Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




MARCH 23, 2010

The regular monthly night session of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was

called to order at 5:30 P.M., Tuesday, March 23, 2010, in the Council Chambers

on the Plaza Level of the Government Center, Columbus, Georgia. Honorable W. J.

Wetherington, Mayor, presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Wetherington and Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner

Pugh were Councilors Wayne Anthony, R. Gary Allen, Mike Baker, Jerry Barnes,

Berry Henderson, Julius H. Hunter, Jr., and Charles E. McDaniel, Jr. City

Manager Isaiah Hugley, Assistant City Attorney Jaimie De Loach, Clerk of

Council Tiny B. Washington, and Deputy Clerk of Council Sandra Davis were also

present. Councilors Glenn Davis and Evelyn Woodson took their seats at 5:32

p.m. and 5:31 p.m. respectively.

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ABSENT: No one was absent.

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INVOCATION: Offered by Dr. Walter Taylor - Pastor, Foresight of Columbus

Christian Ministries.

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PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Mayor Jim Wetherington.

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A Resolution (94-10) ? Commending Major General Michael Ferriter,

Commanding General of the U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence, upon being

selected as one of the 100 Most Influential Georgians by Georgia Trend


With Major Michael Ferriter standing at the Council?s table, Mayor

Wetherington read the resolution into the record. Councilor Allen moved the

adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried

unanimously by those ten members of Council present for this meeting. MG

Ferriter introduced his family, members of his staff, and Col. Durr, who will

make a presentation on BRAC.

*** *** ***

BRIEFING - The current status of BRAC, Major General Ferriter:_________________

Col. Durr came forward and presented the following to the Mayor and Council:


18 months before we consider ourselves capable with most of the pieces from

Fort Knox here on fort Benning.

27 projects of over 140 building being constructed.

194th Armor Brigade and 316th Calvary Brigade ? training brigades coming from

Fort Knox as part of the Armor School. They will be moving here in four pieces

(Bands 1, 2, 3, & 4). The first band will be moving here this summer and it

will bring the smaller pieces ? mostly soldiers and cadre. With most of the

Armor pieces, the larger pieces (equipment) coming towards the end of the move.

Personnel movement is broken down between civilian and military.

In 18 months we will have over 743 new civilians as part of our force structure

of the Maneuver Center of Excellences.

With those civilians also comes about 2300 military personnel and a whole host

of students (20,000 new students, in addition to 111,000 currently going

through training on Fort Benning).

At least 17 permanent party civilians who moved from Fort Knox to Fort Benning

and is contributing to the greatness in this region.

Started to hire in January ? 100 to 200 civilian positions extend into the

personnel doing construction.

Arrival of the new General Officer this summer, the Armor School Commanding

General Officer will arrive; has not been named as yet but we are waiting

anticipation of his arrival with quarter, office space and so fort.

When the Maneuver Center is fully operational, we would have spent $3.5 billion

in construction to include new housing, renovation of office space throughout

the installation, and construction at Harmony Church.

About 10,000 new jobs, and the total growth of about 28,000 soldiers and family

members and retirees.


In working with the Chamber (of Commerce) they helped us gain an appreciation

for what all this construction add to the region and what the military

contributes in terms of jobs and pay.

Columbus market is the strongest in the nation for early 2010.

From January to March, 25% of the companies interviewed said they plan to hire.


Most of the construction being done is out at the Harmony Church area.

Our Headquarters is currently being renovated in Building 4 ? from the 1970?s

to the 21st Century. This time next year will be able to move in.

Adjacent to the National Infantry Museum will be an Armor Museum, which outfit

that historic campus and allow Soldiers but Armor and Infantry an appreciation

for the accomplishments and sacrifices our forefathers made.

Plans to build a new hotel on post that will take care of a significant

shortfall right now in our ability to house transient students to move through

Fort Benning on a temporary basis.

Of the 4,000 homes on Fort Benning, we are currently renovating half of those

but when this entire process is completed, all of these homes would have been


A host of training areas with 20 ranges and six maneuver areas.

In response to a question from Mayor Wetherington, Col. Darr stated that the

project to build a new hospital on Fort Benning has been temporarily delayed.

Col. Darr said the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are looking closely at that

project. He said there were some concerns with the contracting company that won

the contract and are in deliberations but not in a position to influence the


Col. Darr then responded to a question by Mr. Coker who asked about the

potential population growth for the Columbus, Georgia area.

A copy of Col. Darr?s presentation is on file in the Clerk of Council?s


*** *** ***



TUNER PUGH AND ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL:________________________________________

A Resolution (95-10) - Commending Nancy Boren, Executive Director of the

Muscogee County Board of Elections, Lisa Goodwin, Deputy City Manager, and

Joyce Dent-Fitzpatrick of the Columbus Police Department upon their selection

by SISTERS, Inc., as 2010 Woman of Courage.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked those named in the resolution to come

forward. Upon reading the resolution, Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then moved the

approval. Seconded by Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those ten

members of Council present.

--------------------------------------------*** ***






An Ordinance (10-7) - Amending the Zoning Atlas of the Consolidated

Government of Columbus, Georgia; this amendment changes certain boundaries of a

district located at 4400 Beallwood Avenue from NC (Neighborhood Commercial)

zoning district to GC (General Commercial) zoning district. Councilor McDaniel

moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried

unanimously by those ten members of Council present.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance (10-8) - Amending Personnel Policy No. 220-505 so as to

specify new qualifications for members of the Personnel Review Board; and for

other purposes. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the ordinance.

Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those ten members of

Council present.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance (10-9) - Providing a 120-day extension to the moratorium on

filing applications for billboard and multi-message signs so that said

moratorium shall expire at midnight on Friday July 23, 2010; and for other

purposes. Councilor Henderson moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by

Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those ten members of Council


*** *** ***

An Ordinance (10-10) - Providing for the demolition of various structures

located at:

(1) 5621 Lorenzo Road (Matthew A. Aldridge, Owner)

(2) 4426 Oates Avenue (Comer J. Alexander, Jr. & John A, Owners)

(3) 2243 Simmons Avenue (Marcelina Baltazar, Owner)

(4) 58 31st Avenue (Joe & Tammy Barnes, Owners)

(5) 3200 Carver Street (CRJD Properties, LLC, Owner)

(6) 7929 Shinn Drive (Eugene Crook, Owner)

(7) 1522 Winshire Street (Booker T. Edmonds Estate c/o Melanie Diane Britt et


(8) 1129 38~ Street (L. D. Green, Owner)

