Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

May 18, 2015

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners of

Columbus, Georgia was held at the office of the Columbus Water Works on Monday,

May 18, 2015, at 3:30 p.m., the following Commissioners being present:

Carole Rutland, Chair

Karl Douglass, Treasurer

Reynolds Bickerstaff

Sanders Griffith

Absent: Mayor Teresa Tomlinson

Mayor Tomlinson was excused from the meeting.

Receipt of the Minutes of the regular meeting on May 18, 2015, was

acknowledged by the Board and approved as written.

The Financial Report for the month of May including Ft. Benning was

provided to the Board. Motion was made and seconded to approve the reports.

Motion carried.

Joey Murphy gave a brief update on the Automated Meter Reading (AMR)

Project as outlined below:

RECAP of Monthly Meter Reading Conversion Project

? CWW reached a milestone in January with 51% of our meter population capable

of being read using Automated Meter Reading (AMR) Technology. (We are

currently at 58% as of April 2015).

? One of the major goals was to position CWW to convert from bi-monthly to

monthly meter reading and corresponding billing.

? An extensive marketing plan was developed and deployed with the major media

kick-off on March 19th.

Results from April ? 1st Month

? As planned, Routes 78-160 were converted to monthly reading and those

customers received their volumetric ?catch up? on their April bill.

? These routes represented +/- 41,000 meters or +/- 61% of our active billable


? The transition has been managed very smoothly for the 1st month with fewer

than anticipated customer contacts.

Customer Contacts April ? 1st Month

For the fiscal month of April, customer contacts increased:

? Walk-in Customers ? a +/- 4% increase in the number of walk-ins as compared

to April 2014

? Phone Contacts ? a +/- 14% increase in the number of phone interactions with

customers as compared to April 2014

? Email/Social Media Contacts ? a +/- 14% increase in the number of electronic


Monthly Meter Reading ? 2nd Month Status & Planning

As of May 13th (1/2 of read cycle completed) CWW has maintained our current

exceptional Customer Service Levels:

? Walk-in Customers ? maintain limited customer wait time. Estimate +/- 20%

increase this month compared to May 2014.

? Phone Interactions ? maintain call volume readiness to minimize wait time and

abandonment rates. Estimate +/- 25% increase this month compared to May 2014

? Email and Social Media Interactions ? maintain current response rates.

Estimate +/- 10% increase

The Board acknowledged Mr. Murphy?s report.

Next, Mr. Murphy gave a brief report on the R. L. Tant Memorial Golf


FORE! A Good Cause

On April 28th, the Columbus Water Works had 112 golfers tee off for the

7th Annual R. L. Tant Memorial Golf Tournament. This tournament was the

brainchild of Robert ?Bob? Tant to support the Georgia Association of Water

Professionals (GAWP) Building Fund. Under Bob?s commitment, CWW would raise a

minimum $100,000 for the building fund. CWW met that goal in 2014! Moving

forward, the net proceeds from the tournament will be divided between the GAWP

Building Fund and CWW?s Educational Initiatives including the Environmental

Education Scholarship currently administered by Columbus State University.

Yearly Totals

Year GAWP Building Fund CWW Education Initiatives Golfers

June 2009 $21,946.51 99

June 2010 $20,327.35 108

June 2011 $21,040.81 102

April 2012 $18,309.84 85

April 2013 $16,246.26 87

April 2014 $10,074.98 $10,074.98 93

April 2015 $11,735.24 $11,735.24 112

TOTALS $119,680.99 $21,810.22

The Board acknowledged Mr. Murphy?s report.

Kevin White gave a brief update on the following activities conducted

in the Engineering Department:

NCWRF Reroofing Project

This project is part of the 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Plan approved in

March 2014. The rehabilitation will allow for the replacement of several roofs

at the North Columbus Water Resource Facility that are currently leaking

causing electrical issues. Architectural plans and specifications were

completed by Hecht Burdeshaw Architects, Inc. The bids were received on March

19, 2015.

They are as follows:

Contractor Bid Amount

S. Garrett & Company $1,178,158

Integrated Building Services $1,320,500

Columbus Roofing $1,474,576

MJR No Bid

Lott Sheet Metal No Bid

West Georgia Roofing No Bid

The architect?s estimate was $899,000. The architect/CWW and the contractor

value engineered the project and removed (two buildings) or decreased items to

reduce the cost before award. The architect has reviewed and tabulated the

bids and recommends contract award to S. Garrett & Company as the low

responsive, responsible bidder, at the value engineered price of $882,937

(Funded via 2014 Bond).

Following discussion, motion was made and seconded to award the NCWRF

Roofing Project to S. Garrett & Company at the valued engineered price of

$882,937. Motion carried.

President Davis presented the 2015-2016 Operating Budget which was

previously provided to the Board for their consideration. Following discussion,

Management requested the Board?s approval for Capital Reserves to be used for

the two identified capital improvement projects (Meter Change-Out/AMR and GC/MS

Laboratory Equipment Capital Projects) not to exceed $1,589,500.00. Motion was

made and seconded to adopt the Operating Budget for the fiscal year 2015-16 to

include an allocation from Reserves of $1,589,500. Motion carried. A copy of

the 2015-16 Budget is on file at the office of the Columbus Water Works.

President Davis provided the following items of information to the Board:

? Gwen Ruff received a thank you letter from Sue Else and LaDon Shaw of the

Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia thanking her for supporting the Columbus Women

of Distinction event this year.

? President Davis received a letter from Judson Turner, Director, GA Department

of Natural Resources, informing him that he has been reappointed to serve on

the Middle Chattahoochee Regional Water Planning Council.

? Gwen Russell received an email thanking her for attending and exhibiting at

One CSU Day.

? Gwen Russell, Zack Williams and Morton Reed received a thank you note from

the AFLAC Green Committee for participating at AFLAC?s 8th Annual Earth Day


? Jeremy Cummings received a thank you note from Allyson Moyer, Director of

Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education for his participation on the

Human Resources panel?s Work-Based Learning Recognition Program for Muscogee


The following Division Reports were provided to the Board:

? Customer Service Report

? Meter Maintenance Report

? Engineering Report

? Field Services Report

? Information Services, Environmental Compliance and WQM Report

? Communication, Security, Community/Corporate Events Report

? Strategic Planning and Employee Services Report

? Water Resource Operations and Managed Maintenance Report

There was no discussion.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Emory E. Blount, Secretary


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