9:00AM - 1:00PM
Columbus Consolidated Government Citizen Service
KCBC Commissioners Members Attending: Jason Cooper, Terry Fike, Malinda
Stovall, William Kent, Charlotte Irvin, Marsha Collins, Nathan Rogers, Ronald
Tate, William Murphy, Jacqueline Boling, Carolyn Tigner, Brenda Pawloski, and
Wanda Jenkins
Guests Attending: Kathryn Youngblood
KCGBC Member: Bill Consoletti
KCBC and KCGBC Staff Attending: Gloria Weston-Smart and Ava Dixon
I. CALL TO ORDER / Welcome / Introduction/ Election (9:18-45am)
William Kent, Vice-Chairperson (Elect) - Chairperson Jason Cooper called the
meeting to order at 9:18am by welcoming commissioners and guest. Jason called
for a vote to elect new Commissioner William Kent as Vice President, all
Commissioners voted to confirm
2015 COMMISSIONERS MEETING- Chairperson Jason Cooper called for a vote
to approve the Minutes from the June 9, 2015 Commissioners? meeting.
Commissioner Terry Fike motioned for the approval, Commissioner Malinda Stovall
seconded the motion, the Commissioners voted to approve the minutes.
III. TREASURER?S REPORT ? Commissioner Herman Lewis (P&L, Balance Sheet,
2015-16 KCGBC Proposed Budget, 100% Membership Participation) - In the absence
of Herman Lewis, Gloria Weston-Smart covered the proposed budget and will email
the Profit and Loss sheets for KCBC and KCGBC.
IV. PROGRAM ? Kathryn Youngblood, UGA graduate student, Environmental
Engineering (9:45 ? 10:20am) - Kathryn introduced Marine Debris Tracker app
using a power point presentation. The purpose of the app is to report where
you find litter or debris anywhere in the world. The goal of the tracking is
to prevent debris and litter from affecting our oceans. Kathryn registered KCBC
to use the app to track litter debris for the HTH cleanup activities.
Pat Beigler- CCG Public Works; and Bill Consoletti- KCGBC (10:20-11:20am)-
Public Works Director, Pat Beigler was unable to attend the meeting so, Gloria
Weston-Smart covered grant information for the Chattahoochee Valley Foundation
in which we applied for $25,000 for the salary of the part-time staff person.
We have also applied for Mildred Miller Fort grant to develop a PR campaign to
promote the use of biodegradable bags for yard waste. Jason Cooper discussed
?Once a Week Garbage Pickup? which will go into effect on September 14, 2015.
Bill Consoletti highlighted the responsibility of KCGB Nonprofit Organization
to support fundraising for KCBC. Jason Cooper covered the power point
presentation for KCBC programs and projects.
A. By-Laws- Gloria stated that the By-Laws for KCGB and KCBC
needs to be revised due to the Executive Directors position of KCBC becoming a
staff of Columbus Consolidated Government Public Works Division. She also
stated that Pat Beigler Director of Public Works would like KCBC to establish a
sustainability committee to assist in developing environmental sustainable
programs and projects.
B. Volunteer Commitment (Sign-up Sheet) ? Chairperson Jason Cooper Jason
Cooper encouraged Commissioner to sign up to serve on at least two
programs/project committees.
LUNCH (11:45am- 12:15pm)
VII. 2015-16 PROGRAMS & PROJECTS (12:20- 12:45pm)
A. Help-the-Hooch * Household Hazardous Waste (October 2-3, 2015)-
On Saturday, October 3, 2015, we will also collect shoes for our Shoe Recycling
Campaign, and River Mill Data Management will be on site for personal paper
B. Shoe Recycling (August 17 ? November 14)
C. Magic of Recycling (November 2-6, 2015)
D. Environmental / Recycling Educational Programs @ New Recycling Center (2nd &
3rd Wednesday of each month) Commissioner Malinda Stovall
E. Christmas Tree Recycling (December 26, 2015 ? January 2, 2016)
F. Martin Luther King Jr. Serve-a-thon (January 15, 2016)
G. Citywide Arbor Day (Friday February 19, 2016)
H. KAB Great American Cleanup (March 4-5, 2016)
I. Earth Day Personal Paper Shredding (April 16, 2016)
J. Annual Awards Luncheon (Thursday, May 12, 2016) Dr. William Billy Kendall
A. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 13, 2016, Recycling Center
ADJOURN- Chairperson Jason Cooper adjourned the meeting at 12:45 p.m.
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