Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members


NO ___________

An Ordinance providing for contributions to the Columbus, Georgia General

Government Employees? Pension Plan for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011

and amending the General Government Pension Plan by confirming the percentage

of the member?s average monthly earnings of two percent in determining the

amount of normal retirement pension; and for other purposes.


WHEREAS, Ordinances heretofore adopted by the Council of Columbus, Georgia

provided for Governmental Contributions to the Employees? Retirement Plan; and

WHEREAS, Actuarial Consultants have evaluated the Plan and the investment

return of 7% annum thus determined that the amount of $ 11,309,984 is required

to fund the Plan in the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011. The amount to be

prorated among the Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia, the Columbus

Board of Water Commissioners, the Hospital Authority of Columbus, and the

Columbus Airport Commission based on actual earnings of the active participants

in the Plan for the previous fiscal year is as follows: Consolidated

Government, 69.45% or $7,854,784; Columbus Board of Water Commissioners, 17.33%

or $1,960,020; Hospital Authority of Columbus, 11.27% or $1,274,635 and

Columbus Airport Commission, 1.95% or $220,545.


That the following named agencies shall make the following monthly

contributions for fiscal year 2012 to the Finance Director of the Consolidated

Government as their prorated share of the contributions, payable the first of

each month and extend the amortization of the unfunded liability from 7-years

to 15-years:

Consolidated Government $654,565.34

Columbus Board of Water Commissioners $163,335.00

Hospital Authority of Columbus $106,219.58

Columbus Airport Commission $ 18,378.75

Columbus Code Section 16A-2, Subsection 2.01 of the Columbus, Georgia

Employees? Pension Plan is hereby amended by deleting the following language:

?Provided, however, for any eligible employee hired after June 30,

2003, the accrued monthly pension shall be determined as follows: One and

one-half percent of the member?s average monthly earnings multiplied by the

member by the member?s number of years creditable service as of any given date,

subject to a maximum of 30 years of creditable service.?


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held the

14th day of June, 2011; introduced a second time at a special meeting of said

Council held on the _______ day of June, 2011, an adopted at said meeting by

the affirmative vote of _____ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen Voting __________

Councilor Baker Voting __________

Councilor Barnes Voting __________

Councilor Davis Voting __________

Councilor Henderson Voting __________

Councilor Huff Voting __________

Councilor McDaniel Voting __________

Councilor Thomas Voting __________

Councilor Pugh Voting __________

Councilor Woodson Voting __________



Tiny B. Washington, Clerk Teresa

Pike Tomlinson, Mayor


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