Program Manager, and Members of PIE Board of Directors standing at the Council

table, Councilor Henderson read the proclamation of Mayor Tomlinson,

proclaiming February 3 ? 7, 2014, as ?Partners In Education Day?, in Columbus,


*** *** ***


With Ms. Tyeshia Harris, PBL Secretary, Ms. Jacqueline Harris, Ms. Tiffany

Miller, Ms. Candice Bucklin, Ms. Latasha Jones, standing at the Council table,

Councilor McDaniel read the proclamation of Mayor Tomlinson, proclaiming

Tuesday, February 4, 2014, as ?Phi Beta Lambda Day?, in Columbus, Georgia.

*** *** ***


With Mrs. Therese Phillips Day standing at the Council table, Mayor

Tomlinson read her proclamation, proclaiming Tuesday, February 4, 2014, as

?Therese Phillips Day?, in Columbus, Georgia.

*** *** ***


With Ms. Wanda Grimes and many of her supporters standing at the Council

table, Councilor Barnes read the proclamation of Mayor Tomlinson, proclaiming

Tuesday, February 4, 2014, as ?Wanda Grimes Day?, in Columbus, Georgia.

*** *** ***


With Mrs. Carol Gertigerdes of The Columbus Times Newspaper and many

others standing at the Council table, Councilor Barnes read the proclamation of

Mayor Tomlinson, proclaiming the month of February 2014, as ?Black History

Month Celebration?, in Columbus, Georgia.

Ms. Gerdes said she wants to let you know that Mrs. Annie ?Mother Love?

Flournoy, who was very important to this community has passed away. She said

the services will be on Saturday either in Lato or Seale Alabama.

*** *** ***



_____ ______________________ __

A Resolution (47-14) ? Conveying condolences to the family of Mr. Gary

Freeman, employee with the Parks and Recreation Department who passed away on

November 26, 2013.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those six members of Council

present at the time, with Councilors Henderson and Huff being absent for this

vote and Councilors Allen and Thomas being absent for the meeting.

------------------------------------------*** ***



Mayor Tomlinson said this Special Called Meeting is making up for our snow

day that we had on last Tuesday when the ice storm hit our area and we had to

cancel our meeting. She said we had so much business to do that we wanted to

make sure that we certainly didn?t fall behind.

With regards to the Health and Wellness Center presentation that is listed

on her agenda, Mayor Tomlinson said she has conferred with City Manager Hugley

and said for continuity, she is going to move that presentation to the City

Manager?s Agenda.

------------------------------------------*** ***


MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETINGS: Minutes of the December 3 & 10, 2013 and January 7

& 14, 2014 Council Meetings of the Council of the Consolidated Government of

Columbus, Georgia were submitted and approved upon the adoption of a motion

made by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried

unanimously by those six members of Council present at the time, with

Councilors Henderson and Huff being absent for this vote and Councilors Allen

and Thomas being absent for the meeting.

------------------------------------------*** ***




AND ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ON SECOND READING:__________________________________

An Ordinance (14-3) ? Rezoning property located at 1510, 1506, 1426 and

1410 6th Avenue from an LMI (Light Manufacturing Industrial/UPT) (Uptown) with

conditions to an UPT (Uptown) with amended conditions zoning district. The

purpose of the rezoning is for multi-family dwellings and offices.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by

Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those six members of Council

present at the time, with Councilors Henderson and Huff being absent for this

vote and Councilors Allen and Thomas being absent for the meeting.

*** *** ***




An Ordinance ? Rezoning property located at 6450 Schomburg Road from an

SFR1/RO (Single Family Residential/Residential Office) to an RO (Residential

Office) zoning district. The purpose of the rezoning is for personal care home,

type III; multifamily dwellings; daycare, type III.

City Attorney Fay pointed out that Councilor Allen has worked out some new

conditions that was distributed around the Council table tonight and said that

we need to get a motion to amend the ordinance to add these new conditions. He

said he knows that Councilor Allen has talked with Councilor Henderson.

Councilor Henderson made a motion to amend the ordinance to include the

new conditions. Seconded by Councilor Barnes and carried unanimously by those

eight members of Council present, with Councilors Allen and Thomas being absent

for the meeting.

City Attorney Fay said there are now six conditions in the ordinance that

will be on second reading on next week for a final vote. He said there will

also be a resolution for a special exception use for this location as well.

Councilor Henderson said Councilor Allen has been meeting with the

individuals over there and said that they have identified that in Phase One,

it?s basically a revamp of the existing buildings and said the construction

that might be viewed as a little more intrusive to the neighbors will be in

Phase Two and that is when these conditions will have to be exercised.

City Attorney Fay said the ordinance will be listed on his agenda for next

week?s meeting for a final vote.

*** *** ***


City Attorney Fay said he would like to have an executive session at the

end of tonight?s meeting to discuss some litigation matters.

