Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

September 14, 2009

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners of

Columbus, Georgia was held at the Columbus Water Works office on Monday,

September 14, 2009, at 1:30 p.m., the following Commissioners being present:

Billy Blanchard, Treasurer

Dr. Carole Rutland

Karl Douglass

Mayor Jim Wetherington

Absent: Philip Thayer, Chairman

Due to the absence of Philip Thayer, Chairman, Billy Blanchard was

Acting Chairman.

Receipt of the Minutes of the regular meeting on August 17, 2009, was

acknowledged by the Board and approved as written.

The Financial Report for the month of August including Ft. Benning was

presented to the Board. Motion was made and seconded to accept the reports.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of August conducted by Engineering and Field Services.

Ft. Benning Tank Demolition

Three aging Ft. Benning Distribution Storage Tanks are scheduled for removal

from the system. Ongoing CWW improvement projects on Ft. Benning have made it

possible to put upgrades in place which allow decommissioning of these tanks.

They are: Kirksey Tank, Victory Drive Tank (both in Harmony Church), and

Wherry Tank (located in the Capehart residential area). Contract time is 60


Bids were received on September 3, 2009. They are as follows:

Contractor Bid Amount

Steelsmith Tank Co., L.C. $ 66,880.00

All Industrial Services, Inc. $ 117,444.00

Iseler Demolition, Inc. $ 138,885.00

The engineer?s estimate was $124,775.00. The engineer has reviewed and

tabulated the bids and recommends contract to Steelsmith Tank Co., L.C., as the

low bidder in the amount of $66,880.00.

Following discussion motion was made and seconded to award the Ft.

Benning Tank Demolition Project to the low bidder Steelsmith Tank Co., L.C. in

the amount of $66,880.00. Motion carried.

Ft. Benning BRAC Collection System Improvements

Three CWW BRAC sewer collection project: North Upatoi Trunk Sewer, South

Upatoi Trunk Sewer, Lift Stations #3 and #24 Upgrades reached substantial

completion, testing and were placed into service.

Field Services

Emergency sewer repair work on River Road and Manchester Expressway

Replaced 300? of collapsed 8? concrete pipe with new PVC pipe

In the process of working DOT permits for rerouting 600? of deteriorating sewer


Plans are to CIPP the remaining downstream portion of the sewer

Painting 16? water main running above ground through the 11th Street underpass

Management introduced CWW?s new Director of Engineering, Mr. Billy Cobb

to the Board. Mr. Cobb, a Mechanical Engineer, has been employed with the

Water Works since 1992.

The Board congratulated Billy Cobb on his promotion.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of August conducted by the Strategic Planning and Employee Services


Strategic Planning

Completed 13 departmental site visits to communicate strategic planning

initiatives to more than 112 employees

Concluded an open enrollment and rotation program for Strategy Team membership

which resulted in 20 new members

Completed Strategic Planning information brochure which outlines current goals

and objectives

For the month of August, 20 of the 23 benchmarks were met.

Strategy Team Activities ? Performance Work Plans

Each of the six strategy teams identified a minimum of three performance work

plans for FY 09/10. These are written documents which identifies the specific

activities that will be accomplished in support of the CWW strategies. A total

of 29 PWPs have been developed. As of August, two activities in support of the

29 PWPs have been completed.

Strategy Team #1 ? Customer Satisfaction:

Participated in Chamber of Commerce Expo on August 13th

Strategy Team #5 ? Sustainable Workforce:

Partnered with the Clean Air Campaign to host employee meetings to share

information about individual responsibility to protect the ?air? environment

Employee Services

Phillip Craighead (Safety and Benefits Coordinator) attains his Certified

Workers Compensation Associate (CWCA) certification

Supervisory Training ? Level 1: Communication at work

Employee Services staff are continuing Lawson vLab training activities in

conjunction with the HRIS conversion project

Team members participated in a Positive Employee Relations Seminar sponsored by

Strategic HR Partners

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of August conducted by the Environmental and Communication Services.

Communications and Continuous Improvement

The Columbus Water Works has been selected to participate in a Water Research

Foundation project ? ?Forecasting the Future: Progress, Changes and Predictions

for the Water Sector?

Evaluate the use of previous ?Future? studies

Identify new and changing trends

Identify strategies to manage successful futures

Identify new research projects to help utilities transition to the future

Customer communications in September will focus on the open house and on

protecting the sewer collection system

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of August conducted by the Water Resources, Management Maintenance and

Security Departments.

South Columbus Water Resource Facility

Average Daily Flow for Month 30.16 MGD

Maximum Daily Flow for Month 45.68 MGD

SCWRF staff is continuing with painting projects. This month they completed:

oRAS Blowers and Piping

oPrimary Sludge Pump Station

Jeremy Cummings transferred to the Field Services Department and James Stevens

was hired as the new Assistant Superintendent for the SCWRF

Plans are being made for the annual SCWRF open house on October 24, 2009 (10:00

am ? 2:00pm)

Spent a considerable amount of time working with JJ&G as they gather

information for the plant expansion project

North Columbus Water Resource Facility

Average Daily Flow 35.26 MGD

Maximum Daily Flow 44.74 MGD

The #2 solids plant clarifier has been repaired by the manufacturer (EIMCO).

