Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members





Let?s provide an interpretation of the ways the Charter could be amended and

explain why the Georgia Constitution overrules the Columbus Charter on how the

amendments would occur. (Request of Mayor Tomlinson)


City Attorney Clifton Fay is working on a response.





Have the Administration meet with the Columbus Water Works? representative to

discuss the reason why there is a citizen that is being charged for usage the

same amount as the CSO charge as shown on their water bill. (Request of

Councilor Woodson)


Response from Emory Blount, Executive Vice President of Cols. Water Works

The CSO charge, which appears on the monthly water bill, is for the operation

and maintenance of the CSO (Uptown Park and South Commons) treatment

facilities. This charge is only applied to customer accounts for which sewer

service is provided by CWW. This is a fixed charge and is based on the amount

of water used. A customer with minimum use, which is anything less than 5 CCF,

is not charged a CSO fee.

Listed below are the current CSO charges per account

CCF Charge

0 CCF - 4 CCF $0.00

5 CCF - 15 CCF $2.78

16 CCF - 204 CCF $5.59

205 CCF - 1004 CCF $55.81

Over 1004 CCF $159.46

However, in regards to the specific question from the customer about their

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) charge being identical to usage, more information

is needed in order to provide an accurate response. If a copy of the water

bill or if the specific customer address can be provided to our office, this

concern will be fully and promptly investigated.

Counties Columbus Water Works provides services:

Columbus Water Works provides water services to portions of Harris and Talbot

Counties and to the Fort Benning Military Reservation.

*** *** ***



Have the staff to check to see if there is any information in the form of a

market study to get an understanding of some of the various benefits that had

been discussed within the community regarding Sunday alcohol sales; in

particular, the potential revenue gains and losses associated with this

ordinance. Also, let?s check with the Police Chief to gather information on the

crime aspect of Sunday alcohol sales along with the traffic hazards. (Request

of Councilor Davis)

Response from Pam Hodge, Finance Director:

The closest organization I can find like GMA is Alabama League of

Municipalities. Yvonne talked to a Sharon in the Legal Dept. of this

association and she stated that they do not have any data regarding revenue

generated from Sunday sales of alcohol. They stated that local municipalities

or the Alabama Dept. of Revenue might have some information. We contacted

Phenix City and the Alabama Dept of Revenue and neither one track information

related to Sunday alcohol sales, even with point of sales data.


Phenix City, Al - No Data Available

Alabama Dept of Revenue - No Data Available

Alabama League of Municipalities - No Data Available

Attached below is a summary of some published articles and the source relating

to the impact of repealing the ban on Sunday Sales for off premises




Also, have the staff to check with GMA to see if some other cities or counties

have requested this type of financial and criminal reporting information.

(Request of Mayor Tomlinson)

Response from Pam Hodge, Finance Director:

Yvonne spoke with Lou Comer at GMA and they do not have any data available.

Lou was referring the request to their research department and will contact us

if any data is available.

Response from Chief Ricky Boren, Police Department:

In 2010, the CPD investigated 7990 traffic accidents. There were 17 fatalities

and 2286 injuries. Only four (4) of the fatalities were alcohol related. The

number one day for accidents is Friday. The number one time for accidents is

1700-1759hrs. We have no data that supports more alcohol related accidents on

Sundays at this time...

Attached is stats we used in the Governors Challenge 2010 pertaining to

accidents and causes....the number one day for accidents is Friday...the number

one time is 1700-1759hrs....the leading cause Following Too Closely....we

worked over 8400 accidents in 2009.....only 7990 in 2010....our fatality rate

has reduced from 22 in 2009 to 17 in 2010...of the 17 in 2010, only 4 were

alcohol related....Sunday is listed as the least day for accidents....I would

like to think our aggressive traffic enforcement over the past three years is

what has educated the public into compliance with State Law concerning


See Attachment ?B?: Stats Used for Governors Challenge

2010-Mayors Counsel on Alcohol Sales

Emails to CM from Mr. Jimmy Blanton - December 18, 2011:

Jimmy Blanton

Associational Missionary

Columbus Baptist Association

3679 Steam Mill Rd

Greetings Mr. Hugley

I trust that you have ad great day.The other day at the council meeting I

spoke in opposition to Sunday Alcohol sales and have a vote of the general

public to decide. I feel that the council is in the position to protect the

citizens and they are the ones to make this decision. So, you were asked to

provide council with additional information.