(9) 2117 1st Avenue (Wendy K. Griffin, Trustee for J.C. Williams, Estate)

(10) 914 Charleston Avenue (Dennis Augustus Holland, Owner)

(11) 2502 2nd Avenue (Horne Construction Co., Inc., Owner)

(12) 1116 Brandywine Drive (Meonsania M. Judge, Owner)

(13) 4001 17th Avenue (KGP Properties, Inc., Owner)

(14) 6, 8 & 10 Morgan Street (Thomas Alton McRae & C. Boyce III, Owners)

(15) 7815 Crescent Drive (Lawrence & Sandra Montjoy, Owners)

(16) 2830 Hood Street (Odessa Morman, Owner)

(17) 1336 Regina Drive (William Rainey, Owner)

(18) 763 Lawyers Lane (Otis D. & Helen Scott, Owners)

(19) 2722 Thomas Street (Mae Byrd Stevens, c/o Pablo Bradley, Owner)

(20) 3150 Plateau Drive, Lot 516 (Joanne Storrs, c/o Phillip W. Storrs, Owner)

(21) 413 23rd Street (Sumbry Mortuary, Inc, Owner)

(22) 479 Mellon Street (James Thomas, Owner)

(23) 2508 4th Avenue (Janie Sharp Ward & Eunice Sharp Swanigan, Estate c/o

Gwendolyn S. Williams)

(24) 1100 Wynnton Road (Wynnton Road Ministries Church of God In Christ, Inc.

Owner) and for demolition services for the Inspections and Code

Division in accordance with the attached Tabulation of Bid sheet.

Assistant City Attorney DeLoach pointed out that while this ordinance is up

for adoption on second reading, Ms. Marcelina Baltazar is here to speak on the

demolition of 2243 Simmons Avenue. Councilor Henderson moved that Ms. Baltazar

be allowed to speak. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by

those ten members of Council present.

Ms. Baltazar came forward and stated she is the owner of the property in

question. She said has been encountering difficulties with this property, but

would like to save the house. She said she has a contractor who could not be

here today but has provided his license number and other legal documentation.

She said she is scheduled to return to Las Vegas on the 30th and after the 30th

she is leaving for the Philippines. She said she decided to go ahead and donate

the place to the FAA but two of the members said they are not going to take it

because they do not have the money to fix the problems with the house.

Ms. Baltazar said her good friends from Buena Vista, Mr. And Mrs.

Gutierrez, offered to help her out with the house. She said tomorrow she would

quitclaim the house to the Gutierrez.

In response to a question from Councilor Woodson, Ms. Wiggins (Inspections

& Code) stated that if Council approves the quitclaim, the process for the

Gutierrez starts over. However, if Council votes to demolish this property, the

Gutierrez would be buying a vacant lot.

City Manager Hugley then interrupted Ms. Wiggins and asked that Councilor

Woodson?s questions be deferred to the legal staff.

Assistant City Attorney De Loach said what Ms. Wiggins said is accurate.

She said if we continue with this property on second reading then the quitclaim

that will be done tomorrow would not have any effect on the actions we take


Councilor Woodson said the question she asked was if the property is

quitclaimed, can we go ahead and take it off the demolition?s list because the

property would be turn over to the new owners, would that start the process all

over again for them (the new owners).

Ms. De Loach responded by saying if Council amends this ordinance by

removing this ordinance from the list, then yes the process would start over

again. She said if the property is not removed from the list, then there would

be no new notification process. If the property is removed from the list then

we would have to start a new notification process involving the new owners.

At the request of Councilor Woodson, Mr. Gutierrez came forward and gave

his address as 1393 Georgia Highway 41 North and has been a resident of Buena

Vista for 22 years. In response to questions from Councilor Woodson, Mr.

Gutierrez said he is aware of issues and requirements involved in bringing this

house to code.

Councilor Davis said he could not approve this without having some type of

conditions and that is going to take some time and he is in favor of allowing

staff time to look into this.

Councilor Hunter asked how long would it take to bring this house back to

code and how much it would cost to do so; to which Ms. Wiggins replied that it

would cost approximately $100,000 and about four moths to bring it up to Code.

Mr. Gutierrez said he is aware of this and has the ability to do it.

Councilor Anthony said at other times we have left it on the demolitions

list and allowed the Administration to use their judgment. He then asked if

this situation is too complicated to do that?

City Manager Hugley said when you (Council) have done that it has not

worked out too well. He said we would be guided by your direction but if there

is a second reading and we do this in the future and there is no lien on the

property and someone come up and say if I deeded the property over to my friend

so the process could start over, I know we handled those things on a case by

case basis but we need to be prepared for future precedence. He said if we can

save a house we should save it.

Councilor Hunter said the struggle with this is that it came up at the 24th

hour but he asked if Council could allow time so Mr. Gutierrez to get with

staff to present his financial plan to bring this house up to code.

After some further discussion between Councilor Hunter and Ms. De Loach

regarding due process and requirements for the new owners of the property, Mr.

Gutierrez shared that he is a business owner and is well aware of what they are

facing. He said they have many properties in the Americus and Buena Vista areas

and will do what it takes to get the property up to code.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked Mr. Gutierrez if he was a building

contractor to which he replied he was not. She then asked him if he had an

agreement with a licensed contractor who would be working on the house. Mr.

Gutierrez said he did have such a person to include his name, and address and

telephone number of the individual; and also his license number.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then asked, why were they waiting until tomorrow

to quitclaim the house instead of doing it before coming here today. Mr.

Gutierrez said he did not know until last night about the situation and that

was when he decided to offer his assistance. Mr. Gutierrez said he has a verbal

agreement with a contractor and they have also agreed on a dollar amount.

City Manager Hugley pointed out that it has been brought to his attention

that this will be the third owner of this property since this property has been


Councilor Henderson said this is a crafty way of circumventing the process

and we need to tighten our ordinance. He commended Mr. Gutierrez for coming

forward and trying to provide some kind of solution to this issue because

everyone feels empathy for the owner. He said to remain consistent, he has not

heard anything that would cause him to delay this or to take it off the

demolition list. He asked Ms. Wiggins for a list of all of the extensions

Council has granted over the past two to five years, to include the final


Councilor Woodson asked Mr. Gutierrez how much time he would need to get

all his paperwork together to show staff his capability of financially

restoring this house? Mr. Gutierrez said he could have that information

available in three to four days. She then said the reason she is asking is for

Mr. Gutierrez to get a clear understanding and decide if this is something he

really wants to take on. She pointed out that if Council grants the extension

and Mr. Gutierrez does not meet the deadline, the property will be torn down.