------------------------------------------*** ***






Mr. Joe L. Miles representing S.W.A.T (Soul Winners Across Town), who

requested to be listed on the agenda for tonight?s meeting, to provide

information on a teen program cancelled his scheduled appearance for tonight?s


*** *** ***



Mr. Paul Olson, 13830 Upatio Lane, came forward and said that he is here

to speak to Resolution No. 343-09. He said of the $131.5 million that you


us, the City Council and Mayor Wetherington, which basically, 70% of that

$131million is for infrastructure and amenities, the Natatorium; and etc, those

things that we didn?t vote for. He said 30% was dedicated towards public

safety and said if he is not mistaken, you passed a resolution stating that you

would dedicate 70% for public safety and 30% for infrastructure. He said if you

would take a look at that resolution, 343-09, and look at that project list,

you will see what he is saying; close to $100 million in infrastructure and

amenities . He said when it comes to the Public Safety; the only thing that he

sees is the EMS station of $2 million and the Correctional facility of $31

million; which is a total of $33 million. He said there is $98 million

dedicated to the other; which is totally against what you promised.

Mr. Olson said he has talked with Mr. John Darr, the Sheriff, and said

right now he has a holding capacity of around 1100 and in the $31 million, you

are going to add an Annex of approximately 500 more beds; and said what you are

doing is increasing and exacerbating the situation instead of actually working

with the judicial system here in Muscogee County with Superior Court Judges,

and said those with lesser offenses may possibly have an ankle bracelet. He

said he recalls an article in the newspaper which says the Sheriff?s Department

medical cost is somewhere around $1.8 million; which was cost overruns, which

he said should actually be indigent care. He said they are not created any

revenue, and said if anybody should be getting from the Medical Center

Authority, and Columbus Regional; it certainly should be the prisoners. He said

that?s a violation of that contract and said Frank Martin excluded that. He

said he thinks the City needs to re-look at the contract that they have with

the Medical Center Authority and include that because right now, it?s coming

out of the general fund budget when it should be coming out of the 3 mills and

property taxes that we the citizens of Columbus are spending $12 million and

instead its buying Spring Harbor for $75 million and wanting to take this off

of the tax rolls, non-profits and then purchasing things like the Doctor?s

Hospital, Hughston Clinic and Tidwell Cancer Center.

Mr. Olson also made comments with regards to the TSPLOST and said the

Council needs to take a look at that.

*** *** ***




Mr. Bert Coker, came forward and made comments regarding WhiteWater

project, natatorium, Ice Skating Rink, Council Chambers, Skate Board Park,

Letter to the Ledger-Enquirer and the OLOST Funds. He said he don?t know where

the City of Columbus gets all of the money to build these projects. He said he

was inquiring about the Natatorium and said he was told it would cost about

$300 per month to join for six months. He said the City needs to tighten up

their belt; especially with the Development Authority.

*** *** ***




Mr. Tracy L. Sayers, representing Pezold Management Associates d/b/a

McDonalds, who requested to be listed on tonight?s agenda, to speak to the

subject of an exception to the UDO requiring sidewalks, did not respond when

given an opportunity to address the Council.

------------------------------------------*** ***






A Resolution (48-14) ? Authorizing the approval to submit an application

to the Georgia State Board of Worker's Compensation for official self-insurance

status and if approved accept said status.

Councilor Henderson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Woodson.

Councilor Huff asked if this is just a formality and said there is no

money involved in this matter.

City Manager Hugley responded to Councilor Huff?s question saying there is

no money involved and said we are just acknowledging to the Worker?s

Compensation Board that we are self-insured and to affirm to them that we are

going to follow all of the laws associated with being self-insured.

The question was then called on the motion, as made above, which carried

unanimously by those eight members of Council present, with Councilors Allen

and Thomas being absent for the meeting.

A Resolution (49-14) ? Authorizing the approval of the execution of an

annual contract with Promaxima (Houston, TX) to provide athletic equipment

maintenance/repair services for Columbus Consolidated Government, specifically

for the Columbus Police Department and the Parks and Recreation Department, for

the estimated annual contract value of $13,295.00. Maintenance services will

be performed on a regular monthly and systematic schedule on athletic equipment

located in the Public Safety Gym. Maintenance repairs will be performed on an

?as needed? basis for athletic equipment housed City Recreation Centers,

including: 29th Street Recreation Center, Fluellen Recreation Center, Fox

Senior Center, Frank Chester Recreation Center, Gallops Senior Center, Haygood

Gym, Northside Recreation Center, Psalmond Road Recreation Center, and the

Shirley Winston Recreation Center.

The contract for the Columbus Police Department comprises a monthly cost

of $250.00 for Regularly Scheduled Maintenance Costs, Labor/Repair Rate of

$35.00/hour, and a Labor/Repair Rate for After Hours/Emergency Repairs of

$50/hour. Due to budgetary constraints the Parks and Recreation Department will

only be contracting for Labor/Repair Rate of $35.00/hour on an ?as needed?


