Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
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Council Members

Public Safety Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Call to order

Chairperson Greg Wagner called to order the regular meeting of the Public

Safety Advisory Committee at 4:05 p.m. on Thursday, January 27, 2011 in the

Community Room of Public Safety Center.

Roll call

Deborah Gasaway conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:

Daniel Williams, Charles Kurtz, Valerie Thompson, Gregory Wagner, Margaret

Shafer, Jeremy Hobbs, John Pezold, and Genience Grandville.

Absent: Andrew Hollomon

Approval of minutes from last meeting

Deborah Gasaway read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were

approved as read, motion by C. Kurtz, and seconded by D. Williams.

Open issues

Chair Greg Wagner welcomes the committee and guests to the meeting. Mr. Wagner

reads, Section 2-234. Duties of the Public Safety Advisory Committee.

Ms. Judy Wilkinson?s letter is handed out to the committee members. Mr. Wagner

stated he will address her letter to the committee later in the meeting.

Major Miller ? Columbus Police Department Office of Professional Standards

Major L. Miller from the Office of Professional Standards explains to the

committee the policies and procedures concerning complaints handled within the

police department.

Major Miller explained all steps involved from when a formal complaint is

received, how the compliant is handled, who would handled the complaint, and

how the complaint is closed.

Major Miller explained the disciplinary procedures and measures that are taken

on all formal complaints.

(Handouts were given to the committee concerning the Activity Trends of

complaints that are handled within the Columbus Police Department).

VI. Letter to the Committee from Ms. Judy Wilkinson

Chairperson Wagner reads a letter from Ms. Judy Wilkinson, owner of Formal

Elegance. This letter concerned a formal complaint she had filed with the

Columbus Police Department. In the letter several items were addressed by Mr.


Independent Board to Investigate Complaints on Officers.

Mr. Wagner stated that this was addressed by Major Miller on how the complaints

and disciplinary actions are handled within the Columbus Police Department.

A specific number of days for complaints to be handled.

Mr. Wagner stated that this was explained by Major Miller that there is no set

number of days that a complaint should be handled, each complaint is different

and is handled appropriately.

Automatic Appeal Process

The Public Safety Advisory Committee does not appeal any complaints that are

handled within the Columbus Police Department. All complaints are handled

within the Columbus Police Department.

Notify the complainant if there is a conflict of interest.

Ms. Wilkinson stated there was a conflict of interest because Ms. Deborah

Gasaway is the wife of the officer she complained on.

Mr. Wagner stated there was no conflict of interest. The committee was

contacted that Ms. Judy Wilkinson would like to meet with the committee. Ms.

Deborah Gasaway only takes the minutes for the committee. She does not have

any charge in putting people on the agenda to see the committee. This is

handled by the Chairperson for the Public Safety Advisory Committee.

VII. Ms. Judy Wilkinson, owner of Formal Elegance addresses the committee on

her complaint.

Ms. Wilkinson states to the committee on how she would like to see the law

changed so her business can serve alcohol.

Assistant Attorney, Ms. Deloach from the City Attorney?s Office explains the

alcohol ordinance and who can serve alcohol at a business. She explained that

Ms. Wilkinson did not have a license to serve alcohol at her business when the

police came to her business.

Ms. Deloach explained that a complaint was filed with the police department

about her serving alcohol at her business.

Ms. Deloach stated that if Ms. Wilkinson wanted to see the law changed she

needed to speak to her legislator about changing the law.

Ms. Wilkinson stated that she called Paul Nipper to get a license and was told

she did not meet the requirements.

There is a lengthy discussion between committee members and Ms. Wilkerson and

the alcohol ordinance.

Ms. Yvonne Ivey from the Finance Office explained the procedures on how a

business could get an alcohol license.

Chairperson Greg Wagner stated that questions concerning the alcohol ordinance

should be address by the City Council members about changing the ordinance.

VIII. Major Randy Robertson, President of the Fraternal Order of Police

Major Randy Robertson introduced himself to the Public Safety Advisory


He explains to the committee that they have 600 members within the FOP.

He tells the committee about the electronic library of research material that

can be provided if they needed any research material.

He explains the programs that the Fraternal Order of Police is involved in,

such as, Shop with a Cop.

Major Robertson explains to the committee how the FOP supports individual

police officers and protects the rights of law enforcement. He addresses the

complaint by Ms. Wilkinson, and said the officers did there job. He explained

he is behind law enforcement officers.

VIIII. Mayor Teresa Tomlinson addresses the committee

Mayor Tomlinson discussed how she oversees boards & commissions.

She said the Public Safety Advisory Committee will be top priority with her.

Mayor Tomlinson explains to the committee on how the committee could be

improved, and how she hopes to make the meetings with the committee when they


Mayor Tomlinson discussed the businesses / alcohol ordinance and how she will

discuss this with City Council.


Chairperson Wagner thanks everyone for attending the meeting and the next

meeting will be held on Thursday, April 21, 2011. Mr. Wagner adjourned the

meeting at 5:21 p.m.

Minutes submitted by: Deborah Gasaway

Minutes approved by: The Public Safety Advisory Committee on Thursday, April

21, 2011


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