Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



POLICY TITLE: Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace Policy

EFFECTIVE DATE: January 16, 1990 REVISION DATE: 6/22/93, 11/1/01 08/00/09



Confirmed by Council of The Columbus Consolidated Government, Ordinance No.

01-101 dated the 25th day of October, 2001.


The Columbus Consolidated Government is committed to providing a safe working

environment and to fostering the well being and health of its employees. That

commitment is jeopardized when any Columbus Consolidated Government employee

illegally uses drugs on or off the job, comes to work under the influence,

possesses, distributes or sells drugs in the work place, or abuses alcohol on

the job. Therefore, the Columbus Consolidated Government has established the

following policy:

(1) Employees are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture,

distribution, sale, dispensation, possession or use of illegal drugs. The

Columbus Consolidated Government prohibits its employees from engaging in such

illegal activities during working and non-working hours at all times and at all


(2) Employees are prohibited from use, dispensation, possession, or sale of

alcohol on City premises or while operating City vehicles.

(3) Employees will report to work alcohol and drug free.

(4) It is a violation of City policy for anyone to use prescription drugs

illegally. The appropriate use of legally prescribed drugs and non-prescription

medications is not prohibited. However, the use of any substance which carries

a warning label that indicates that mental functioning, motor skills, or

judgment may be adversely affected must be reported to supervisory personnel.

Employees must remove themselves from service if they are experiencing any

adverse effects from medication. Legally prescribed drugs must include

documentation of the patient?s name, the substance name, the quantity to be

taken and the period of authorization.

(5) Each employee is required to inform his/her Department Director immediately

upon return to work if he/she is arrested or convicted for violation of any

criminal drug or alcohol statues of any jurisdiction, regardless of whether the

alleged violation occurred at the workplace or elsewhere. The employee must

notify his/her Department Director and the Human Resources Director in writing

of each arrest or conviction. A conviction means a finding of guilt, including

a plea of nolo-contendere, or the imposition of sentence by a judge or jury in

any federal or state court. Any employee who has been arrested for a drug

violation will be suspended pending resolution of charges. See Disciplinary

Action Policy # 220-502 for disciplinary guidelines. This is subject to appeal

via Fair Treatment Policy. This determination will be made after completion of

department investigation and coordination with Human Resources Director. Any

conviction of said charges will result in termination.

(6) As a condition of employment, employees must abide by the terms of this

policy. Violations of this policy are subject to disciplinary actions up to and

including termination.

The goal of this policy is to balance our respect for individuals with the need

to maintain a safe, productive and drug-free environment. The intent of this

policy is to offer a helping hand to those who need it, while sending a clear

message that the illegal use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol are incompatible

with employment at Columbus Consolidated Government.

The United States congress enacted into law, The Drug Free Work Place Act of

1988. The purpose of this law is to ensure that work done under a federal

contract or a federal grant is done in a drug-free environment.


The following provisions apply to applicants considered for employment

with Columbus Consolidated Government:

(1) Applicants considered for employment or rehire will be screened for drugs

and/or alcohol as a routine part of the employment physical for specified job

classes. Employees who are being reinstated after a successful Fair Treatment

appeal or are rehired must also pass a drug and alcohol test prior to return to

work if more than 30 days have elapsed.

(2) Applicants will be requested to sign a consent release form authorizing the

designated lab to perform the drug and/or alcohol screening test and submit the

results to the Human Resources Department.

(3) Applicants who refuse to sign the consent release form or who show traces

of illegal drugs or abuse of prescription drugs or alcohol will not be

considered for employment for a period of one (1) year. Applicants who

subsequently reapply for employment after the one (1) year period will again be

requested to sign a consent release form and be required to pass a drug and/or

alcohol screening test that shows no signs of illegal drugs, abuse of

prescribed drugs or alcohol.

(4) Applicants that are positive will be shown as unfit for duty. No results

shall be released to the Department Director or any other official as to the

results of the drug test. Only the Human Resources Department will communicate

positive results from the screening tests to the applicant.