The contract term will be for two years, with the option to renew for three

additional twelve month periods. Contract renewal is contingent upon the mutual

agreement of the City and the contracted vendor.

Councilor McDaniel moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council

present, with Councilors Allen and Thomas being absent for the meeting.

*** *** ***


Director of Finance Pam Hodge then came forward and gave the monthly

finance update for December 2013. She said on the OLOST through November, which

is reflected in the December?s report, we collected $13.8 million month to date

through November; was up 1.1% and year to date, .36%; so relatively flat on the

OLOST through December. She said we did receive December?s collections at the

end of last week; and said we are at $17.1 million total which was a half

percent down for the month of December and year-to-date is at .19% up. She

said provided in the report is the expenditures by department.

Ms. Hodge said there have been quiet a few questions about some of the

departments that are allocated on the Public Safety side and just to make sure

on those departments, Public Works, Parks & Recreation, METRA, Civic Center;

those expenditures related to the public safety is only for the correctional

officers and the supplement that those correctional officers receive; they do

not receive any

allocation for operating expenses.

She said on the Infrastructure 30% side; she has included a list of the

projects that have been completed with the infrastructure for Roads,

Stormwater, Information Technology, and Facilities Improvement, which is

provided at each monthly update.

Mayor Tomlinson also pointed out that the list is also on e-cap as well.

Finance Director Hodge stated that she continues to utilize the same

report; therefore, the information dates back to the beginning of the

collection which was in FY-2009 and shows each year going forward; therefore,

the entire history of the OLOST is on this report and it is updated monthly.

Councilor Henderson said there has been a lot of misinformation put out

here today; and then asked Finance Director Hodge, have we at any time exceeded

the 30% on the Infrastructure of what was received from the OLOST, or

expenditures, to which Ms. Hodge stated no.

He then asked, have we ever fallen short of the 70% in terms of the

expenditures; even when we are making capital expenditures and issuing debt, we

make sure the debt service is still divided along those lines, to which Ms.

Hodge said that is correct. Ms. Hodge said the debt service; especially related

to Resolution Number 343-09; the debt service for project specific is allocated

either to the Public Safety or to the Infrastructure, depending on the actual

project. She said it is not split 70/30 for the bond issue, it is split

specifically for the project and the debt service is listed as an expenditure

on the report and it would show that the expenditure for public safety is very

low, the expenditure for the Infrastructure for last year was $5.2 million; the

expenditures for debt service related to those bonds for public safety last

year was $117,000. She said we definitely allocate based on the specific


Director of Finance Hodge continuing on with the Finance Update then

pointed out the following information as outlined below.

Operating Fund Summary ? general fund is up 2.931% over the same period of

time last year. Local Option Sales Tax is down 6.60% compared to the same time

period last year. Month to date was down 7.02% for the month of December and

year to date 6.68%.

Storm water Fund- up 3.70%; and said for those funds that are allocated, a

majority of property taxes, we are seeing from the Tax Commissioner?s Office

the collection of property taxes sooner than we had typically seen last year.

She said the digest was only up .86%; so, we are not collecting more taxes than

we expected, we are just receiving them sooner in the fiscal year than what we

typically did last year.

Paving Fund ? up 3.23%

Medical Center Fund ? up 3.55%

Integrated Waste ? up 1.88%

E911 ? up 20%, which has to do with the increased collection on the prepaid?

phones this year as opposed to last year

Economic Development ? up 55%; but said the Economic Development millage

was changed in this fiscal year from .25 mills to .41 mills; therefore, we did

expect a higher collection this year than last year.

Debt Service Fund ? down 10%. Finance Director Hodge said we reduced the

debt service millage this year as opposed to last year; therefore, we expect to

see a decline in the debt service fund.

Transportation Fund ? down 2.50%

Parking Management ? down 5.46%

Trade Center Fund ? up 43%; collections through the end of December at

$1.284 million as opposed to expenditures of $1.131 million

Bull Creek ? down 10.89%, revenues are tracking close to expenditures,

$594,000 in revenues, $663,000 in expenditures

Oxbow Creek Golf Course ? down 15%; $113,000 in revenues as opposed to

$212,000 in expenditures.

Civic Center Fund ? up 2.81%, Revenues and expenses are tracking; $1.9

million on revenues and $1.9 million on expenditures.

Ms. Hodge said on the Health Insurance Fund, this is a cash collection of

$10.4 million; relatively flat as compared to last year expenditures of $13.1

million. She said from a cash prospective standpoint, the Health Insurance Fund

has a difference of negative $2.6 million.

TSPOLST- Ms. Hodge said through the month of November, we have collected

$3.5 million for the entire region; the discretionary of $888,000, and of that

amount $193,523.00 was the discretionary for Muscogee County. She said she has

also included a list of the projects that have been started related to the

TSPLOST projects, to include the Riverwalk, South Lumpkin Multi-use facility,

U.S. 27 Custer Road Inter-change, and the Inter-City Bus Park & Ride project.

