Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An Ordinance amending the Zoning Atlas of the Consolidated Government of

Columbus, Georgia; this amendment changes certain boundaries of a district

located at 4400 Beallwood Avenue from NC (Neighborhood Commercial) zoning

district to GC (General Commercial) zoning district.


That the Zoning Atlas on file with the Planning Department be, and the same is

hereby amended by changing the following described property from NC

(Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district to GC (General Commercial) zoning


All those lots, tracts and parcels of land situated, lying and being in the

State of Georgia, County of Muscogee and City of Columbus, and being known and

designated as all of lots numbered eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20)

and the southwestern one-half of lot numbered twenty-one (21), in block number

eleven (11), of Hamilton Heights Survey, as shown on a map or plat of said

survey recorded in deed book 22, folio 57, and on a reprint thereof recorded in

Plat Book 18, folio 21, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of

Muscogee County, Georgia; said lots tracts and parcels of land being more

particularly described with in the following meets and bounds: Beginning on the

southeastern line of Beallwood (formerly Pearce Place) Avenue at an iron stake

located south 23 degrees 28 minutes west one hundred thirty-four and twenty-six

one hundredths (134.26) feet from another iron stake located at the

southeastern corner of the intersection of said Beallwood Avenue with the

Columbus-Manchester Expressway, and from said beginning point as thus

established running south 66 degrees 24.5 minutes east, through said lot #21, a

distance of one hundred fifty (150) feet to another iron stake located on the

northwestern line of an unopened 15 foot wide alley; thence running south 23

degrees 28 minutes west , along the north western line of said alley, one

hundred seventy-five (175) feet to the to another iron stake located at the

southern most corner of said Lot#18; thence running north 66 degrees 24.5

minutes west one hundred fifty (150) feet to another iron stake located on the

southeastern line of Beallwood Avenue and at the westernmost corner of said

lot# 18; thence running North 23 degrees 28 minutes east along the southeastern

line of Beallwood Avenue one hundred seventy-five (175) feet to the beginning


Also all that tract or parcel of land lying southeasterly of and

adjacent to the southeastern lines of the above described lots #18, 19 and 20

and the southwestern one-half of lot #21 in block #11 of Hamilton Heights

survey as shown on the aforementioned map or plat in included within the area

known as a 15 foot wide unopened or not opened alley; the southwestern line of

said track or parcel of land being a prolongation of the south western line of

said lot #18 and the north eastern line of said track or parcel of land being

the prolongation of the north eastern line of the south western one-half of

said lot #21 said tract or parcel of land is located in Columbus, Muscogee

County, Georgia.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

9th day of March, 2010; introduced a second time at a regular meeting of said

Council held on the ___ day of ___________, 2010 and adopted at said meeting by

the affirmative vote of members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting _______

Councilor Anthony voting _______

Councilor Baker voting _______

Councilor Barnes voting _______

Councilor Davis voting _______

Councilor Henderson voting _______

Councilor Hunter voting _______

Councilor McDaniel voting _______

Councilor Pugh voting _______

Councilor Woodson voting _______

__________________________ ___________________________

Tiny B. Washington Jim Wetherington

Clerk of Council Mayor


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