Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




EFFECTIVE DATE: ____________ REVISION DATE: _____________________

APPROVED BY: ______________________________________


Confirmed by Council of The Columbus Consolidated Government, Ordinance No.

_______ dated the ____ day of ___________, 2014.



To assure due process for Merit System personnel of the Columbus Consolidated

Government, and the employees of elected county officers and employees of other

commissions, boards, or bodies of the county when said county officers or

commissions or boards or bodies make written application for the inclusion of

their employees in the merit system of the Columbus Consolidated Government,

the Personnel Review Board, in accordance with its duties set forth in

Paragraph (1) of Section 4-610 of the Columbus Charter, shall hear appeals

from Merit System employees from significant disciplinary actions, as specified

herein; and perform such other functions and duties as may be required by



This policy applies to all personnel within the merit service of the Columbus

Consolidated Government. Employees of elected officials, who have not been

placed in the Merit System, may not be included.


The Human Resources Director shall receive appeals; determine eligibility for

Personnel Review Board appeal; and coordinate the Personnel Review Board

appeals hearing process.

The Personnel Review Board shall hear employee appeals submitted by the Human

Resources Director and render a fair and impartial judgment thereon either

completely affirming or completely reversing the official action appealed. The

adverse actions appealed to the Personnel Review Board shall be affirmed by the

Board unless they are found by the Board to constitute an abuse of discretion.

An ?abuse of discretion? does not amount to the second-guessing of the decision

by an administrator. It occurs only when the administrator or other

decision-maker has, in making the decision, either: (1) failed to take into

proper consideration the facts or logic relating to the particular decision; or

(2) arbitrarily or unreasonably departed from clearly stated employment or

other applicable policies and procedures promulgated by the City and/or its

Department of Human Resources.


The Personnel Review Board shall consist of five (5) regular members and five

(5) alternate members. Each alternate member shall be designated as the

alternate for a particular regular member. In the absence of any regular

member, or in a proceeding where the regular member is recused for a conflict

of interest, the alternate so designated for his/her place shall sit as a

substitute for said absent regular member and shall be empowered to act as a

regular member until such time as the proceedings begun in the absence of the

regular member or necessitating the recusal are concluded. Three members shall

constitute a quorum of the Board. However, if there are not three votes in

favor of a disposition of the appeal, then the original personnel action as

approved or modified by the Human Resources Director shall stand.

Board Members are appointed for a three (3) year term or to fill the unexpired

terms of members terminating before their term expires. No regular member may

serve more than two consecutive terms. No person will be appointed to serve on

the board who has been employed in another capacity in the Consolidated

Government for a period of one year immediately prior to appointment. Any

member of Council may nominate potential members or alternates who shall be

individuals with significant knowledge and experience in the area of employee

relations. The Council of Columbus, Georgia, will appoint all members and fill

vacancies on the board as they occur in accordance with the provisions of this



1. Regularly scheduled meetings of the Personnel Review Board will be set for

the third Wednesday of each month; provided however, regularly scheduled

meetings may be canceled and special meetings may be added to accommodate the

case load pending before the Board and the availability of participants. Either

the Department bringing the disciplinary charges or the appealing employee may

request one continuance of the appeal. No further continuances shall be granted

absent a determination of the Human Resources Director that extraordinary

circumstances of one of the parties or the lack of a quorum of the Board to

hear the case warrants further continuance.

2. Any non-probationary Merit System employee may appeal to the Personnel

Review Board, any official action of any official of the Columbus Consolidated

Government involving demotion, suspension of more than one (1) day, or

termination, after all Fair Treatment Policy or City Safety Review Board

remedies have been exhausted, by delivering that appeal, in writing, to the

Human Resources Director. This action must take place within ten (10) calendar

days of notification of the Fair Treatment review process final determination

or the City Safety Review Board final determination.

3. The Human Resources Director shall schedule a Personnel Review Board hearing

on the next available regular hearing date. Employees whose employment has

been terminated shall receive preference in scheduling.

4. (a) At a Personnel Review Board hearing, technical rules of evidence shall

not apply however, informal rules of decorum will be preserved to promote

fairness and truth finding. All testimony shall be under oath. The appealing

employee and the official whose actions are being appealed, including their

representatives or attorneys, shall limit their presentation to thirty minutes

unless the time limit is extended by majority vote of the sitting Board. The

Mayor or City Manager may address the Board during any appeal proceeding. The

members of the Board voting on a particular matter may retire to deliberate in

private, but they will vote in public session. Within five (5) days, the

Board will supply a written decision stating the grounds for its decision. The

decision of the majority of the members of the Board shall be final, except as

provided in subparagraph (b).

(b) If a decision of the Personnel Review Board overrules an official action,

such decision may be appealed by the Mayor or the City Manager in the following

manner. The Mayor or the City Manager may appeal such decision by filing a

petition for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of Muscogee County within

thirty (30) days of the decision of the Personnel Review Board. Such petition

shall be filed pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 5-4-1 et seq. and shall be heard by

the Superior Court during the first full term of the Superior Court following

the filing of such petition.

5. The employee, upon his/her request to the Human Resources Director,

shall be given assistance in writing the appeal and/or in presenting the appeal

to the Personnel Review Board.


In all disciplinary actions appealed to the Personnel Review Board where the

employee being disciplined is represented by an attorney, the department

bringing disciplinary charges shall, upon request, be represented by the City

Attorney or his or her designee before the Board or in any court on appeal from

the decision of the Board. The employee shall be required to give five (5)

days advance written notice to the Human Resources Director of his/her

intention to be represented by legal counsel.


In all disciplinary actions appealed to the Personnel Review Board where the

employee being disciplined is represented by an attorney and when said employee

prevails and the board sets aside the disciplinary action and also makes a

specific finding of fact that the disciplinary action was not taken in good

faith, application may be made to the Human Resources Director for payment of

attorney?s fees not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00), when the Human

Resources Director receives a proper bill from the attorney establishing that

services were rendered and expenses were incurred, payment shall be made to the

employee and to this attorney from appropriate funds established by the City

Manager which he may charge to the account of the department by which the

employee is employed. No member of the Columbus Council who is also an

attorney may represent a city employee before the Personnel Review Board and

receive compensation for the same.

Personnel Review Board 220-505

Attachment A


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