She said those expenditures have been outlined on the report.

Director Hodge in her conclusion said she added a monthly expenditure

report for the general fund, so that the Council can see how departments are

spending the budget that was allocated to them. She said she has indentified

specific departments either as being okay, tracking, within budget or if they

are on the watch. She said what she considers as being on the watch is if they

are over 50% expended by the end of December without something specific

related. She said she has identified those departments who have exceeded their

budgets that include the City Attorney?s office, which is completely related to

litigation, Employees? Benefits, with the majority of those expenditures

occurring the first half of the year; which is expected. Homeland Security,

which is a very small allocation of budget; their fuel and auto parts are

exceeding their budget at this time. She said the Marshal?s Office is really

close; so, we are watching them. Probate Court is really close; they have

exceeded in their guardian anti lime allocation; therefore, we are watching

them. She said the Sheriff?s Department is also on watch, as we are continuing

to have meetings with the Sheriff and monitor his budget. She said at this

point in the year, his budget, expenditures through the end of December are

tracking the same as they were the last two fiscal years, right at the same


After the conclusion of Ms. Hodge?s presentation, City Manager Hugley made

comments with regards to those departments that have been placed on the watch

list and asked Ms. Hodge to explain that matter further. She also responded to

further questions of the Mayor with regards to the Sheriff?s Department.

After some discussion, Mayor Tomlinson asked Director of Finance Hodge to

meet with the Sheriff so that we can understand exactly the numbers and any

report that you can get to the Council, she would ask that you get it to the

Council as soon as possible so they can be well versed on the issue and see

what we might be able to do. She said there was a power-point presentation that

was given; where we had agreed upon two or three items where changes would be

made and then asked Ms. Hodge to make sure that she goes over that with the

Sheriff as well.

Ms. Hodge also responded to a question of Councilor Davis regarding the

increase in the timing of collection of property taxes.

*** *** ***


City Manager Hugley said on last week, we were scheduled to meet to have

the Healthcare discussion, but we had inclement weather and was not able to do

that; therefore, it rolled into this meeting. He said they will now go through

the agenda as they have done before. He then called on Finance Director Hodge

to go through her presentation for fifteen minutes. Prior to Finance Director

Hodge coming forth, there was another matter called up for discussion. (See

below for additional discussion on this matter)

*** *** ***


Councilor Davis said we didn?t talk about the bid advertisements, but said

there are some people concerned about the ISO ratings in certain areas in the

back of Green Island Hills. He said he is not sure who all is affected, but

said he knows that there is a terrority, where in the last year or two, the ISO

ratings have changed; going from 2 to 10. He said he has heard some stories

that people?s homeowner?s insurance has gone up over the last few years; some

have doubled what it was, and in some cases tripled. He said lately he has

gotten a lot of telephone calls about this matter and said hopefully, we can

get enough information out there so that we can help people to understand

exactly what?s going on. He said there is bid advertisement listed on the City

Manager?s Agenda to solve that matter; therefore, he would like someone to

speak to this subject. He said what he would like to really understand is the

timeframe and the timeline.

He said he would really like to have it noted that the City is going to be

available and willing to help in whatever way possible, whether it?s getting

letters to the insurance companies, carriers, or whatever information that is

needed at this point. He said this is the time of the year that a lot of

policies are starting to change over. He said it is his understanding that some

people have gotten dropped and said that is a great concern of his. He said he

has taken awhile, but he is hoping that we can have someone to talk about this

tonight and give some insight as to how long the process is going to take.

Councilor Davis said he has told the people that the City has been working

diligently on this matter, but the State, as well as the Department of Natural

Resources is involved as well, and there was a dam issue and that it has just

taken a long process.

City Manager Hugley said sometime ago we received notification from some

homeowners in a portion of the Green Island Hills area that their insurance

companies? had contacted them because their ISO rating had changed, they were

more than five miles in response time from a residence because the Fire & EMS

had to go around an area to get into the area, and when you calculated the

mileage, it was more than five miles. He said their ISO rating changed; which

meant their homeowners insurance went up, and in some cases astronomical. He

said we reported that to the Council, and we immediately looked for a solution

to give those homeowners some relief. He said they meet with the Department of

Natural Resources onsite and said there is a road through park property up

there in that area. He said it was an overgrown dirt road and then we

determined if we created a road through that area with their concurrence, we

could get them under that five miles radius; which means that their ISO rating

would be reverted back and their homeowners? insurance rates would be lowered.

He said it has taken some time to get an agreement from DNR, but said we

now have gotten that agreement to move forward. He said on our bid

advertisements, we have listed the Green Island Fire Road and Dam repair

project; that is what that project is. He said the bids are due in on February

12th and once we get those bids in and determine who the successful bidder is;

we can start moving forward with developing the road to a standard that our

Fire/EMS personnel can use that road to get to those residents that got caught

up in this ISO issue.

