The regular meeting of the Columbus Board of Health was held in the
Administration Conference Room of the Health and Human Services Center on
Wednesday, August 23, 2006, at 1:00 P.M.
Isaiah Hugley, City Manager
James H. Sullivan, M. D.
Mrs. Brenda Dozier
Howard Willis, M. D.
H. Banks Carroll, M. D.
Mayor Bob Poydasheff
James A. Lawrence, D.D.S.
Zsolt Koppanyi, M. D.
Bill Rumer, Attorney
Ed Saidla
Margaret Gosden
Pam Middleton
LaQuita Rogers
Cheryl Johnson
Karon Bush
Mark Ellis
Jack Lockwood
Dr. Sullivan called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve the
minutes of the June 28th, 2006 meeting. A motion was made by Dr. Carroll,
seconded by Ms. Dozier and approved by those members present.
Dr. Sullivan stated there was one Excused Absence for the meeting today. Dr.
Lawrence is vacationing in Alaska. Dr. Sullivan asked for a motion to accept
the Excused Absence. A motion was made by Dr. Carroll, seconded by Ms. Dozier
and approved by those members present.
Dr. Sullivan referred to the Old Business/Action List. He stated that the Board
meeting with the School Superintendent has not been scheduled. Dr. Koppanyi
stated the Columbus Board is the only Board in the State of Georgia with no
direct representation from the Board of Education. All of the other boards by
OCGA statue have the School Superintendent appointed to the Board of Health.
Dr. Sullivan stated that Nurses have served on the Board. Mr. Saidla stated
that under a constitutionally created Board of Health, the School
Superintendent is not on the Columbus Board. Mr. Rumer stated that the Columbus
Board is set up indifferently. If we were a statutory board, then by that
statue the Superintendent is a member of the Board of Health. If you go out
into the county you will have your County Superintendent as a member. Mr.
Saidla stated that a meeting is still pending with the School Superintendent.
Dr. Willis has been trying to have a meeting with himself and the
Superintendent to discuss the action item on our agenda. Ms. Dozier asked if
Dr. Sullivan would like for her to ask the Superintendent to attend the next
Board meeting. Dr. Sullivan said yes, that would be great to have a discussion
related to the concerns about aids and syphilis rates among teens. These issues
are a big problem. Ms. Dozier stated that she would check with the
Superintendent about attending the next month?s Board meeting. Dr. Willis
stated that would be a good idea.
Dr. Sullivan asked for a motion to reappoint Dr. Koppanyi as Commissioner of
Health for the next four years. A motion was made by Ms. Dozier, seconded by
Dr. Carroll and approved by those members present.
Dr. Sullivan asked for a motion to approve Dr. Koppanyi?s attendance at the
APHA (American Public Health Association) meeting in Boston November 4th
through November 9th, 2006. A motion was made by Dr. Carroll, seconded by Ms.
Dozier and approved by those members present.
Dr. Sullivan asked Dr. Koppanyi for the Director?s Comments. Dr. Koppanyi
stated that since Dr. Carson arrived in the Central Office, she has relayed
suggestions from districts to Dr. Brown. As a result, a total program review is
being conducted. One technology used in the process is a conference call
allowing the Districts to listen in and participate in some of the discussions.
Presentations of each of the branches of the Division of Public Health are
being done. There is one major element in the adopted budget for FY2007 due to
the Governor?s office by September lst. Public Health is proposed to assume all
mental health prevention, not actual patient care. An example would be where
mental health had received funding to conduct educational programming in the
schools aimed at preventing mental illness.
Dr. Koppanyi stated that on September 5th and 6th at the DHD (District Health
Directors) meeting at GPHA (Georgia Public Health Association) meeting in
Augusta, there were discussions of movement concerning IT issues. Dr. Carson is
also concerned with Nursing salaries and related turnover rates, as well as the
general critical shortage. The overall study group report will be part of the
Legislative Study Committee process. What was found was that this committee
will meet three times rather than four a year as previously discussed.
Ms. Gosden stated that Dr. Carson had requested direct reports and evidence
from the local boards of health as to what their position and concerns were
related to nursing salaries, retention and recruitment. The Health Directors
have answered back that the Boards understand the issues but have been looking
to the State to solve the problem because they do not have the funding. She
stated that she didn?t think that Dr. Carson has any direct evidence in the
form of motions or resolutions from the Boards of Health identifying the lack
of resources on the local level to meet the financial need related to this
growing problem. Dr. Koppanyi stated that Dr. Brown was wondering how the local
boards of health set salaries.
Dr. Sullivan asked if the nursing problem was a mandate or a unilateral
agreement between the Boards and the State or is it geared to the budget? Dr.
Koppanyi stated that it is budget related when you consider about 82% of our
budget is personnel and the nurses are the basic backbone of public health
programs with the exception of environmental health.
Dr. Sullivan stated that it really looks bleak for the health department with
the reductions in state funding, the current lack of reimbursement from Care
Managed Organizations and level funding from the City. Dr. Sullivan stated
that the members of the Board of Health need to think seriously about this. Dr.
Koppanyi stated that hopefully with the physicians protesting to the Governor
about not getting payment from the CMOs, there may be action coming. The
opportunity is in the form of an election year. This might be a great
opportunity for all of the health districts in Georgia to come together and
present a united front on one area like the salary nursing plan, submit it to
Dr. Carson and await action.
Dr. Willis stated that our complaints should not be about money and salaries;
but rather patient care. The weakness in our system is that we have no unified
way to show that this really affects patient care. The buzz word now is if
there is a deficiency in patient care we have to fix it. The bottom line is
that we are going to need to show patient need. The patient case issue is one
that no one can avoid.
Dr. Carroll asked if the health department had communicated with other Boards
in other Districts to see where they stand. Ms. Gosden stated that Dr. Koppanyi
had received communication from Dr. Westfall, Dr. Feldman and Dr. Sellers. They
are saying basically the same thing that we are saying.
Dr. Sullivan asked Pam Middleton for the financial report for the months of
June and July taking July first and then if questions referring to June?s
report. There was a brief discussion between Ms. Gosden, Dr. Willis, Mr. Hugley
and other Board members regarding the budget information.
Dr. Sullivan called on Jack Lockwood and Mark Ellis ? Community Services to
present the presentation to the Board.
Dr. Sullivan asked if there was any other business to discuss. There being
none, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted:
Pam Middleton, Secretary
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