Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

The Columbus Consolidated Government

Planning Department

Post Office Box 1340 Columbus, Georgia 31902-1340

Telephone (706) 653-4116

Fax (706) 653-4120




Applicant: Edgar Hughston

Owner: Same

Location 4400 South Stadium Drive

Acreage: 5.43 acres

Current Zoning Classification: NC (Neighborhood Commercial)

Proposed Zoning Classification: RO (Residential Office)

Current Use of Property: Undeveloped

Proposed Use of Property: Multifamily Apartments

Council District: District 6 (Allen)

Planning Advisory Commission's Recommendation: Conditional Approval based on the fact that the

request is compatible with existing land uses. The condition is to allow for a

reduction of the rear property buffer from 40 ft. to 25 ft.

Planning Departments Recommendation: Conditional Approval based on the fact that the request is

compatible with existing land uses. The Planning Department recommends the

same condition as the one recommended by the Planning Advisory Commission.

Fort Benning's Rcommendation: N/A.

DRI Rcommendation: N/A.

General Land Use: Inconsistent

Planning Area A

Land Use Designation:

General Commercial

Environmental Impacts: The property does not lie within the floodway and floodplain

area. The developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a

Site Development permit, if a permit is required.

City Services: Property is served by all city services.

Traffic Impact: After conducting a 7 day traffic count the beginning of May, we have

concluded that this rezoning request does not anticipate generating a negative

impact on the transportation network. The existing level of service (LOS) is C

for NC Zoning District and it will go to a LOS B with the proposed RO Zoning

District for 56 units.

All traffic related issues seem to be related to peak time problems due to the

schools operating in that area.

This site shall meet the Codes and regulations of the Columbus Consolidated

Government for commercial usage.

Note: A 25 speed limit ordinance was approved for South Stadium Drive back in

2005 from 7-9 AM and 2-4 PM during school days only.

Surrounding Zoning: North ? MCSD-SFR2 (Single Family Resiential 2)/RO (Residential


South ? J.R. Allen Parkway

East ? NC (Neighborhood Commercial)/ RE1 (Residential Estate 1)

West ? RO (Residential Office)/SFR3 (Single Family Residential 3)/RMF2

(Residential Multifamily 2)

Reasonableness of Request The request is compatible with existing land uses.

School Impact


13-14 Enrollment


Available Space

Anticipated Impact on School

Eagle Ridge Academy

(PK ? 5)





Blackmon Road Middle School (6 ? 8)





Shaw High School

(9 ? 12)






40 Multi-Bedroom Units: 40 x 6% = (2.4) students

Buffer Requiremnts

No side and rear buffer is required since the neighboring zoning is RO.

Attitude of Property Owners: Ninety Five (95) property owners within 300 feet of the

subject properties were notified of the rezoning request. The Planning

Department received three calls in opposition. Their main concerns were with

the traffic and congestion in the area particularly during school hours. There

are two schools in the area, Shaw High School and Eagle Ridge Academy.

Additional Information: The applicant rezoned this property back in 1990 from R-4 (High

Density Residential) to C-2 (Neighborhood Shopping District). See Ordinance

#90-10. Also in 2006, the applicant requested a rezoning from NC to GC. At that

time PAC and the Planning Department recommended approval, but the case was

denied by City Council (Case #ZC0604-1).

He is now requesting to rezone the property from NC to RO to build a total 56

multifamily units (16-1 bedroom, 24-2 bedroom and 16-3 bedroom). He is planning

to provide a total of 117 parking spaces.

Attachments: Aerial Land Use Map

Future Land-Use Map

Site Plan

Traffic Analysis

Ordinance #90-10


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