City Manager Hugley said once we get those bids in Deputy City Manager

Arrington might be able to tell us how long it will take to get that road

developed and when they can expect some relief from there.

Mayor Tomlinson said Fire/EMS Chief Jeff Meyers has spoken with the ISO

officials and they have assured us that they will do everything in their power

to make certain that the insurers abide by the common code, which is once the

ISO rating is established, they adjust their premiums accordingly. She said

they can?t control private insurance companies, but they will certainly make

sure that the new and revised information is given to the insurance companies;

so, that hopefully these homeowners can have some relief.

Deputy City Manager Arrington said the road the City Manager is referring

to is actually two miles long, and said the bid that is on the Council?s

information is for a very short section; which is probably less than a quarter

of a mile. He said it runs behind some houses on the very northern end of Green

Island Hills, and there was a section of the road that had deteriorated to the

point that it couldn?t be quickly and easily restored. He said on the balance

of that road, Public Works is already working on that road. He said they are in

the process of replacing three drain pipes that go across the road and will be

grading and during the work that needs to be done. He said we won?t be able to

report to ISO that we do have an alternate route until this bid is approved,

awarded and construction gets underway.

He said it would only be an estimate at this point, but said it may be

sometime this summer before we will be able to make that report to ISO that the

road is operational and that the Fire Department has it for use and response.

He said one thing that is very important to understand is that nothing has

changed when it comes to the capabilities of the Fire Department to protect the

people in Green Island.

Deputy City Manager Arrington said we still have the same capabilities

that we had before the ISO situation changed. He said the ISO is a designation

based on a number of parameters and said the ISO criteria is what changed, not

our capacity within the City to protect those people. He said the ISO changed

the criteria and as a result of that change in the criteria the ratings

changed. He said we still have Fire

Station 14 on Old River Road and the other fire stations that are strategically

located, and said their response hasn?t changed at all and they still have the

same protection available to them. He said this road will improve response time

of Station 14 and said we hope to have that restored by this summer.

Councilor Davis thanked City Manager Hugley and Deputy City Manager

Arrington for this update. He said he is hoping that we would have our staff

available, if needed to assist in this matter.

*** *** ***


Councilor Davis said we have heard a lot of conversations about coyotes in

town around the State lately. He said he promised a lot of his constituents

that he would bring it up tonight and talk about it. He said there have been

some alarming things that have happened in some neighborhoods where supposedly

a deer has been killed by coyotes in people?s backyards which have really

alarmed them. He said he has heard stories of where pets and animals have being

taken and certainly that would alarm most people. He said we all understand

that wild animals are varmints and they are not being hunted, but are hunters.

He said he has tried to inform then and encourage them to contact Animal

Control and what we can do locally, which are simply, the only thing we can do;

which is his understanding, is to put out a cage with some food in; and

hopefully, we can catch them and move them to another location.

He said the concern is that it is happening more regularly, people are

seeing more citing, and claims of bigger animals, bigger coyotes; and said that

does concern him. He then asked if that is something that we need to talk about

more at the State level to provide assistance to communities. He said he don?t

even know if the State is looking at these matters, or is this something that

we need to start having more conversations on. He said he knows that the City

is limited in its resources, but said he is hearing more and more people talk

about this issue in the community.

City Manager Hugley said just let them know the area, ?he said if there is

citing of coyotes, we need to know what the areas are so that we can at least

have a plan in place, like we did with the wild hogs. He said we can look at

how we can try and resolve that situation. He said he will have Animal Control

and Public Works to come up with a plan to try to deal with the coyote issue.

He said if it becomes more than what we can handle locally, he don?t know if

there is any State assistance, but certainly we can look into that. He said he

thinks that we need to address the matter locally with our resources first and

he believes that we have the capacity to handle that situation locally, much

like they are doing with the wild hogs.

*** *** ***


Councilor Huff said he received a telephone call on yesterday from a

resident in the East Wynnton area where she stated that she had spoken with you

and Animal Control concerning chickens and other animals in the neighborhood.

He said he just wanted to mention that to you that they were a little angry on

yesterday so that you can follow-up with them on this matter to see what?s

going on so that we can get control of it, whatever it is.

City Manager Hugley said he will have the staff to follow-up, but said he

has met with one person personally in his office and said he has meet with

staff, and have been on site personally to see what was going on. He said the

staff currently has a plan to try and remedy that problem. He said they have

traps out and are trying to catch them.

*** *** ***


Mr. John Redmond, Internal Auditor came forward and gave an update on the


and Wellness Center and highlighted the following information as outlined


HWC Comment Cards

Locked Box in the HWC office

Cards retrieved by Internal Auditor

Period December 2nd through December 31st

128 total cards

Question 1

Was your appointment scheduled in good time?

