Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



April 8, 2014

Members Present: Chairperson Berry Henderson and Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner

Pugh, Councilors Jerry ?Pops? Barnes, Glenn Davis, Bruce Huff, Judy W. Thomas

and Evelyn Woodson. Also present were Mayor Teresa Tomlinson, City Manager

Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay, Deputy City Managers David Arrington

and Lisa Goodwin, Finance Director Pam Hodge and Deputy Clerk of Council Sandra


Members Absent: Councilors R. Gary Allen, Mike Baker, and Charles E. McDaniel,

Jr. were absent. Clerk of Council Tiny Washington was also absent.

Call to Order: Chairperson Henderson called the meeting to order at 11:12 a.m.

in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, of the Citizen Services Building.

Chairman Henderson then reminded everyone of the process that includes an

overview and briefing on some of the funds, as well as, department head

presentations. He explained that members of the committee have the opportunity

to place items on the Add/Delete List. He then noted one change in the process

is that previously a simple majority of the Budget Review Committee members

would rule on the voting of the Add/Delete List but now it takes a majority of

the seated members, which means six votes of Council or five votes with the

Chairperson being the tie breaker.

The following documents were distributed around the Council table: FY2015

Recommended Budget, FY 2015 Budget Schedule and FY15 Recommended Budget-

General Fund- Departmental Reductions.

Finance Director Pam Hodge outlined the reports that are provided on the

disc; however, Chairperson Henderson advised that the Finance Department would

be providing this information in another format compatible with the updated

computer system. She then provided an overview of the FY2015 Recommended

Budget and is provided in the following power point presentation:


April 8, 2014


l Budget Process/Schedule

l Overview

l Operating Funds Summary (including Capital/CIP)

General Fund ? Fund Balance

l Agency Appropriations

l Non-Operating Funds Summary


? The budget must be submitted to the Council by the Mayor no less than 60 days

prior to each fiscal year.

? The budget must include operating and capital expenditures accompanied by


? The budget must be made public by advertising in the newspaper and hearings

must be held for public comment.

? The budget and the millage rate ordinances along with related ordinances must

be approved by July 1.


MAY 2013

Budget Review Sessions

? April 8th ? Overview, Operating Funds Summary, General Fund- Fund Balance,

Agency Appropriations, Non-Operating Funds Summary

? April 15th ? Other Local Option Sales Tax, TSPLOST, Health Insurance

? April 22nd and 29th ? Department Presentations

? May 6th, 13th, 20th ? Department Presentations

? May 27th ? Add/Delete List


JUNE 2014

? Notices in the newspaper for public comment

? Public hearings for Taxpayers Bill of Rights

? First Reading of the Budget Ordinance

l Public hearing

? Second Reading - Budget Final Approval

JUNE 2014

? First reading of the Tax Millage

l Public Hearing

? Second reading of the Tax Millage

l Final Tax Rates

JULY 1, 2014

? Fiscal Year begins


? Revenues $259,084,511

? Expenditures $263,097,415

? Use of fund balances $ 4,012,904

l General Fund $3,815,810 (includes a $1,889,900 Public Safety vacancy Reserve

l Debt Service $ 197,094


? No change in the Millage Rates from FY14

? USD #1 = 17.88 mills

? USD #2 = 11.90 mills

? USD #4 = 11.00 mills

? 1.00% Increase in the Digest

? 96% Collection Rate

? NO subsidy to Integrated Waste Fund

? Subsidies to E911, Golf Courses, Parking Management, Naval Museum and Civic


? Value of one mill (Operating) $4,484,207

? Value of one mill (Debt) $4,913,148

? COLA included of 0.50% for active employees and 0.25% for retirees effective

January 2015

? Health Insurance ? City remains the same at $5,650 with implementation of a

contribution sharing strategy and changes proposed to the plan (to be discussed

in detail on April 15th)


USD #1 USD#2 USD#4

Total Gen and Urban 8.18 6.13 5.98

METRA 0.82 0.82 0.82

Total subject to cap 9.00 6.95 6.80

Stormwater (Sewer) 1.24 0.20 N/A

Paving 3.44 0.55 N/A

Medical Center 3.00 3.00 3.00

Economic Development 0.50 0.50 0.50

Debt Service 0.70 0.70 0.70

TOTAL 17.88 11.90 11.00

Finance Director Hodge noted the only change is with the reduction of the

Debt Service from 0.79 to 0.70 and increase of the Economic Development millage

from 0.41 to 0.50.

Councilor Woodson asked if USD #1 and #2 have been re-evaluated to

determine if USD #4 should share more with the cost. Finance Director Hodge

advised that we have reviewed this and would be coming back with possible

recommendations for changes in the district lines.