(1) Drug and alcohol testing will be required for employees for which

reasonable suspicion exists to believe that such employees are under the

influence of drugs or alcohol during his/her assigned working hours or while

otherwise on City property.

The following circumstances could cause reasonable suspicion:

(A) Observed drug or alcohol use

(B) Apparent odor of alcohol on breath

(C) Apparent physical state of impairment

(D) Incoherent mental state

(E) Marked changes in personal behavior that are otherwise unexplainable

(F) Deteriorating work performance that is not attributable to other factors

(G) Accidents or other actions that provide reasonable cause to believe the

employee may be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

(2) The initial determination of whether or not reasonable suspicion exists

shall be made by the Department Director or by the highest-ranking supervisory

staff person on duty at the time. (The Department Director or supervisory

staff person shall consult with the Human Resources Director, his/her designee

or in his/her absence, a designated physician.) (Please see ?Attachment A? for

contact persons name and telephone numbers)

(3) Following the determination that reasonable suspicion exists, the employee

shall be transported to the collection site by the employee's supervisor or the

supervisor's designee. Following the collection procedure, the person

transporting the employee(s) shall make appropriate arrangements to transport

the employee home contingent upon results.

(4) Employees are required to comply with reasonable suspicion testing. If an

employee refuses to be tested he/she will be suspended for five (5) days

without pay pending termination. A refusal will be treated the same as a

positive result.


A random testing ?pool? has been established and is comprised of all sworn

personnel within the Public Safety departments, all 911 employees, all

employees whose job requires a Commercial Drivers Licenses (CDL) and other

safety sensitive positions.

*Safety Sensitive Positions: are those positions in which (1) employees are

assigned a City vehicle and/or required to drive a City vehicle to perform

their job duties. City vehicles include all motorized vehicles; by example,

cars, heavy duty and small trucks, dump trucks, fork-lift, Zamboni, tractors,

golf carts, riding lawn mowers and other special operating vehicles; or (2)

employees who use, operate and/or perform maintenance, installation, and/or

repair of City property, vehicles, and/or equipment, including but not limited

to electrical work, carpentry work, welding, using power tools and equipment,

set up and/or assembly of stage equipment or bleachers or performing other

similar jobs where a collapse or malfunction could cause serious injuries to

themselves, other employees, the public and/or significant loss or destruction

of property or resources.

(1) Random drug and/or alcohol testing will be conducted without prior notice

to the employees selected.

(2) The list of employees to be randomly tested will be generated by computer

software, which utilizes pure random number generation.

(3) The day(s) for testing will be kept confidential until the test day. The

date will be conveyed to the department director, who will arrange for randomly

selected employees to be tested.

(4) Employees will not take any personal item into the testing area. All

pockets will be empty except for one item of picture identification.

(5) An employee selected for random drug / alcohol testing will be notified on

the day of the test and given a specific time to report for testing. Failure

to report at the designated time or to cooperate fully with the medical and

administrative personnel will result in being suspended five (5) days without

pay pending termination.

(6) Employees will remain at the testing site until an adequate, appropriate

specimen is given.

(7) Leaving the testing site, altering specimens or any other behavior, which

is used to alter the drug test, will result in five (5) days suspension without

pay pending termination.

(8) Employees are required to comply with random testing. If an employee

refuses to be randomly tested he/she will be suspended for five (5) days

without pay pending termination. A refusal will be treated the same as a

positive result.


(1) Federal and State of Georgia Department of Transportation regulations

require random and post accident testing of all employees who possess

Commercial Drivers Licenses (CDL).

(2) A random testing ?pool? has been established and is comprised of current

CDL drivers. The pool will be updated continually by placing new CDL drivers

in and removing former employees. The pool and random testing will provide a

list of employees to be randomly tested at least once per calendar year. The

list of employees to be randomly tested will be generated by computer software,

which utilizes pure random number generation.

(3) Procedures for testing will be handled as described under ?Random Testing?

1 thru 7. (See above)

(4) For DOT (CDL holders) drug testing standards, please see ?Attachment B-1.?