Please find the attachments of a few studies. I do hope this helps. Please

take special note of number 4 "Alcohol Review of Research on harm of

Alcohol...." this is an Oxford study on "Hours and Days of Sale and Density

of Alcohol Outlets: Impacts on Alcohol Consumption and Damage:A Systematic


Thanks for all you do for our city. I know your job is as hard and that people

are always complaining to you...I am sorry for that!!!

Blessings to you and may you and yours have a Christ filled Christmas flooded

with His Grace of love, joy, and peace...


Jimmy Blanton

Associational Missionary

Columbus Baptist Association

3679 Steam Mill Rd

Columbus, GA 31906

O: 706-322-7757

F: 706-322-7758

Attachment ?C?: Alcohol Dept. of Community Health Report

Attachment ?D?: Alcohol Economic Impact of Sunday Sales

Attachment ?E?: Alcohol Pros and Cons of Sunday Sales

Attachment ?F?: Alcohol Review of Research on Harm of Alcohol Availability

Attachment ?G?: Alcohol Sunday Sales/Crime

Attachment ?F?: Alcohol Sunday Sales of Alcohol and Highway

Jimmy Blanton

Associational Missionary

Columbus Baptist Association

3679 Steam Mill Rd

Email to CM from Mr. Blanton - December 27, 2011

I trust that you had a great Christmas....I got sick on the 18 and been in most

of that, I missed it I think.

Question: could you please share with me the report that you will send to the

council members so that I may see the information that your shared compared to

what I have. I would like to send them some information but do not desire to

duplicate and therefore I could just refer to your work.

thanks so much. Blessings to you

Jimmy Blanton

Associational Missionary

Columbus Baptist Association

3679 Steam Mill Rd

Columbus, GA 31906

O: 706-322-7757

F: 706-322-7758

This message may contain confidential and/or proprietary information and

intended for the person or entity to whom it was originally addressed. Any use

by others is strictly prohibited. If you receive this in error, please reply

immediately and delete the material

*** *** ***


Provide a copy of the performance evaluation system that is currently in place

versus the proposed performance evaluation ordinance. (Request of Mayor Pro

Tem Turner Pugh)


Staff is working on this referral and will provide a report and presentation at

the January 31, 2012 Council Worksession. The report will be submitted with

the Council Package on Friday, January 27, 2012.


Let?s have staff continue to communicate with Mr. James & Anita Smith

regarding their property as it relates to the Moon Road widening project and

what may be done under these circumstances. (Request of Mayor Tomlinson)


Staff has been working with the engineering consultant and plan to brief the

Mayor and City Manager prior to presenting alternatives to the Smith Family.

*** *** ***


Let?s have staff place the video as presented by the students from Northside

High School on the city?s website documenting their purpose and hope for land

development through artistic interpretations. (Request of Mayor Tomlinson)


The Northside High School video is be aired with the Council Meeting and has

been added to the City's Website.





Let?s provide a copy of the Council Meeting video or minutes of when the

Council requested that the Administration prepare an RFP for the employees?

clinic. (Request of Mayor Tomlinson)


In response to the referral regarding the RFP for the employee clinic, please

see minutes attached from the various presentations on CCG Employee Clinic..



Copies submitted to the following on December 20, 2011

Mayor Tomlinson

City Manager Hugley

City Attorney Fay

Sandra T. Davis

Deputy Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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