Applicant: Wright Wade (WW Wade Co., LLC)
Owner: Walter Wade, Jr. / Wright Wade
Location 4023, 4035, 4101, & 4113 Anglin Road; 3556 Valley Drive;
& North portion of 3705 Claymore Road
Acreage: 3.5
Current Zoning Classification: SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2)
Proposed Zoning Classification: RMF1 (Residential Multi-Family 1)
Current Use of Property: Undeveloped
Proposed Use of Property: Townhouses / Single family residential
Council District: 5 (Baker)
Planning Advisory Commission's Recommendation: Approval based on the fact it is compatible with
existing land-uses.
Planning Departments Recommendation: Approval based on the fact it is compatible with
existing land-uses.
Fort Benning's Rcommendation: N/A
DRI Rcommendation: N/A
General Land Use: Planning Area E
Land Use Designation:
Single Family Residential
Environmental Impacts: The properties do not lie within the floodway and
floodplain area. The developer will need an
approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a
Site Development permit, if a permit is required.
City Services: The properties are served by all city services.
Traffic Impact: This rezoning request does not anticipate generating
a negative impact on the transportation network.
Surrounding Zoning: North ? RMF2 (Residential Multi-Family 2)
South ? SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2)
East ? MCSD (Gentian Elementary)
West ? RMF2 (Residential Multi-Family 2) / SFR2
(Single Family Residential 2)
Reasonableness of Request The request is compatible with existing land-uses.
School Impact
13-14 Enrollment
Available Space
Anticipated Impact on School
Gentian (PK ? 5)
Fort (6 ? 8)
Hardaway (9 ? 12)
14 Multi-Bedroom Units: 14 x 6% = .84 (1) student
Buffer Requirements
The site shall include a Category B buffer along all
property lines bordered by the SFR2 zoning districts.
The 3 options under Category B are:
1) 15 feet with a certain amount of canopy trees,
under story trees, and shrubs / ornamental grasses
per 100 linear feet.
2) 10 feet with a certain amount of under story trees
and shrubs / ornamental grasses per 100 linear feet
and a wood fence or masonry wall.
3) 20 feet undisturbed natural buffer.
Attitude of Property Owners: Twenty Six (26) property owners within 300 feet of
the subject properties were notified of the rezoning
request. The Planning Department received several
calls and a petition opposing this rezoning request.
Additional Information: N/A
Attachments: Aerial Land Use Map
Future Land-Use Map
Site Plan
Traffic Analysis