(5) An alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater will be considered a positive

alcohol test and in violation of this policy and a violation of the

requirements set forth in 49 CFR Part 654 for safety-sensitive employees.

(6) If the initial test indicates an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater,

a second test will be performed immediately thereafter to confirm the results

of the initial test. An employee who has confirmed alcohol concentration of

greater than 0.02 but less than 0.04 will be removed from his/her position for

eight hours unless a retest results in a concentration measure of less than

0.02(see table D-1 for appropriate disciplinary action)


(1) Employees who have engaged in unsafe work practices and who have caused

and/or contributed to the occurrence of an on-the-job injury to himself/herself

or another individual will automatically be tested for substance abuse.

(2) When an employee is involved in a chargeable accident and/or liability has

yet to be determined, the employee will automatically be tested for substance

abuse. Immediately following an accident, the supervisor or designee will

transport employee from scene of accident to testing facilities.

(3) Should the employee?s behavior rise to the level of reasonable suspicion

that would indicate the presence of alcohol or drugs:

(A) The employee shall be relieved of duty and placed on administrative leave,

pending the results of the drug and alcohol test. The supervisor shall make

appropriate arrangements to transport the employee home.

(B) When reasonable suspicion exists, a supervisor shall remain with the

employee at all times until he/she is transported to his/her residence.

(C) It shall be the responsibility of the supervisor to determine if reasonable

suspicion exists and to document the events.

(D) Anyone failing to comply with post injury and/or post accident procedures

will be subjected to the same sanctions as if the test had been positive.

See ?Attachment C? for drug and alcohol testing facilities, times and locations.


(1) Employees who are requested to submit to a drug or alcohol test(s) will be

asked to sign a consent release form authorizing the laboratory, physician, or

certified intoximeter operator to perform the test and release the results to

Human Resources? designee. An employee will fill out a form listing any and

all drugs they have been prescribed and any other over the counter drugs they

are taking. Human Resources will hold all results of these tests in the

strictest confidence.

(2) For Non DOT (Non CDL) drug testing standards, please see ?Attachment B-2.?

(3) All samples of body fluids provided in compliance with this policy shall be

used only to test for the presence of drugs or alcohol.

(4) Employees who refuse to sign a consent release form, refuse to be tested,

fail to cooperate with test center personnel or who are identified, as having

prohibited substances in their system will be suspended for 5 days without pay

pending termination.

(5) Employees have the right to challenge any positive drug result for legally

prescribed drugs by having their case reviewed by the Medical Review Officer.

Any expenses incurred for this review will be paid by the employees.

(6) For positive drug tests employees are given the option of ?split sampling?

of urine specimens. The incremental cost of this sampling will be at the

employee?s expense. If results are negative, employee will be reimbursed for

expenses. All positive results from a drug test will be confirmed using the

GC/MS test. (GC/MS stands for Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry) (See

?Attachment B-1 & B-2")

(7) Any positive alcohol test may be challenged by the employee by submitting

to a second Breath Alcohol Test (BAT) within 15 minutes of the initial positive

breath test; or by submitting to a Blood Alcohol Test within 60 minutes of the

positive breath test. This will be at the employee?s expense. If results are

negative, employee will be reimbursed for expenses.



CDL Employees

Level of Alcohol ConcentrationAction Required

Less than 0.02Results are considered negative

0.02 to 0.039Employee removed from his/her position for 8 hours and subject to

appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination

(scheduled work hours missed will be without pay)

0.04 or aboveFive (5) day suspension without pay pending termination

Employees subject to DOT/FTA regulations may be held to higher standards

Non-CDL Employees

Level of Alcohol ConcentrationAction Required

Less than 0.02Results are considered negative

0.02 to 0.079Employee removed from his/her position for 8 hours and subject to

appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination

(scheduled work hours missed will be without pay)

0.08 or aboveFive (5) day suspension without pay pending termination



Test Result Action Required

Positive Dilute A Positive Dilute test result will be considered a positive test

Negative Dilute and Adulteration Test Results

METRA PersonnelMETRA personnel that are subject to FTA and/or DOT requirements

will be tested according to the current requirements issued by those agencies.