? General - 57.3%

? Other LOST - 12.5%

? Paving - 5.7%

? Medical Center - 5.3%

? Integrated Waste - 4.1%

? Transportation - 2.4%

? Debt Service - 4.2%

? Civic Center - 2.1%

? Stormwater (Sewer) - 2.0%

? E911 - 1.5%

? Trade Center - 1.0%

? Bull Creek - 0.6%

? Economic Development - 0.8%

? Oxbow Creek - 0.2%

? Parking Management - 0.2%


? General Property - 31.1%

? Sales & Use Taxes - 27.0%

? Charges for Services - 14.5%

? Business & Other Taxes - 9.2%

? Franchise Fees - 6.8%

? Transfers In - 3.8%

? Fines & Forefeitures - 2.1%

? Fund Balance - 1.5%

? Intergovernmental - 1.4%

? Miscellaneous - 1.1%

? Licenses & Permits - 0.9%

? Investment Income - 0.5%


? Public Safety - 39.0%

? Community Services ? 8.9%

? Criminal Justice - 5.6%

? Statutory, Boards & Commissions - 1.6%

? Capital Improvements - 1.8%

? Non-Departmental ? 11.4%

? Debt Service - 4.4%

? Mass Transit - 2.5%

? Management Operations - 6.7%

? Public Works - 10.3%

? Recreation & Culture - 7.9%


? Personnel Services - 58.6%

? Operating - 38.9%

? Capital - 0.6%

? COLA / Pay Adjustment - 0.1%

? CIP - 1.8%


? Revenues $147,040,131

? Expenditures $150,855,941

? Difference ($ 3,815,810)

o Includes a Public Safety Vacancy Reserve of $1,889,900

? General Fund ? accounts for normal ?day to day? activities (i.e. police,

fire, public works, finance, recreation, jail, courts and general government).

Primarily funded from sales tax, property taxes and franchise fees.

At this time, Finance Director Hodge made reference to the FY15

Recommended Budget- General Fund ? Departmental Reductions and explained each


GENERAL FUND - # of Days of Unassigned FUND BALANCE

Reserve Days FY11 Actual FY12 Actual FY13 Actual FY14 Projection FY15 Projection

General Fund 79.84 71.57 68.73 46.07 38.05

OLOST 6.30 5.25 5.35 10.71 22.64

TOTAL 86.14 76.82 74.08 56.78 60.69

FY14 Fund Balance Projection

Assumptions included in projections

? ($6,521,60) FY14 Budgeted Use of Fund Balance

? $4,256,487 FY14 OLOST Reserve

? ($2,264,573) FY14 Budget = 5.40 days

? ($3,000,000) Health Insurance Shortfall = 7.14 days

? ($2,000,000) Expected budget overages = 4.76 days

? ($7,264,573) TOTAL = 17.30 days


? Revenues $ 5,254,260

? Expenditures $ 5,254,260

? Difference $ 0

? Stormwater (Sewer) Fund - accounts for activities that are restricted for

stormwater and drainage. Primarily funded from property taxes.

? Millage remains at 1.24 in USD#1, 0.20 in USD#2

? Capital = $190,000, CIP = $859,212


? Revenues $ 14,969,902

? Expenditures $ 14,969,902

? Difference $ 0

? Paving Fund ? accounts for maintenance and improvements to roads and

bridges. Primarily funded with property taxes.

? Millage remains at 3.44 in USD#1, 0.55 in USD#2

? Capital = $413,000, CIP = $2,000,091


? 3 mills projected at $13,452,622

? Proposed budget $14,052,622

? Medical Center - accounts for funding for indigent hospital care.

Primarily funded with property taxes.

? Contract includes $500K of inmate medical expenses; any charges in excess of

this amount are split 50% with the City.

? $600,000 Transfer from the General Fund included

Chairperson Henderson asked staff to keep the matter under the radar

regarding the tracking of the increase in the general indigent population cost

of providing medical care and prison population. After Mayor Pro Tem Turner

Pugh asked for clarification on the inmates that are being sent to the Medical

Center, as well as, the reimbursement rate to the Medical Center, Finance

Director Hodge said that the Sheriff would be asked to attend a meeting to

respond to these specific questions.


? Revenues $10,811,000

? Expenditures $10,811,000

? Difference $ 0

? Integrated Waste ? accounts for refuse and disposal services. Primarily

funded from user charges.

? Residential Fee proposed at $15.00 month (increase of $0.86 / month)

? Capital = $225,000


? Revenues $3,851,138

? Expenditures $3,851,138

? Difference $ 0

? E911 ? accounts for telephone subscriber surcharges and collection for

emergency dispatch. Primarily funded from land lines and wireless phone


? Other Local Option Sales Tax Fund Subsidy $ 951,138


? Budget $2,152,420

? Economic Development ? accounts for 0.25 mills used for attracting quality

companies, broadening the tax base, job creation and retention = $1,076,210

? Reserve for Economic Development ? 0.25 mills = $1,076,210

o To be used for Year 5 of 10 NCR Project commitment = $948,000


? Revenues $ 10,911,714

? Expenditures $ 11,108,808

? Difference $ 197,094

? Debt Service Fund-accounts for accumulation and disbursement of principle and

interest payment.

