Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



May 31, 2005

Members Present: Chairperson Evelyn Turner Pugh, Mayor Pro Tem John J. Rodgers

and Councilors R. Gary Allen (arrived at 11:40 a.m.), Wayne Anthony, Glenn

Davis, Berry Henderson (arrived at 11:38 a.m.), Charles E. McDaniel, Jr.,

Julius Hunter, Jr., Nathan Suber and Evelyn Woodson. Also present were Mayor

Robert S. Poydasheff, City Manager Isaiah Hugley, Assistant City Attorney Jamie

DeLoach, Deputy City Manager Richard Bishop, Finance Director Angela Cole,

Assistant Finance Director Pam Hodge, Clerk of Council Tiny Washington and

Deputy Clerk of Council Sandra Davis.

Members Absent: No one was absent.

Guest: Associate Juvenile Court Judge Warner Kennon and Ms. Carol Scherer,

Juvenile Drug Court Administrator.

Call to Order: Chairperson Turner Pugh called the meeting to order at 11:35

a.m. in the Council Chambers, Plaza Level, of the Government Center.

Proposed Millage Rate:

Chairperson Turner Pugh made reference to an article in the Columbus

Ledger-Enquirer on the proposed millage rate. She then asked Finance Director

Angela Cole to come forward to discuss this matter.

Finance Director Angela Cole, approached the rostrum to address the two

ads in the local newspaper that refers to a millage rate increase. She

recalled that Georgia Law requires the City to have three public hearings and

three ads that deal with the roll back millage. She explained that each year

when the assessment is done on the City?s digest, it looks at the total amount

of revenue that we had last year, how much it would produce versus the growth

in the digest and how much more revenue it would produce. She said that State

Law requires the City to roll back the millage to the amount that it was last

year. She stated that over the amount that we had last year, we have estimated

a 3% increase in the total digest. She pointed out that in our current budget,

we are not proposing a millage increase per se in the tax bill, but there will

be an increase in the value of the property.

*** *** ***

City Manager Hugley announced that this is the fourth Budget Review

Session and should be the final session.


- Add/Delete List

- Review of Council Questions

- Questions

City Manager Hugley provided a brief recap of some of the overview highlights

from previous budget sessions.



FY-06 proposed budget - $184.5 million

Revenues - $177,153,722

Difference - $7.3 million

$5,151,898 in expenditures that would be taken from the General Fund ? Fund

Balance to balance budget

$1.8 million in expenditures from the Debts Service Fund Balance

Using the overhead projector, City Manager Hugley displayed a listing of

operating funds and are listed as follows:


Fund Revenues Expenditures Differences 2005 Budget % Change

General $119,444,915 $124,596,813 $ (5,151,898) $120,934,554 3.03%

Sewer 3,526,152 3,526,152 - 3,626,496 -2.77%

Paving 11,320,660 11,320,660 - 11,524,171 -1.77%

Medical Center 10,311,002 10,311,002 - 9,923,062 3.91%

Integrated Waste 9,124,455 9,124,455 - 9,323,416 -2.13%

E-911 2,961,088 2,961,088 - 2,797,904 5.83%

Debt Service 5,922,205 7,811,905 (1,889,700) 8,663,464 -9.83%

METRA 4,772,083 4,772,083 - 4,635,387 2.95%

Parking Mgmt 320,737 349,824 (29,087) 330,565 5.83%

Trade Center 2,049,358 2,049,358 - 1,810,549 13.19%

Bull Creek 1,350,300 1,350,300 - 1,378,075 -2.02%

Oxbow Creek 562,022 562,022 - 572,069 -1.76%

Civic Center 4,672,457 4,997,021 (324,564) 4,136,800 20.79%

Economic Dev. 816,288 816,288 - 826,850 -1.28%

Total $177,153,722 $184,548,971 $(7,395,249) $180,483,362 2.25%

City Manager Hugley reported that this budget is 2.25% greater than last

year?s budget. He said that the 2.25% increase over the FY-05 budget is less

than the CIP (Consumer Price Index), which is 2.97% for the calendar year and

3.15% March to March.