In cases where the CCG requirements exceed those required by the agencies, the

employee will also be subject to the CCG requirements.

Negative Dilute - EmployeesCCG employees that test Negative Dilute will be

directed to retest without notice. The retest will be by hair when a

sufficient sample is available, otherwise by urine.

Negative Dilute - ApplicantsCCG applicants that test Negative Dilute will be

referred to the Human Resources Director for special handling. The HR Director

will arrange retesting by hair or urine in a manner that provides the minimum

possible advance notice and that he/she determines is most likely to prevent

actions by the applicant to influence the testing outcome.

Adulteration Test ResultsCCG employees and applicants with test results

indicating adulteration will be referred to the Human Resources Director for

special handling. In consultation with the Medical Review Officer if the HR

Director determines that the employee or applicant has tampered with the

specimen or caused the adulteration, the test result will be considered a

positive test. If it is determined that the employee or applicant did not

cause the adulteration, retesting by hair or urine will occur.

In all cases a retest will be treated as the test of record. If a Negative

Dilute retest is also Negative Dilute the results will be accepted as a

negative result.


In the following cases employees will be suspended for five (5) days without

pay and are subject to termination:

(1) Selling drugs on or off the job.

(2) A positive drug or alcohol (see table D-1) test.

(3) A positive drug or alcohol test while on probation under the Columbus

Consolidated Government Drug Testing Policy.

(4) 2nd DUI offense within a 5-year period (nolo plea, guilty plea or

conviction) (including periods during & prior to employment) (Employees are

required to present a copy of their current Motor Vehicle Report when reporting

a DUI offense).

(5) DUI while operating a City vehicle.

(6) Misdemeanor violations (nolo plea, guilty plea or conviction) involving use

or possession of dangerous drugs or marijuana.

(7) Felony violations of drug laws (nolo plea, guilty plea or conviction).

While dismissal from employment will occur in most cases, the following factors

must be considered prior to taking any personnel action. Strong, mitigating

circumstances may provide an opportunity for disciplinary action other than

dismissal. The following guidelines shall apply:

(A) Public Safety Personnel will be held to a higher standard.

(B) Position within the Department (Supervisory personnel will be held to a

higher standard).

(C) Gravity of liability and workers? compensation exposure to Columbus

Consolidated Government.

(D) Prior violations of drug or alcohol laws.

(E) Prior violations of the Columbus Consolidated Government Drug Policy.

(F) Any other occurrences where the circumstances indicate termination may be


Exceptions to termination must be approved by the City Manager and will result

in appropriate disciplinary action, which will include:

(A) Mandatory referral to EAP, full compliance with EAP recommendations.

(B) One (1) year probation.

(C) Random testing monthly for up to two (2) years as directed by Human


Employees terminated under this policy may apply for re-employment after one

year if otherwise qualified.


All incidents and actions involving the Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace Policy

will be handled with utmost confidentiality. All City personnel involved are

expected to maintain the same level of confidentiality.


Under no circumstances should any action relating to the alcohol and drug

policy be made public unless authorized by the City Manager?s Office with

concurrence of the City Attorney. It must be realized by all involved that

making statements of any kind in reference to the drug or alcohol tests, the

employee, or any other circumstances surrounding the testing, or its result is

limited by federal law. This is a sensitive issue and must be kept

confidential. The improper release of information by unauthorized sources may

be grounds for disciplinary action. Any request for information related to

drug testing should be directed to the Human Resources Department.

These guidelines are for use by managers and supervisors at all levels and in

all departments. They are intended to provide assistance in the administration

of the Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace Policy.

(1) The Columbus Consolidated Government encourages any employee who has a drug

or alcohol problem to obtain assistance. Therefore, if such an employee has

not been required to submit to a drug or alcohol test or who has tested

negative but, who, in good faith, requests assistance for his/her problem, the

employee shall be referred immediately to the employee assistance program.