Councilor Woodson then said she is going to ask for a two-week extension to

allow Mr. Gutierrez time to get his paperwork together, meet with Ms. Wiggins

and let her tell you what has to be done and she (Ms. Wiggins) would then come

back to Council in two weeks and tell us whether you are able to save this


Councilor Woodson asked if based on the information provided by City

Manager Hugley and Councilor Henderson regarding the number of owners for this

property since it has been condemned, if it is legal to draw up a document

stating that until this situation is resolved, this property cannot be

transferred to another owner.

Councilor Woodson then made a motion to grant an extension for two weeks.

Seconded by Councilor Allen.

Councilor Anthony asked the City Attorney to determined if given the

quitclaim deed and new owners, what does that do in terms of the process for

the new owner, providing Council allows that to go forward today. He also asked

about the house and foundation being too close to the property line, pointing

out that the house and the foundation has to be moved over. He then asked how

much that would cost.

Ms. Wiggins said what they would have to do is get a variance from the

Board of Zoning Appeals and if that is not approved, they would have to remove

that portion of the property that is too close to the property line.

Councilor McDaniel said as he recalled from two weeks ago, the main thing

was the foundation was not standard and in this report, it states nothing was.

He said the property owner has already spent a lot of money on this place.

Ms. Wiggins pointed out that there are a lot of framing defects, even

though there is new construction on top of the old foundation, a lot of the

problems is framing violations that will have to be corrected as well as that

foundation. She said there is also the variance problem and the permit problem.

Councilor McDaniel said these people are trying to do something with this

property and they should be given some time to try and work it out rather than

demolishing it. He said there are a lot of other places in worst condition than

this one that needs to be demolished. He said he is willing to give them some

more time but is not sure if two weeks is enough time.

Councilor Davis said he would like the City Attorney to elaborate more on

what Councilor Hunter was talking about regarding a waiver and what exactly

needs to take place.

Assistant City Attorney De Loach said Councilor Henderson is accurate when

he talks about being on a demolition?s list but her understanding is that the

demolition list is formally created once Council puts it on second reading. She

said once that happens, no matter what changes in ownership occurs, that

property would be demolished. She said if Council stops the process tonight,

its not technically on the list any longer in terms of giving legal notices to

people that would purchase it. If the demolition process is stopped on that

house, the only way we could get around their due process; right to notice is

if they sign a waiver waiving their due process right.

After some further discussion on the appropriate amount of time to allow

the property owner to get with staff to come up with a plan, Councilor Hunter

asked if we (Council) continues second reading to our next meeting, even if

they quitclaim, could we still vote to demolish the house? He said with the

quitclaim deed, the new owner is taking the rights and liability of the

property from the previous owner.

Assistant City Attorney De Loach said when a quitclaim is done, the

notification process for the new owners have to be restarted. She then asked

Ms. Wiggins how long does a notification process take to which Ms. Wiggins

replied that when the first certified mail is sent out, they are given a

demolition hearing which is held the last Wednesday of every month. After the

hearing, they would receive a 45-days notice and we would make a re-inspection

after the 45-days.

Councilor Hunter then asked Ms. De Loach what her recommendations would be

to the property owner and she responded that she could not give them legal

advice, but would say to Council that if they should delay or continue

tonight?s decision, then it would be a four months period should the property

owner go ahead with the quitclaim.

In response to a question from Councilor Davis, Ms. De Loach said if

Council go forward leaving this property on the demolition?s list and that

passes, and Council give the property owner a short period of time informally,

no new rights would occur.

Councilor Woodson clarified her previous motion stating Council is not

going to take this property off the demolition?s list but is going to put the

property at the end of the list to allow the owners to satisfy staff that they

(the property owners) have the resource to complete the necessary work. In

three weeks, Council will get a report on this issue, at which time they will

make the determination to take the property off the demolition?s list or keep

it on the list to be demolished.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked Ms. Wiggins to clarify that when Ms.

Baltazar purchased this property it was on another demolition?s list to which

Ms. Wiggins responded in the affirmative.

After some additional discussion, Councilor Woodson withdraw her motion and

Councilor Allen withdrew his second.

Councilor Allen then moved to adopt the ordinance as is. Seconded by

Councilor Barnes and carried unanimously by those ten members of Council


*** *** ***





An Ordinance - Property located at 925 Morris Road is proposed for rezoning

from LMI (Light Manufacturing Industrial) zoning district to RMF1 (Residential

Multi Family 1). (3-CA-10-Martin) The proposed use is for Single Family



The petitioner, Mr. Karl Douglas was present and addressed Council. Mr.

Douglas said they met with Councilor Barnes and members of Planning and came up

with a solution on how to proceed with this case. He said they have asked to

table this 1st reading until June 8, 2010 so they can have time to finish some

work that is being done with regards to a master plan. He said they have to go

back to the Planning Advisory Commission and in order to comply with the

ordinance; we would need a waiver from Council on the waiting time for the

re-application. He said they are hereby asking for a waiver.

In response to a question from Ms. De Loach, the petitioner said they are

asking for a delay in the 1st reading for properties located at 925 Morris Road

and 1100, 1126, and 1150 Morris Road. (These are items No. 5 and 6 on the City

Attorney?s Agenda)

City Manager Hugley asked if rather than saying June 8th, could we not say

not to exceed 120 days to which Ms. De Loach said yes.

Mr. Douglas said the UDO requires that if we request this action from

Council, we cannot re-apply for six months and we have made application to the

Planning Department to go through the process with the full project as opposed

to just a small portion and in order to do this, we would need a waiver from

Council so we do not have to wait six months to re-apply.

After some additional discussion regarding the reason for the waiver to

delay this 1st reading, Councilor Baker said he has done some work for one of

the entities involved and respectfully request permission from Council to

abstain from voting on this matter. Councilor Allen?s motion was seconded by

Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those ten members of Council


Councilor Barnes than made a motion to allow the delay not to exceed

120-days. Seconded by Councilor Anthony and carried unanimously by nine members

of Council with Councilor Baker abstaining from this vote.

Assistant City Attorney De Loach then requested that a second motion be

made regarding the penalty.

Councilor Barnes then made a motion that no penalty is attached to the

120-days waiver granted to the petitioner. Seconded by Councilor Henderson and

carried unanimously by nine members of Council with Councilor Baker abstaining

from this vote.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance - Property located at 3832 Trask Drive & 1600 Ft. Benning

Drive is proposed for rezoning from RMF2 (Residential Multi Family 2) zoning

district to GC (General Commercial) zoning district.


