Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



May 24, 2005

Members Present: Chairperson Evelyn Turner Pugh, Mayor Pro Tem John J. Rodgers

and Councilors Wayne Anthony, Glenn Davis, Berry Henderson, Charles E.

McDaniel, Jr., Julius Hunter, Jr., Nathan Suber and Evelyn Woodson. Also

present were City Manager Isaiah Hugley, Assistant City Attorney Jamie DeLoach,

Deputy City Manager Richard Bishop, Finance Director Angela Cole, Assistant

Finance Director Pam Hodge, Clerk of Council Tiny Washington and Deputy Clerk

of Council Sandra Davis.

Members Absent: Councilor R. Gary Allen was absent.

Call to Order: Chairperson Turner Pugh called the meeting to order at 12:00

p.m. in the Council Chambers, Plaza Level, of the Government Center.


City Manager


-Non-Operating Funds

-Add/Delete List

Finance Director & HR Director





City Manager Hugley provided a brief recap of some of the overview highlights

from previous budget sessions.



FY-06 proposed budget - $184.5 million

Revenues - $177,153,722

Difference - $7.3 million

$5,151,898 in expenditures that would be taken from the General Fund ? Fund

Balance to balance budget

$1.8 million in expenditures from the Debts Service Fund Balance

Using the overhead projector, City Manager Hugley displayed a listing of

operating funds and are listed as follows:


Fund Revenues Expenditures Differences 2005 Budget % Change

General $119,444,915 $124,596,813 $ (5,151,898) $120,934,554 3.03%

Sewer 3,526,152 3,526,152 - 3,626,496 -2.77%

Paving 11,320,660 11,320,660 - 11,524,171 -1.77%

Medical Center 10,311,002 10,311,002 - 9,923,062 3.91%

Integrated Waste 9,124,455 9,124,455 - 9,323,416 -2.13%

E-911 2,961,088 2,961,088 - 2,797,904 5.83%

Debt Service 5,922,205 7,811,905 (1,889,700) 8,663,464 -9.83%

METRA 4,772,083 4,772,083 - 4,635,387 2.95%

Parking Mgmt 320,737 349,824 (29,087) 330,565 5.83%

Trade Center 2,049,358 2,049,358 - 1,810,549 13.19%

Bull Creek 1,350,300 1,350,300 - 1,378,075 -2.02%

Oxbow Creek 562,022 562,022 - 572,069 -1.76%

Civic Center 4,672,457 4,997,021 (324,564) 4,136,800 20.79%

Economic Dev. 816,288 816,288 - 826,850 -1.28%

Total $177,153,722 $184,548,971 $(7,395,249) $180,483,362 2.25%

City Manager Hugley reported that this budget is 2.25% greater than last

year?s budget. He said that the 2.25% increase over the FY-05 budget is less

than CIP (Consumer Price Index), which is 2.97%

What is in the FY06 budget for employees?

5% Bonus for full-time employees & 2.5% bonus for part-time and retirees, which

totals ($4.6 million) *

City absorbs increase in Healthcare costs at an average of $250 per employee


Public Safety Additional supplement for sworn personnel ($.2 million)

Total Benefit for Employees - $5.4 million

*For Qualified Employees employed Jan 1, 2005

*For Qualified Employees employed Jan 1, 2005

Note: 2% Pay increase effective Jan 1, 2006 for constitutional officers

In response to a question of Councilor McDaniel, City Manager Hugley

explained that the City does not pay $640,000.00 for healthcare for the

employees of the government, but the $540,000 represents the amount the

healthcare cost would have gone up and normally that cost would have been

passed on to the employee; however, the administration is recommending that the

amount be absorbed by the City.

City Manager Hugley suggested the increase that is being proposed for the

employees are to be distributed in a separate paycheck on July 29, 2005.

*** *** ***


Funds not for the general operation of the government

Restricted for a specific purpose

Must be budgeted annually

Maintained in a separate fund

Urban Development Action Grant $72,822

Economic Development Program $15,000

HOME $1,264,437

HUD Section 108 $1,334,813

Multi-Governmental $1,824,002

Hotel/Motel Tax $2,652,398

Police Forfeiture $100,000

County Drug Abuse Treatment $100,000

Metro Drug Task Force $90,000

County Jail/Penalty Assessment $1,950,000

City Manager Hugley pointed out that the hotel/motel tax is split with the

Civic Center ? 2%, Trade Center ? 1%, Columbus Convention & Visitor?s Bureau ?