What is in the FY06 budget for employees?

5% Bonus for full-time employees & 2.5% bonus for part-time and retirees, which

totals ($4.6 million) *

City absorbs increase in Healthcare costs at an average of $250 per employee


Public Safety Additional supplement for sworn personnel ($.2 million)

Total Benefit for Employees - $5.4 million

*For Qualified Employees employed Jan 1, 2005

*For Qualified Employees employed Jan 1, 2005

Note: 2% Pay increase effective Jan 1, 2006 for constitutional officers

Employee Eligibility

Actively at work on July 29, 2005

Employees on leave of absence due to deployment will be considered active

Employees who retire June 30, 2005 will receive retiree bonus

Employees not actively at work on July 29, 2005 due to resignation or

termination shall not receive the bonus

Employees not actively at work on July 29, 2005 due to use of compensatory

time, annual leave or holiday leave shall be considered active

Employees not actively at work on July 29, 2005 due to authorized leave without

pay, workers? compensation or sick leave, shall not receive bonus until 30 days

after their return to work. Employee not back to work by June 30, 2006 will

cancel bonus payment eligibility.

Councilor Woodson suggested that this information be provided to the

employee in a bulletin so they would have this if they were not able to watch

the CCG-TV.

*** *** ***

Associate Juvenile Court Judge Warner Kennon, came forward and introduced

Ms. Carol Scherer, who was present with him on this behalf. He said that

approximately three or four years ago, Judge Cohn and he realized that 60% or

their cases had some kind of drug component. He said that we determined that

if we could do something about that, we could really help the children. He

said that Ms. Carol Scherer headed the effort to create a Drug Court, which we

were successful and received a Federal Grant for a substantial amount of

money. He explained that the money is about to run out, because it was mainly

seed money to get the program started. He then spoke of the effectiveness of

the program and the many rewards that it offers. He then asked Ms. Scherer to

go over the budget portion of the Drug Court.

Ms. Carol Scherer, said that she initially asked about the DATE monies

that is being made available. She pointed out that one of the funds that a

criminal justice coordinator in the Governor?s Office told her about was the

DATE fund, which is being used to operate several Drug Courts. She advised

that Assistant City Attorney Deloach researched the matter and found out that

the money is going to the Police Department. She pointed out that a grant

proposal has been submitted; we should know within the next week if that grant

would be approved or not. She spoke of other efforts that are being made to

secure funding for the Drug Court. She expressed concerns with limited monies

available to pay salaries for the employees. She said there are three

part-time employees and two full-time case managers. She advised that the Drug

Court Judges receive a small stipend, as well as, the District Attorney?s

Office and the Public Defender?s Office, and we have been able to get that

money from other grants. She pointed out that this money is running out as

well. She said that basically for personnel cost, it would take $147,250.00 a

year for eight employees and to keep the program going. She said that we have

served almost 300 children in four years with an unbelievable success rate. She

emphasized the problems that occur with juveniles that are involved with drugs.

------------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers left the meeting during this portion of the

proceedings with the time being 11:50 a.m.

------------------------------------------*** ***


Councilor Allen asked about instituting fines and fees to assist with

covering the cost of the program, at which time, Ms. Scherer pointed out that

fees can only be used for the program and cannot be used for personnel cost.

She advised that many of the grants are designed the same way in that it cannot

be used for personnel and that is where we are having the most problems.

Councilor Allen then suggested some assistance from the School

Administrators to minimize some of the cost. Judge Kennon spoke of the State

Legislation regarding how the money could be use, which does not include


Chairperson Turner Pugh asked about the additional monies being paid to

the Public Defender and the District Attorney?s Office. Ms. Scherer then

explained how the program was set up and the stipend of $200.00 per month that

is paid to the employee in the Public Defender?s Office and the District

Attorney?s Office. Finance Director Cole was then asked to explain how this

has been paid and wouldn?t it be considered salary. She pointed out that this

money comes from the Children Youth Coordinating Counsel Grant to pay the

salaries, treatments, supplies, etc. She pointed out that this money would go

through the end of October. She mentioned one other grant that is used for the

psychological evaluation of the children in the program.