There was no one present to oppose this proposed rezoning.

Mr. Robert McKenna, the petitioner came forward and stated he is here to

request a delay until May 11, 2010. Mr. McKenna?s request was moved by

Councilor Henderson and seconded by Councilor Hunter.

Councilor Davis asked Mr. McKenna to address the possibility of a condition

that if this rezoning does not go through, the property would revert back to

residential zoning.

Mr. McKenna said that is one of the reasons for the request to delay.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh pointed out that the condition addressed by

Councilor Davis is included in the proposed rezoning petition.

Mayor Wetherington called the question on the motion and second to delay

this first reading until May 11, 2010 and was carried unanimously by those ten

members of Council present.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance - Property Located at 1100, 1126 and 1150 Morris Road is

proposed for rezoning from LMI (Light Manufacturing Industrial) zoning district

to SFR4 (Single Family Residential 4) zoning district.


This item was included in the discussions on Item No. 5 (925 Morris Road)

on the City Attorney?s Agenda. (Please see above for details).

*** *** ***

An Ordinance - Property located at 3604 Hamilton Road is proposed for

rezoning from RMF1 (Residential Multi Family 1) zoning district to NC

(Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district.


Assistant City Attorney De Loach said she has received notification that

this petition has been withdrawn and asked for a motion to accept the

withdrawal. Councilor Allen moved to accept the withdrawal. Seconded by

Councilor Henderson.

City Manager Hugley said the Director of Planning has informed him that

this ordinance needs to go on second reading so it can be denied.

Ms. De Loach pointed out that there is no opposition present and this

proposed rezoning would go on second reading at the next meeting.

*** *** ***





A Resolution (96-10) ? Approving property located at 4400 Beallwood Avenue

for a special exception use in a GC (General Commercial) zoning district. The

proposed use is for Auto Sales on less than 2 acres. The property is currently

zoned NC (Neighborhood Commercial).

Assistant City Attorney De Loach said this resolution is regarding the

first rezoning property on the City Attorney?s Agenda and since that passed,

this petition is being put forward that the property which is currently zoned

NC (Neighborhood Commercial) with prohibited auto sales, but with the new GC

(General Commercial) rezoning, auto sales would be permitted with the approval

of a special exception use.

Councilor McDaniel moved the approval. Seconded by Councilor Allen and

carried unanimously by those ten members of Council present for this meeting.

--------------------------------------------------*** ***





A Resolution (97-10) ? Approving a request for design variances for

Wooldridge Heights Subdivision as described in the attached resolution

requested by Wooldridge Heights Development, Inc.

Councilor Davis made a motion to bring forth a variance on the City

Manager?s Agenda (item # 6). Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried

unanimously by those ten members of Council present for this meeting.

City Manager Hugley said the item is Wooldridge Heights Subdivision Design

Variance and the Engineering Department has requested denial of a request for

design variance for Wooldridge Heights Subdivision. In this request to deny,

they?ve failed to meet subdivision standards design requirements and so the

Engineering Department is asking for denial. He said he is asking that Council

approve the denial.

Councilor Davis said the reason he is calling this up is that he would like

Mr. Wade to come forward and give his presentation on the request.

Councilor Davis then made a motion that Mr. Wade be heard. Seconded by

Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those ten members of Council

present for this meeting.

Mr. Wright Wade came forward and gave his address as 1401 West Dinglewood

Drive. He said he is developing a 45-lot subdivision on Wooldridge Road in

North Columbus. He said this area is almost at the Harris County line and

normally variances would go before the board of zoning appeals, but Mr. Will

Johnson and Mr. Johnny Cargill felt since I was Chairman of the Board of Zoning

Appeals, it would be better to come before the Council.

Mr. Wade said he received some information from the Board of Zoning

Appeals, which shows that over the last six months, there was 63 variances

requested; 26 were approved and one was denied. He said variance from the UDO

and the building officials are not unusual. He made some additional comments

regarding the changes and amendments to the UDO.

Mr. Wade said he was requesting a variance on a cul-de-sac but will drop

the request because Mr. Warren Mason with Moon, Meeks and Mason has come up

with a solution he believed would be accepted by the Engineering Department.

Mr. Wade said he is also asking for a variance to allow roadway to be

reduced from 31 feet to 26 feet width. He said it is his understanding that the

UDO will allow low volume streets to be reduced from 31 feet to 26 feet. He

said what consists of a low volume street in the number of cars travel per day.

He said there are 32 lots on this street, which is equal to ten trips or 320

trips per day. He said 300 trips per day are what constitute a low volume


Mr. Wade said his third request is a variance from the UDO not to connect

his subdivision into an adjacent subdivision, which is called A Place In The

Country, and to also adjoin additional property.

Mr. Wade made references to a map No. 1 and stated that to the North of

Wooldridge is the subdivision ?A Place In The Country,? and the cul-de-sac he

is requesting the variance on is located in the far left corner of his

property. He said the cul-de-sac is in an undesirable location to connect the

two subdivisions. He said there are two other issues concerning connecting

streets into adjoining properties. He said there are 92 acres located to the

east of his property, which has major topographical issues.

Mr. Wade made some additional references on a map regarding the adjoining

subdivision and the requirements of the city to connect to adjoining

properties. He pointed out that there are other recently developed subdivisions

that were not required to have roads abutting nearby property. He said he would

like the Council to preserve the integrity of Wooldridge Heights as the city

has preserved the integrity of other subdivisions mentioned here tonight.

Mr. Wade said he is also asking for a variance not to abut this cul-de-sac

into the north property.

At the request of Councilor Henderson, Ms. Donna Newman, Engineering

Director came forward and said the primary concern is safety and is not just

with the natural disasters that there might be problems. Ms. Newman said there

are criteria that we used to look at variances and you have to prove (by

hardship) base on terrain.

Ms. Newman said we were in agreement with Mr. Wade on the adjoining

property where you had the extreme grade differential and natural channel going

through there, that would be an extreme cause to try to connect those two

parcels. She said this is not the case with ?A Place in the Country? and it

doesn?t make logical sense for people in this subdivision to cut through A

Place in the Country; is probably more likely is the residents of A Place in

the Country cutting through this neighborhood to get to Wooldridge Road to get

over to Veterans Parkway. She said we didn?t have a basis that we could prove a

hardship in order to grant a variance.

Ms. Newman said the reason this is coming before Council tonight is because

this is dealing with proposed roads, which is public right-of-way which Council

has the authority. The Board of Zoning Appeals typically deals with issues

regarding private property.

