Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

July 12, 2010

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners of

Columbus, Georgia was held at the office of the Columbus Water Works on Monday,

July 12, 2010, at 1:30 p.m., the following Commissioners being present:

Philip Thayer, Chairman

Billy Blanchard, Treasurer

Carole Rutland

Karl Douglass

Absent: Mayor Jim Wetherington

It was noted that Mayor Wetherington?s absence from this meeting was


Receipt of the Minutes of the regular monthly meeting on June 15, 2010,

was acknowledged by the Board and approved as written.

President Tant recognized Jim Patterson upon his retirement although he

was unable to attend this meeting. Mr. Patterson was employed by the Columbus

Water Works for 21 years. A Resolution will be provided to him at a later date.

Next, Management introduced Mr. Dennis Allen an employee of the

Columbus Water Works to the Board. Mr. Allen was asked to attend the meeting

so that he could be recognized due to his retirement. The following resolution

was presented as follows:

A Resolution

Whereas, Dennis D. Allen, has been an employee of the Columbus Board of

Water Commissioners since June, 1985, is retiring; and,

Whereas, Dennis D. Allen, has served in the capacity of Laboratory

Technician II in the Water Quality Monitoring Department with the Columbus

Water Works; and,

Whereas, Dennis D. Allen, has performed in an outstanding and

productive manner throughout his twenty-five years of service;

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Board of Water Commissioners of

the City of Columbus, Georgia, on behalf of all the people of the City, hereby

publicly expresses appreciation and heartfelt thanks to Dennis D. Allen for his

diligent and faithful service on behalf of the Columbus Water Works; and,

Be It Further Resolved that this resolution be spread upon the official

minutes of this Board this twelfth day of July, 2010, and that the Secretary of

this Board be directed to furnish copies of this resolution to the said Dennis

D. Allen and to the Clerk of Council of Columbus, Georgia.

________________________________ ________________________________







After presenting the resolution to Dennis Allen, the Board

congratulated him on his many years of service with the Water Works.

The Financial Report for the month of June including Ft. Benning was

presented to the Board. After Management?s report, Mr. Douglass had a question

regarding the expenditures which appeared to reflect shifting in labor cost of

various departments. Management advised that they would get back with Mr.

Douglass today with an answer. Pending Mr. Douglass? question motion was made

and seconded to accept the reports. Motion carried.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of June conducted by Engineering and Field Services.

Emergency Raw Water Storage Tank Reconstruction

The new raw water tanks have been put into service.

In the process of going through the punch list.

Moye Road Secondary Water Connection

This project consists of the installation of a 12-inch water transmission main.

Provides service to Sand Hill.

Project has been placed in service and only punch list items remain.

Old Cusseta Road Water Connection

This project consists of the installation of a 20-inch ductile iron pipe water

transmission main.

It was performed on an emergency basis to provide fire protection to the Patton

Village development as presented to the Board in February.

The line has been placed in service and the contractor is performing cleanup


Field Services ? Collections ? Brown Avenue

Collection Crews replaced 70 feet of 6-inch sewer main along Brown Avenue which

was grouted in by mistake by the DOT contractor during the Brown Avenue/Wynnton

Road Intersection Project. The contractor was grouting in a storm line but

also filled our sewer lateral and main in the process.

Working with the City on some of the cost.

Field Services ? Distribution ? Ogletree Area

Distribution Crews changed out 5 services along Beech Street from an older

2-inch galvanized main over to a 6-inch ductile iron main in order to improve

service reliability.

Distribution Crews also installed a pressure reducing valve (PRV) in order to

tie a 10-inch main into a 6-inch main. This creates two feeds to serve the

Ogletree Area Pressure Zone also increasing service reliability.

Ft. Benning Field Services

Distribution Crews assisted Valley Pipeline in the replacement of a 14? water

transmission main creek crossing in Kelly Hill due to erosion concerns.

Wall sections of the old trickling basins (old Wastewater Treatment Plant #2)

were removed in order for these basins to become material and parts storage

areas for the Ft. Benning Service Center.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of June conducted by the Strategic Planning and Employee Services


Strategic Planning

Ten Attributes of Effective Utility Management (EUM)

Strategic Planning hosted a workshop June 29th which was facilitated by EMA.

Senior staff, strategy team members and mentors attended the workshop.

Attendees conducted a review of CWW?s current strategic goals, objectives and

alignment of current initiatives with the ten attributes of EUM.

EMA will prepare a summary document of workshop feedback and

recommendations/plan of action for implementation.

Employee Services

Employee Services completed the open enrollment for all benefits plans for

employees and dependents (life, health, dental, etc.).

Effective date of change is July 1st for health and August 1st for dental.

Employee Services conducted departmental site visits to communicate program

changes associated with new healthcare provider.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of June conducted by the Environmental and Communication Services.

Water Quality Monitoring

The annual priority pollutant monitoring for the SCWRF was completed during


The final report for Long Term BOD analysis of the SCWRF Final Effluent was

submitted to the EPD.

All of the June reporting requirements for the CCR (Consumer Confidence Report)

were met which included mailing of the CCR to hotels, apartments, industries,

Ft. Benning residents, publication on the CWW website, publication in the

Bayonet and distribution of a media announcement of the CCR availability on

radio and TV.

Information Services

The IT Department made modifications to the SPAM filtering systems to better

enhance the filtering capabilities of the systems.