The clarifier is now back in service.

Sedimentation basin #7 is being drained and cleaned so that the contractor can

begin replacement of the new sludge collection system.

Managed Maintenance Highlights

Replaced chlorine alarm at South Columbus Water Resource Facility

Repaired fluoride leak for post mixer #2 at North Columbus Water Resource


Replaced control transformer Ft. Benning Lift Station #31

Replaced PLC output card for Sludge Hopper #3 at South Columbus Water Resource


Installed new PLC for SCADA at South Commons CSO


Continue to monitor Pandemic Influenza as relates to H1N1. Completing

installation of hand sanitizers at all facilities. An Operational Assessment

meeting is planned for September 15, 2009. The purpose of this meeting is to

review current plan requirements and establish current operations preparedness


On August 24, 2009, CWW completed a Lightning Strike Survey of its North

Columbus Water Resource Facility to research what preventive measures need to

be instituted to minimize lightning strikes and electrical surge damage to our

CCTV and security system.

On August 25, 2009, CWW completed the mass badging of over 123 of its employees

to receive the new Ft. Benning Access Control Contractors Affiliate Badges.

The badges will be required to enter Ft. Benning based upon new scannable

technology being implemented at all access control points on Ft. Benning.

On August 14, 2009, CWW conducted an educational tour of CWW facilities for

international visitors (students and their chemistry teacher) from Liberia.

Accident at Russia?s Biggest Hydroelectric Facility ? Sayano-Shushenskaya

The Accident ? August 17, 2009

At 08:13 local time (00:13 GMT) on 17 August 2009, the station suffered a

catastrophic ?pressure surge? in turbine known as a water hammer. The sudden

water pressure surge resulted in the ejection of turbine 2 with all equipment,

a total weight of some 900 tons, from its seat.

Turbines 7 and 9 also suffered from severe damage, while the turbine room roof

fell on and damaged turbines 3, 4 and 5. Turbine 6, which was in scheduled

repair at the time of the accident, received only minor damage as it was the

only one of the station?s 10 turbines that did not receive electrical damage

due to shorting of transformers, and it will be restarted as soon as possible.

Water immediately flooded the engine and turbine rooms and caused a transformer


On August 23, 2009, authorities said 69 people were found dead while 6 people

are still listed as missing. Efforts to pump flood water from the engine room

and complete a search for the missing workmen are expected to take 3 to 8 days.


76 people dead

It will cost at least $310 million

A long time to repair the damages

The production of more than 500,000 tons of aluminum will be lost

Oil slick is traveling down the river

It is not clear how many people were potentially affected by the accident

The plant satisfied 10% of Siberia?s energy needs

Aluminum smelters consumed over 70% of the energy generated by the power plant

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of August conducted by the Finance and Customer Services Department.

Customer Services

All activities in support of Customer Services (Meter Reading/Meter Services

and Customer billing) remain current for this cycle.

As part of an initiative to continually improve customer satisfaction, targets

have been developed to respond to customer?s requests within an acceptable

industry standard. The five most frequent meter service order requests are

identified, monitored, and measured monthly.

Top Five Work Order Types % Of Total Work Orders Most Frequently Requested Current


Utility Industry

Standard CWW Performance Results Target Recommend Standard to improve Customer


Connection 41.97% ? to 1 day 1 day ? day

Disconnection 15.77% 1-2 days 1 day 1 day

Final Reads 9.14% 1 day 1 day 1 day

Re Reads 5.23% 7 days 5-7 days 3 days

Meter Leaks 0.29% 3-5 Days 3-5 Days Checked- 1 day. Repaired 3-5 days

Our goal is that 90% of all service orders met or exceed our standard

benchmark. Our August results show that of the 2,728 top 5 service orders

completed, 93.67 % were within the target.

Work Order Type Number of Work Orders Number Completed By Target Percent completed by Target Contribution

to Weighted percentage

Connection 1456 1414 99.5807% 0.48665

Disconnect 426 369 86.6197% 0.15903

Final Reads 511 470 91.9765% 0.09786

Re-Reads 204 197 96.5686% 0.05881

Meter Leaks 131 122 93.1298% 0.00317

Monthly Response % 93.67%

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief report on the following activities for the

Columbus Water Works 2009 United Way Campaign.

17 Committee Members

Activities ? Bake Sale

Hamburger/Hot Dog Cook-Out

Balloon Pop Prizes

Silent Auction

Fall Festival Give-Away


Goal - $66,000.00

The Board acknowledged the report.

President Tant informed the Board that a settlement agreement has been

reached with our insurance company regarding the claim on the collapsed water

tank for $3 million. Following discussion, motion was made and seconded to

accept the insurance settlement agreement. Motion carried.

President Tant provided the Board with copies of the following items of


Thank you letter from Senator Saxby Chambliss to Bob Tant

Thank you letter from Dayton Preston to Bob Tant on behalf of Cliff Arnett

Thank you note from Nathan Deal to Bob Tant

Thank you letter from Customer Debby Forde to Linda Sanders to compliment

Customer Service Representative Jeneka Jordan

Thank you letter from Customer David Byrd to Linda Sanders to recognize

Customer Service Representative Angie Moore and Dispatcher Cindy Ragan for

excellent customer service.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Emory E. Blount, Secretary


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