In response to Councilor McDaniel regarding monies that is confiscated on

drug busts, Assistant City Attorney Deloach advised that the money must be

earmarked for drug enforcement. City Attorney Hugley suggested that he be

given the opportunity to meet with the City Attorney regarding this matter to

get a clear determination. Chairperson Turner Pugh asked for a clear

understanding of why the City is paying a stipend to the District Attorney?s

Office and Public Defender?s Office.

Councilor Woodson suggested that the staff meet with the State

Legislatures to see about changing the legislation regarding the use of drug

monies. Councilor Allen requested a report of the revenue and expense for the

Juvenile Drug Court, as well as, a listing of all of the grants received by the

Juvenile Drug Court and the ones that are running out of funding.

Councilor Hunter expressed the benefits of supporting the Juvenile Drug

Court, because juvenile offenders, without assistance programs, turn into adult


City Manager Hugley responded to questions regarding the handling of grant

writing, which is now being handled through the finance department.

In conclusion, Judge Kennon made some remarks on the intense training that

was done through the District Attorney?s Office and the Public Defender?s

Office and the chronology of how the two offices began receiving stipends.

The action regarding the drug court was delayed from the last Budget

Review Meeting.


#1: Drug Court- Request for $100,000.

Councilor Hunter moved approval. Seconded by Councilor Anthony.

City Manager Hugley reported that the $100,000 for the County Drug Abuse

Treatment and Education Fund is allocated 100% to the Police Department. He

noted that in 2004, the Columbus Police Department spent $35,400 of that money

for DARE and year to date, $14,800.00 from that fund has been used for DARE.

He advised that from research conducted by Assistant City Attorney Deloach and

Finance Director Cole, they were not able to find any limitations or

restrictions on how those funds could be used. He reported that there is

approximately $200,000 in that fund and because the Police department has not

used 100% of those funds in the past, it is his understanding that we could use

some of those funds to support the Drug Court. He recalled that if the grant

does not come through for the Drug Court; then, the Council could allocate some

of the monies from the DATE fund in lieu of taking money out of the General

Fund. He pointed out that if the grant does go through; then, the City would

not need those funds and they would remain in the DATE fund.

After Judge Kennon responded to further questions, Councilor Allen said

that since Judge Kennon has pointed out that the Drug Court generates

approximately $25,000; then, he would make a substitute motion to reduce the

requested amount to $75,000 that would be coming from DATE funding, which would

make the total amount $100,000. At this time, Judge Kennon pointed out that

the monies generated could only be used for programs for treatment and cannot

be used for salaries.

Judge Kennon recommended that the Juvenile Drug Court become a budgeted

item for the City, State or both; therefore, we would not have to try to

resuscitate the program from year to year. In response, Councilor Allen spoke

of the strain to the City?s budget and positions within the City government

that would be eliminated. He suggested going through the State.

Mayor Poydasheff strongly urged that the Council hear from Police Chief

Boren since there are discussions regarding taking funding from DATE, which is

allocated to the Police Department.

Police Chief Boren said that he is in the process of trying to figure out

a way to get the officers on the streets and retain the programs. He then

explained the history of the DATE funds. He recalled that according to Georgia

Law, this money could not be used for personnel. He called attention to

Georgia Law Section 15-21-101; this money must be used exclusively for drug

abuse treatment and education programs. He pointed out that this is the reason

why he has not used it for personnel, because the funding would not be in

there. Assistant City Attorney Deloach reiterated that the law states that it

is to be used for drug treatment and rehabilitation; however, when looking at

the legislation for this funding does, it does not have any exclusionary

clauses for salary; therefore, it is her opinion that we could not find

anything that said we couldn?t.

Councilor Suber said that the administration needs to go through every

department to find out where every single dollar is being spent; so, we can

know what dollars are available.