In response to a question from Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh, Ms. Newman said

there is a particular section of the UDO that allows for low volume subdivision

and that?s considered a subdivision where the streets have the volume of 300

(or less) vehicles per day and as Mr. Wade said, that is typically around 30

lot. She said the consideration there was, if the subdivision stays isolated,

we didn?t necessarily have a problem with granting the variance for the

reduction in the width; but if you have the connectivity like we are

requesting, then that is going to potentially put additional traffic through

the neighborhood and it would need to be the standard 31 feet.

Mr. Warren Mason with Moon, Meeks and Mason came forward and stated they

have worked for the developers to look into a solution for the eyebrow

cul-de-sac. He said the UDO is clear; it say specifically that regarding

subdivision entrances, a single entrance road to a subdivision shall serve no

more than 99 lots; thru traffic street should be laid out within a development

so as to discourage thru traffic on local streets however the provision for

extension and continuation to arterial and collector streets into and from

adjoining properties is required. He said these certainly are not arterial or

collector streets.

Mr. Mason said he helped prepared Mr. Wright for tonight?s meeting was: (1)

the decision by traffic to require connectivity to A Place in the Country. He

said they are half as many lots as the UDO allows for one entrance; (2) the

street width ? Mr. Mason said we are two lots more, technically, than is

allowed to be characterized as a low volume street. He said we are trying to

have a narrower street there that maintain some of the rural look in less

clearing to give it more of a less urban feel; (3) for an extension of the

cul-de-sac length beyond the 750 feet required by the UDO. The UDO also said

you can go 750 feet in a cul-de-sac without asking for a variance and this

street is longer than that but by the same token, these are 11/2 acre lots. He

said asking for these types of variances are not uncommon in his 19 years in

Columbus and is particularly warranted in this case with the larger lots versus

a much smaller lot.

There were some additional discussions regarding the number of lots

required to be considered low volume traffic area and parking in the area.

Councilor Davis then made a motion to grant the variance. Seconded by

Councilor McDaniel and carried unanimously by those ten members of Council

present for this meeting.

------------------------------------------------*** ***



-------------------------------------------------*** ***







Ms. Strode came forward and said she is the senior partnership specialist

for the U.S. Department of Commerce, US Census Bureau. She said she is here to

remind citizens that they should have received their census form in the mail

and it is very important that the word gets out that people need to fill the

forms out and send them back in by April 1, 2010. She said the census data

drives a lot of things and it equals money. She said we want to make sure we

get our fair share of the over $400 billion of federal funds when it is time

for those funds to be distributed. She said we know that it impacts our

congressional representation and that is important; but most of our hard to

count community members always want to know what?s in it for them ? and that is

money for schools, hospitals, bridges, the Pell grant, head start, public

health clinics.

Ms. Strode said in 2000 the Muscogee County response was 66% out of 100.

She said we need a complete and accurate count.

*** *** ***


RESIDENTIAL AREAS:____________________________

Mr. Wilder came forward and said he came here this morning thinking there

was a Council meeting but someone in the Mayor?s Office provided him with a

pamphlet of when the meetings are. Mr. Wilder further expressed his

appreciation to the staff in Municipal Court, the Clerk of Council?s Office,

and the Mayor?s Office.

Mr. Wilder said he usually calls 911 twice a day when School is in and out.

He said what he is trying to do is keep a child from getting killed on the

roadway. He then asked the Mayor when would sidewalks be installed in the area

because there is nowhere for the kids to walk.

*** *** ***




Mr. Paul Olson came forward and states his address as 13830 Upatoi Lane. He

said he had the pleasure of meeting with City Manager Hugley and Finance

Director Pam Hodge last week. He commented on an ordinance regarding allowing

retirement pension fund board members to succeed themselves more than two

terms. He said in essence this is a lifetime appointment, which he has a

problem with. He pointed out that Mayor Wetherington, City Manager Hugley, and

former Mayor Frank Martin are on the board. He said in total, there are ten

people on the board.

Mr. Olson made some references to the FY 2007, 2008 and 2009 budget

contribution by taxpayers and stated that the city have lost $71 million in two

years, in comparison to the $30 million that he was told.

Mr. Olson made some additional comments about the Double Tree Hotel stating

that this facility received $17 million in tax abatement; meaning they only pay

50% of their taxes for the next 20 years. He said this was the Sheraton Inn on

Airport Through Way and basically when it comes to renovation that is not

allowed according to the law; only new construction and jobs. He then asked

Council to investigate the Development Authority.

Mr. Olson also asked about the status of Rob Doll Nissan and the $10

million tax abatement they received. He asked if the tax abatement rolls over

to the next owner?

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh in response to Mr. Olson?s comments asked City

Attorney or the Mayor to address the issue of tax abatement mentioned by Mr.


City Manager Hugley said the Development Authority operated within the

state law and if they didn?t we would have a problem. He said regarding Rob

Doll Nissan, the Development Authority did initially issue or supported a $10

million project that was to be done by Rob Doll Nissan but they never closed on

that deal and there has been no transactions regarding Rob Doll Nissan.

City Manager Hugley said regarding the hotel mentioned by Mr. Olson, it was

a $13 million project for acquisition and renovation of the Sheraton Hotel;

they did acquire that hotel and they did go through renovations and they did

close on that transaction. He said since those tax inducement bonds were

initiated, the Development Authority has met with our Tax Assessors? Office and

they have come up with a structure that would provide for tax inducement based

on the level of the project. He said the bigger the project, the more jobs the

project would bring; they have a system of rating those and that determines how

much they would invest or support in tax inducement bonds for that particular


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh pointed out that Mr. Olson said the law does not

allow for tax abatements on renovated properties. She then asked if the law

allows such? City Manger Hugley responded in the affirmative. He said with

respect to the Development Authority, State legislature determines what things

qualifies and what does not and they follow state law. He then said that if Mr.

Olson has something that he believes we have violated state law then he should

bring it forward and it needs to be presented and he will get the facts and

find out that the Development Authority operates in accordance with state law.

City Manager Hugley said regarding the pension fund, we have gone through

an economic downturn and those people with investments, many of them had to go

back to work and our current balance in the pension fund, as of today, is $221

million. He said we were down to $156 million in March one year ago and we are

back up to $221 million in March 2010.

*** *** ***



Mr. Coker said he is here to talk about the garbage fee increase the city

is considering and also the 9-mill cap roll back promised to citizens during

the 1percent LOST meetings.