125 Yes 97.7%

1 No .8%

2 No Response 1.6%

Question 2

How was the care you received today?

112 Very Good 87.5%

14 Good 10.9%

1 Fair .8%

0 Poor 0%

1 No Response .8%

Question 3

The doctor listened to my concerns.

125 Yes 97.7%

1 No .8%

2 No Response 1.6%

Question 4

All my questions were answered.

125 Yes 97.7%

0 No 0%

3 No Response 2.4%

Question 5

My medical needs were met.

125 Yes 97.7%

2 No 1.6%

1 No Response .8%

Question 6

Was your visit scheduled before today?

97 Yes 75.8%

30 No 23.4%

1 No Response .8%

Question 7

How long did you wait before you saw the medical staff?

46 No Wait 35.9%

55 1 - 10 minutes 43.0%

3 11 ? 20 minutes 2.3%

1 21 ? 30 minutes .8%

16 31 ? 45 minutes 12.5%

1 46 ? 60 minutes .8%

2 Over 60 minutes 1.6%

4 No Response 3.1%

Question 8

Would you recommend the HWC to other employees?

122 Yes 95.3%

4 No 3.1%

2 No Answer 1.6%

Question 9

If the value of service did NOT meet your expectations, please explain why.

Negative Comments - Patients that would not recommend HWC

?Wait over 45 minutes and lobby is extremely hot?

?Today?s service was really good but in the past few months it?s been horrible.

The meds are messed up bad!?

?Where is Dr. Flowers? Need her back now.?

Negative Comments ? Patients that would not recommend HWC

Patient was prescribed medicine which caused patient to have stomach cramps

which was a listed side effect . Patient called HWC to have prescription

changed and nurse directed patient to ER. The patient was schedule the next

day to see nurse practitioner. Patient also told needed to make an appointment

to get regular meds filled and another appointment to be given Chantix for

smoking cessation. Patient believed that going to ER and paying $150 was a

waste of money, only wanted meds changed. Patient does not want to see Dr.

Edwards anymore. Final comment from patient ?Nurse practitioner is really good

- thanks for her.?

Negative Comments ? Patients that are neutral about HWC

Several sick member seen

Still undecided if the clinic is a good thing

Other Comments:

Comments from satisfied patients who had minor complaints:

Wait time too long

Lobby freezing

Lobby too hot

Comment Card Results

Positive Comments


great/excellent service, sick of hearing negative comments, try HWC for

yourself very pleased with doctors and staff

always receive great care,

many smiley faces on cards

friendliness and professional of staff, positive comments regarding Tiffany ,

Dr. Edwards, Melanie, LPN Smith easy lab draw on a child

Summation of Comment Cards

HWC continues to receive high marks from the patients

HWC is gaining patient loyalty

Dr. Wood and Dr. Edwards have gained patients? confidence and trust

High praise is consistently given to current staff

Several minor issues are being resolved

$50 co-pay for pediatrician

Updating electronic medical records

HWC Question: Pharmacy

Why can't all covered employees and dependents use the HWC pharmacy to fill

prescriptions written by other physicians outside of the HWC?

The HWC is not licensed as a retail pharmacy.

Retail pharmacy:

requires stocking a complete line of medications and security of any controlled


requires a registered pharmacist on duty during all hours of operations

Why can't all covered employees and dependents use the HWC pharmacy to fill

prescriptions written by other physicians outside of the HWC?

The HWC only stocks generic medications, primarily those used for:

maintenance of certain chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, high

cholesterol, diabetes, etc.

treating minor illnesses, injuries, and infections such flu, colds, strep

throat, etc.

HWC Question: All Employee Access

Why can?t all covered employees and dependents use the HWC when they choose to

without being a member of the HWC?

The HWC plan is funded with the primary care portion of its member?s premium

(employee & city contribution).

The HWC plan is not subsidized by any of the other CCG healthcare plans and is

intended to be self-supporting.

The management company is compensated a monthly fee for each plan member of the


Non-member HWC visits would require compensation to the HWC plan to cover the

use of provider services, medications, facilities, and administration.

Why can?t all covered employees and dependents use the HWC when they choose to

without being a member of the HWC?

The HWC staffing is predicated on the number of enrolled members for the HWC


Non-member visits would lengthened the wait time and impede accessibility for

the HWC members.

HWC Question: Children under age of 3

Why can?t I take my children under the age of 3 to the HWC?

Children under the age of 3 have specific needs that require specialized

training of a pediatrician or neonatologist.

Pediatrician or neonatologist visits qualify for the specialist co-pay of $20.

The HWC is staffed by family medicine and/or internal medicine practitioners

that normally care for children above age 3 and adults.

Why don?t the HWC physicians provide in-hospital (in-patient) medical care?

Most in-patient medical care is now provided by hospital employed or contracted

physicians (hospitalists).