? Millage rate reduced to 0.70 mills from 0.79 mills


? Revenues $ 6,430,424

? Expenditures $ 6,430,424

? Difference $ 0

? METRA ? accounts for the operations of the public transportation system.

Primarily funded from property taxes, federal grants and service charges.

? Capital $ 788,300

*Note: Utilizing METRA ? Available Fund Balance


? Revenues $ 398,500

? Expenditures $ 398,500

? Difference $ 0

? Parking ? accounts for the operation of public parking and parking garages.

Primarily funded from parking fees.

? General Fund Subsidy $150,000

? Increase Parking Fines from $20 to $30 = $70,000


? Revenues $ 2,644,850

? Expenditures $ 2,644,850

? Difference $ 0

? Trade Center ? accounts for the operations of the facility. Primarily

funded from event proceeds and beer taxes ($770k), and Hotel/Motel Tax ($630k)


? Bull Creek - $1,482,050

o General Fund Subsidy $50,000

? Bull Creek - accounts for the operation of the Bull Creek Golf Course

? Oxbow Creek - $532,000

o General Fund Subsidy $250,000

? Oxbow Creek - accounts for the operation of the Oxbow Creek Golf Course

Councilor Thomas commented that the subsidies include the increases in

user fees that are a part of the revenue and there is still a shortage of

$50,000 at Bull Creek and $250,000 at Oxbow Creek, at which time, Finance

Director acknowledged this is correct.


? Revenues $ 5,553,500

? Expenditures $ 5,553,500

? Difference $ 0

? Civic Center ? accounts for the operations of the facility. Primarily

funded from hotel/motel taxes ($1.26 million) and events proceeds.

? General Fund Subsidy $ 200,000

AGENCY APPROPRIATIONS $1,344,047 FY13 Projection FY14 Projection

Health Department Services $650,780 $502,012

Health Department Rent $309,383 $315,713

Department of Family & Children Srv $62,400 $48,135

Keep Columbus Beautiful $64,628 $49,854

Uptown Columbus $58,320 $44,988

Airport Commission $40,000 $40,000

River Valley Regional Comm $194,107 $198,413

New Horizons $187,858 $144,932

Finance Director Hodge noted that the Literacy Alliance has received a

Crime Prevention grant and at this point has been funded under the Crime

Prevention program.


Personnel Expenses $ 235,473

Revenue $ 100,473

Net Subsidy $ 135,000

Naval Museum responsible for all operating expenses.FY99 ? FY03 = $78,840

subsidyFY04 ? FY07 = $103,840 subsidyFY08 ? FY11 = $300,000 subsidyFY12 =

$250,000 subsidyFY13 = $200,000 subsidyFY14 = $175,000 subsidy


Funds not for the general operation of the government

Restricted for a specific purpose

Must be budgeted annually

Maintained in a separate fund


Urban Development Action Grant $75,000

Economic Development Program $15,000

HOME $590,774

HUD Section 108 $831,600

Multi Governmental $3,289,750

Hotel/Motel Tax $5,040,000

Police Forfeiture $100,000

County Drug Abuse Treatment (DATE) $68,000

Metro Drug Task Force $200,000

County Jail / Penalty Assessment $400,000

Sheriff Forfeiture $100,000

Marshal?s Forfeiture Fund $5,000

Special Projects (CIP) $12,859,303

1999 SPLOST Fund $24,000,000

TSPLOST Fund $66,821,527

Family, Youth and Coalition $45,000

Land Bank Authority $15,000

Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 1999C $450,000

Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2003A $800,000

Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2003B $4,000,000

Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2010B $22,000,000

Columbus Bldg. Authority Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2010C $1,500,000

In conclusion of the presentation, Finance Director Hodge noted that at

the next meeting, she would provide an overview of the OLOST, TSPLOST and the

health insurance.

Chairperson Henderson asked that Mayor Tomlinson along with the

Administration, check with the Public Safety Departments to determine if there

may be some duplication of similar task forces, etc. and let?s identify those

types of functions that exist in the Sheriff?s Office, Police and Marshal?s

Department. He said provide a report on how many calls we are receiving for

the different entities so we could take a look at the numbers.

Councilor Thomas asked to be provided with how much across the city that

we expend for electricity without having the task of adding up all of the

budget line items 6643. Finance Director Hodge said that we could provide that

in a different format so that it would add up.

Finance Director Hodge was asked to introduce the Finance Department

employees, who were seated in the audience.

*** *** ***

There being no other budget related items to discuss, Councilor Huff made

a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by

those seven members present with Councilors Allen, Baker and McDaniel being

absent for this meeting with the time being 12:11 p.m.


Sandra T. Davis

Deputy Clerk of Council

Council of Columbus, Georgia


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