Judge Kennon responded to a question from Councilor Allen regarding the

number of juveniles in the program from surrounding counties and provided the

numbers involved. Councilor Allen requested that the City Attorney?s Office

check the legislation for this program, because the Police Chief has stated

that it mentions the word ?exclusively? for drug abuse treatment. Councilor

Hunter asked if there have been any opinions requested from the Attorney

General in this regard and asked for some research on this matter.

Chairperson Turner Pugh requested that some research be done to check with

other drug courts to see how they are funding their program.

City Manager Hugley pointed out that the DATE funding brought in about

$16,000 last year; therefore, this is an accumulation of money over a period of

time. He cautioned that if we began using this money for salaries the funds

would be busted within the first year.

With there being no other discussion on this matter, Clerk of Council

Washington advised that the motion on the floor was to approve $100,000.00 for

the Juvenile Drug Court. Councilor Hunter said that this motion was made

before the City Manager made his presentation; therefore, he would go with the

recommendation of City Manager Hugley and withdraw his motion. City Manager

Hugley reiterated that based on the legal opinion that we could use DATE money

for Drug Court; he suggested using $100,000 from the $200,000.00 that is

available to fund the Drug Court. Councilor Hunter then made the motion to add

the Drug Court into the budget. Seconded by Councilor Suber. Chairperson

Turner Pugh reiterated the motion to include that the Drug Court be added back

into the budget with the addendums as it relates to funding, grants and/or the

DATE program. The motion carried unanimously by those eight members present

with Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers having already left the meeting and Councilor Davis

being absent for this vote.

*** *** ***


Councilor McDaniel explained that the higher percentage of increase goes

to the top-level employees and this is the reason that he does not agree with

the across the board percentage increase. He then proposed that those

employees earning $25,000 or less receive an annual bonus of $1,500; $25,000 to

$49,000 receive $1,800; $50,000 to $75,000 received $2,000; $75,000 on up

receive $2,500. He recommended that no one received over $2,500. He said that

Public Safety would receive an additional $200.00 with there being 1203 public

safety officials or the City could give them $500. He said that his proposal

would cost the City $3.9 million. He added that he has excluded elected

officials from this proposal. He then made a motion to accept this proposal.

The motion dies for the lack of a second.

*** *** ***


City Manager Hugley pointed out that he needs to mention that those employees

that would be eligible for the 5% bonus must be on the City?s payroll by

December 31, 2004 and must be still on the payroll on July 29, 2005.

*** *** ***


City Manager Hugley recapped those expenditures that have been approved

and/or denied, thus far.

General Fund Expenditures $124,596,813

3 Cadets (Pugh) $78,760 (denied)

Conditional Discharge (Pugh) $77,049 (approved)

DARE, GREAT (Pugh) $0 (administrative by the Chief)

Juvenile Diversion (Pugh) $0 (administrative by the Chief)

Drug Court (Pugh) $100,000 (approved)

#2: City Attorney?s Pay Adjustment:

City Manager Hugley advised that there is a pay adjustment of $10,000 for

City Attorney Fay that the Council has not taken action on. Councilor McDaniel

moved approval. Councilor Suber suggested that the Council put a hold on this

request and not approve it at this time. He pointed out that throughout the

City Government, there is an assessment being done. He said that once the

assessment is done, we would be able to look at all of the employees.

Chairperson Turner Pugh pointed out that the motion dies for the lack of a


*** *** ***


General Fund Expenditures $124,596,813

General Fund Revenues $119,444,915

Fund Balance 69.34 days

City Manager Hugley explained that the $100,000 is included but with the

DATE Funds; therefore, the $100,000 would not be coming out of the General

Fund. Councilor Woodson added that with the DATE Funding, we would find out if

that money could be used for salaries and if so, it could be split between the

Drug Court and those two programs. City Manager Hugley advised that $100,000

would be allocated from DATE to Drug Court; then, $100,000 would go to the

Chief to use for the programs.

Councilor Hunter recalled that the Chief was previously asked to check

with the School Board for assistance with the GREAT and DARE programs and asked

if this has been done, at which time, Police Chief Boren responded that we

looked at different avenues on how to fund this, because we cannot use retired

law enforcement officers; they have to be active duty police officers. He said

that we are working on that. Councilor Davis pointed out that the Council is

not terminating any programs.