Mr. Coker said the general budget is supposed to take care of Fire, Police,

and Garbage collection and it is subsidized with a 1percent LOST in 1977 and

again with a $14 integrated waste fund. He said the garbage fee has been

subsidized twice and therefore it should not be raised again.

He said we are also subsidizing the Police Department with the General Fund

and the 1 percent LOST.

Mr. Coker then asked when will the 9-mill roll back happen? He said this

one year roll back would help the citizens of Columbus, Georgia survive this

one year of roll back on Homestead Exemptions.

City Manager Hugley said in response to Mr. Coker?s question about the

rollback, the roll-back is scheduled for the tax period that starts October

this year as promised, as outlined in the presentations by Ms. Judy Thomas. He

said when citizens get their property tax statements for October they will see

that rollback that was committed and promised to them during the LOST


*** *** ***

MS. JOYCE T. WAGES, RE: ABC CARDS:______________________________

Ms. Wages said her appearance here has to do with the ABC Card ? Section

3-7C of the city ordinance. She said what she is proposing to do is ask Council

to make an amendment to that ordinance that would protect people from what

happened to her employees on March 5, 2010. She said the local vice squad came

in to check for compliance with the law and she did not have any problems until

it came to ABC Cards. She said they Carded her manager and his card had

expired; she said her cook did not realized he had to have one and there was

also a young lady who goes to Columbus College and works on Friday and Saturday

night who also did not have an ABC Card.

She said her problem is not with the fact that they were guilty; her

problem was with the law. She when you get an ABC Card you are charged $25 and

a background check is done. She said her employees never had a problem or any

prior conviction, and because of this law, he cannot work for two years. She

said there should be a fine for not renewing or not having one (first offense);

second offense ? and any other illegal action then that individual may not

qualify for one for two years. She said in her opinion, the first time you have

an offense it should not mean you cannot work in a like business for two years.

She said that seems to be very harsh and the penalty does not fit the crime.

She said Council might be able to make an amendment to that and she knows

asking to have things changed by the Council takes a lot to do but this is

definitely something that needs to be addressed.

Ms. Wages said she has been on Buena Vista Road for a little over five

years and she has put $250,000 of her money out there. She said she has seven

retail spaces and has developed that space at her expense and pay her taxes and

try to do everything by the law. She said her business has been shut down for

two weeks because she has been out of town and did not get back until this past

Wednesday. She said her employees were taken to jail and did not get a chance

to collect money that was owed. She said they were told they could not get out

of jail until they saw the judge the next day at 2:00 o?clock. They did not

want to spend the night in the local jail and the manager not realizing the

penalty was, if you pay the fine you were guilty. He did not understand that if

you are guilty of violating the ordinance regarding ABC Cards, you couldn?t get

another ABC Card for two years. She said none of her employees who worked there

could work; they are out of a job. She said five people are not working as a

result of this.

Councilor Allen asked Assistant City Attorney De Loach if she could advise

Ms. Wages legally what her employees can do to help with this situation.

Assistant City Attorney De Loach said it sounds like he posted bond and

then he did not show up for his court hearing. She said if you don?t show up

for your court hearing after posting bond, then your bond is forfeited and that

is equivalent to a guilty plead. She said if he was innocent he did need to

show up in court and contest that charge.

Ms. Wages said this might take care of her problem today but this still

needs to be amended and looked at for future cases and we don?t get a notice

that this is due for renewal. She said she knows it would cost a lot to remind

people to renew their ABC Cards and she realizes that there might be an option

of getting it for five years or if you don?t renew it, there should be a fine

but to take away someone?s livelihood seems very harsh.

Councilor Baker asked the city attorney if these ordinances arise from

state or local laws to which Ms. De Loach responded that the requirement for

ABC Card is a local requirement, however Ms. Wages funds and operates a

licensed bar/pub and it is often common throughout many jurisdictions that

employees of night clubs and bar pubs obtain ABC Cards whereas, employees of

restaurants do not need to obtain an ABC Card.

Councilor Baker asked if this is controlled by our Finance Department along

with our other alcohol ordinances to which Ms. De Loach responded that the

finance department would work on the application process with the help of the

police department, which runs the criminal background checks on the alcohol

licenses but the ABC Card is completely handled by the Public Safety Police


Councilor Anthony asked about the punishment side of it, the two-year

moratorium? Ms. De Loach said we could amend the ordinance if Council decides

the penalty is too stiff. She said that is something Council has the powers to


Councilor Woodson asked City Manager Hugely to get with the chief of police

(based on the information reviewed today) to see if how that ordinance has

affected the community; if the two-year suspension has been beneficial to us.

City Manager Hugley said he would defer to the City Attorney, the Mayor and the

Police Chief on this.

*** *** ***



Mr. Robert Moore came forward and stated he is a native of Columbus,

graduated from Spencer High School, joined the U.S. Army and spent the next 11

years out of the United States. He said he has a conflict that has not been

resolved despite his appearance before the last administration at least two

times. He said he has taken a tour and have seen every stop on the Black

Heritage Trail and number 13 on that trail is the old slave cemetery. He then

asked who is responsible for the upkeep of that cemetery, why are there no

markers, and who owns the piece of property the cemetery is on?

In response to Mr. Moore?s questions, City Manager Hugley said he is not

familiar with the first request of Mr. Moore but he would be happy to look into

the matter. He said he does not know who owns the property or who is

responsible for the property but he would have staff look into it.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked City Manager Hugley to include the exact

location of the cemetery and where the bodies and whether some of them have

been moved to Porterdale.

*** *** ***


Councilor Davis said we talked at one time about emergency notification

calls. He said we have not talked about that in a long time but one day we

could have that conversation in the form of a referral. He asked if during this

meeting coming up, we could actually do a poll while the presentation is being

made, at least the citizens for a period of time would be able to hear the

presentation and then submit a response versus having to come down here.

City Manager Hugley said we do not have the technology to do such a poll

but he would get with our CCGTV Manager, Michael King to look into it. He said

on our emergency notification system, he received a test run last night and the

system is up and working and we have been operational but we have not used it.

We want to reserve it for emergencies and make sure we do not use it for

community forum hearings/notices.

*** *** ***


In response to comments made by Councilor Hunter on the integrated waste

presentation, City Manager Hugley said we would have a presentation at the work

session that will summarize and share that same information.

Councilor Anthony said we are not increasing the fees $4 every year over

five years. He asked if every year we go up $4.

