Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members


NO. _________

An Ordinance amending the Zoning Atlas of the Consolidated Government

of Columbus, Georgia; this amendment changes certain boundaries of a district

located at 6450 Schomburg Road from SFR1 (Single Family Residential 1)/RO

(Residential Office) to RO (Residential Office) Zoning District.


That the Zoning Atlas on file with the Planning Department be, and the

same is hereby amended by changing the aforementioned property from SFR1

(Single Family Residential 1)/RO (Residential Office) to RO (Residential

Office) Zoning District to RO (Residential Office) Zoning District:

All that lot, tract and parcel of land lying, situate and being in Land Lot 4,

9th District, Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia, and being more particularly

described as follows:

BEGINNING at an iron pin located at the mitered intersection of the northern

boundary of the right of way of Warm Springs Road and the eastern boundary of

the right of way of Schomburg Road (an eighty foot right of way) running thence

along the northern boundary of Schomburg Road North 02 degrees 07 minutes 00

seconds West a distance of 737.89 feet to a rebar and cap set located on the

northern boundary of the right of way of Schomburg Road, which rebar and cap

set marks the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; run thence North 02 degrees 07 minutes

00 seconds West along the northern boundary of the right of way of Schomburg

Road a distance of 299.91 feet to an iron pin located on the northern boundary

of the right of way of Schomburg Road; run thence in a northerly direction

along the arc of a curve having a radius of 2904.93 feet an arc distance of

61.98 feet, said arc having a chord distance of 61.98 feet and a chord bearing

of North 02 degrees 43 minutes 07 seconds West; run thence North 53 degrees 44

minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 491.48 feet to an iron pin; run thence

South 02 degrees 08 minutes 09 seconds East a distance of 362.35 feet to an

iron pin; run thence South 53 degrees 44 minutes 57 seconds West a distance of

490.82 feet to a rebar and cap set located on the northern boundary of the

right of way of Schomburg Road, which rebar and cap set marks the true point of


Said lot, tract or parcel of land contains 3.379 acres and is more particularly

described on that map or plat of survey entitled "Survey of Part of Land Lot 4,

9th District, Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia" dated September 14, 2005,

prepared by Hobbs, Smith & Associates, Inc.

The above-described property is being rezoned subject to the following


1. All buildings shall be limited to one (1) story in height.

2. The proposed uses shall be restricted to the following:

a. Personal Care Home, Type III, shall be limited to 24,800 square feet,

b. Daycare, Type III, shall be limited to 6,600 square feet, and,

c. Senior independent-living facility (multifamily residential ? apartments)

shall be limited to two (2) buildings with a total of eight (8) one (1) bedroom

apartments in each building (nor more than sixteen (16) units shall be


3. A wooden fence shall be erected and maintained by developer on the

north, east and south property lines of the property at time of Phase Two

construction as specified by the Planning Department.

4. A transparent metal picket fence and security gate shall be

erected and maintained by developer at the entrance and the west property line

at time of Phase Two construction as specified by the Planning Department.

5. Landscaping shall be planted and maintained by developer as shown on the

Concept Site Plan dated December 12, 2013 by John I. Rivers, Architects and

said Concept Site Plan is hereby incorporated by reference. Construction shall

be subject to the Phase One, Two and Three locations as shown on said Concept

Site Plan.

6. All landscaping along the north, east and south property lines as shown on

said Concept Site Plan shall be completed by April 1, 2015 unless extended for

no more than six months by the Planning Department.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia

held on the 4th day of February, 2014; introduced a second time at a regular

meeting of said Council held on the day of ____ _____ , 2014 and

adopted at said meeting by the affirmative vote of __ members of said


Councilor Allen voting__________

Councilor Baker voting__________

Councilor Barnes voting_________

Councilor Davis voting__________

Councilor Henderson voting______

Councilor Huff voting___________

Councilor McDaniel voting_______

Councilor Pugh voting___________

Councilor Thomas voting_________

Councilor Woodson voting________

____________________________ ______________________________

Tiny B. Washington Teresa Pike Tomlinson

Clerk of Council Mayor


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