This voluntary admission shall not be used against the employee; however, it

may result in temporary job reassignment.

(2) Each supervisor is responsible for taking appropriate action whenever an

employee?s demonstrated judgment or performance seems to be impaired by the

possible use of alcohol or drugs. Supervisors who suspect that an employee is

unfit for duty should:

(A) Arrange if practical, for at least one other supervisor to observe and

evaluate the employee?s behavior. The employee?s supervisor should ask the

employee to explain why he/she appears unable to perform the job duties.

Supervisors should document all behavior, questions, responses, admissions, and


(B) Should the employee fail to explain the impaired condition to the

supervisor?s satisfaction and it is still the supervisor?s determination that

drugs or alcohol may be involved, the supervisor may, upon consultation with

designated senior staff/management (see Reasonable Suspicion) accompany the

employee or make necessary arrangements for the employee to be taken by another

supervisor to the designated lab, physician, or certified intoximeter operator

for testing.

(C) If the employee refuses to go, the employee should be warned that he/she

will be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including termination.

Depending upon the employee?s condition, the employee should be taken home and

told when to report back to work. The supervisor shall then make a complete

report of the incident to their Department Director.

(3) Supervisors will document in writing all incidents, investigations, and

actions regarding suspected drug or alcohol abuse. If disciplinary action

occurs, a full report by the Department Director should be sent to the Human

Resources Director and the Affirmative Action Administrator.

(4) When a supervisor observes the manufacture, use, sale, dispensation, or

possession of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages by employees on the job, the

supervisor should take the following steps:

(A) Inform Department Director and call the police. If incident occurs in the

Government Center, call Sheriff?s Department.

(B) Separate all parties involved and take them to a location where they can be

questioned by the police individually about the incident, in the presence of

another supervisor. (Do not attempt to forcefully restrain or retain any

employee or citizen)

(C) Report the incident to the immediate supervisor.

(D) Upon completing the pending investigation, take the employee home, if


(E) Following any incident that might fall under these guidelines, it is

essential that the immediate supervisor make a detailed record of all actions,

observations, statements, and other pertinent facts to include date, time,

location, and witnesses to the incident. The supervisor should not record

his/her opinion or conclusion (i.e. the employee appeared to be on drugs) but

rather the supervisor should simply state his/her observations (i.e. the

employee was hyperactive, argumentative, loud, obnoxious, sweating profusely,

pupils were constricted, etc.). This report shall be forwarded to the

Department Director and Human Resources Director.

(5) If an employee is suspected of violating the City?s Alcohol and Drug Free

Workplace Policy, the supervisor shall document all available information

regarding the incident and shall forward it to the Department Director and the

Human Resources Director. Documentation shall include, but is not limited to:

(A) Suspected employee?s full name

(B) Time(s) of observed drug or alcohol usage

(C) Frequency of use, if appropriate (i.e., occasionally, in the parking lot

after work)

(D) Specific locations of use, such as in a specific building or vehicle

(E) Other participants or witnesses

(F) Any unusual behavior that would indicate that the observed individual was

intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance.

(6) The Police Department, Emergency Medical Service, Fire Department, Muscogee

County Prison, Sheriff?s Department, Marshals Office, METRA and any person

operating hazardous machinery or a vehicle in his/her official capacity shall

be subject to additional rules and policies related to drug and alcohol

testing, consistent with the general purposes of these rules. As specified by

the various departments, such additional rules and policies may be more

comprehensive due to the high levels of employee performance required, the

public interest and visibility, and the responsibility for the protection of

life and property.

(7) Records of all drug/alcohol test analyses, observation records of

supervisors, and any other administrative reports relating to drug and/or

alcohol use or abuse by an individual employee shall be maintained in a

separate locked file and available only to the Human Resources Director,

his/her designee, or to persons who have an official ?need to know? basis for

requesting these documents. This information shall only be released on a need

to know basis and is to be considered confidential.