Councilor Allen suggested putting this on the Legislative Agenda for the

legislators to consider allowing the retired police officers to oversee the

DARE and GREAT programs. Chief Boren maintained that it is a State Law for

DARE and federal law for GREAT, because GREAT is funded through a grant from

ATF. After that response, Councilor Allen suggested making the request through

State Legislators for the DARE program.

Deleted Position: Administrative Tech from Superior Court Judge:

City Manager Hugley advised that we are removing from our expenses an

Administrative Tech position from Superior Court; this was a temporary

position. He briefly explained that this person was deleted when the

individual was moved to Judge Pullen?s court. He pointed out that it is

included here in error; therefore, we are backing out of that expense of


#3: Part-Time Permanent Person for CCG-TV:

City Manager Hugley advised that this person is currently temporary, but

we would like to make this position part-time permanent.

Councilor Henderson moved approval. Seconded by Councilor Allen and

carried unanimously by those nine members present with Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers

having already left the meeting.

#4: Deleted Position: Administrative Tech from Superior Court Judge:

Councilor Suber suggested voting to delete the Administrative Tech from

the Superior Court Judge in the amount of $27,247 and so moved. Seconded by

Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those nine members present with

Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers having already left the meeting.

City Manager Hugley advised that we are removing from our expenses an

Administrative Tech position from Superior Court; this was a temporary

position. He briefly explained that this person was deleted when the

individual was moved to Judge Pullen?s court. He pointed out that it is

included here in error; therefore, we are backing out of that expense of


#5: Supervisory Fees (Juvenile Court):

Councilor Suber moved approval. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried

unanimously by those nine members present with Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers having

already left the meeting.

City Manager Hugley advised that with the Administrative Tech being

deleted from expenses and the $20,000 revenue there is a net of $7,247 that we

were able to reduce our expenses. He then provided the following totals.


General Fund Expenditures $124,666,615

General Fund Revenues $119,535,839

Fund Balance 70.08 days

#6: Two additional Fire Engines for Debt Service:

City Manager Hugley recalled that the Council asked that two additional

fire engines through GMA lease, we had already included one fire engine with

$60,000 for Debt Service. He said that when we confirmed the numbers the total

debt service would be $70,000; therefore, we only had to add $10,000.

Councilor Allen moved approval to add the $10,000. Seconded by Councilor

Woodson and carried unanimously by those nine members present with Mayor Pro

Tem Rodgers having already left the meeting.

#7: METRA Fund:

METRA Expenses - $4,772,083

Operations Overtime - $10,679

Operating Expenses Travel/Training/Uninsured Losses/Uniforms - ($2,196)

Total METRA Expenditures - $4,780,566

Councilor McDaniel moved approval of the METRA Fund. Seconded by

Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those nine members present with

Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers having already left the meeting.

#8: Trade Center

Trade Center Expenditures - $2,104,000

Bond Interest Payment - $120,524

Contingency - ($65,332)

Total Expenditures - $2,104,550

Trade Center Revenues - $55,192

Councilor McDaniel moved approval. Seconded by Councilor Suber and carried

unanimously by those nine members present with Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers having

already left the meeting.

------------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: Mayor Poydasheff left the meeting during this portion of the proceedings

with the time being 1:15 p.m.

------------------------------------------*** ***


#9 Bull Creek Golf Course:

Bull Creek Expenditures $1,350,300

Laborer Position $26,765


Bull Creek Revenues $1,350,300

Golf Course Operations $26,765


City Manager Hugley advised that there was an employee that was on

Military Leave and that position was not included in the budget; however, we

need to add that position because the individual has returned from military

duty. He pointed out that we are adjusting the revenue by that same amount

Councilor McDaniel moved that the laborer?s position be added back into

the budget. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those

nine members present with Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers having already left the meeting.