Most primary care physicians do not make hospital rounds due to time

requirement of being away from their office and the responsibility of hospital

on-call coverage.

HWC Question: Medical Records

Can a hospital access the HWC?s member medical records outside of normal office


The HWC maintains electronic medical records for each member.

Members? medical records are available during normal HWC hours.

Very few (if any) primary care physicians that serve CCG BCBS PPO/POS and HMO

plans offer 24/7 access to medical records.

HWC Question: Medication Allergy

In case of a medical emergency, how will medical responders and attending

physicians are made aware of medication allergies?

Persons with medication allergies should either wear a medical alert bracelet

or carry such information on their person.

The HWC Employee Benefit

Provides accessible and affordable healthcare to CCG employees and their


Minimizes out-of-pocket expenses, with no deductibles or co-pays for the HWC

primary care visits and the HWC issued medications; and lower co-pay for

specialist?s visits.

Increases overall wellness of plan members, especially those with on-going

illnesses and diseases (TOP).

Employees who enjoy better health are more productive and miss less work.

Controls rising healthcare cost.

Wellness focus will mitigate catastrophic expenses related to healthcare issues

in future years.

How HWC Works

The HWC plan is funded with the primary care portion of its member?s premium

(employee & city contribution).

The HWC plan is not subsidized by any of the other CCG healthcare plans and is

intended to be self-supporting.

Emphasis on prevention and wellness mitigates healthcare expense in the future


Controls rising healthcare cost through direct contracting for primary care;

generic medications; and imaging and laboratory services at pricing below the

allowable payment of BCBS.

Not an immediate fix to CCG global healthcare costs.

Plan takes several years and significant employee participation for CCG to reap

full benefits.

After the conclusion of his presentation, Mayor Tomlinson asked that Mr.

Redmond to make a copy of the power point presentation be made available to all

of the CCG employees.

Internal Mr. Redmond also responded to questions of members of the


Councilor Davis said he understands that Mr. Redmond has some extensive

background and knowledge in healthcare and used to work in that industry. He

said the Council has asked for some information, as it relates to an analysis

and the overall some of the information that we talked about, not only with

the Health Care Plan and Wellness Plan, if we could get Internal Auditor

Redmond to look into that and provide us with a report.

After the conclusion of Internal Auditor John Redmond and the Mayor and

members of the Council made some comments, and Finance Director Pam Hodge made

a brief presentation with regards to the CCG Health.

City Manager Hugley opened up the floor for any department head to come

forward and make a presentation. No department Director came forward; however,

there were some city employees who came forward and voiced their concerns

regarding this matter, to include Traffic Engineer Manager Ron Hamlett and Mr.

Kevin Wells of the Public Works Department made comments.

------------------------------------------*** ***






(1) Biographical Sketch of Dr. James Lopez, Councilor McDaniel?s nominee to

replace Dr. William DeNamur on the Board of Health.

(2) Biographical Sketch of Ms. Simi Barnes, Councilor Barnes? nominee to

replace Ms. Elizabeth Matheny on the Region Six Regional Planning Board.

(3) Biographical Sketch of Ms. Beverly Janice Garland, Councilor Baker?s

nominee to replace Ms. Elizabeth Matheny on the Region Six Regional Planning


(4) Biographical Sketch of Mr. Wallace Davis, Councilor Barnes? nominee to

replace Mr. Zeph Baker on the Planning Advisory Commission.

(5) Application of Elizabeth Hurst to temporarily close 14th Street from 1st

Avenue to Broadway and 1st Avenue from 14th Street to 15th Street, on Saturday,

February 22, 2014 from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in connection with the ?Uptown

VIP Bed Races?.

*** *** ***






ABSENT FOR THE MEETING:________________________________________________________

A Resolution (50-14) ? Ratifying the cancellation of the regularly

scheduled Council Meeting of January 28, 2014.

A Resolution (51-14) ? Excusing Councilor Charles E. McDaniel, Jr. from

the December 10, 2013 and January 14 & 21, 2014 Council Meetings.

A Resolution (52-14) ? Receiving and approving the report of the Finance

Director of those alcoholic beverage licenses that were approved and/or denied

during the month of December 2013.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington submitted an email correspondence from Mr.

John Loomis resigning from his seat on the Keep Columbus Beautiful Commission.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the letter be received with regrets and thanks

for his service. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those

seven members of Council present at the time, with Councilor McDaniel being

absent for this vote and Councilors Allen and Thomas being absent for the


*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington submitted an email Correspondence from Sally

Haskins resigning from her seat on the Community Development Advisory Council.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the letter be received with regrets and thanks

for his service. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those

seven members of Council present at the time, with Councilor McDaniel being

absent for this vote and Councilors Allen and Thomas being absent for the


*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington submitted a letter from Mr. Michael Gorum

advising that The Medical Center Hospital Authority voted to elect Rashmi

Hudson to replace Michael Eddings and Bob Koon was re-elected for another term

of office. She further advised that they may now be confirmed. Councilor

Henderson so moved. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by

those seven members of Council present at the time, with Councilor McDaniel

being absent for this vote and Councilors Allen and Thomas being absent for the


*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington submitted an email correspondence from Mr.