City Manager Hugely said that was just one proposal. He said it can be no

increase; $1, $2, $3, $4 per year and that is why we called back to make sure

citizens who filled out the surveys understood this. He said on the

presentation, we try to make that clear that it would be $1 per year, each year

over five years so it would add $5 if your were supporting the $1 per year. He

then corrected himself by clarifying it was $1 per month. He said looking at

the chart, it shows you how it progresses each of the five years. In response

to a question from Councilor Anthony, City Manager Hugley said it would be $34

in five years.

Councilor McDaniel asked City Manager Hugely if he is contemplating giving

the elderly on fixed income any breaks on the proposed garbage fee increase.

City Manager Hugley responded that they will get the same break that we offer

each year during the budget process. In the ordinance Council approves, based

on the federal poverty guideline a break for persons within certain income


*** *** ***

Councilor Anthony said he would like to make a brief statement to the

council and listing public and staff especially. He then read the following


In light of the fact that I serve on City Council and we are in the

budgeting cycle, I must apologize and clarify publicly a brief and inadequate

answer to a two-part question last Tuesday for which I had only a few seconds

to answer. Why, because questions like this I think would occur more frequently

about individuals, departments, boards, agencies, and authorities that will

arise during the next few months, so my answer should have been, ?Yes. And

every person and organization needs improvements including me. I subscribe to

and will advocate for the Deming Model of management, TQM, CQI, or CI.

Continuous improvement means no individual or organization is perfect.

Therefore every person or organization can and should find ways to improve

including myself. I returned last week from Washington, DC, after representing

Columbus on the National League of Cities steering committee. Columbus is the

India of cities and counties across this country. According to the report given

to us, several cities and counties have declared bankruptcy. Dozens of cities

and counties have declared states of emergency. Nearly every state in the union

is reporting record deficits and budget cuts: Georgia at $1 billion; Illinois

at $20 billion; California leads the way at $42 billion. Because of all of us,

the citizens, the Mayor, members of City Council, departments, departments?

heads and chiefs and city manager and managers, we are in good shape

financially. We could be better, but we are in good shape relative to these

others. Citizens are safer and services are better. Are we perfect? No. Are we

where we need to be? Not yet. Most would agree that there is room for

continuous improvement. We are in deed facing some challenging days and months

ahead. I appreciate and applaud all of our employees and what they are doing.

Together we can continue to improve our city and the services it provide. Yes,

and every person and organization needs improvement, including myself?.

-------------------------------------------------*** ***






A Resolution (105-10) ? Authorizing the approval enter into an agreement

with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to extend up to $66,525.00 for the

specific purpose of keeping the Western Regional Crime Lab open for the

remainder of Fiscal Year 2010.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked City Manager Hugely to provide a figure of

approximately what we would have to spend to keep the crime lab open.

City Manager Hugley said the mayor has worked hard on this crime lab

situation and it is going to take $66,525 to fund the crime lab through the end

of June for the next three months. He said we talked to 19 counties including

Muscogee in the western region, five of those have indicated support for

funding and the others have to go through a process of talking to their elected

officials. He said the resolution calls for approval to enter into an MOU and

work with the GBI for up to $66,525. He said last year the public safety people

processed 450 items through the local crime lab, so if they had to transport

450 items to a crime lab in Macon or in Atlanta, for the next three months, we

projected it would take about $52,875 in cost.

Councilor Henderson moved the approval of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those ten members of Council present

for this meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (106-10) ? Authorizing to amend the Letter of Agreement with

the Cunningham Center for Leadership Development (CLLD) to develop a 10-Year

Plan for the eradication of homelessness. Councilor Henderson moved the

approval of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried unanimously

by those ten members of Council present for this meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (98-10) ? Authorizing the acceptance of a deed to Wooddale

Court and that portion of Woodville Court located in the Second Addition to

Whitesville Walk. The Department of Engineering has inspected these streets and

recommends acceptance. Councilor Davis moved the approval of the resolution.

Seconded by Councilor McDaniel and carried unanimously by those ten members of

Council present for this meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (99-10) ? Authorizing the acceptance of a deed to a 0.856

acres Detention Basin located in the First Addition to Whitesville Walk. The

Department of Engineering has inspected this detention basin and recommends the

acceptance. Councilor Davis moved the approval of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor McDaniel and carried unanimously by those ten members of Council

present for this meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (100-10) ? Authorizing the acceptance of a deed to that

portion of Splendor Way and Foxhall Court located in Section Three, BridgeMill.

The Department of Engineering has inspected these streets and recommends the

acceptance. Councilor Davis moved the approval of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor McDaniel and carried unanimously by those ten members of Council

present for this meeting.

*** *** ***







A Resolution (32-10) ? Authorizing payment to Motorola (Schaumburg, IL), in the

amount of $38,085.12, for Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) hardware maintenance. The

maintenance provides hardware support and repair for MW800 MDTs for the annual

period beginning February 1, 2010 through January 31, 2011. The MDTs are

installed in patrol, fire and service vehicles on a 24/7/365 schedule. The

units are deployed throughout CCG in the Police Department, Sheriff?s Office,

Fire Department & Emergency Medical Services, Marshal?s Office and Inspections

& Codes.

All of the equipment is manufactured by Motorola and is proprietary in

nature. Therefore, the vendor is the Only Known Source, per Section 3-114 of

the Procurement Ordinance.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (33-10) ? Authorizing the annual contract for an automated

vehicle location system (AVL) from Motorola. Inc. The company will provide

turnkey installation and maintenance for a new AVL system for the Department of

Transportation/METRA that matches and is functionally compatible with the

existing Motorola CAD/AVL system that is currently in use by the City?s E-911

Dispatch Center. The installation of the AVL system includes 37

buses/Para-transit mini buses and 17 administrative vehicles, which shall

include all components, integration and testing of the equipment.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (34-10) - Authorizing the purchase of three (3) full size 4x4

pickup trucks from Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) and GSA

AutoChoice in the amount of $74,350.14.

The trucks will be used by the Columbus Office of Homeland Security to improve

the Hazardous Devices Response Team?s (HDRT) ability to prevent, protect

against, respond to and recover from terrorist attacks, major disasters, and

other emergencies in accordance with the goals and objectives of the State

Strategic Plan. Each vehicle will be equipped with all the necessary Hazardous

Devices Response tools and personal protective equipment to effectively respond

to multiple incidents throughout the HDRT coverage area. These vehicles will

also reduce the response time to an incident, therefore reducing the cost of

emergency personnel, closure of incident location and recovery from an incident.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (35-10) ? Authorizing the annual contract with Columbus Fire &

Safety Equipment Company for the provision and maintenance of security

surveillance equipment for the Public Services Department. The company will

replace the existing analog systems at the landfills and repair the recorder at

Pine Grove landfill, as well as, provide ongoing maintenance for the

surveillance system. The locations are as follows:

PINE GROVE: 7160 Sacerdote Lane

GRANITE BLUFF: 7589 River Road

OXBOW MEADOWS: 3491 South Lumpkin Rd

-------------------------------------------*** ***





(1) Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Building Authority of


(2) Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Civic Center Advisory


(3) Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Land Bank Authority.