#10 Civic Center


NBDL (Civic Center) ($132,508)

Other Events (Civic Center) $75,000

Polar Decking (Woodson) $130,000

Stage Equipment (Woodson) $30,000

Soundboard (Woodson) $6,000

City Manager Hugley explained that to balance the budget, we took $50,000

from Contingency at the Civic Center to get the expenses down to $5,055,200,

but the revenue is estimated at $4,672,457. He said that we are taking out the

$208,000 that they had projected in revenue at the Civic Center. He further

explained that the total revenue that we could come up with is $4,614,949,

which means the budget is not balance.

City Manager Hugley explained that the Civic Center has $672,365 in their

Fund Balance (unrestricted funds). He said $324,564 of that was General Fund

money that we had put over there, because we did not think the Civic Center

would have enough money. He said that is the money that we are asking the

Council to bring back into the General Fund to help with revenue.

Councilor Allen suggested using $100,000 out of the Civic Center

Contingency Fund to improve the sound system. Chairperson Turner Pugh asked

that Civic Center Director Dale Hester come forward to address the concerns

with the soundboard. Civic Center Director Hester confirmed the fact that the

sound system needs improvement.

In response to a question of Councilor Woodson, Civic Center Director

Hester explained that the $6,000 would cover the soundboard; however, the Civic

Center Advisory Board members would like to replace the entire system, which

would be the larger amount. City Manager Hugley said that if we add the

$100,000 to what we already have; then, that is going to put the Civic Center

Fund Balance at 132,000. He then expressed concerns with the Civic Center Fund

Balance being that low.

Responding to questions of Councilor Suber, Civic Center Director Hester

advised that if the Council approves the expenditure of $100,000 for the system

from the Civic Center?s Contingency Fund, he would not immediately make the

purchase but would make sure that the funds are available first.

After Civic Center Director Hester responded to additional questions

regarding the funding for the sound system, Councilor Allen moved to allot up

to $100,000 for a sound system at the Civic Center Director?s discretion to be

used between now and January. Seconded by Councilor Anthony. Councilor

Woodson suggested adding to the motion the items that were on the add/delete

list for the Civic Center. Councilor Allen amended his motion to include those

items requested by Councilor Woodson to be added for the Civic Center, which

includes the sound system- $100,000, soundboard- $6,000, polar decking-

$130,000 and stage equipment- $30,000. Seconded by Councilor Woodson.

In conclusion, there were some additional comments, at which time,

Chairperson Turner Pugh called attention to the motion, which carried

unanimously by those nine members present with Mayor Pro Tem Rodgers having

already left the meeting.

*** *** ***

At the conclusion of the add/delete list, City Manager Hugley provided the

final totals and are listed as follows.

Expenses - $184,877,392

Revenues - $177,277,578

Difference - ($7,599,814)

The General Fund balance needed to balance the budget is $5,130,776.

To balance the Debt Service Fund, we need from the Debt Service fund

balance $1,899,700

In parking, to balance that fund, we need $29,087.

Civic Center- to balance the fund $5,040,251.

From the various fund balances there is a total of $7,599,814.

City Manager Hugley provided a listing of the various questions that have

been asked over the course of the budget sessions as part of the power point


Chairperson Turner Pugh reminded everyone that this is the last budget

session and next Tuesday would be the first public hearing on the budget. City

Manager Hugley advised that we have one meeting at 9:00 a.m. on next Tuesday in

the Council Chambers for the millage, one hearing at 6:00 p.m. at the Council

Meeting and the following Tuesday, June 14, 2005, there would be the final

public hearing and at that time the budget would be on second reading for


*** *** ***


Chairperson Turner Pugh requested that City Attorney Fay bring forth a

resolution to cancel the June 28, 2005 Council Meeting due to the GMA Annual


*** *** ***

Chairperson Turner Pugh said that the City Manager has provided the

members of Council with a packet of information and suggested that everyone go

through the information and if there are any questions, to get with the City


She then asked if there was any other matter concerning the budget, at

which time, there was no response. She thanked everyone for their cooperation

in this matter.

There being no other budget related items to discuss, this meeting

adjourned at 1:55 p.m.


Sandra T. Davis

Deputy Clerk of Council

Council of Columbus, Georgia


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