(1) The Columbus Consolidated Government encourages any employee who has a drug

or alcohol problem to obtain assistance. Therefore, if such an employee has

not been required to submit to a drug or alcohol test or who has tested

negative but, who, in good faith, requests assistance for his/her problem, the

employee shall be referred immediately to the employee assistance program.

After completion of substance abuse treatment program, employees who are

returned to duty are subject to random follow-up testing for two years. The

Human Resources Department in coordination with the Department Director will

decide when testing occurs. This voluntary admission shall not be used against

the employee; however, it may result in temporary job reassignment.

(2) Confidentiality is assured - No information regarding the nature of the

employee?s personal problem will be made available to the supervisors nor will

it be included in their permanent personnel file.

(3) Self-Referral - Any employee may use available services by directly

contacting the service. Self-referrals are both anonymous and completely

confidential, and do not affect job security or promotional opportunities.

(4) Supervisory or Management Referral - A supervisor may recommend an employee

contact the EAP when there is a job performance or conduct problem which has

not responded to ordinary supervisory techniques. Whether or not the employee

decides to do so, it is the employee?s responsibility to perform satisfactorily

on the job; and if problems go unresolved and performance continues to

deteriorate, disciplinary action may result. Participation in the EAP does not

guarantee that these actions will not continue to occur, but improved

performance often results from problem resolution.

(5) Mandatory Referral - After a decision to refer the employee to the EAP has

been made, the employee will review the City?s policies for a drug and alcohol

free workplace, indicating that this is a ?last chance? and failure to consent

to enrollment or successfully complete the program may result in disciplinary

actions, up to and including termination. Due to legal considerations the

Human Resources Director or the Affirmative Action Administrator must be

consulted when considering mandatory referral. Employee must sign consent and

release form.



This agreement is entered into by and between the Columbus Consolidated

Government (hereinafter "the City") and _____________it's employee (hereinafter

"Employee"), due to a positive test for prohibited drugs and/or alcohol and or

the self-referral of the Employee.

The City agrees to not institute termination proceedings against the

Employee, at this time, and agrees to the necessary paid sick leave and/or

unpaid Family and Medical Leave, as available to attend the approved

assistance/rehabilitation program. The employee's participation will be kept

confidential and limited to a "need to know" basis, except where harm is being

threatened to the employee or others. No referral of Employee's program(s)

information will be made without a written release from the Employee.

The employee agrees to attend, participate and give full cooperation to

the program and providers throughout the entire course of treatment, recovery

and continuing care; to submit to scheduled or unscheduled drug and/or alcohol

tests as may be required; to submit willingly to searches during work time of

the Employee's person, locker, vehicle, packages, briefcase, lunch box, or

other belongings; to sign a written consent form allowing designated City

contacts to obtain information regarding the Employee's program attendance,

progress and status as well as any medical or psychological evaluations; to

allow contact with spouse or other family member(s) to work out the most

appropriate program(s) or care: and, to give "good faith and best efforts" in

any continuing job performance responsibilities during and after the completion

of each phase of the approved program, until unconditional return to work.


1) Any failure to meet the above-agreed obligation will result in immediate

termination, without recourse.

2) Any positive drug and/or alcohol test (unless cleared by prescription) will

result in immediate termination without recourse.

3) Failure to complete the approved program(s) and entire course of treatment

within the allotted time will result in immediate termination without recourse.

4) Health care benefits generally will apply, however, it is the Employee's

responsibility to inquire, arrange for and make payments of personal portions

of the cost of treatment - the City will do everything it can to arrange for a

cost-effective and affordable program.

5) Entry into the program(s) constitutes reasonable suspicion for testing, the

employee waives any rights to object to the imposition of drug and/or alcohol

testing for a period of up to two (2) years after completion of the approved

program(s) - Employee is subject to all the prevailing and then applicable

rules and regulations of employment with the City.

6) The City will require, from time to time, direct discussion during work

hours with the Employee on an as needed basis, Employee agrees to cooperate

fully with the Supervisor and the Employee Assistance Program Coordinator.



