Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
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Council Members

Meeting Minutes

Date: June 24, 2015 - Place: CHD - Health & Human Services Bldg., District

Administration Conference Room

Presiding: Carlos Wise MD

Attending Members: Mr. Isaiah Hugley, Ms. Judy Tucker for Mayor?s office,

Rajinder Chhokar MD, Ms. Yasmin Cathright, James Lopez, DDS, Ravindra Agarwal,


Absent Members: N/A

Others Present: Beverley A. Townsend, MD, Karon Bush, Tori Endres, Joanne

Strickland, Jerome Deal, Mr. Steve Gunby, Brenda Forman, Kristi Ludy, Sheila

Mayfield, Carol Popwell, Secretary

Agenda Topic Discussion Decision Responsibility

I. Call to order

Dr. Wise called the Columbus Board of Health to order at 1:00pm.



II. Approval of Minutes

Dr. Wise asked if there were any questions or comments on the previous minutes

received (May 27, 2015).

Dr. Wise asked for a motion to approve the minutes. A motion was made by Ms.

Cathright seconded by Dr. Chhokar and approved by all members present.


III. District Health Director?s Report

Dr. Wise called on Dr. Townsend to give the Director?s Report;

1. Farewell to Pam Fair; retiring July 1, 2015.

2. Attended the G2G meeting in Athens last month where District 7 received a

premier award for the presentation crafted by the G2G committee.

Board thanked her for years of services and congratulated her on retirement.

Presentation was set up for board to view.



IV. Financial Report Dr. Wise called on Joanne Strickland to present the financial

report to the Board. Ms. Strickland presented the following;

1. Written copy of the financial report and overview for FY15 budget is

$5,588,255 with four revisions.

2. Expenses were $4,678,967 with an increase of $271,534. at 83.73% which is

below the target of 91.67% for 11 months of operation.

3. Fees collected are $1,307,576 which is down from same time last year by

$81,253. Family Planning Fees are up by $57,124

4. All other program grants are on target for 11 months of operation.









V. Old Business Dr. Wise called open the floor for old business to be presented to the

Board. Joanne Strickland presented to the Board:

1. Final FY 2016 budget, we did update the line items based on the approval of

expenditures and an increase from State GIA.

2. Renovation approval ? Letter from Freeman & Associates in front pocket of

notebooks. Price to complete the renovation to be $377,202 max with a

contingency of $19,000 placed in budget for unexpected line items. If not

needed, this amount will come off the total. Columbus Regional has given

blessing for the renovation with 1st phase beginning July 6th; total time frame

of project to be complete; November 2015.

Dr. Wise asked for motion to approve the FY 2016 budget. A motion was made by

Dr. Chhokar, seconded by Ms. Cathright and approved by all members present.

Dr. Wise asked for a motion to approve the Architect Restructure Project. A

motion was made by Mr. Hugley, seconded by Dr. Lopez and approved by all

members present.



VI. New Business Dr. Wise called open the floor for new business to be presented to the


1. Kristi Ludy presented a new policy for Environmental Health titled; Policies

and Procedures for issuing On-Site Sewage Management System Permits by Muscogee

County Health Department. All new sewage systems will need to have a Level 3

Soil Survey completed on the property unless it is a subdivision that is

already established and been tested. The Soil Scientist must be one of the

approved lists on the Georgia Department of Public Health Website. After

receiving the completed report the Health Department will complete their

inspection to issue the septic permit.

2. Joanne Strickland presented to the Board request from DCS for a new HiLo

Exam Table ? cost $5,000. Funding of purchase by the Ryan White Program.

Dr. Wise asked for a motion to approve the Sewage Management Policy. A motion

was made by Mr. Hugley, seconded by Dr. Lopez and approved by all members


Dr. Wise asked for a motion to approve to purchase Exam Table. A motion was

made by Dr. Lopez, seconded by Dr. Agarwal and approved by all members present.



VII. Program Reports Dr. Wise asked if there were any Program reports.

Kristi Ludy, County Environmental Health Manager

1. Provided Environmental Health numbers from the May 15/June 15 which included

number of permitted establishments and routine inspections.

Sheila Mayfield, County Nurse Manager

1. Presented information from Safe Kids Day; 150 Back to School discount

vouchers were handed out.

2. Preparing for the upcoming freshman for college vaccinations on July 7th /


Pam Fair, Public Information Officer

1. Presented a printout of the home page for the new website. Expect the new

site to go live in 30 to 60 days.

2. Safe Kids Day was a huge success with 1310 attending; there were 15 safety

stations and the bike rodeo.

Brenda Forman, WIC Manager

1. Presented information on the Farmers Market opening with Columbus on July

10th and traveling to several counties.

2. The number of clients visiting WIC on Wheels has increased.















VIII. Adjourned With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned

by Dr. Wise




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