3% and the Performing Art Center - $1%

City Manager Hugley reminded everyone that in the County Jail/Penalty

Assessment, we have $1.9 million that we would use as revenue this year;

therefore, that $1,950,000 revenue would not be there next year.

Sheriff Forfeiture $100,000

Special Projects (CIP) $2,345,912

1999 Sales Tax Projects $28,994,218

Columbus Bldg. Authority Taxable Lease Revenue Bonds Series 1999C


Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2001 $100,000

Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2003A $21,700,000

Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2003B $3,500,000

G.O. Sales Tax Bonds Series 2003 $3,000,000

Family, Youth and Coalition $50,000

*** *** ***


General Fund Expenditures $124,596,813

3 Cadets (Pugh) $78,760

Conditional Discharge (Pugh) $77,049

DARE, GREAT (Pugh) $0

Juvenile Diversion (Pugh) $0

Drug Court (Pugh) $100,000

Councilor McDaniel asked questions regarding the duties of the cadets at

the Police Department, at which time, Police Chief Ricky Boren came forward to

describe the various duties and to provide some brief information on the cadet

program. He explained that the cadets range in age from 18 - 21. He said that

we regulate their education requirements and provide in-house training to

ensure that they meet the qualifications to become police officers at the end

of that two or three year span. He said that we can assign them anywhere from

the desk services to one of bureaus for reading case files, answering the

telephone, etc., which is all in preparation to become a police officer.

Councilor Woodson explained the reasons why she supports the cadet program

by mentioning that Spencer High School has a law enforcement training class

that prepares the students for the field of law enforcement. She said that

upon completion of the four-year program the students are eligible to go into

the cadet programs. She said this allows for high school students that are

interested in law enforcement to get some early on training. Police Chief

Boren added that we do keep up with that program and if their grades are not

kept to a certain standard; then, they would not be eligible for the program.

#1: 3 Cadets ($78,760.00)

Councilor McDaniel moved approval. Seconded by Councilor Woodson.

City Manager Hugley noted that if the Council were to add everything from

the add/delete list into the budget, it would take the fund balance down to

69.34 days. He said in addition to what he would be proposing in the amount of

$100,000.00, this would drop the fund balance to 69 days. Mayor Pro Tem

Rodgers asked City Manager Hugley to translate the number of days in the fund

balance to dollars, at which time, City Manager Hugley requested some

additional time to calculate the figures.

After the discussion was concluded on this matter, the motion was defeated

by a vote of two to six. Councilors McDaniel and Woodson voted yes and

Councilors Anthony, Davis, Henderson, Hunter, Pugh, Rodgers and Suber voting no.

#2: Conditional Discharge Program ($77,049.00)

Councilor Henderson moved approval. Seconded by Councilor Davis.

Councilor Suber asked if this was the program that the judges had stated

that they would increase the fines in order to retain this program? City

Manager Hugley agreed with this statement. Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers then asked if

we were going to adjust our revenue projections accordingly. Mayor Pro Tem

Rodgers said that he asked the initial question regarding the dollar amount for

these add on items simply on the side of caution, because the next question is

where are the funds going to come from next year. He suggested that his

colleagues exercise extreme caution. He said if we are going to increase

revenues in those areas to fund that add on for the conditional discharge

program; he would support it but he is not going to support anything that

requires funding for next year when we do not know where it is coming from.

Finance Director Cole explained that the reason why we have not added the

amount on to the revenue side is because we don?t have any details on how they

are going to add that revenue; we don?t know if it is going to be added on to

the fees or how they are going to impose it from their courts. Mayor Pro Tem

Rodgers requested a delay on this item to get a response from the interested

parties as to how they intend to do it. Chairperson Turner Pugh pointed out

that if we don?t pay it here, we are going to pay in someplace else.

Regarding the expenditure amount, City Manager Hugley determined that it

would be $374,016.00 and new revenue would be $13,875.00. He explained that it

was understood that with no new revenue source identified, any add on would

come out of the fund balance.