George Mize, Jr., advising that the Hospital Authority of Columbus selected

Betty Tatum, Ken Chung and Cynthia Williams Jordan to serve on the board.

*** *** ***



___________ ________________

Board of Tax Assessors, No. 01-14.

Convention & Trade Center Authority, December 16, 2013.

Convention & Visitors Bureau, November 20, 2013.

Family & Children Services, December 11, 2013.

Hospital Authority of Columbus, October 29, 2013.

Planning Advisory Commission, December 4 & 18, 2013.

Recreation Advisory Commission, January 22, 2014.

Taxicab Commission, November 13, 2013.

Uptown Facade Board, October 21 & November 18, 2013.

Uptown Facade Board, December 16, 2013.

Water Commissioners, Board of, December 9, 2013.

Councilor Henderson made a motion to approve these minutes. Seconded by

Councilor Baker and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council at

the time, with Councilor McDaniel being absent for the vote and Councilors

Allen and Thomas being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***



Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the term of office of Dr.

William DeNamur on the Board of Health expired on December 31, 2013 and that

Councilor McDaniel is nominating Dr. James Lopez to succeed Dr. William

DeNamur. She said she will bring this back at next week?s meeting for the

Council?s confirmation.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Daniel Hill was nominated

at the last Council meeting to succeed himself for another term of office,

which will begin on January 1, 2014 and expire on December 31, 2019. and

advises that he may now be confirmed. Councilor Barnes so moved. Seconded by

Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council at

the time, with Councilor McDaniel being absent for the vote and Councilors

Allen and Thomas being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that we are still trying to find

someone to succeed Mr. Jack Rodgers? seat, who does not wish to serve again.

She said those members must be a former Mayor or City Councilor.

*** *** ***



Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Ms. Indira Nino was nominated

at the last meeting to succeed Mr. Owen Ditchfield, who resigned his seat on

the board and further advises that she may now be confirmed. Councilor

Henderson so moved. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by

those seven members of Council at the time, with Councilor McDaniel being

absent for the vote and Councilors Allen and Thomas being absent for this


*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the seat of Mr. Andrew

Hollomon has been declared vacant by the Council and that he


Council District Five and advised that Councilor Baker is working to get a

replacement for this seat.

She also pointed out that the terms of office of Ms. Margaret Shafer,

Council District Seven expired on October 31, 2013 and that she is not eligible

to succeed herself for another term of office and that Council Woodson is

working to get a replacement for this seat as well.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Zeph Baker?s seat on the

Planning Advisory Commission has been declared vacant by the Council. She

further pointed out that Councilor Barnes is nominating Mr. Wallace Davis to

fill this unexpired term of office and that she will bring it back at the next

regular meeting for the Council?s confirmation.

Councilor Davis said he has received some concerns regarding this matter

and said he would like to have a week delay on this matter.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Ms. Elizabeth Matheny has

resigned from the Region Six Planning Board. Councilor Barnes nominated Ms.

Simi Barnes to fill this unexpired term.

Clerk of Council Washington said she would bring this back at the next

regular meeting for the Council?s confirmation.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. K. Matthew Probst has

resigned his seat on the Taxicab Commission and he represented the taxicab

owner business. She further pointed out that we are working with the taxicab

industry for someone to fill this unexpired term.

*** *** ***




A Resolution (53-14) ? Excusing Councilor R. Gary Allen from the February

4, 2014 Council meeting.

A Resolution (54-14) ? Excusing Councilor Judy W. Thomas from the February

4, 2014 Council meeting.

Councilor Henderson moved the adoption of the resolutions. Seconded by

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those seven members of

Council at the time, with Councilor McDaniel being absent for the vote and

Councilors Allen and Thomas being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***


Regarding an earlier request of City Attorney Fay for an executive

session, Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh made a motion to allow the Council to go

into an executive session to discuss a litigation matter. Seconded by Councilor

Henderson and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council at the

time, with Councilor McDaniel being absent for the vote and Councilors Allen

and Thomas being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***

At 9:30 p.m., the meeting was adjourned to allow the Council to go into an

executive session.

At 9:42 p.m. the meeting was called back to order, at which time Mayor

Tomlinson pointed out that the Council met in an executive session to discuss a

litigation matter, but there were no votes taken. With there being no other

business to come before the Council, Mayor Tomlinson then entertained a motion

for adjournment. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh so moved. Seconded by Councilor Huff

and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council present at the time,

with Councilor McDaniel being absent for the vote and Councilors Allen and

Thomas absent for this meeting, with the time of adjournment being 9:43 p.m.

Tiny B. Washington, MMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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