(4) Mayor?s Committee for Persons with Disabilities Weekly Report for the week

of March 8, 2010 through March 15, 2010.

(5) Correspondences expressing appreciation for Administration?s assistance in

the Crime Lab remaining open in Columbus, Georgia.

*** *** ***




Application of Richard Bishop to temporarily close Bay Avenue from 10th

Street to 11th Street, on Friday & Saturday, April 9 & 10, 2010, from 5:00 p.m.

April 9, 2010 to 12:00 a.m. April 11, 2010, in connection with the ?Bluegrass

Concert? pedestrian safety. Councilor Henderson moved the approval of the

application. Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those ten

members of Council present for this meeting.

*** *** ***

Correspondence from Ms. Rae McConnell requesting that the seats of the

following three board members be declared vacant due to lack of attendance: Mr.

Julius Arrington- District 3, Ms. Wanda Jenkins- District 1, and Mr. Wane

Hailes- District 4. Councilor Henderson moved the acceptance of the letter.

Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those ten members of

Council present for this meeting.

*** *** ***




Board of Elections & Registration, December 3, 2009.

Board of Elections & Registration, February 4, 2010.

Board of Tax Assessors, Nos. 09-10 & 10-10.

C.I.R.C.L.E., February 9, 2010.

Civic Center Advisory Board, December 18, 2009.

Community Development Advisory Council, December 15, 2009.

Community Development Advisory Council, January 26, 2010.

Convention & Visitors Bureau, February 17, 2010.

Housing Authority, February 17, 2010.

Tree Board, December 9, 2009.

Uptown Facade Board, December 21, 2009.

Uptown Facade Board, January 19, 2010.

Uptown Facade Board, February 15, 2010.

Councilor McDaniel moved the approval of the minutes. Seconded by Councilor

Henderson and carried unanimously by those ten members of Council for this


*** *** ***





Petition submitted by Don Bowles & Bill Hart to rezone 5.75 acres of property

located at 1267 Alta Vista Road from SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2) to SFR4

(Single Family Residential 4) district. (Recommended for approval by the

Planning Advisory Commission and conditional approval by the Planning

Department.) (9-CA-10-Bowles / Hart)

(b) Petition submitted by the Planning Department to amend the text of the

Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to amend minor errors and material changes

in various chapters. (Recommended for approval by both the Planning Advisory

Commission and the Planning Department.) (10-A-10-Planning Dept.)

(c) Petition submitted by Chuck McClure to rezone 11.61 acres of property

located fronting the corner of Dirk Way and Timberlane Drive (Reference Parcel

I.D. # 094-001-034) from SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2) to SFR3 (Single

Family Residential 3) district. (Recommended for approval by the Planning

Advisory Commission and conditional approval by the Planning Department.)


*** *** ***




Clerk of Council Washington informed Council that the Mayor is

re-nominating Ms. Catherine Ross. Councilor Henderson moved to confirm.

Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those ten members of

Council present.

Clerk or Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Totskiy and Ms. Ella Mae

Lewis are both eligible to succeed themselves and would like to serve another

term. Councilor Henderson re-nominated both individuals. This would be back for

confirmation at the next Council meeting.

Clerk of Council Washington informed the Mayor and Council that a

replacement is still needed for Ms. Deidre Williams? seat which was declared


*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington informed the Mayor and Council that Councilor

Allen is still working on a replacement for the seat of Mr. Tyrone Rowe who is

no longer a resident of Muscogee County.

*** *** ***


Mayor Wetherington said he is still working on a replacement for the seat

of Mr. Steve Melton who resigned.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington informed the Mayor and Council that Mr. William

Baird, Ms. Terry Hattaway, and Mr. Joseph Powell have all indicated that they

do not wish to serve again. She also pointed out that Mr. Rob Doll has

resigned. She said two appointments are the mayors and two appointments are the


Councilor Davis said he would like to nominate Mr. Carson Cummings for the

Land bank Authority but he is not sure if he is in Senatorial district 29 or


-------------------------------------------*** ***



The Mayor said Councilor Henderson recommended $100,000 be put in the

budget to renovate the Welcome Center for the veterans and that work has been

completed and was done by state prisoners. He said he hope everyone will get a

change to go by and look at it. He said it is beautiful and the veterans now

have a place they can be proud of.

*** *** ***

Councilor Barnes said there was a ceremony to honor the Medal of Honor

recipients and Councilor Wayne Anthony represented the city. He then recognized

other personnel who helped make this ceremony possible.

*** *** ***

Councilor Barnes said he is concerned about Englewood Drive where

construction has been done with regards to putting in pipes. He said this area

is worst and every time it rains there is a big puddle of water going into

Shirley Winston and also some of the people are saying some of the pipes may

have been closed-off. He said another place is at 2414 Hunter ? there is

standing water on the right-of-way. He asked that the City Manager look into

this and provide a feedback.

*** *** ***

Mayor Wetherington said the Welcome Center is now in need of some outside


--------------------------------------------*** ***


Note: During the portion of the proceedings, Councilor McDaniel left the

meeting with the time being 8:50 p.m.

--------------------------------------------*** ***


Councilor Woodson complimented staff and local businesses for their work

with the fundraiser, Columbus United for Haiti.

*** *** ***

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said we are having some problems with fixing

potholes. She said we would fix them and when it starts raining, the hole

redevelops. She said there is one on Second Avenue and another in Dawson

Estates (she will provide address).

*** *** ***

Mr. Paul Olson came forward and said he was able to get information with

regards to the FY09 Pension Contribution, but there was no access to FY10. He

then asked how much money was put into the Pension Plan for FY10. City Manager

Hugley said he believes the pension is $20.8 million.

Mr. Olson made some additional comments regarding the proposed increase in

integrated waste fund; the crime prevention board; the civic center budget;

subsidies; and Methane Plant.

*** *** ***

With no other business to come before this Council, Councilor Allen then

made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mayor Pro tem Turner Pugh and carried

unanimously by those nine members of Council present with Councilor McDaniel

being absent for this vote, with the time being 9:05 p.m.

Tiny B. Washington, CMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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