74% of the email received is SPAM and is removed from the legitimate email


This represents over 78,000 SPAM emails per month.

AWWA and ASME-ITI jointly released a new Standard for Risk and Resilience

Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities.

Vic Burchfield served on the committee that developed the standard which

consisted of experts from water utilities, risk assessment practitioners and

government agencies (18 months).

The standard addresses hazards from terrorist attacks to natural disasters and

is based on the RAMCAP methodology.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of June conducted by the Water Resources, Managed Maintenance and

Environmental Compliance Departments.

South Columbus Water Resource Facility

Average Daily Flow for Month 26.8 mgd

Maximum Daily Flow for Month 40.3 mgd

Cummins provided generator start up and shut down training for all operators on

June 8, 9 and 10. Cummins also provided maintenance training to MMD staff.

Daily operation of generators began on Monday, June 14 and ran a total of 81

hours in June and averaged an output of 15.98 megawatts/day.

Preventive maintenance schedules were created for all CBFT3 equipment and

generator projects.

North Columbus Water Resource Facility

Average Daily Flow for Month 37.7 mgd

Maximum Daily Flow for Month 46.6 mgd

Basin #7 was drained and cleaned for semi-annual maintenance and inspection.

The first phase of the phosphate feed program began and is part of the DBP

reduction strategy. The system is operating as expected. Construction of two

6,000 gallon phosphate storage tank pads and containment is nearing completion.

NCWRF and MMD staff participated in a hands-on progressive cavity Moyno pump

training session. Each participate broke down and rebuilt a Moyno pump.

The North Columbus Water Resource Facility was awarded special recognition by

the American Water Works Association by receipt of the ?Ten Year Directors

Award? at the AWWA Annual Conference & Exhibition held in Chicago, Illinois

June 19th-23rd, 2010.

Managed Maintenance

Planned maintenance work orders ? 64%

Planned maintenance work order man-hours ? 39%

Environmental Compliance

The ECD conducted Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) and kitchen Best Management

Practices training during the month of June for the Muscogee County School

District (MCSD).

The ECD personnel attended the Snake Awareness training at the Service Center

during June. The training was conducted by Jason Clark of Oxbow Meadows

Environmental Learning Center.

CWW personnel attended the EPA Listening session on proposed modifications to

the NPDES permitting program as it relates to SSO?s and CMOM.

CWW received recognition from the Garrison Commander at Ft. Benning for our

participation in celebrating Earth Day on post.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of June conducted by the Division of Corporate, Community and

Communication Programs.


Evaluating increased camera coverage at the Service Center location.

CWW Emergency Chemical Response Teams conducted Joint Interagency Chemical

Response Drills/Exercises with the Columbus Fire Department at both the NCWRF

and SCWRF.


CWW Safe Driving Awards were presented to employees who have operated their

assigned vehicle a full year without having a preventable accident. This year

(09-10) 159 CWW drivers received the award out of 180.

To promote safety within the organization a weekly 5 minute safety presentation

is distributed to employees to brief them on different topics designed to

create safety awareness. Examples of topics have been heat stress, CWW driving

procedures, fatigue, biting and stinging insects and seat belt safety.

Community & Corporate Events

CWW Employee Appreciation Week was observed June 28th through July 2nd.

The Employee Appreciation Luncheon and Service Awards Presentation were held on

July 2nd at the Service Center. President Bob Tant opened the program with

remarks about ?Teamwork?. Service awards were presented to employees serving 5

years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, 25 years and 50 years. Mr. Tant had a

special recognition and presented a plague to Mr. Emory Blount for 50 years of


The guest speaker was Dr. Carmen Cavezza who talked about patriotism, respect

for the flag and our country.

The CWW Door Prize Dilemma Game was played and enjoyed by all.

Mr. Tant made closing remarks thanking our guests, Mr. Thayer and Dr. Cavezza.

Mr. Tant thanked the employees once more for what they do to make CWW what it



The bill insert for July will focus on helpful information about ?Help Keep the

Sewer Lines Clean?.

The television spot for July ?Help Keep the Sewer Lines Clean? will educate our

customers on restricting what can be disposed of in the sewer system. This

report has also come from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies

(NACWA) as a nationwide problem.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

President Tant informed the Board of some changes in title and/or

responsibility for a number of employees. Names and new titles are as follows:

Emory Blount Executive Vice President

Steve Davis Senior Vice President

Billy Cobb Vice President, Engineering

John Peebles Vice President, Field Services

Becky Butts Vice President, Communication, Security & Safety


Beth Bickerstaff Manager, Communications

Brookie Tate Coordinator, Safety and Security Programs

The Board acknowledged the changes.

President Tant provided the Board with the following items of


Columbus Water Works receives Partnership for Safe Water ?Ten Year Directors


Joey Murphy passed the GFOA Cash Management & Investments examination.

The Georgia Operator Magazine of the GAWP Spotlights the CWW Water Quality

Monitoring Laboratory. Article written by Morton Reed.

U.S. Army Garrison Command presented CWW with a Certificate of Appreciation for

the Outstanding Support of the 2010 Fort Benning Earth Day Fair.

The Board acknowledged the report.

Secretary Blount took this time to answer Mr. Douglass? question

regarding the difference in the salary line item for various departments.

Following their discussion Mr. Douglass was satisfied with Secretary Blount?s


There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Emory E. Blount, Secretary


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