I have read and understand the above agreement, and I voluntarily agree to

participate in the approved program(s) and fully realize that this last chance

of any employment with the City depends on the proper completion of the

program(s), my remaining drug and alcohol free, and properly performing my job

duties. I understand that I will be terminated, without recourse, for

violations of the above agreement and/or the terms and conditions of same.



(Contact Persons)

1. Tom Barron, Director of Human Resources

Random and Reasonable Suspicion

Work # (706) 225-3647 Direct line

Work # (706) 653-4059

Home # (706) 317-0030

Cell # (706) 329-6875

2. Reather Hollowell, Assistant Human Resources Director/Affirmative Action


Random and Reasonable Suspicion

Work # (706) 225-3631 Direct line

Work # (706) 653-4017

Home # (334) 448-0802

Cell # (706) 329-7035

3. Sherry Garcia, Risk Management

Post Accident and Critical Incident

Work # (706) 225-3104 Direct line

Work # (706) 653-4039

Home # (334) 480-0768

Cell # (706) 464-5686


4. Dr. Jack Sherrer

Occupational Medicine of Columbus

Designated Physician (MRO)

Post Accident, Random, Reasonable Suspicion and Critical Incident

Work # (706) 221-1600

After hour pager # (706) 683-1634


( DOT (CDL) drug testing standards )


Initial Screen Cutoff

GC/MS Cutoff


50 ng/ml

15 ng/ml


1000 ng/ml

500 ng/ml

Cocaine (Benzoylecgonine)

300 ng/ml

150 ng/ml


2000 ng/ml

2000 ng/ml


25 ng/ml

25 ng/ml


( Non-DOT (Non-CDL) drug testing standards )


Initial Screen Cutoff

GC/MS Cutoff


50 ng/ml

15 ng/ml


1000 ng/ml

500 ng/ml

Cocaine (Benzoylecgonine)

300 ng/ml

150 ng/ml


2000 ng/ml

2000 ng/ml


25 ng/ml

25 ng/ml


300 ng/ml

200 ng/ml


300 ng/ml

200 ng/ml


300 ng/ml

200 ng/ml


300 ng/ml

200 ng/ml


300 ng/ml

200 ng/ml


( Drug Testing Facilities, times & locations )


7301 Northlake Drive, Columbus, Georgia 31909 (706) 221-1600


MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM OFFICE (706) 221-1600




1. `Supervisor or Department Director will page the on-call nurse at (706)


2. A nurse will contact the person to establish the place and time of


3. The place of collection can be either at 7301 Northlake Drive or Columbus

Consolidated Government location (CCG).

4. A supervisor or Department Director from CCG must also be present during the

collection process.

Drug Testing

1. Unless otherwise specified the drug test to be performed will be a Quick

Screen 5 panel, which test for: Marijuana, Cocaine, Ecstasy, Amphetamines and

Opiates. This is an instant test, which will provide results within 2 minutes.

2. All CDL licensed drivers will be given a Federal DOT drug test (NO QUICK


3. All tests that are non-negative or inconclusive will be sent to a certified

laboratory for further testing.

4. Results from the laboratory will be reported within a 24-48 hour period.

Alcohol Testing

1. Unless otherwise specified the alcohol test to be performed will be a saliva

alcohol test. This test is a Department of Transportation approved testing

device. This is an instant test, which will provide a result within 2 minutes.

2. All tests that are positive will be confirmed utilizing a Breath Alcohol



1. All drug test results will be reported to designated personnel in Human

Resources, 706-653-4059, during normal business hours. After hour reporting

see Attachment ?A?.

2. The reporting of negative drug and alcohol tests will be provided to the

Supervisor and/or Department Director at the time of the test.

2. Post Accident and critical incident drug testing will be reported to Sherry

Garcia in Risk Management, 706-653-4039.


7901 Veterans Parkway, Columbus, Georgia 31909 (706) 321-1223


MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM




Directions to Occupational Medicine and ACE from downtown Columbus

















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