Councilor Henderson reminded everyone that we do have a statement from the

judges that they are going to increase fines to generate revenue, aside from

that, he would vote for this anyway because we are saving money by not adding

to the population of the jail, which cost the City approximately $25,000 -

$30,000. a year to house inmates.

Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers determined that if the letter is good enough for us

to take the judges? word; then, why is it not good enough for us to put in the

revenue line item. City Manager Hugley agreed that the Finance Department

would put a revenue line item.

Chairperson Turner Pugh called attention to the motion on the table.

Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers added that with the caveat that the revenue would be

increased as well. Chairperson Turner Pugh recalled that this was not a part

of the motion, because the motion on the floor is to add $77,049 back into the

budget for the Conditional Discharge Program. The motion was approved by a

vote of eight to one. Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers voted no and Councilors Anthony,

Davis, Henderson, Hunter, Pugh, Rodgers, Suber and Woodson voted yes.

City Manager Hugley pointed out that this means that the Administrative

Tech position in the Conditional Discharge Program would be retained for the

upcoming fiscal year. He said that their operating expenses would be $48,000.

Administrative Tech with benefits is $29,049.00.

#3: DARE, GREAT ($0):

City manager Hugley explained that there was no change, because we did not

take anything out of the budget for that; this was an administrative decision.

Councilor Henderson pointed out that this Council does not have to do


#4: Juvenile Diversion ($0):

City Manager Hugley advised that it would be the same scenario with the

Juvenile Diversion Program.

#5: Drug Court ($100,000):

City Manager Hugley advised that they have applied for a $100,000.00

grant, but they have not received the word on if they have been approved for

that grant. He pointed out that the Council wanted it on the add list. He

added that if they get the grant and the Council approves the $100,000.00;

then, this money would go back into the general fund. He said of course if

they don?t get the grant; then, the program would be funded if this money were

added back into the budget.

Councilor McDaniel asked if some of the drug money that is confiscated

could be used for this, at which time, City Manager Hugley said that he would

check into that. Police Chief Ricky Boren explained that Drug Court is not

under his control, it is under the court system. He said that the seized money

that we use under the Federal guidelines could not be used in that court and

under the State guidelines it states that it could be used for the continuation

of drug work or undercover work on the streets. He said that this is a legal

question that would have to be addressed by the city attorney. In response to

questions regarding the jurisdiction of the drug court, Finance Director Cole

advised that this is dealing with juvenile drug cases that deal with

psychological evaluations and working with the family, which is primarily out

of the Juvenile Court system.

Assistant City Attorney Deloach mentioned that they have better then a 90%

success rate from the Juvenile Drug Court. She said that one place that the

funding could come from is money called ?DATE?. She said that it is from

Superior Court add ons and that money is available; even though, the drug

seized money cannot. She pointed out that there is a criminal fee that we

collect that could be used for drug court. Chairperson Turner Pugh asked

questions regarding this money and where does it go now, at which time,

Assistant City Attorney Deloach advised that it goes to the Police Department.

Police Chief Boren reiterated that the drug court is not a program of the

police department; it is something that is handle for the court and by the

court. Chairperson Turner Pugh clarified that the City Manager is saying that

the funds from the DATE are controlled by the Superior Court Judges; therefore,

the Administration would need to talk to the judges to see if the City could

use part of that money for the Drug Court Program. City Manager Hugley added

that the judges are obviously using their discretion to assign this money to

the county drug abuse treatment program at the Police Department in the amount

of $100,000.00. He said that what we would be doing is taking from one program

to fund another, but he would go to the judge to ask about diverting that money

from the program at the Columbus Police Department to the Drug Court; then, we

are fine with that.

City Manager Hugley suggestion that the discussions regarding the two fire

trucks be held when that particular times come up on the add/delete list.

------------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: Councilor Henderson left the meeting during this portion of the

proceedings with the time being 1:00 p.m.

------------------------------------------*** ***


Councilor Hunter expressed his support for the continuation of the Drug

Court, because the greatest percentage of crimes is drug related; therefore, if

we could control the drug problem, the jails would be emptied.

When Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers questioned Police Chief Boren about the DATE

funding, Police Chief Boren advised that he is not receiving this funding. He

said that we have a Juvenile Diversion Program that we operate on our own but

is unaware of this money. City Manager Hugley said that he would find out

exactly where the $100,000.00 is going.

At this time, City Manager Hugley suggested that we delay the motion on

the Drug Court.

Police Chief Boren then responded to questions related to the number of

slots available in the Police Department and the amount of manpower that is on

the streets to respond to 911 calls. Police Chief Boren recalled that he is

short 30 police officers that are needed on the streets. Chairperson Turner

Pugh suggested using retired police officers to administer some of these

programs, at which time, Police Chief Boren advised that we have started the

process of looking at the possibility of doing that. He pointed out that this

would take some work with rewriting the accreditation and the Human Resource

Department would have to get involved to determine their status so that the

retired officers could keep receiving their retirement money. She then asked

Police Chief Boren to provide the Council with the projected figures on the

amount of money we are talking about.

------------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers left the meeting during this portion of the

proceedings with the time being 1:15 p.m.

------------------------------------------*** ***


City Manager Hugley said that if that $100,000. remains; then, the General

Fund would go to $124,773,862.

*** *** ***

City Attorney?s Salary:

Councilor McDaniel asked about the salary of the City Attorney. City

Manager Hugley said that the City Attorney?s salary is $75,000.00. Councilor

McDaniel said that the City Attorney has not received a raise since he accepted

the position, at which time, City Manager Hugley agreed with this statement and

pointed out that he has been the City Attorney for about four years.

Councilor McDaniel then requested a pay increase to $85,000.00 for City

Attorney Fay be placed on the add list for discussion. Councilor Suber

recalled that he is a City Employee; therefore, he has been receiving some kind

of raise, at which time, City Manager Hugley made a correction in his previous

statement by saying that there was a 3% raise two years ago. Chairperson

Turner Pugh determined that the request would be listed for next week?s meeting.

------------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: Mayor Poydasheff left the meeting during this portion of the proceedings

with the time being 1:20 p.m.

------------------------------------------*** ***


Fire Trucks:

Councilor Suber asked about the number of fire engines that are needed.

He recalled that we added two additional fire trucks through the GMA Lease

Program last week. He pointed out that one has already been added, but the

Fire Chief is asking for two more fire engines. He then asked Fire Chief Roy

Waters to respond to several questions relating to when the last time new fire

trucks were added and the life expectancy of the engines.

After Fire Chief Waters provided the reasons for the request, Councilor

Suber made a motion that two additional fire trucks be added to the budget

through the GMA Lease Program, which would be an additional $10,000.00 added to

the budget because we already have $60,000.00 in there. Seconded by Councilor

Woodson and carried unanimously by those seven members present for this vote

with Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers and Councilor Henderson having already left the

meeting and Councilor Allen being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***

Pursuit Vehicles:

Councilor Davis asked questions regarding the pursuit vehicles. He

recalled that last week we were looking at the need for more pursuit vehicles.

Police Chief Boren advised that he has a total of 244 police pursuit vehicles

and he is still waiting on the 30 cars for this fiscal year to come in. He

said the highest amount of mileage on any one of these vehicles is 177,900. He

pointed out that the request was for 38 vehicles with only 15 making it in the

budget, but he is fine in regards to the vehicles.

*** *** ***

Chairperson Turner Pugh said that the only other add/deletes are coming

from the staff. City Manager Hugley agreed with the statement and pointed out

that it would be coming out of the general fund. He determined that we could

wrap this up next week. Chairperson Turner Pugh said when these requests are

brought back next week, then, the staff needs to explain why the items were not

included in the original budget. City Manager Hugley said that at the next

meeting, we would also try to bring back answers to some of the questions that

were asked during the course of these budget review meetings.

*** *** ***

Civic Center:

Councilor Woodson reminded City Manager Hugley to bring a response

regarding the porter deck, the soundboard and the additional stage equipment

for the Civic Center. City Manager Hugley said that he did have a response to

those questions and would provide the answers to Councilor Woodson after the


There being no other budget related items to discuss, this meeting

adjourned at 1:30 p.m.


Sandra T. Davis

Deputy Clerk of Council

Council of Columbus, Georgia


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